NeToRi System

6 – Brand New Day

When he woke up to find Jackie no longer resting in his arms he almost felt like the previous day had all just been a dream until he checked his status screen with the new skill still present which brought a smile to his lips. He could still smell her scent lingering on the sheets so she couldn't have left too long ago.

Deciding it was best to start his ascendance as soon as possible he started researching a light workout routine that he could do in his room without any specialty equipment. After some quick research online he managed to put together a short workout routine he could do to get a full body workout in his bedroom. It was rather basic, but it would at least get him started with building up his body.

He looked at his list with great expectations.

Jumping Jacks 20x
Squats 10x
Push-Ups 10x
Plank 20 seconds
Side Planks 20 seconds per side
Lunges 10x per side
Lateral Lunges 10x per side
Glute Bridges 10x
High Knees 20 seconds
Repeat for 3 rounds.

It wasn't much to get started and due to his weak physique he had to revert to doing knee push-ups while the whole thing still took him almost 30 minutes to complete. However he was quite satisfied considering just how awful his body had been until this point and couldn't wait to actually see the gains that had always been denied him despite his prior attempts made both under his own desire and forced by his father only to end in failure. He didn't mind putting in hard work, but had beaten down by years of his hard work leading to no results.

He had tried training when his father tried to push for it. When that had failed he tried to focus on his educational achievements and for a little bit he had the upper hand due to his memories from his previous life and education. However, it didn't last long and he already started struggling to keep up during middle school where he already started falling behind those gifted intellectually. He had expected with his memories to be able to rule intellectually at least until he hit college, but this new world was even less fair than his prior one had been. There was no chance for hard work in this world of extremes. Someone with talent in something in this world would only need to put in a little world and someone average wouldn't even be able to compete if they focused 100% of their time on the same task.

Thankfully most people in this world were talented in something. He was one of the few that seemed to have no talent whatsoever as confirmed by his system telling him so after receiving it. He was now excited having cast off his prior shackles. By stealing his father's ability he had already ceased to be average and he had no intention of stopping there. This world and its people had stomped on him for his whole life systematically destroying his dreams and finally he would have his revenge.

He wouldn't kill them or burn down the world or anything cliche like that. No he would crush their wills and dreams like they had done to his while also taking their women from them.

He had worked up quite a sweat and could already feel the burn in his muscles, but was hopeful that it would mean something this time.

A quick shower to get rid of the workout plus sex funk and he was fresh and ready to go again when he headed down for breakfast.

Jackie had already prepared breakfast and his father had started without waiting for him only to ignore him when he came down. He wasn't surprised though as hate and indifference seemed the two ways his father treated him and he would take indifference over hate any day. Not that either could affect him anymore as his revenge on his father had already started without him even having a clue.

Jackie looked a little nervous and blushed when he first came downstairs, but managed to school her expression soon enough to avoid causing any suspicion.

Sharing a delicious, but silent breakfast with the family as usual made it pretty clear his father in his drunken state hadn't noticed what the two of them had been up to last night nor paid attention when Jackie returned to the bedroom. It was that or he had passed out on the couch downstairs too drunk to make it to the bedroom which also sometimes happened.

He tried paying closer attention to his father throughout breakfast to see if he could tell anything, but so far there was no obvious change which wasn't surprising since it had been less than 12 hours since he lost his ability.

After he finished breakfast and walked out of his dad's sight, feeling confident in himself for once he winks at Jackie with his dad in the other room and ends up causing the blush she had subdued to return in full force. He hoped given her reaction that though there had been no romantic build up to them having sex their relationship had definitely changed from a friendly to a sexual or even romantic one and he hoped it wouldn't be a one off. If anything he would be working towards that.

If it were up to him the end result would be him and Jackie living in his father's house and off his money while he would be sharing the master bedroom and bed with Jackie and relegated his father to spend the nights alone in his old room hating himself and having to live with the fact his son had taken his woman.

He decided to keep up the hard work with his newfound motivation and jog to school to get some cardio in and build his stamina. He was only barely able to last two times with Jackie before passing out shortly after and though it could be worse it wasn't enough for him to be satisfied. He found out halfway to school he had made a mistake, having overestimated his abilities after the excitement of receiving his new ability, when he was unable to continue at just half of the way which had already left him gasping with sweat pouring off him.

Since he couldn't jog the rest of the way he could only walk and actually ended up arriving late for class. Not a great start, he would have to leave earlier from now on so he could make it despite jogging to school.

He tried sneaking in, but as soon as he did "Mr. Stiersen! I'll see you after class!" He heard his teacher say and looking up he could see her stare at him sternly causing him to smile awkwardly.

A few of his classmates including the bullies couldn't resist laughing at his plight. Thankfully it remained at that since the class had already started and even his bullies weren't stupid enough to piss off Ms. Samoine.

"Of course ma'am," he said in defeat. 'So much for sneaking in undetected,' he lamented.

She continued the English class now that the interruption was over.

Dave ended up spending the rest of the class trying to avoid standing out any more than he already had. The last thing you wanted as a bullying victim was stand out. Even if he had started planning his revenge, he was only just getting started and needed time to grow.

Though being asked to stay behind by the hot teacher was the start of many of his frequented videos he knew this wouldn't be a good experience like those fantasies.

"Come here Mr. Stiersen," the teacher ordered when the rest of the class had already left.

"So what do you have to say for yourself Mr. Stiersen? You are in no position to slack off," she asked him with a frown.

"Sorry ma'am. I was trying to improve and decided to jog to school rather than take the bus, but I misjudged the distance." he answered her awkwardly. It wasn't even as if he lived that far from school. He just was in no shape and couldn't even jog the entire distance.

"Hmm..." she stared at his with her penetrating gaze a if to pierce through any lies. He looked down from her intimidating gaze, which only ended up drawing his eyes towards her bountiful breasts that were held tightly by her suit jacket that went well with her brown hair and below that the form fitting pencil skirt gripping her generous hips. He had to look away with a gulp before he could be caught staring.

She let out a sigh. "I'll excuse it just this once. Physical health is important for school performance. Don't let it happen again though or there will be consequences," she told him.

"Yes ma'am!" he said a little too excitedly before rushing out the classroom just in case she decided to change her mind if he waited around for too long.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon.

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