New Beginnings – A Pokemon Slice of Life. [OC/Isekai/Move Tutor/Breeder]

Chapter 39

“Hmm…” Nurse Joy murmured as she knelt down on the grassy ground, inspecting the remains of the shattered pokeball Ethan had completely forgotten to clean up in his anger. She picked up a few of the bits and pieces, holding them up into the air as she inspected them with a critical eye.

“Who broke the pokeball?” She asked.

Ethan shrugged as he did his best to pick up all of the small metallic pieces lingering in the grass—a safety hazard if he ever saw one. “I didn’t see it personally, but my assumption was that it was Ursaring. Why?”

Nurse Joy placed the small piece she held up back into the small pile they made, then stood and patted her knees to rid them of any dirt. Her confused frown and narrowed eyes made Ethan shift uncomfortably. “I’m no Jenny, but that pokeball was smashed with force. If it was Ursaring, then I have many questions to ask the nearby rangers. If everything was as you said—and I have no reason to not believe you, then Ursaring should have been the one captured. She would have been sucked in—obviously breaking free… but that didn’t happen. When a pokemon breaks free from a failed capture, the pokeball is snapped in half. This…” She waved a hand toward the pile of technology. “Was not snapped in half.”

Ethan looked off into the nearby surrounding forest as he replied. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying either Ursaring wasn’t the one to stop the pokeball, or that she’s not catchable. If she’s not catchable, that means she’s been caught. While it’s not unheard of for rangers to relocate powerful, trained pokemon, it’s not something usually done for an alpha of the area. Trained pokemon would dominate their surroundings, and Ursarings don’t need that kind of help.” Nurse Joy huffed in annoyance, then turned to face Ethan fully. “When they come by, come get me if I am not near. I want to see her reaction to me.”

Bringing Nurse Joy around an Ursaring and her cubs, catchable or not, wasn’t a very safe sounding idea. Although Ethan wasn’t an expert like Nurse Joy when it came to pokemon, he felt he needed to do his due diligence and warn her of the danger. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, Joyce? Last time she saw some unknown humans, it didn’t end too well.”

Nurse Joy patted her empty pokeballs and gave a confident nod. “I am no stranger to unruly pokemon, Ethan. Also, I have a feeling that things will go differently than you expect.”

Not seeing the need to pry, as Joyce was capable of making her own decisions, Ethan cleaned up the remains of the shattered pokeball as Nurse Joy walked through his lines of berry trees, finding her Floette and Cleffable roaming about.

He watched their interactions as he idly cleaned up and wondered what she truly thought about him. He was well aware of how weird and different he was when it came to the world of pokemon. For one, him being a vegan wasn’t the standard. She seemed more than okay with that, but he also lived alone in the middle of an enormous, dark forest. He was the equivalent to a country bumpkin, all things considered. He lived off the land, didn’t know much about the outside world or the pokemon that call this world their home. He didn’t know anything about battling, and he was just trying his best to do the things he wanted—like tutoring and breeding.

Maybe he was being self-conscious, but he felt like he was leaning on her knowledge base a little too much. Not just her either, Cynthia and Looker as well. He knew asking for help was okay, but there was still a point where asking for help became a bother, and he didn’t want to seem like a bother.

For now, he’d ask about her and her pokemon. He’d lasted this long without in-depth help, he can last a while longer as he played host for his important guest.

A droplet of water hitting his nose jerked him out of his thoughts. Looking upwards, the clear blue sky and large cumulonimbus clouds let Ethan know that the Oddish or Gloom were dancing away. “Joyce!” He yelled out, catching her and her pokemons attention. “It’s about to rain, let’s get back to my home and I’ll show you something wonderful.”


Ethan and Joyce sipped from freshly squeezed Sitris berry juice as they looked out the window of his kitchen. The sound of gently pattering rain and the faint ticking of the metronome atop his home were the perfect, calming ambient noise for their watchparty.

Outside in the gentle drizzle, one Gloom and seven Oddish twirled and danced to their heart's content.

The normally hidden and camouflaged Oddish were on full display. Their round blue bodies and vibrantly green leaves rustled in the wind and shook as raindrops landed upon their surface. Their uniform colors were in stark contrast to the singular Gloom's much darker body, larger stature, and orange and red leaves and bulbs.

The Oddish’s movements were light and joyous, if a little carefree, most likely due to their interrupted sleep. Gloom's dance was more grounded and deliberate, taking center stage as it released a bright pink plume of Sweet Scent upon completing a full rotation of its Rain Dance. Even from inside his home, Ethan, Joyce, and all the pokemon alongside them, could smell the sweet fragrance mixed with the scent of rain.

As the rain picked up from the faint drizzle to a downpour, one could make out the circular impacts of the raindrops smacking into the now soggy ground, kissing the earth. The twirling plants picking up in the intensity, before suddenly coming to a stop.

Ethan nudged Joyce with his elbow, not taking his eyes off the finish of the mesmerizing dance. He tilted his head toward them as Joyce’s eyes tore away from them, latching onto him. “I taught them that. That took a long time.”

The smile on Nurse Joy’s face was enough of a reward for those long, long sessions of trying to teach the move when he was alone and lost. He took a tip from his glass before continuing on. “They love to dance. That’s why I was asking about the stones… Speaking of stones, Pachirisu, where did you put that rock? The one you found before Gardevoir came?”

Turning around, Ethan saw his slack jawed eclectic rodent staring with starry eyes at Pikachu as she nibbled on an Oran berry. He walked over and waved his hand in front of Pachirisu’s face, knocking him out of his stupor. “The rock, buddy.”

“Pa--Pach!” With a choking unconfident reply, Pachirisu zoomed into Ethan’s room, soon returning with the weird stone he had found the other day. “Thanks.” He grabbed the stone from Pachirisu and whispered to his friend as he bent over. “Go over and talk to her. Make your move.”


Ethan put his foot behind Pachirisu, then slid his nervous rodent over toward the mouse which drew his fancy. “Thank me later.”

Ethan left the two electric pokemon alone as he walked over toward Nurse Joy and held out the stone they’d found the other day. “Any idea what this is?”

It only took a singular glance for Nurse Joy to nod. “A Hard Stone. Uncommon, but nothing special. Did you find it?” She took hold of the stone and admired it briefly.

“Pachirisu did. He found a weird root too. It looks like ginger.” Ethan said as he grabbed the nearby pitcher and refilled their cups, not forgetting to refill Chansey’s as well.

“Brown, weird dangly bits?” Nurse Joy asked.


“Energy Root. You’d find a lot of those around here. Pachirisu found that as well?” She asked, almost as if she knew the answer already.

“That’s correct. One of the Teddiursa got one for me as well. You know something?”

Nurse Joy gave a thankful nod as Ethan refilled her cup. “Pick-Up. Pachirisu has Pick-Up as an ability. He’ll find things from time to time, a sixth sense for treasure. Teddiursa might have the ability as well, by the sounds of it. When we get your business space set-up, you can research some more information about it. Energy Roots will be nice to have on hand.”

Ethan stole a glance at his floundering and blubbering white and blue rodent as he tried his best to make small talk with the bright yellow mouse. Pikachu scooted over and got closer to Pachirisu, causing his nervous friend to scoot further away. In the end, Pikachu shoved the rest of her Oran into Pachirisu’s mouth, shocking him still, then coseyed up against Pachirisu’s tail.

“Oi, your Pikachu is a flirt.” Ethan snorted as Nurse Joy laughed. Ethan raised an eyebrow, catching Pikachu’s attention as she gazed up at him, using Pachirisu’s tail as a pillow. “Don’t go breaking Pachirisu’s heart.” Pikachu smirked and gave him a wink, making him wonder what the hell Nurse Joy had been teaching her pokemon.

Pa! Pachi-pach-pach!” Pachirisu blubbered and visibly cringed. He waved Ethan away, embarrassed by Ethan being a protective dad. His repeated “Pa!” added to the effect.


A few hours later, Ethan sat down and looked over his new ‘office’ set-up. It was, to say the least, not professional. Hooking up the antenna on the roof and getting it in line with the solar panels to get internet wasn’t too bad, as everything blended in seamlessly, but his ‘work station’ consisted of a laptop and a small printer.

Nurse Joy sat next to him, finishing the meal he had made for her just a few minutes prior. She munched a mouthful of steamed vegetables and rice as they pointed her chopsticks toward the screen, directing him where to go. “Click dat, ish good starting pont.”

“Chew, Joyce.” Ethan said as he followed along with her instructions.

After another thirty minutes of soaking in business information and bothering Looker with a handful of texts and one phone call, Ethan got all of his information in order and was staring at a very bland page. A page that would become his website. Sadly, there wasn’t the equivalent of Squarespace here in the world of pokemon. He slid his gaze toward Nurse Joy, who was sitting there waiting for him to start ‘creating’ his website. After an awkward staredown, lasting a few seconds, Ethan caved. “I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.”

“Well, it sounds like you’re about to hire someone to make a website. I can’t help you there. But, I can help with contracts though.” Nurse Joy scooted her chair over and turned the laptop towards her as she brought up a simple blank document and began filling in the page at a blistering pace. After a few minutes of Ethan watching in wonder, she flipped the laptop towards him with a confident grin. “That should be good for starters, but i’m sure you have plenty to add on.”

Ethan read through the very formal sounding contract, which covered most of the liability issues and other corners that Ethan would have cut or not thought of. Ethan spent a few minutes going through the contact, editing, removing, and adding several different clauses and conditions.

In the end, he was happy with his new Berry Falls Tutoring Agreement. He’d have to make two more for breeding and daycare, but this was a great first step.

Berry Falls Tutoring Agreement

Trainer’s Name: [Trainer's Full Name] Address: [Trainer's Address]


Tutoring Ranch: Berry Falls Ranch.

WHEREAS, the Trainer desires to have their pokemon tutored and trained at the Berry Falls Tutoring Ranch (the “Ranch”), and the Ranch agrees to provide such tutoring services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Services Provided

The Ranch agrees to provide tutoring and training services to the following pokemon (collectively referred to as the “pokemon”):

  • Pokemon 1: [Name, Species]
  • Pokemon 2: [Name, Species]
  • Pokemon 3: [Name, Species]
  • [Additional Pokemon as needed]

2. Duration

The tutoring services shall commence on _________and shall continue until _________, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

3. Fees and Payment

The Trainer agrees to pay the Ranch the total sum of [Total Amount] for the services provided under this Agreement. Payment shall be made as follows:

  • Initial Deposit: [Amount] due on _________,
  • Balance: [Amount] due on _________,

4. Responsibilities of the Trainer

The Trainer agrees to:

  • Provide all necessary information regarding the pokemon’s health, training history, and specific needs. (For Carnivorous pokemon, please refer to Section 6.)
  • Ensure the pokemon are delivered to the Ranch at the agreed-upon times.
  • Pay all fees as specified in Section 3 of this Agreement.

5. Responsibilities of the Ranch

The Ranch agrees to:

  • Provide tutoring and training services to the pokemon.
  • Ensure the safety and well-being of the pokemon during their stay.
  • Communicate regularly with the Trainer regarding the pokemon’s progress.

6. Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions shall apply to the services provided under this Agreement:

  • Health and Safety: The Ranch will take all necessary precautions to ensure the pokemon’s health and safety. However, the Trainer acknowledges that certain risks are inherent in pokemon training.
  • Medical Care: In the event of illness or injury, the Ranch is authorized to seek healthcare for the pokemon. The Trainer agrees to reimburse the Ranch for any healthcare expenses incurred.
  • Behavioral Issues: The Ranch reserves the right to terminate this Agreement if the pokemon exhibits behavior that is deemed dangerous or unmanageable.
  • No Poaching: The Ranch enforces a strict no-poaching policy. Any Trainer or visitor found engaging in poaching activities will be immediately expelled from the premises by force, and legal action will be pursued. (Minimum fine of 5 Million Pokedollars.)
  • Trainer Accommodation: Trainers have the option to stay on the Ranch for the duration of their pokemon’s tutoring. Accommodation arrangements must be made in advance, and additional fees may apply.
  • Cancellation: The Trainer may cancel this Agreement with 5 days' written notice. Any fees paid are non-refundable unless otherwise specified.
  • Liability: The Ranch shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, or injury to the pokemon except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct.
  • Pokémon Eggs: If any pokemon under the care of the Ranch produces an egg, the Trainer will be given the option to leave the egg in the Ranch’s care. Should the Trainer choose to do so, a 50% discount will be applied to the total tutoring service fees. This discount will be applied at the conclusion of the tutoring period.
  • Carnivorous Pokémon: Any carnivorous pokemon being tutored at the Ranch is strictly prohibited from eating or feeding on any pokemon on the Ranch premises. These pokemon may hunt in the surrounding forests if desired. If the Trainer does not wish for their pokemon to hunt, they must provide sufficient and suitable food for their pokemon for the duration of their stay.

7. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Sinnoh Pokemon League.

8. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, whether written or oral.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

[Trainer’s Full Name]

Ethan Reed,
Berry Falls Tutoring Ranch.

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