New Beginnings – A Pokemon Slice of Life. [OC/Isekai/Move Tutor/Breeder]

Chapter 46

After a few minutes alone in the berry fields and lots of emotional turmoil, Ethan walked back toward Shuckle and Dunsparce. It was perfect timing too, as Dundsparce’s trainer, Melany, could be seen speed walking up the path with a giant smile and a wave at the friend she left behind.

Dunsparce flapped his wings excitedly, then launched himself forward to glide into her welcoming arms—unable to wait another moment to be reunited with his trainer. Melany, knowing her pokemon well, snatched him out of the air and twirled him around, carrying his forward momentum into something much less damaging.

Ethan made it to Shuckle’s side, the sound of his footfalls causing his red-shelled friend to gaze upwards at him. Ethan wiped his red eyes once, sniffed, then put on a smile. “Don’t look at me. Look at them. I’m fine, Shuckle.” Ethan used his foot to gently turn Shuckle’s concerned face forward.

Shuckle watched the scene before him. The joy, happiness, and relief all bundled up together. He was worried, sad, and afraid, but this was a good thing. Just like Ethan said. His eyes blurred as tears formed, but he sniffled and never averted his eyes—for he was not crying for Dunsparce… he was crying, watching something Ethan will never get to do.

With another nudge, Ethan spoke to his friend. “Come on, let’s send him on his way. Stay strong, be happy for him.”

With slow, shaky steps, Shuckle pulled his red shell forward as Ethan walked slowly by his side. When they drew near, Melany and Dunsparce, who had just finished twirling, looked toward them with smiles. “Melany, Dunsparce has been a wonderful guest. I’d be more than happy to have him visit or stay whenever you need. He’s done much more than just relax, he made a lifelong friend.” Ethan looked down to Shuckle, watching his berry-bud lock up.


Melany, still with her giant smile, knelt down to be face to face with Shuckle. “Why, hello there! I’ve only seen one other Shuckle before! Your kind are very rare! Was Dunsparce nice to you?”

Shuckle looked up to Ethan for help, but Ethan just gazed back with a slight smile. He turned forward and nodded slowly.

Dunnnn. Dun-Dun-Sparce.” Dunsparce came forward and gently headbutted Shuckle, who teared up once again. Then, he wrapped his yellow limbs around his first poke-friend, and embraced him in a hug.

Ethan walked to Melany’s side and whispered. “Shuckle is young. Dunsparce is his first real friend. This is his first time having to say goodbye. I know it may sound rude, but let’s not drag this out longer than it has to be.”

Melany nodded as she rose up from her crouch. “Don’t sweat it. We have places to be, gyms to conquer. Was there anything special I need to know?” She wiggled her eyebrows as she turned to face him. Then, she paused. “You okay? Your eyes are red.”

With a wave, Ethan carried on. “No eggs. Your Dunsparce was hanging out babysitting on his own volition. He was a perfect guest. Do make sure to stop by again after your journey. I’d love to see how much he’ll grow.”

“Will do.” She looked down to the pokemon who were just now separating. “C’mon, Dunsparce! Let’s get moving on! We got to challenge Gardenia!” Melany opened up her blue jacket, revealing five pokeballs lining the inside of her vest. She grabbed two of them, using one to return Dunsparce and using the other to release a pokemon Ethan had never seen before.

A four and half foot tall… Sheep? Ram? Ram, probably, judging by its very long, brown horns atop its head, appeared before him. It was spotted, mostly white with blotches of brown marking up its body. And man, did it look fluffy. Around its neck, a large bulb of grayish wool wrapped around the ram’s head, hiding two miniature spikes which looked like tusks.

Seeing Ethan inspecting her pokemon from head to toe, Melany asked. “Never seen a Dubwool before?”

With a shake of the head, Ethan answered. “Never. Haven't even heard of them. What region is… he…? From?”

Melany rubbed her nose, proud of her pokemon. “Galar! It’s a long ways away from Sinnoh, but my aunt knew a person who knew a person. You know how it is. Dubwools no Mareep either! He packs a punch! Also, he’s comfy to ride!”

Dubwool huffed and stuck out his chest, relishing in the praise. Melany hopped on, mounting the ram and gripped the horns, steering him back toward the path. “Well, I’ll be off. I paid in full when I dropped Dunsparce off, yeah?”

Ethan smiled. “That you did. Good luck on your journey!”

“Depending on how my talks with Dunsparce goes, I’ll see about using your services again. See ya! Hiyah!” Melany mockingly kicked her Dubwool’s fluffy fur, to little to no effect as they just bounced off the fluff. Dubwool rolled his eyes, but sauntered off down the path, slowly.

What was obviously meant as a quick and swift goodbye, ended up being a solid fifteen seconds of Ethan and Shuckle watching Melany slowly ride off atop her ram.

When they were both out of sight, Ethan looked down to Shuckle. “How are you feeling?”

Shuckle met his eyes and tried to smile, but it was forced. Ethan nodded, picked up his friend, then walked off toward the house. “I may not be able to speak pokemon. But, I understand.”

After spending some quality time with Shuckle and truly making sure he was going to be okay, Ethan let him out to go play with Munchlax, who had been surprisingly easy going with all the pokemon on the ranch, and the Teddiursa who rough-housed under the watchful eye of mama.

His berry bud was still a little bit sulky, but it was to be expected.

Pachirisu and Chatot were off at the training field having light spars. Which Ethan had demanded—healing machine or not. They both didn’t want to go out and prove themselves the strongest, but they definitely wanted to prove that they were stronger than the other. It was healthy competitiveness, and Ethan was only occasionally checking in. Once they asked him for training or more help, he’d be happy to help. But for now, they wanted to test their limits by themselves.

It was late in the afternoon, right after dinner, as Ethan sat on his patio watching the Oddish, when Ursaring exited her cave with a glare. Ethan raised a brow in her direction, but from well over a hundred meters away, big mama didn’t notice. She turned and squared her shoulders, just watching the edge of the forest with intent focus.

By this point in time, Ethan had risen and began making his way over. Ursaring had been doing her own thing these past few days, not having much time to bond with him, but this was definitely something concerning.

As he approached, from the direction Ursaring glared, a familiar pokemon strolled out of the forest. Gardevoir floated out into the meadow, eyes locked onto Ursaring with an ethereal purple glow.

Seeing this, Ethan moved his walk into a jog and waved his hands about. “Woah! Hold up! Hold up! No fighting!”

Both of them spared him nothing but a glance before glaring at one another again. Then, without looking away, Gardevoir spoke into his mind. Her calm, serene voice was a weird juxtaposition to her current battle ready stance. “Kind one. Be careful around this mother. She is dangerous and has the tendency to use brute force when trying to expand her borders.”

“Yes, yes. Dangerous she is, but she is staying here. I’m now her trainer. So please, stop with the psychic eyes of death. Ursaring, do not fight this Gardevoir. Any pokemon who comes here will be treated with kindness, not with threats. We aren’t strangers, we’ve met several times before.” Ethan made it to Ursaring’s side and stood in front of her, much to her displeasure.

Gardevoir floated ten meters away, not willing to come any closer due to potential hostilities.

There was a tense silence as the sun overhead cast the meadow into an orange hued battleground. The whimsically blowing wind ruffled the top of the tall grass, creating a beautiful ambiance for what seemed like impending violence.


Ursaring whipped her head around, locking onto the small, curious form of one of the Teddiursa. It sucked on its hand and it looked between Ethan, Gardevoir, and his mother. Ursaring abandoned all hostilities, stomping over toward Teddiursa to shoo him back into the cave. Out around the corner of said cave, the noodly head of Shuckle and the noggin of Teddiursa’s sister stuck outwards, spying on the ongoings on the meadow.

Gardevoir relaxed slightly, losing the glow of her eyes and landing on the soft grass. She watched the ongoing family matter, then turned to Ethan. “I require your services.”

Ethan blinked, then gazed back at the floating psychic. “My services?”

With a nod and a glance toward Ursaring, her eyes flared. Then, with a pop, a Ralts appeared in mid air and dropped onto the ground onto their butt. The Ralts stood with a frown, wiped its bottom, then looked up at Ethan with narrowed eyes. It stuck up its nose haughtily, then spoke into his mind.

Ah, so it is you who basks in my presence, bringing with you the bitter stench of past transgressions. I recognize you, wretched soul, who once was the cause of inflicted pain and anguish upon me. Your presence here is an audacious display of arrogance, as if time could erase the scars you've left behind. Do not think for a moment that I have forgotten the suffering you wrought. I stand before you now, not as a victim, but as a reminder of your failures—a testament to the power and resilience that you could never hope to break. Tread carefully, for this encounter will not end as it did before. I am strong of will and of heart, and one such as you, with your trifling power, could hold no sway over me.”

Gardevoir smacked the side of the Ralt’s head, earning Ethan a mental, childish, “Ow!”

I require your services. I wish for you to watch upon this one while the dealings with the distorted are being handled. This one is a handful, and I cannot leave her alone. Also, pay her words no mind, as she is referring to the punishment she received upon reading your surface thoughts. She has a vast vocabulary and likes to use it as a weapon.” Gardevoir explained as she ignored the feeble little punches to her shin, the Ralts giving it all she had in a cute display of a tantrum.

Ethan sighed. “Does she know the rules?”

Ralts abandoned her wraith, and turned to raise her nose up at him. “You may speak your hollow words to the one which you refer to. I exist and am of able body and of prodigious mind to speak for myself. I acknowledge the laws of your diminutive domain, however insignificant they may be in the grand scheme of power and influence. While your realm may be small, its rules are yours to command, and I shall respect them as a courtesy, though they hold little sway beyond your narrow borders.”

Ethan raised an eyebrow as he parsed through the regal-speak. He turned to Gardevoir. “I do not do this for free for everyone who comes by.”

Gardevoir nodded her understanding. “When I return, I shall bring a gift of the forest worthy and useful to you. It has no use to us, but to you, it will be put to work.”

Ethan looked to the Ralts who stood defiantly in front of him. “If you cause any trouble, I’m going to tell Gardevoir everything you did while in my care.”

It appears that you have chosen to embrace the role of a tattletale, divulging secrets with all the grace of a servile informant.”

“Yup.” Ethan said with a grin—no shame at all. He turned to Gardevoir and nodded once. “I’ll watch her. Do you know how long you’ll be?”

I do not know. But, it won’t be long. Take care of her as you would your own, and you will have my thanks. Goodbye, kind one.” Then, without any more words, Gardevoir blinked out of existence.

Ethan stared into the air where she previously stood, before feeling a tugging on his pants.

Ralts stared up into his eyes. “I require sustenance.”

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