New Show Time

Page 1508

A unique tone seemed to resonate with the imaginary laws of this world, and the yellow sand in the air suddenly slowly and stylishly decomposed into the most basic particles and began to reassemble...

Izumi Takatsuki and Rise Kondari looked at the fading sky around them, their faces changed drastically: "What is this?"

The dust in the sky is smeared by the green blue sky, the dark red earth under the feet is smeared with layers of green, the ancient Arc de Triomphe slowly rises from the ground, the Notre Dame Cathedral built of white stone, even the Louvre in France , and it was completed in an instant by them... as if all the places of interest in France were moved here in an instant.

They seem to be standing on the streets of Paris in the seventeenth century, and they seem to be in the countryside of France.The French national flower, purple iris, is everywhere here. It blooms from the green grass, and the aroma that permeates the air soon covers up the pungent, pungent smell that was originally filled with yellow sand and permeated with dark red...

Descartes stretched out his hand lightly, and a cup of hot tea appeared in his hand out of thin air. He poured it slightly and took a sip.

"Sure enough, your side is closer to utopianism. It seems that my ability can be used to 500% in this world. I never thought that the Louvre would be completed in an instant..." Descartes looked back One glance, then turned back to close the book, and said to Weston: "You can move now."

The mathematical formula from under the feet of the three of Weston, or the conceptual power of "unswerving until death" in terms of ability, disappeared.

Weston smelled the dead air that had been completely removed from the air, replaced by the fragrance of green grass.Full of vitality and the smell of scented tea in the Descartes cup with the breeze, he broke off a root iris under his feet, and the fresh green juice overflowed from the trunk of the flower, and he couldn't help thinking...

This is definitely not an illusion produced by hypnotizing the five senses, especially the identity of this person in front of Lenovo.

"Is this 'I think, therefore I am'? No—it always feels like taking advantage of my Utopia system." Weston said unhappily.

Descartes said: "As I said before, the utopianism produced by your illogical world will make the ability bestowed on me by the Creator reach 500%. Of course, my power is also based on what Descartes proposed in history. Philosophical concept. [I think therefore I am]... just like the show in this book, knowledge—is power!"

Weston even wants to say that your move is a complete plagiarism of Merlin's Noble Phantasm [Utopia of Eternal Separation], but since one is a steeple as a red flower, and the other is the appearance of Paris in the seventeenth century in France, he is also speechless. It can be said.

Just what is this power...

Weston cast his eyes on Descartes suspiciously: "You said you wanted to kill me, why didn't you just create Notre Dame de Paris from the sky and smash it down from the sky?"

Descartes said lightly: "That would be too disrespectful for a Frenchman, and besides, it won't kill you, an undead, at all."

"Then I really can't understand what your real purpose of using this trick is, Descartes. It is completely overthinking to use this trick to show your invincibility. In this world, I am the one who is connected to my system. Invincible. If you are 500%, then I am a hundred times as good as you. This trick of mine does not call me to think, therefore I am, but to 'concrete fantasy'..."

Weston opened his magic eyes without hesitation, and the silver light of Octagonal Star appeared in his eyes.

【Connect to the ideal country master system】

【Concrete Fantasy】


All the French fame constructed by Descartes, Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre, including the lawn on the ground and the fragrance in the air return to the dark red land full of yellow sand.

【Simulation: Eiffel Tower】

In the sky, a slender spire with a total length of 324 meters emerged from the sky instantly, hanging upside down and sprinting towards Descartes, who stared blankly at the bottom of the tower connected to the sky... now it should be called the spire of the Champ de Mars.

"This really surprised me.——" Before Descartes moved a step, the spire of the sky had already ignored the laws of physics and accelerated, the antenna of the spire pierced Descartes' body, and the falling Eiffel Tower from the sky was also at the same time Instantly smashed Descartes' body down.

Chapter 7 Supreme Metaphysics


The Eiffel Tower fell to the ground at once, and the surface of the ground suddenly fought like an earthquake, splashing dust all over the sky and sweeping towards the surroundings, making the two women beside Weston unable to hide their faces.

Accompanied by the sound of puffing, blood splashed under the Eiffel Tower, and half of Descartes' body lying in the pool of blood no longer had the elegant French gentleman's temperament before...

The sky was covered by the yellow sand, and the eight-sided stars that were looming in the daytime dissipated in an instant.

"Is this your unrestricted power?" Takatsuki Izumi looked surprised.

"Is he dead?" Shendai Lishi's mind was also in a trance.

A monster that can change the surrounding environment for hundreds of miles with casual use of power is instantly KO'ed by a monster that summons the Eiffel Tower. No matter which of these two existences is placed in their world, they will destroy the world, right?

Fortunately, the laws of each world are incompatible, otherwise, if this kind of power enters their world, the ghouls will not play at all.

Weston smiled and stared at Descartes' miserable appearance and shook his head: "No matter how miserable he is, he can't die. Just to give you some knowledge about the enemies in this world. Riveria should have told you about the previous enemies, right? "

"You mean particle life?"

"Well, although this kind of creature wears the appearance and memory of a historical figure, it is actually a particle life from another world."

"But his death doesn't seem to have gone through the 'decomposition style'." God Dai Lishi said.

"Don't forget his ability 'I think, therefore I am', rightly understanding that when things are thought, they will come true according to his form. Perhaps this is just what he thought of as 'Cartesian death', in fact as long as his As long as the body is still there, his flesh and blood, his cells, and the countless particles that make up his body...he is immortal!" Weston explained.

【exactly! 】

Descartes' body disintegrated on the spot and reorganized into a dazzling array of silver particles. He stood opposite Weston with his body intact and tidied up the unstained blood.

"This kind of enemy..." Takatsuki Izumi frowned.

"To kill him, the only way to kill him is to kill his conceptual core. But the trouble is that those 'cores' will also be particleized along with them, so in theory, temporarily defeating the concept of 'Cartesian' can kill him. "

"What shall we do then?"

"Temporal lobe removal..."

"You mean to erase all memories of Descartes in this world? Is this impossible?"

"It can still be temporarily blocked by Utopia." Weston smiled slightly, but he did not choose to do it.

Descartes raised his head and stared at the sky: "It's really the pinnacle of utopianism. The pattern of Solomon combined with the legend of wizards and magic in the middle ages is simply illogical. Compared with the world I live in, although our conceptual lives are also in an unimaginable creation, at least It is dependent logic, but all the laws of this world are completely untenable equations..."

"Mathematicians are old-fashioned, I can understand. You have no intention of killing me, and I have no intention of killing you, even though we are enemies..." Weston smiled playfully.

Descartes was not stupid and asked, "You want to catch me?"

"Well, just to study how Freya became a concept life like yours. If possible, I think everyone in this world has it. In that case, I can feel at ease fighting your god." Weston calmly Said.

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