New World - A New Beginning

Chapter 154: A Way Out


I don't want to fight anymore.

I was raised to be a dispensable piece of entertainment back on Earth, and even in this new world with a supportive family, all I managed to do was fight and harm others. It's all I've ever been able to accomplish, and it was a cycle of violence that seemed to plague my existence, no matter what my name was.

I met the Elder Wyvern's gaze, staring into the soul of the monster that was impersonating me. It was ironic. A being filled with so much hatred and power was exactly how I perceived myself.

The thing in front of me was nothing less than a flawless mirror of myself, both inside and out. That was the Jay that had stared at me through the mirror in my vision, and the path I had chosen had led me to one final confrontation with my past.

Maybe... if I killed the Jay in front of me... would I be free from all the conflict?

It was a naive view of my challenges, but I didn't care anymore. Any form of escape would suffice, and maybe this was one of them.

All I wanted was to stop fighting. If that meant killing my spirit by forcefully eliminating the Elder Wyvern... then so be it. Asthia knew the risks of this fight, and it seemed like we were both prepared for the potential consequences.

I focused my attention on the fight, preparing to attack. I glanced towards Asthia, making sure she was ready before engaging. The girl nodded, readying herself.

This would be the first time we fought together while using the Integrate ability, and this time, we were both tapping into the bind of a god. We had never practiced coordination or teamwork, but something told me we wouldn't need training.

I could read her thoughts and she could read mine. That was all we needed.

Are you ready? I asked telepathically. Asthia readied herself at my question.

I'm ready, she responded.

To what extent the Elder Wyvern was able to read my thoughts and emotions was unclear. I had no way of knowing if he could also hear our messages, but I decided to ignore the thought. The one thing I had to focus on here was pummeling the adversary before me with everything I had.

As a fighter, I'd give my all in this last fight.

I shot forward, attempting to strike the Elder's legs. He leaped into the air, avoiding the first attack with ease.



The Dragon girl appeared out of nowhere, slamming her blazing foot into the Elder's defensive block.


He crashed into the ground with a sickening crack. I noticed velvet lightning sparking around Asthia as she landed beside me. She had gained the ability to use the same elements as me due to our Integration, but she was already applying her own bind into the techniques.

Every combatant in this spiritual arena was sharing the same levels of power, meaning that the only thing that mattered in the outcome of this fight was Strategy.

"This feels weird," she admitted lightly, shaking her arm anxiously. I laughed at the casual comment, feeling the pressure of the situation die down slightly.

"You'll get used to it," I replied. I wondered if Asthia could feel my discomfort and stress with the situation. Was she trying to calm me down?


I'm an idiot. Why would I let my guard down just because of a comment?

Had I really become so weak and distraught from my time in Auroria? Was I really unable to cleanse my emotions and face the adversaries before me?

The Elder suddenly appeared in front of Asthia, his hand vibrating with lightning as he delivered a blow right to her chest.


There was no time for reaction as the Princess was sent flying back. I instantly analyzed the Elder's movements, realizing that he was going to try and finish Asthia off here. 

The solid layer of water that acted as the ground to this weird dimension suddenly froze, crawling up the Elder's feet as I concentrated infernal bind into my palm.

I struck the figure with an open palm, unleashing a massive torrent of crimson flames that shot him backward. There was no time to check on Asthia as I followed the Elder's trajectory, grabbing the face that resembled mine and slamming it into the ground.


An arc of lightning burst forth before I could continue my onslaught, following the movements of the Elder's foot as he vaulted back up, seemingly unscathed from my blows. My eyes widened at the move, recognizing it immediately.

My suspicions were confirmed as I witnessed the stance that my opponent took. The Elder Wyvern had watched my entire life from Earth play out while he had searched my memories, and now, he was using my old techniques.

They were crude and ruthless, never allowing an opponent to take a break as an unrelenting assault was unleashed onto the enemy.

I glanced back, checking on Asthia. I could feel her breaths as if they were my own, and judging by her physical state, she wasn't fatally injured from the blow. She appeared to be dazed, but she'd be fine.

"You wanted this fight to be just the two of us all along, didn't you?" I asked.

The Jay before me simply smiled, his dark purple eyes swirling with energy and anger. I approached him, channeling bind throughout my entire body.

"I want you to know..." I started.

I unleashed my aura, causing the Elder Wyvern to wince. Even when faced with a god, the lifetime of horrors and cruelty from earth was enough to make them back away. A being with a limitless lifespan would seemingly have experienced every aspect of life, but fighting inside a bloody arena in front of disgusting nobles was not one of them.

Even if the Elder Wyvern was trying to provoke me by resurfacing all of the painful memories from Earth, there was still one undeniable fact that would allow me to come out on top.

I was the one who created those techniques. If anyone knew how to defeat them... it was me.

My eyes glinted with turquoise light amidst my violet irises, the hatred I felt for the thing that had just struck Asthia imbuing itself within my lightning. My final words boomed in the ears of my adversary:

"There's no place you can run to."

The Elder Wyvern wanted a final fight. It wanted a clash that would pit me against my greatest fears, and potentially cause me to lose my spirit. If he desired this confrontation so badly...

Then I'd give it to him.

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