Nine Transformations of the True Spirit

Chapter 44 Spells

The road to immortality is long and difficult.

Chen Yuan only broke through the easiest bottleneck. The real difficulty is still ahead.

His aptitude is too poor, and the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is too slow. The bottleneck he faces is much stronger than that of other cultivators.

After a brief excitement, he calmed down and continued to absorb spiritual energy to stabilize his realm.

Three days later, Chen Yuan opened his eyes helplessly and stopped practicing.

In the past three days, his speed of absorbing spiritual energy was as slow as a turtle. He just barely stabilized the realm of the fourth level of Qi Refining, and his mana did not increase at all.

Accustomed to the rapid progress during martial arts training, Chen Yuan was not used to the current speed of practice.

Without opportunity, how can you break through the bottleneck of the late stage of Qi Refining?

Warriors can take pills to activate the blood and qi in their bodies. I wonder if cultivators also have pills that can accelerate the absorption of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?

What if I have no chance again and am trapped in the Qi Refining period?

Chen Yuan's mind was full of thoughts, unable to calm down, and simply stopped meditating.

He stood up and walked to the cave entrance, moved the boulder away, and walked out of the cave.

It was afternoon at this time, and the forest was silent. The autumn wind blew, the dead leaves fell, and the sun poured down, falling on the ground, the light and shadow swayed, and the mottled and intertwined.

Chen Yuan clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and carefully felt the changes in his body.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, exclaimed softly, and frowned slightly.

According to the "Red Flame Art", when a cultivator absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the spiritual energy nourishes the body, the strength increases greatly, the body is light and agile, and the five senses are sharp.

But his body has not changed much compared to before.

The nourishment of spiritual energy seems to have no effect on him.

Chen Yuan couldn't help but think of the cool feeling when the spiritual energy entered the body, which was similar to the starlight filling the body, but it was much weaker.

He took out the jade from his arms and looked at it carefully.

The more strength increases, the more mysterious the jade appears.

The effect of starlight infusion is far stronger than that of spiritual energy nourishment, but it cannot directly improve the strength of the physical body. It also needs to replenish energy afterwards, which is not as good as spiritual energy.

What will happen if spiritual energy is combined with Yujue?

Chen Yuan's mind moved, and he tried to infuse mana into the inside of Yujue.

The fire element mana dyed the Yujue a layer of light red, and suddenly, a faint green light appeared on the surface of the Yujue.

Chen Yuan opened his eyes wide and stared at the Yujue nervously, but the green light flashed twice and slowly dimmed.

Chen Yuan continued to infuse mana into the Yujue, and the Yujue was like a bottomless pit, swallowing his mana continuously, but the green light never lit up again.

Not long after, Chen Yuan's mana was mostly consumed, and he stopped.

Since the Yujue was glowing green, it proved that the idea of ​​infusing mana was right, but it might be that his mana was low and could not cause further reaction from the Yujue.

Chen Yuan was excited and carefully put the jade into his arms for future exploration.

Then, he closed his eyes and carefully released his spiritual sense to sense the surrounding environment.

When a cultivator absorbs spiritual energy, his spiritual sense will be born. Without ears and eyes, he can sense everything within a radius of ten feet around him. After mastering the art of controlling objects, he can also control objects from a distance, which is amazing.

If he breaks through to the middle stage of Qi Refining, the coverage of his spiritual sense will expand to twenty feet.

But after Chen Yuan released his spiritual sense, he was surprised to find that his spiritual sense was enough to cover a radius of thirty feet, comparable to a cultivator in the late stage of Qi Refining!

Feeling the falling leaves, migrating ants, flying birds, and everything else within a radius of thirty feet, Chen Yuan thought about it and could only attribute it to the merit of the starlight infusion.

According to the "Red Flame Art", spiritual sense originates from the soul and is the embodiment of the power of the soul.

After experiencing the infusion of starlight, his thoughts and ideas will become clearer, and he has mastered the ability to remember everything he sees. Now it seems that these are all related to the soul.

His spiritual awareness range is wider than that of the cultivators of the same level, which should also be due to the infusion of starlight.

The secret hidden by Yujue may be much deeper than he imagined.

After exploring the changes in his physical body, Chen Yuan took out the "Red Flame Art" from his arms and studied the spells recorded on it.

There are not many spells recorded in the "Red Flame Art", only ten.

Eight of them are low-level spells, namely, light body art, object control art, sky eye art, sound transmission art, dust removal art, water gathering art, quicksand art, and fireball art, which can be practiced in the early stage of Qi Refining.

The ninth is the middle-level spell Fire Snake Art, which can only be practiced in the middle stage of Qi Refining.

The last one is the high-level spell Fire Crow Art, which can only be mastered by cultivators in the late stage of Qi Refining.

With Chen Yuan's cultivation level of the fourth level of Qi Refining, he can practice nine spells.

He started with low-level spells in a way from easy to difficult.

Dust Removal Technique is the simplest. As long as the spiritual power is driven to travel around the body surface, the dust can be removed. Chen Yuan practiced it several times and mastered it.

Sound Transmission Technique is not difficult either. After practicing for only a quarter of an hour, Chen Yuan can transmit the sound in a range of ten feet.

But there is a disadvantage of Sound Transmission Technique. If a cultivator with a far better spiritual awareness than Chen Yuan can easily eavesdrop on the content of the sound transmission.

As the name suggests, the Light Body Technique infuses a trace of spiritual power into the meridians of the legs, and the body is as light as a swallow. With one step, it is seven or eight feet away, which is far better than the Shadow Step. It is most suitable for traveling, and consumes very little spiritual power.

Chen Yuan spent half an hour to master it.

With the cultivation of the fourth level of Qi Refining, the Light Body Technique can be maintained for three days and three nights before the mana is exhausted.

The fourth is the Object Control Technique, which is much more difficult than the first three low-level spells.

Chen Yuan practiced it dozens of times until his magic power was exhausted, but there was no progress.

At this time, the sky had already darkened. Chen Yuan had practiced for several hours and was a little tired, so he simply returned to the cave and meditated.

After four hours, Chen Yuan's mana was restored as before, and he took out the jade pendant.

The starlight descended, and after twenty breaths, it dissipated.

But this time, he did not feel hungry.

Chen Yuan exclaimed softly, looked inside himself, and found that the mana that had just recovered in his dantian had dissipated.

He threw a punch and found that his strength was one point greater than before. Without using the light body technique, he stomped on the ground and rushed out more than ten feet with pure physical strength.

He released his spiritual sense and sensed it carefully, and found that the coverage of his spiritual sense was also one inch larger than before.

Chen Yuan was overjoyed. Now the starlight infused his body, no longer needed the elixir of the warrior to strengthen the foundation, but consumed mana, which was much easier to replenish.

He returned to the cave and continued to meditate and practice.

Four hours later, Chen Yuan's mana was restored to its original state, and he continued to practice the art of controlling objects.

When a cultivator meditates and practices, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth enters the body, nourishing the body and soul, and can restore mental and physical strength without eating or sleeping.

From then on, Chen Yuan ate wind and drank dew, took qi and practiced fasting, and never associated with ordinary people again.

It took three days, and Chen Yuan finally mastered the art of controlling objects.

But he could only control fist-sized objects, and he was not yet proficient. He needed more practice before he could control magic tools to fight against the enemy.

However, he had no magic tools in his hand, so no matter how well he practiced the art of controlling objects, it would be useless.

After mastering the art of controlling objects, Chen Yuan began to practice the art of heavenly eyes.

This art has only one effect, that is, to observe the qi and recognize people.

After practicing the art of heavenly eyes, you can see the concentration of spiritual energy on other cultivators and judge their cultivation level.

The art of heavenly eyes is simpler than the art of controlling objects. Chen Yuan spent two days to master it.

This technique consumes almost no spiritual energy or mental effort, and can be maintained all the time. Anyone who is not a cultivator at a higher level than him can see the general idea.

Finally, there are three low-level offensive spells left, namely Fireball, Water Gathering, and Quicksand.

Chen Yuan practiced the Fire Element Method, so he naturally practiced Fireball first.

But what frustrated him greatly was that it took him four days to barely learn Fireball.

Looking at the walnut-sized fireball suspended in his palm and burning slowly, Chen Yuan felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

He flicked his palm, and the fireball shot out and hit a felled birch tree five feet away.


The birch tree caught fire and was burned to ashes in an instant.

The fire spread all around, but the birch tree was surrounded by the soil prepared by Chen Yuan in advance, without any grass or trees.

The fire burned stubbornly for a while before slowly extinguishing.

Seeing the great power of the fireball technique, Chen Yuan smiled slightly, but soon turned into a bitter smile.

Pseudo-spiritual root cultivators not only practice slowly, but also have a harder time learning spells.

Heavenly spiritual root cultivators can learn the fireball technique after practicing a few times, while true spiritual root cultivators can only take one day at most.

Pseudo-spiritual root cultivators need four days to master the fireball technique, which is four times that of true spiritual root cultivators.

Two days later, Chen Yuan finally mastered the fireball technique and shortened the time to condense the fireball to two breaths.

However, the fireball technique is extremely powerful and consumes a lot of mana. With Chen Yuan's current cultivation, he can only perform it six times.

After mastering the fireball technique, Chen Yuan turned to practice the quicksand technique and the water gathering technique. If the mana is exhausted, he will meditate and practice. After the mana is restored, he will continue to practice spells.

This cycle continues. After thirteen days, Chen Yuan has initially mastered the quicksand technique and the water gathering technique.

Quicksand technique is better. Fire generates earth. Chen Yuan spent five days to barely master it.

After performing the Quicksand Technique, a quicksand ground of three feet in size and about one foot deep can be created on the ground within a radius of ten feet.

This technique consumes a lot of mana. Chen Yuan can only perform it three times, and each time he needs to prepare for at least five breaths.

The Water Gathering Technique is much more difficult. Water overcomes fire. Chen Yuan spent a full eight days to barely learn it.

This technique can gather a ball of clear water, the size of which depends on the abundance of water vapor.

A cultivator does not need to eat, but cannot drink water. If you master the Water Gathering Technique, you can stay at home and practice in seclusion.

Later, Chen Yuan carefully studied the Fire Snake Technique, but he had no clue and had to give up.

However, after learning eight low-level spells, as long as he does not encounter cultivators of the same level, he can protect himself. The Fire Snake Technique can be left for later and studied slowly.

He stayed in the mountains for more than 40 days this time. He was reborn and it was time to go back.

Chen Yuan packed his luggage, pondered for a moment, blocked the entrance of the cave with a huge rock, hung vines outside, then used the light body technique to float away.

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