
Chapter 203: dorian's letter

"DO you still have the letter, Mother?" asked Aurum.

That's also what Argent wanted to know.  Considering how their mother was kidnapped just right after, if she put the letter in her space ring and considering how she didn't have that ring on her finger right now, then the possibility of it being taken by one of those Apostles was very high.  If that letter had important information, especially about their family, and Lucern Faust got his hands on it, then he might use it as some kind of blackmailing material.  That's just something that bastard would do.

"I still have it with me."

Both twins seemed surprised by Anthea's answer.  They were obviously expecting the opposite.

Anthea chuckled when she saw the expression of the two.  "You two, do you have such little faith in your mother?"

"No, Mother, it's not that.  We just have confidence on the Pope and his minions' insidiousness," Aurum said, probably trying to console their mother in her own way.

"Does Mother have another space ring with her that the Apostles didn't manage to find?" Argent asked instead, because that's the most plausible reason why.

"Almost." Anthea started to unbutton the blouse she's wearing.  When it reached her chest, she stopped and then pulled it to the side.  Just above the left side of her chest was a tattoo of the sun.  "This mark is the symbol of the tribe where I came from.  All the children born in that tribe would be given this mark by the tribal chief.  It's kind of like a tradition.  There's a magical tool that's being passed to the tribal chief from generation to generation.  This magical tool was the one being used to engrave this sign to children of the tribe.  It's not just a simple symbol that could separate us from other tribes and people from other countries.  It also gave the tribe members a small space that only they could access.  This symbol on my body is my own small space.  Only I could access it."

Both Argent and Aurum didn't expect that answer.  They stared at the small symbol of the sun on their mother's chest.  This was the first time they'd heard something about the place their mother was from.  They knew that aristocrats from Albion secretly referred to their mother as the barbarian duchess.  They only thought it was because she was from a foreign country.  They didn't expect that she was indeed from a tribe.

Although knowing that didn't really change the way they view her.  For them, she would always be their mother.  Someone they trusted, respected, and loved.  That would never change no matter what her origin might be. 

"Does it have any effect on your body?" Argent asked.  That was more of her focused.  After all, a space carved into one's body was surely something worrying.

"Yes, does it hurt?" Aurum followed.

Anthea looked at her daughters' worried expression and she couldn't help but smile.  She expected that they would ask her about her tribe.  How come they never heard about it or why she never mentioned it to them.  It's not that she's ashamed of her origin.  No, she would never be embarrassed of where she came from.  It's just that talking about it always brought her unprecedented sadness.

But no, her daughters' first question was if the mark on her body had some kind of negative effect.  Which mother wouldn't be happy with that?

Sometimes, she truly wondered if she deserved these kids.  Most would say that she was a mostly absent mother who was only there a couple of months a year.  That the twins literally raised themselves.  Someone like her who couldn't give her full attention to her children shouldn't be considered a mother.  She should be hated.  Her children should not even care about her.  Under normal circumstances, that should be the case.  But no, it had never been that way when it came to her twins.

Even when Aurum and Argent were just seven years old, they were already too mature for their age.  They understood why Anthea had to leave and why she couldn't be with them all the time.  They never questioned her decision.  They gave her their full support.  And whenever she came back to them, it always felt like she never left.  That's why for the past seven years, despite their family's unusual set-up, she and her twins never grew apart.

And for that, Anthea would always be grateful.

"No, it doesn't affect my body or my health," she said, answering the twins' questions.

The two let out a sigh of relief almost at the same time.

"That's good then," Aurum said.

"Could Mother show us the letter?" Argent then said.

As answer, Anthea rubbed the mark on her chest and a small simple mahogany box appeared on her palm.  She opened that and took a folded paper out.  She gave it to Argent.

Argent took it and opened it.  Aurum sat closer to her brother so she could also read the letter.

It said;

To my dearest love, Thea,

If you're reading this right now, it means that I have failed.  I wasn't able to come back to you and our child.  For that, any kind of apology would never be enough.

If you managed to find this letter, it also means that you discovered that I was looking for the ancient artifacts of the three mythical races.  You must be wondering why.  It's not something new.  You know my love for adventures.  It's my search for undiscovered treasures that led me to you.  And that's something that I would be forever grateful.

But what I didn't tell you, what I dared not say, was the underlying reason why I started my adventures.  There's only one reason really.  That's right, so that I could find the three ancient artifacts.

Before I left for this voyage, I told you that what I'm doing was for our family.  So that our unborn child could live in peace.  It was not a lie.  It all had something to do with the Blackbourne's – my bloodline.

I couldn't properly explain it in this letter because of all the complicated things involved.  I could probably only simplify it this way – the Blackbourne's blood is 'cursed'.  Not in the most literal sense.  But it might as well be.  Because of my bloodline, I could only die once I reached a certain age.

I thought I already came to terms with that.  But then I met you.  And everything changed.  I suddenly wanted to live longer, to grow old with you, to experience life with you.  Then you became pregnant.  We're going to become parents.  A family!  It was something I thought I already gave up on.  But I found out right there and then that it was something that I've been wanting- no, dreaming to have.

However, I know I couldn't achieve that if I don't find a cure for this 'curse'.  I will die and then our child will die even younger.  I couldn't allow that to happen.  I have to find that cure.  If not for me, then at least for our child.  That cure could only be found in the closed Mythos continent.  And the only way I could go there was by using the three ancient artifacts.

But then, you found this letter.  Something I wished would never happen.  I probably have been missing for years for you to go and search for me yourself.  Maybe right now as you're reading this, I was probably already dead.  I fail you, I fail us, and most of all, I fail our child.

Because of my failure, our child might not even be able to live past the age of 30.  Other children born the same year could live up to the age of 300.  And yet our child's life would stop at 30.  It's unacceptable and yet, inevitable.  I hate myself for not being able to do anything about it.  For being a useless father.

I'm sorry, Thea.  Sorry for failing.  Sorry for all the pain I've caused you and our child.  Sorry for the even greater pain that would follow.  If I could take it all away, I would.  But the only way that things would change was if we turn back in time and decide to not fall in love.  Although, I must say, even if something like that would be possible, even knowing what I know now, I would still fall in love with you.  Over and over again.

I love you, my Thea.  Please, also send my love to our child.  I have no doubt that he or she was the most beautiful child in the world.  And again, I'm sorry.  I won't ask for forgiveness, because I know that I don't deserve one.

But I ask that you tell our child about this 'curse'.  That he or she should not give up until he or she found the cure themselves.  They don't deserve to have this shackle just because of the blood flowing in their veins.  All the things that they should know could be found in a record book I hid in Hanover Manor's hidden study.  Just ask Gregory for the key to it.

Thea, my love, I'm sorry.  Goodbye.

With all my heart,


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