Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 17: The Gamer Finally Plays

Dyne sat down and closed his eyes and tried to do the same thing he did when he tried to absorb the energy.

The moment he did that, he could sense a strange presence that was around him. It was as if the air was purer and that his mind was calmer.

If Vahn managed to reach Drake Castle, which not even the Hunters could, it only meant that Vahn was naturally able to resist the Mist. And the dangerous plans that Dyne wanted to accomplish required him to travel deep into the Mist territory.

Dyne sat down and could sense it entering him.

Suddenly, his vision changed. For a strange reason, he could see his soul. If Strafe were awake, he would have been surprised at Dyne’s development.

Dyne could sense strange energy being emitted and released by the Genesis Tree. It surrounded him, and it was as if his soul was growing.

As the villagers said, Vahn had always prayed here. They also noted that he often spent time in this Genesis Tree. So Dyne thought that the powers of the Genesis Tree must have strengthened his mind.

“Could the Human-God Biron have found enlightenment under the Genesis tree as well? Just like the Buddha did?” Dyne wondered. Vahn noted that Biron had monks and must be a religion similar to Buddhism or Hinduism.

Dyne sat down, but apart from a slightly refreshing sensation, he didn’t encounter any other strange feeling.

“Somethings missing...” Dyne frowned.

He then began to ponder.

“Vahn kept praying because of faith... Do I need faith to receive the Tree’s blessing?” Dyne’s thoughts went to the plot of the game.

He recalled that when the walls were broken down, and the Mist came in, Vahn’s Ra-Seru wasn’t enough. They needed to gather the prayers of the villagers to awaken the Genesis Tree.

“So, if the game uses this faith as a form of power and could be harnessed, then Strafe must have designed this world to be similar to that! I guess I should pray to the Genesis Tree...” Dyne mumbled.

“Wait a minute. The Genesis Tree is only a conduit that grants power from the Seru-Kai world. This means these trees are linked to Seru-Kai and the Creator Tieg. But Strafe made this world... Does that mean I have to pray to Strafe?” Dyne realized it.

Dyne thought back to when he met Strafe. Strafe saved him from death. That alone made Dyne eternally grateful to Strafe. But not only that, Strafe gave him powers that allowed him to live and play in the world. The moment Dyne entered this world, there was a sense of anticipation and danger, and thus, Dyne had to move and move always.

His mind has been so focused on the game. He had been silently plotting his next steps and thought of various things about the world. But now, as he sat there in a peaceful state, he suddenly felt a sense of relaxation.

It was then he realized it!

“Was I being affected by the Mist?”

The Mist had a way of affecting a person's mental processes. It made them depress or agitated! Although they were at the far end of the map and was situated against the sea's blowing winds, it didn’t mean that the air was free from the Mist. Perhaps it was because of that that he never got time to appreciate his current reality.

He was a frustrated gamer! And now, he had the isekai experience and is currently in the game! This would have caused him to really have great joy! But just a few bits of this ever surfaced.

Even when he arrived in the heavily walled town of Rim Elm, it did not mean that the Mist couldn’t affect them.

The Mist could even reach the middle layers of the mountain where Noa would soon be found. Even the town of Jeremy in the Sebucus Islands had Mist reaching the sky garden's top levels! The Mist also enveloped some mountains in the game! The Mist also attacked the lower levels of the high-rising Sol Tower. Although the wall of Rim Elm was high, how could it compare to the mountains?

“So, I was still being influenced by the Mist!” Dyne then realized it. This was the first time the Mist did not influence him. And then he sat down and continued to reflect on what he had.

It was as if the feelings of excitement and joy that never surfaced all began to appear.

“I’m in a game! I’m in Legend of Legaia!” Dyne almost teared up.

Although it was a game he played, he was now playing a far superior version of it with the highest graphics possible!

“It’s all here! The experience points, the gold, the towns that I need to save, the challenging enemies!” Dyne’s joy continued to rise higher and higher.

“The cool Serus and the overpowered Ra-Seru! It’s all here!” Dyne couldn’t hide his smile as the tears fell. He was playing a game. The nostalgic sensation that he appreciated turned into an exciting motivation that made even his heart pound faster.

“Strafe made an amazing world! I can do things that I never could do in Legaia!” He smiled.

He was a fan of Digimon World 1, Torneko, and Azure Dreams. The concept of town building was something that excited him. He loved bringing back items to make the town greater. But now, he pretty much had several cities he could improve on!

And the Gobu Gobu! It was basically like Digimon World 1! He can recruit people and even monsters who would stay in town!

It was then that he remembered his ingenious plan! It was a plan that he already thought of before he even entered this world. It was a plan that excited him also before he got to this world. The anticipation caused Dyne’s heart to pump even faster.

After being so detained and so withheld for so long, he could finally play! Although he was strong in the real world because of his identity and the sensitivity of his job, he couldn’t tell anyone about it. He even lost his crush to some jerk because he wasn’t confident that the girl liked him, who had the identity of being an analyst in some government facility.

But now, he will go alongside Vahn, Noa, and Gala and be this world's hero!

The Gamer can finally play! And beyond all these benefits was being able to bring things in-game out of it!

He couldn’t help but smile and thank Strafe. He opened his eyes and looked up to the Genesis Trees branches that had yet to grow.

“Strafe said that this world is created through the sacrifice of that other world. The energy, the lives, and souls will live on here...”

He recalled the last words that the multitudes shouted at him before they died and became this world.

“May you enjoy the game we make!” Dyne repeated as his tears fell.

“I will, guys. Sorry, it’s a bit late, but I will!” Dyne vowed,

At that moment, the Genesis Tree gave an unusual glow.

Dyne fell into a trance as he saw energies fluctuating around him. The energy had a strange, friendly, and almost intimate feeling to Dyne. It was as if he was communing with the energies around it.

The unknown energy continued to flow within him.

Vahn somehow emerged from his house and walked towards the Genesis Tree. He could feel a strange fluctuation.

Tetsu also appeared next to him.

His eyes looked as if he was shocked at the sight.

“What’s happening?” Vahn marveled.

“Vahn! Tell your father to gather all the hunters, no! Everyone! Call everyone! It’s Enlightenment! It’s the miracle of Enlightenment! Quickly! We can all benefit from this Enlightenment!” Tetsu ordered as he moved and began alerting everyone.

The bewildered people who were about to go to sleep were awoken.

The Elder soon gave the order and had everyone, young and old, go to the Genesis Tree Garden.

Green light started to glow around it.

“Pray to the Genesis Tree! What Dyne said was true! The Genesis Tree is indeed protecting us!” The Elder ordered.

Everyone gathered around the Tree and began to pray.

In another dimension, in the Seru-Kai world where the Serus dwelled, a significant accumulation of souls was gathering towards the Mother Genesis Tree. The energy was being sent from the Tree and into the Genesis Tree, where Dyne was.

One of the many secrets that Strafe didn’t explain to him was that each game world he built for Dyne was designed to aid him in specific cultivation branches.

Brigandine would aid him in his Martial Code Formation. Breath of Fire 4 would support him in his Mortal Severing. Legend of Legaia was designed to help Strafe develop the path that would make him a Soul Cultivator.

With the power of the Ra-Seru, Dyne would be able to break into Soul Cultivation's world at the awakening of the third or fourth Genesis Tree, depending on Dyne’s talent.

Yet Strafe had no way to gauge Dyne’s talent. In fact, Strafe vastly underestimated Dyne's potential in soul cultivating. For at that moment, Dyne was awakening his path to Soul Cultivation.

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