Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 214: To Change the Soul

Dyne listened and was confused at the proposal of the Weaver.

That’s possible?! I thought it was only possible for Serus and other Sprite-based races. Or those primarily of the Soul like the Ifrit, as I can manipulate their souls!” Dyne turned to the real Strafe.

The world paused as Strafe turned to answer Dyne.

The process is much more complicated for humans and other beings with a Mind. Those with a trichotomy of body, soul, and mind require you to change both the soul and mind to really change them. If you try to change the soul, it can only influence the mind with the desires you place in it. But the mind can still fight back to revert it. Of course, when Master did this to us, she also taught us how to allow these changes to affect us.”

So why are you guys doing this?” Dyne asked.

Let’s continue watching.”

The scene continued.

The Weaver smiled as she made that declaration.

What? You plan to put that darkness in our souls?”

Yes. And I want you to cultivate the desire inside and let it take root that it will change your personality.”

Master! That’s dangerous! Soul Shifting or Elemental Shifting arts like this has been banned by the Light of Eternity!”

And that’s the problem!” The Weaver smiled.

The Light of Eternity enforced these laws since it has corrupted many of their strongest members. Those who were of light and moved to have great pride or extreme justice soon explored other elemental affinities and became wicked. You three were even dispatched to kill some youths who cultivated improperly, leading to great devastation. But there are always dangers at every extreme! The Halls of Light have decided to maintain their temperaments, but they focused so much on the Fire and Lightning temperaments. Love guided in passion, and enforced through righteousness.”

Isn’t that perfect?” Strafe asked.

Sounds boring.” Minerva shook his head.


Strafe sighed.

It is, isn’t it? It does have its benefits, but to mold the world into that is wrong. It has little to do with Brimstone’s joy! Which is a pity. Eternity severely lacks Brimstone cultivators to make it interesting! But I think that this little slime will work well with you. Minerva does what she pleases. Gaiadeen will never change and remain her prideful self. Strafe pursues righteousness to that extreme and will lead this bunch. But I want you to also have some fun. I thought Minerva would teach you that, but your passion and righteousness are too much, Strafe.”

The offer still stands…” Minerva playfully whispered.

Gee, Strafe. For someone who mocks me, you sure have a stupid love life. Here’s a hot chick diggin’ you, and you turn her down.”

No. It’s not that. I waited until I completed my Severing. The Light requires purity and devotion to cultivating. When we got older, Minerva and I got close and were eventually married. We each keep a clone of each other by our side to make love. And when our true bodies meet, Eternity quivers in embarrassment. As one of the purest Wind cultivators, Minerva is what you would call an exhibitionist. Perhaps, it was Master's plan. That’s why he allowed us to have this ritual I’m showing you. The pure Light alignment of mine would not agree to it. But with Greed, Pride, and her Wind, we did it. And for her, Minerva became loyal to me and me alone. Although Gaiadeen would occasionally join us... Good times. But I'm saying I had a lot of action. Unlike you, you a virgin. Like Alexandra Daddario would really fall for you!”

The painful arrows struck Dyne and Strafe continued the scene.

So this Dark Slime with such powerful Greed will be suited to be our companion. I hope that you two can become brothers, Strafe.”

Brothers? I already have two freak sisters! One wants to sleep with me. The other wants to hurl a planet at me for a comment I said about calling her fat!”

He’s probably mad because of how diverse your disciples are, master.” Minerva chuckled.

A holy child with supreme affinity to the light, a planetary cultivator that nearly brought the end to many solar systems, a Sprite outcast cursed and sealed for being too dangerous, and finally, a slime monster bent on destruction.”


Correct, Minerva! Strafe does feel a little embarrassed of his sisters! Anyway, I brought you all here to train you. We will be using a secret art of bestowing Spirit Seeds to another being. You see, this Calamitus is the Darkest of the Dark. His alignment is as evil as it should be. But notice how that is because this is a being born from cultivating dark energy making up this Slime body. If we add a little light in him, a bit of pride, and some freedom, he will make a great Element!”

I doubt my light can change him. His element of darkness is among the blackest I saw.”

Yes. But what’s interesting is his Time/Space powers. He does live in darkness, but he isn’t consumed by it. He’s actually quite eccentric. I believe that his power of Time/Space is harnessing whatever made this universe. And because of that, his Mind is actually connected to different universes. And from what I can tell, some of the entities he is connected to are rather good. So we will be using his connection to the other multiverses like the one Basileus Basileon made to help him turn to light.”


Yeah, master. I don’t understand.”

Because he is linked to various multiverses, his mind in this Universe is easier to influence.”

I get it. Because his other incarnations may not be purely bad, changing his soul’s Elemental Alignment here will easily change him!’ Strafe understood.

Exactly! Our training today will be one of the most difficult usages of Elemental Bestowing. Because we are not just trying to add good in the dark, we will try to see if we can inverse the Darkness.”

Impossible! Dark and Light can never have inverse forms! Master, you taught us that Light and Dark are the constant collections of several Elements! Light is born from the idealist mindset of Entropy, the Justice of Lightning, the Passion of Fire, the Joy of Brimstone, and the Pride of Earth. Darkness is born from the Free Will of the wind, the Greed of Time/Space, the Sadness of Water, the Cold hatred of ice, and the Apathy of Steel! A soul cannot contain another element!”

Ah, but there is, what you call, an extreme focus on one Element! And this is what the Light has! The Halls of Light is pressuring me to stop these crazy experiments because I have pointed out that they are becoming an Inverse of Light. They are so focused on justice and how people should uphold a lifestyle of constant love and following morals that they kill all those who are evil and have not shown love, not even allowing them to grow. This has caused people to discriminate against those who are of the darker alignment and created a separation of rings between the alignment. But don’t they often send out crusades to kill the overtly wicked? Isn’t that the Cruelty of Darkness?”

Strafe was stunned, but he couldn’t find any fault in his teacher's claims. So the Halls of Light have performed genocide that even he disagreed with it.

What I am fighting for is unity and love that covers all elemental affinities. So that even those who are on the darker side will be given more chances to prove themselves and be guided instead of persecuted.”

Yeah. People hate me.” Minerva chuckled.

Strafe sighed and agreed with her master's statements.

So, what we will be doing will be to use the Imaginarium Bond that can harness the soul and even allow it to grow. I created the art that allows you all to gain Life energy and level up, which made you among the best martial cultivators and only bestowed an abridged technique for the rest of Eternity to learn. Right now, I will teach you the opposite. Minerva, this is a technique that your great ancestor taught me. All of you will be sharing your Soul Energies. In most cases, this would cause a crash in the soul and corrupt the mind making a cultivator insane. And normally, we would need miraculous Brimstone to help us be free from the personalities of Elemental Affinities. But it should be possible with me here and this god-tiered technique I created. All of you will no longer be the same. Which means, Strafe, you have no chance of becoming the next Paragon of the Halls of Light.”

Minerva and Gaiadeen were stunned and turned to Strafe.

Strafe, however, showed no hesitation but only sighed.

I’ll do it, master. This sounds crazy, but oh well.”

Good! Let’s begin. Each of you will have a seed planted in you.” The Weaver smiled.

And the group began the process of bestowing the Elements. Great magic was done, and the potent energy appeared.

Dyne watched and was amazed by the magic he saw as it drew out from the planet itself.

So this is the power of gods… They wield the world.” Dyne was amazed but then realized something.

Why did you show me this, anyway?”

Strafe smiled.

Because you are Phoenix.”

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