Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 221: Undead Minions

As the group approached, the skeletons that rose and were corrupted by the Mist ran toward Dyne and his companions.

Several ghostly creatures also appeared and raced toward the approaching teams.

Dyne could tell that the Skeletons and Ghost Drakes were similar in Legaia.

Same as the ones in the castle. I was hoping that the skeletons and Ghost Drakes would be weaker since this isn’t the castle, but I guess since monsters appear everywhere here, soldiers and warriors would appear just in every village.”

Can you really do what King Leoric did, Lord Dyne?” Arya asked.

A different version, but still the same. Instead of Leoric’s power that corrupts the mind and forcibly asks them to serve and create a vow, I will use my Brimstone and hedonism to turn them. I’ve had several practices, I think this could work.” Dyne then focused and wielded the energy.

As the Zenoir made a brave rush towards the skeletons and ghost, Serge was stressing out and raised his weapon, ready to fight.

Calm down. Lord Dyne is about to make his move.” Arya reminded.

Dyne began a strange chant, and the Mist around them was somehow quivering. The power of the Mist had drawn out the many lost souls and made them remain to wonder in the Mist. They could not journey back to Noaru Valley where they would rest, and these restless spirits had not only grown mad in the anger and despair of the Mist, but they multiplied.

The chant was based on the chants made by the dark wizard Char the Evil. Following the chant was the power of the Imaginarium Bond and Dyne’s Brimstone. Dyne didn’t even have to use his Eyes of Destiny to see what others wanted, as his Brimstone was enough. The Path of Hedonism was being released, and the many lost souls felt as if they were enlightened.

The gathering dark energy from Dyne’s chants grew stronger and stronger.

The Zenoir carefully watched as it drew closer. Dyne had given him orders. If the skeletons and ghosts showed hostility, he would attack.

The howling skeletons and the charging ghost began to slow down as they approached Dyne and his team, and soon, they came to a full stop.

The Zenoir stopped and guarded his team. Dozens of skeletons and ghosts stood in front of them.

Serge felt like he couldn’t breathe. But he could sense the great joy surging around him.

Noa was so happy she was practically dancing on top of the Chocobo, excited to see the skeletons and ghosts who were caught in Dyne’s mesmerizing powers. The Chocobo she was standing on was also jumping with joy.

It worked!” Arya smiled.

This should help us in the battles to come.” Dyne raised his hands, and all the ghosts and skeletons suddenly turned around.

March!” Dyne ordered.

The skeletons took a step forward, and the ghost hovered forward.

Dyne led his Chocobo as they moved ahead and even passed the Zenoir.

Follow closely, guys. I’m still not sure if this joy can sustain my control over them for a time. I’ll lead these boys ahead and fight. You guys follow Arya’s orders.

Dyne hurried ahead, and the skeletons and ghosts followed as they charged. The Zenoir quickly followed, leaving Arya’s team at the back.

Impossible!” Serge was horrified and amazed at what he saw.

What is he?! He just led dozens and dozens of undead!”

Wow! Master Dyne is amazing! Isn’t he Terra?”

KWEH!” The Chocobo Noa was riding and agreed with Noa’s assessment.

You guys don’t see the problem with that?!” Serge erupted.

Isn’t he dreamy? Even the undead follows his command. I wonder if any girls can resist his charm? I doubt it. With his power of great joy, she can make any woman happy.” Earth Arya spoke and made Serge freeze.

In any case, we follow Lord Dyne to battle but stick to the back. We don’t know how many Serus there are up ahead. But we have to make ourselves useful. Our advantage is the Chocobo. Serge, are you familiar with the mine in Chorak?” Arya asked.

Serge was still confused at how Arya suddenly changed her tone and spoke like a real commander.

I… I know that there are several entrances to the mine. I’ve been there to collect ores for my village. But this world has changed, so I can’t be sure if those entrances are there.”

Then I’ll go ahead and scout for any possible entrances. Follow Dyne at the back but don’t rush in until I get back.” Arya suddenly moved out.

As she moved, Earth Arya began to talk.

Alright. Let’s try what Dyne said. Arya, you have to try to harness the energy along with me. Dyne said that it’s like having two minds. If you and I focus and harness the energy, we could channel the wind energy on something or someone else! Let’s test it on the Chocobo.” Earth Arya instructed.

As they moved, the two Aryas concentrated and tried to harness the power of wind, which would improve the speed of the Chocobo that they were riding.

One soul was focused on releasing the energy and passing it on. The other was focused on wielding it and containing it. When Earth Arya released enough energy, the two worked on containing and applying the energy to the Chocobo.

KWEH!” The Chocobo cried in delight as it could feel the energy. It felt lighter and faster.

This was one of the magic that was thought of in the books that Dyne gave.

Wind Haste!” The two Aryas shouted.

The Chocobo gave a burst of speed and ran fast, even overtaking Dyne as it moved to the side.

Dyne noticed it.

Wind? Arya can already do wind?!” Dyne was shocked.

Lord Dyne, I’ll be moving ahead to scout for possible entrances.”

Alright. But keep your magic low. I will release more of my magic to distract Songi. If you plan to look for another entrance, be sure to be quiet.”

I will, Lord Dyne.” Arya moved on ahead.

I thought she was water!” Dyne exclaimed and frowned.

What’s going on?”

But then, another figure caught his sight. It was Noa, and the Chocobo she was riding on was rushing ahead faster than Arya’s Chocobo.

O! I get it! Noa casts that spell, and Arya tries to maintain the energy. So that’s it.” Dyne calculated.

Jedo was sweating as they moved.

Soon, Noa overtook Arya.

Big Sister! Look! I’m faster than you!” Noa cheered.

Noa?!” Arya was amazed.

Damned brat!” Earth Arya cursed.

Lady Arya!” Arya rebuked.

How did she do that?!”

She has a Ra-Seru. It’s expected of her.”

She’s even better than the two of us!”

Lady Arya. Those Ra-Serus are possibly the strongest Soul Weapons back in my world!”

Well, we just have to be better!” Arya cursed.

Arya ignored Earth Arya’s anger.

Little sister Noa, can you check the east side of the mountain to see if there are entrances? Terra, you can tell Noa where to go.”

I understand. Let’s go, Noa!” Terra directed the team as they moved to the east.

Serge was left at the back with Nanaki. Suddenly, a small creature pounced at him. Serge nearly fell off his Chocobo, but the figure suddenly hugged him and stabilized him.

Gyororo! Ururun!” Serge was surprised at the appearance of the two.

Relax, big brother Serge. Big Brother Dyne sent him back to you to protect you. You should be more confident. It’s amazing that you have the same power that Sister Rena has.” Grim suddenly spoke.

Oh! Grim! It’s you! It’s just… I’m still lost in the terrors I see before me.”

More terrors will come. You have to be strong and brave if you want to save sister Leena. The fact that Big brother took you instead of the other hunters and monks with us proves you are powerful. Have confidence. And let’s have some fun. I want to stab that Songi!” Grim laughed.

Even a baby Seru is braver than me!” Serge sighed. But then he slowly drew out a smile.

I guess I’ll just have to learn to love this place.” Serge finally decided as he urged his Chocobo forward.

Through the Eyes of Destiny, Dyne could finally see that Serge was becoming the brave and fearless Serge that he would be in the game.

Giving him Grim, who can wield the highest holy power among us, will help him stabilize his element and make him more resistant to the Mist. Serge has unknowingly been affected by the Mist, and now, he is unknowingly learning how to fight it.” Dyne smiled.

You foresaw this? That Eye of Destiny is quite a cheat. How does it work? Can you just see it when you look around?” Strafe asked.

No. It’s a conscious effort. I have to look at a person and try to see their soul. Somehow I can’t do that to a few people, though. Leoric, Jaden, and Songi’s fate show me a vague picture. And Arya has an even more complicated future. I can’t see through her at all!”

I see. I guess you still have ways to go to increase that.” Strafe answered but was secretly relieved that Dyne was not suspecting Arya of having two souls.

Dyne passed through the city proper and moved towards the mine.

Various shields and weapons were on the ground, and several corpses were also present. Spears and shields were scattered around. Clearly, the humans who failed to retreat to Biron fought the Seru when the Mist came.

Nice! Weapon! This will be perfect for my minions!” Dyne laughed.

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