Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 225: The Battle in the Mines (4)

The attack of the Viguro was called Plasma Storm in the game. This is because it was a powerful attack that could only appear in the middle part of the game, as Viguro's appeared right before the final dungeon of the Sebucus Islands.

While it was possible to obtain the Viguro summon in Drake Continent, it would take the player to replay a certain boss fight several times. The Viguro was such a strong Seru, that it acted as a boss in West Voz Forest. The player would need to fight the boss again and again to absorb the Viguro. Unless the player over-levels his team, having Vahn or Noa absorb it would be a challenge and would require several attempts.

In the game, the summoned attack of a Viguro launches a ball of lighting that creates a pillar of thunder that explodes after a few seconds.

The attack of this Viguro followed the same animation that the game had, but then, the pillar of lightning remained and created a lightning storm after an initial explosion that produced a terrifying shockwave.

The strong blast caused the entire mine to tremble as a lighting explosion erupted. And a thunderstorm continued to assail Songi and his Guard Scorpions.

The attack surprised even Arya, exceeding the attacks that Martial Formation mages and wizards could do in Tristram.

“Such power!” Arya was amazed.

“You went a little bit overboard there, Strafe.” Dyne was amazed.

“No. Vahn, Noa, and Gala are humans born from one of the genius spell casters in the Imaginarium Bond. That’s why they have a mana pool that's several times better than yours. But look at you. At level 10, you only have 30 mana points! Vahn and the rest would have nearly a hundred with their special bloodline, as they would in Legaia! They could summon it once, but the reality is that fighting and absorbing one is so hard. You are just a freak who has a doubly powerful Jedo! A Viguro is equal to a high-level Martial Formation attack, and you just broke logic by succeeding in summoning it!”

Plasma Storm continued to produce terrifying thunderbolts.

“Use it!” Vile suddenly shouted.

Dyne and the Ra-Serus felt a strange power rising.


As the storm continued to blast out, powerful energy resisted the attack, and a strange force could be seen resisting the energy at the back. The Guard Scorpions and the Ride Armor figures could be seen at the center of the lighting explosion.

Suddenly, the lightning energy was being absorbed into the Ride Armor.

“Impossible! It’s draining the energy!” Jedo was shocked.

“More power! Give me more power!” Songi shouted.

The Viguro parts of the Guard Scorpions began to glow, and a lightning beam connected the two Guard Scorpions to the Ride Armor. While they were taking damage, Dyne could sense the energy was being used to refuel Songi and Vile.

“It’s not a power that I possess. I can sense great darkness emerging, paired with the power of lighting.” Jedo frowned.

“I guess I have to go. If Songi absorbs it, he could easily have a strength of a Martial Formation expert, and if he shoots a Plasma Storm at us, it will be harder!”

The power of the lightning blast suddenly became brighter.

“The attack… it’s becoming stronger!”

“Look at that, Songi! Taking advantage of my hidden ace…” Dyne sighed.

The orb of light, which was the source of the Plasma Storm, suddenly became a channeling link that connected the Guard Scorpions and the Ride Armor.

“Ha Ha Ha Ha! This host of mine is a genius! He can do this?! Amazing!” Vile praised as the power of Songi was rising more and more.

Choco had finally appeared once more through another tunnel.

“Choco! Good timing!” Dyne smiled.


“Nothing, huh? So they kept it in Vile’s spatial realm.” Dyne concluded.

Choco nodded. As the battle began, Choco didn’t join in the fun but took the time to search for the place of Vile’s lab by rushing on one of the tunnels that led to the deeper parts of the mine. He was searching for the location of the ship part that Vile used to teleport into this world.

“Alright. I’ll go ahead. Choco! Let’s go!” Dyne ordered as he rode Choco. Dyne took a magical leaf and absorbed it to recover mana.

“Lord Dyne!” Terra exclaimed.

“The Gillum and the Viguros are absorbing the lightning energy. And somehow, Songi is using it to draw out a certain power. Attack when the lighting attack subsides. I have to stop them before Songi completes whatever it is that’s happening!” Dyne charged forward with Choco.

The tails of the Guard Scorpions aimed at Dyne and shot out a beam of fire.


But with great speed, Choco managed to dash faster as the beams were about to strike the ground below and evade the attack and the explosions.


Two rounds were shot at the Guard Scorpions, and the impact caused them to stagger, and somehow the spell began to weaken.

Seeing the weakening spell, Arya and her team charged forward with their chocobos.

“Get me a clear shot of Songi!” Dyne ordered.

Choco dashed forward and moved in between the Guard Scorpions, but the long tail of the scorpions whipped at Dyne.

Vile also shot a massive lightning attack.

A portal appeared in front of Choco as Dyne leaped up.

Choco entered the portal evading the two whipping tails and the attack of Vile as Dyne took aim at Songi.

Dyne concentrated and poured out all his mana on his gun.

“Ifrit! Go!”


As the gunshot rang, a figure of a fiery demon manifested.

The Afarit appeared with only a head and his right hand as he sent a punch toward Songi.

Sensing the shocking power that Dyne released, Songi urged the Ride Armor to defend.


The fist connected as the Ride Armor dashed back and turned sideways to defend its shoulder.

The punch of the Afarit threw the Ride Armor back.

With the Ride Armor moved back, the strange link that the three created ended, and the Plasma Storm attack vanished.

Choco emerged from a portal at the right side and dashed to catch the falling Dyne.

Dyne skillfully landed and rode Choco, preparing another reload for his next attack.

Vile began to shoot as the Ride Armor began to glow. It was charging the acquired energy.

Dyne quickly bit down another magic leaf and cast several magic attacks.

“Zo Zo Un!”

“Et Un Cha Un!”

Dyne spoke two different chants and shot out several fireball attacks toward the Ride Armor.

The Ride Armor dashed forward and evaded the large fireball attack of Dyne.

BOOM! The fireball continued and struck the back of a Guard Scorpion, who missed a deadly attack on Noa.

The remaining smaller fireball arced and chased the Ride Armor, surprising Songi.


The two missiles of magic were accompanied by three gunshots aimed at Songi.

But once again, Songi was able to evade and block the attacks.

“Ha! Too weak! Even if you focus your attacks on one part of this armor, you can only dream of destroying it!” Vile laughed as the channeled energy began to move towards Songi and Vile.

The purple armor of Songi grew bright as lightning energy continued to fuel it.

“I feel… great power…!” Songi roared in delight.

“Hey, Patriarch! Dodge this!” Songi laughed.

The Lightning energy gathered at the tip of the mini-gun, and a lightning bolt shot towards Dyne.

It was too fast that Dyne activated Jedo to block the bolt before the attack was even shot out.


A small ball of lightning collided with the shield, but suddenly, a strange net of electricity appeared. Dyne quickly enlarged the shield as he bit down on another magical leaf.

The net of lightning wrapped around the force field of Dyne.

“Lord Dyne!” Arya shouted in fear.


The Guard Scorpion whipped the distracted Arya and sent her flying back.

Noa and Serge could not pass the other Guard Scorpion.

“You lose, Patriarch!” Songi laughed as thick dark energy gathered on the Mini-Gun.

The energy that was being concentrated on the beam was even greater than the Plasma Storm that Dyne released at first.

“Any last words?”

“I do. Do you know why I am not bothered or afraid of you?”

“Ha! He’s planning to teleport his way out! Fool! That net contains a Time/Space attack! You won’t be able to teleport yourself out of it!”

“Even then, I’m still not afraid. Do you know why? Is it A. Because I’ve given up on life? B. Because I’m clueless. Or is it C. Because I’m sure I’d win?”

“I applaud you, Patriarch, for the candor to admit that you’ve given up on life.” Songi laughed.

“Now Di-”

“Actually, the answer is C. Because I’m sure I’d win.” Dyne smiled.

“Win? You have lost!”

“Right. Megaman X never beats Vile on his Ride Armor. He will always fight, get caught in this lightning net, and be saved. I was hoping to beat you, but losing to you like this doesn’t really bother me since help is bound to arrive.” Dyne smiled.

It was then that Vile and Songi sensed it. But by the time they sensed it, it was already too late.


A massive creature, forming a gigantic fist, punched the Ride Armor's side.

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In Megaman X/ Rockman X, (Super Nintendo), the player fights Vile in his Ride Armor in the first stage and fights him a second time in the late-game stage. In both cases, X is defeated and captured by Vile.
Zero appears on both instances and saves X.

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