Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 231: Those Who Would Accompany Dyne

The next day started early. Many of those who were still sober enough to hear the discussions after Dyne’s meeting woke up early and was excited to see and pass through a portal to another worldview

The Monks and the Hunters announced the exodus and highlighted the dangers of Biron.

Most of those who heard of the announcement were excited to go to another world even though it was made clear that the world was dangerous. This was because the threat in Legaia was greater.

Gala had explained what power Songi had and the form of the Serus that he saw, which not even someone like Arya could defeat.

But the idea of having a place to go and a new world to travel to amazed everyone. They were never taught that they could escape from the terrifying world of Legaia.

“The world that we will go to is also at the brink of war. We will help them. But from what Patriarch has said, we have an army of allies that will help us. And if we can capture and bring serus on the other side, we could wear it without any fear as the Mist is not present!” Elder Zopu explained.

“A world without Mist? And we can wear our Serus without worries?” One of the elder minders asked.

“Yes! That place will also help us figure out how to be immune to the Mist! We can train our serus to be like the Zenoir, the Gimard, and the Vera that Patriarch has tamed! Our exodus will only make us stronger so that when we return here, we can reclaim Legaia!”

“So, in short, we help Rena and Arya’s people, and they will help us. I hope that no one will disagree with this plan.” Guardian Kin added.

Suddenly, the crowd erupted in cheers. The idea of escaping and hiding in a world where they can wear Serus and train in it was paradise to them! So what if there was war? The true warfare of Legaia was with their Serus. To most adults, they dream of going back to the glory days.

And so, the entire Biron began to prepare for the transfer. And since the plan was to build another fort in that place and subterranean rooms, the blacksmiths, miners, and other artisans began to prepare their materials.

Meanwhile, Dyne had called on the best blacksmiths and masonry experts to help him build the portal.

These masons, the blacksmiths, and all the other skilled craftsmen gathered in the deep areas of Biron Monastery where the Fire Seed was.

Dyne had presented a draft of a strange doorway created with the stone marbles of the place.

Strafe saw the designs and would have been shocked if not for Dyne’s crazy accomplishments.

The doorway had strange runic words based on what he had seen in Calamitus’s world. The measurements, placements, and angles of these runes were very specific. At the very center of this pedestal was the remaining piece of the wizard ore that Dyne had.

As the group began their work, Dyne had checked, and the Monks and Hunters had already begun to give the orders for the preparation of a world transfer.

Soon, the leaders returned to Dyne to give their reports.

“The people are preparing to leave. Some hunters have already left and are headed for Rim Elm as we speak. And it seems you’ve already given orders to create the portal.” Elder Zopu glanced at the work of stones being shaped at the back.

“Yes. It should be complete before lunchtime. These masons are amazing! With this, we can begin our transition to the other world, and I can gather the people that will journey with us to face the monsters.”

“Patriarch. I did not ask this last night. But who are these people that we will be getting from the other world?”

“They are people who should be stronger than Arya.”

“Stronger than Lady Arya?!” The monks exclaimed.

Arya nodded. She could roughly guess who Dyne would bring.

“Master Dyne, do you intend to bring Emera, Jaden, Ishreth, Amorien, Ussylys, and Chrone?” Arya began to list the possible candidates who would accompany them.

“I’ll probably leave out Ussylys. Instead of him, I’ll bring Chad.”


“You know, the monk.”

Arya had a strange face. Chad didn’t seem to stand out as a strong warrior.

“Is he… strong?”

“...Honestly, he’s so-so,” Dyne answered. The only reason Dyne planned to bring him was that he is a character in Diablo: Hellfire.

“I understand.” Arya nodded.

“So many people… and they are all stronger than Arya?”

“In terms of cultivation. Some of them can perform magic and attacks like Serus using their magic. It’s like Rena’s healing. I’m sure she already demonstrated it. But Ishreth and Emera have a different way to use this power.” Dyne explained.

“Amazing… So it's possible to learn this power in that other world?”

“Yes. Actually, it's possible to train here. You just never learned how to do it. But that other world doesn’t have Spirit. Which is why you guys must help each other.”

“Then, with such a powerful team, your mission to acquire the Ra-Serus should easily be completed.”

“I’m not so sure about that. The power known as Fate will stop me, and I recruited these men to level the playing field. However, I estimate that it’s barely enough.” Dyne revealed.

This time, Arya was surprised.

“Barely enough?! With all of us?”

“It’s just a guess. You see, Fate will throw everything at me. I plan to outdo the monsters and serus it will throw at me by bringing a team outside of this world and outside of Fate's calculation to defeat it. So I may need more help. Who will journey with me up north?” Dyne asked.

The question made everyone hesitate, and the monks and hunters looked at each other.

“Arya…” Earth Arya called.

“Lady Arya?”

“Let me be in control. If those girls are coming, we need to do something to get an advantage.”

“Erm… Alright.” Arya agreed.

“I am Lord Dyne’s shadow. I shall follow wherever he goes.” Arya suddenly declared.

“I mean… That’s a given.” Dyne laughed.

But suddenly, Arya moved closer to Dyne.

“Master, I will make sure that you are safe and sound.” Arya moved towards Dyne and used her secret weapon.

It was a simple front hug. It was done in a way that would bury Dyne’s shorter stature on her bosoms.

“He He He… If you’re that Dyne, then you should have an adult’s mind! Take that! Oppai Gansta Style!”

Everybody was stunned and had their mouths wide open. Dyne froze.

Jedo and Strafe sighed as they saw what was happening and knew that their secret plot to prevent Dyne from getting more women would fail.

“La-Lady Arya!” Arya cried at Earth Arya’s actions.

“Listen up, Arya. You are older than Rena. But there are older women, right? And that’s dangerous! That’s why we need to land the first blow! If there’s one thing I learned from anime, it is that the mature ‘ara-ara’ effect is not be underestimated!” Earth Arya explained.

“Ara Ara?”

Rena saw it and felt her heart race. She could somehow sense the wicked plan of Arya. It was now or never.

“Of course, I’ll be going with little brother! What will he do without her big sister to heal her?” Rena charged and grabbed Dyne’s arm and gave a playful hug.

Earth Arya saw it and frowned.

“Curses! She saw through the plan! But it’s alright! That little hug, as compared to our face-planting technique, won’t ever lose! Plus, you look like me, and Dyne likes me!” Earth Arya sneered.

Serge saw the scene and vowed that he had to get stronger in his heart. He was afraid that Leena would indeed fall for Dyne’s powers.

“I will go! This isn’t my world anyway. I want to know more about my power as the Chrono Trigger. And I think this journey will help me.” Serge declared.

“… I would like to go.” Tetsu was the first to volunteer and decided to break the strange mood. After all, some monks were suffering from nosebleeds.

“Um… Right! The four of you, move back.”

“Four of us?” Rena and Arya asked.

“I-I mean the two of you! Move aside!”

The two followed, and Dyne now had clear sights of Tetsu.

“Tetsu, you will go?” Dyne asked.

“Patriarch Dyne, you are injured.”

“Ri-right.” Dyne wiped the blood trickling down his nose.

“It’s a given that all Ra-Seru heroes will be going with Patriarch. But I wish to take part in this since Lord Biron is involved.” Tetsu continued.

“I understand. A monk has to go with me. I approve.”

“We go,” Bertugo added as he pointed to Brod.

Brod nodded.

“I’ll go!” Juno suddenly volunteered.

“Juno?” Maya was stunned.

“They need a hunter. I’ve been learning the tricks that Val told me. I can sense the movement of the Mist to some degree.”

“Juno! You stay. Mei will be here soon, and you three should be together. The dangers of this trip are scary. Don’t underestimate it. As for hunters, why not the three of us?” Ipkus volunteered and turned to two hunters.

“This sounds dangerous! But we live in danger! Ipkus is right! It’s time for us hunters to show our uses!” One of the hunters that Ipkus looked at smiled.

“Leave it to us, Juno! Be here with your kids.” The other smiled.

“...Fine. I guess your right.” Juno sighed.

“Master Dyne, Ipkus is tied to me in this ability. Although we are not as good as Val, Ipkus’s skill is top-notched.” Juno affirmed.

“Yes! Show em, dad!” Ixis shouted.

“Rei and Esto are among the most skilled hunters in Rim Elm. They should be of use to you.” Juno added.

Dyne turned to the two hunters and maintained his smile. But deep inside, Dyne was worried, for Rei and Esto were two hunters that would be mentioned to have died before the start of the game.

“...I guess this is what has to happen if we are to fight Fate…” Dyne affirmed.

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