Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 235: Too Weak!

The Plasma storm continued to rage and destroy the fortifications to be made. The Commanders could not understand how the enemies managed to slip through undetected and unnoticed. Even their beasts couldn’t smell any approaching enemies!

The attack threw the entire fortress into a panic. The attack of the Viguro was even more powerful than an average martial formation spell caster! The deaths of the soldiers and beast numbered nearly a hundred from the lighting attack. It was too sudden! The enemies have practically bypassed the scouts scattered nearby! They were trained to sense both the living and the dead!

“Where are they?! Where are the enemies?!” The Commander had taken cover behind the stone walls they had made by putting one stone over the other. Some parts of the wall collapsed as they were not yet completely fixed.

“Scouts! Use Detect!” The Commanders gave orders to find the enemy.

The martial novice scouts had emerged from the cave and spread out. The strange creature that attacked them with lightning had disappeared. But the plasma storm remained to the astonishment of everyone.

“Heks! Go out there and search for the enemy! You’re the fastest one with the longest sights!” The Commander ordered.

The scout called Heks nodded and carefully rode his beast, a grey horse with especially thick legs. It leaped and jumped several meters high and hopped from one stone until it was on the other side of the wall.

Heks avoided the lighting blasts that were constantly attacked, and he rushed to the open field, carefully guarding himself against attacks.

His Pounce Stallion jumped quickly around the field and never stopped moving.

“You don’t smell anything?” He asked his beast.

The horse gave a neigh, and Heks frowned.

“Heks! Enemy approaching you?! Why can’t you see it?!” The Commander shouted as he positioned himself on top of the wall at the exact right-most corner to avoid the constant lightning.

Heks was a Martial Novice scout expert. He frowned as his eyes saw nothing. He used a scouting technique that increased his life force energy detection by harnessing Life Force on his eyes. It was an advanced technique for Martial Novice experts to have. Then he saw a powerful life force erupting from the side!

“Archer attack!” He shouted and evaded the arrow.

“What are you doing?! Forget the archer! The one in front of you! Kill it!”

“The one in front of me?” Heks frowned as his pounce stallion landed on the ground at his command. It suddenly jerked and neighed as it saw the enemy before him. But it was too late. The horse was only obeying its rider.


A flaming scythe slashed out and critically wounded the martial novice.

Serge was riding the Chocobo and used Grim to kill the man as he raced deeper into the fort.

“Damn it! Scouts! Undo your Life Detect! The enemy is using a strange ability!” Then, finally, the Commander realized it, and the scouts and archers quickly undid it.

Serge was using the herb mixture that Dyne made to mask his scent. But he was also given Legaia’s special no-encounter consumable. Incense.

Serus had no sense of smell and could see through the soul. Incense made the wearer not only appear as undead, but it masked the power of the soul.

Vampires, Zombies, and other undead would have a faint soul around them. But Serge, Grim, Ururun, Gyoro, and the Chocobo were covered with it.

Serge charged into the Plasma storm, which suddenly ended. Everyone was busy taking cover, and Serge easily entered through the gaps in the wall.

Everyone turned to Serge and readied their attack.

Serge then used the power of Light magic that he had.

It was a simple spell that he needed to simply cause his light magic to explode out to create a blinding light.


A blinding light erupted while everyone’s eyes were watching Serge.

“Serge used Flash! It’s super effective!” Dyne laughed as he narrated.

“Noa! Do it!”

With the blinding attack affecting those looking, Noa managed to slip in closer as she ran to the sides. She poured her mana into Terra, and chilling energy appeared on the ground around the archers. Noa had summoned the Gizam right among the cultivators.

The short, four-legged Seru with the duck-like head broke out of the ice energy that formed on the ground.

The seru stood up on its two legs and gave a mighty roar. Some of the soldiers recovered their sight just in time to see the attack of the Gizam.

They saw the figure of the bug-like beasts roaring at them. But no sound came out. Suddenly, water energy began to appear out of nowhere and gather in many different places in the air. The water energy compressed and suddenly exploded.


The bubble explosion released had acidic properties and began to attack all the beasts and the warriors inside.



The cries of man and beast were heard as the Seru delivered its attack.

“Bubble Crush is quite formidable. It doesn’t have the destructive powers of a Zenoir, but it's a great attack that poisons and weakens the enemy. Too bad it can be easily defended. I needed to prepare such complex strategies to distract them.” Dyne chuckled.

Bubble Crush erupted and even struck those who were inside the cave.

The wooden forts and walls were affected, and some began to break from the acidic explosions.

Serge ordered his Chocobo to move, and it even ran to scale the barely finished walls.

With the attack erupting into the cave, the path for Serge was practically open. He charged forward and began to attack with his scythe. Gryoro and Ururun began to breathe fire on both sides of the Chocobo, hurting or killing the injured soldiers.


He attacked with his scythe and even made Grim shoot out fireballs.


Serge was startled to see several massive beasts rushing towards him from inside the cave.

“They weren’t affected by the Gizam, huh?” Serge frowned and began to retreat.

The massive beasts followed Serge out and even rammed the wall they made as they chased Serge.

“A triceratops?! Could it be? I can play Dino Crisis?!” Dyne was not concerned about the formidable beast that forced Serge to retreat but was focused on another game he could play.

“Arya! Shoot!” Dyne finally ordered.

Arya moved out and revealed herself as she shot several arrows that struck those behind the walls, and since the triceratops was chasing Serge, they received several attacks to their sides.

“Order the Shield Beast back! Have them up and center to defend!” The Commander cursed.

The triceratops retreated and shielded the gaps in the wall. Soon, several other beasts' shield-like defenses on their face or body covered the gaps in the wall.

“Archers! Gather! Where are the mages?!” The Commander shouted angrily as more wounded mages emerged out of the cave and took their positions in the fort.

“Ready a shield spell!” The Commanders ordered.

As Dyne saw the mages finally appearing, he smiled.

“No Martial Formation experts?” Emera asked as she floated next to Dyne.

“We probably killed them all. They probably stationed them at the gates at the start since they would put their strongest cultivators there. And our surprise attack killed them.” Dyne chuckled.

“Now, let’s see if those dinosaurs and those mages can defend against a Zenoir.” Dyne laughed.

Two huge fists tore through the sky and headed toward the front lines of the enemy.


The first punched the dinosaurs, throwing them back before flying to the sky to complete the attack, Vertical Hammer.


Two huge explosions erupted, destroying the front walls and killing another batch of warriors.

The Commander was caught in the blast and was heavily wounded. He turned his head, watched outside the wall, and saw more figures emerging from the forest.

Dyne and Arya appeared on their Chocobos. Next to them was a floating ghost.

The trio moved in and began to shoot any survivors who managed to escape the combo attacks even while they were still at a distance.


The Commander died as he was shot by Dyne.

“That was too easy. I was planning to harass them, but it looks like we could destroy their fort! Why is the enemy too weak?!” Dyne frowned.

“… I have nothing to say but am full of deep admiration for my master,” Emera repeated. She felt that Dyne was too sincere with his words and was complaining about the enemies' lack of strength.

“Again, with that sarcastic reply….” Dyne raised his eyebrows as he looked at Emera.

“Master! Not even I can fly my way to ambush them! You even have that godly tool that masks all life! Pairing it with your alchemy to make those scent-masking herbs, you managed to make a strategic attack! And the attack you used as a starter would equate to Ishreth’s strongest attacks! They weren’t too weak! You were just too strong!” Emera answered in irritation.

“Still, this was too easy. So let’s go, I guess. Let’s just hope the next base will be better.” Dyne sighed.

Vahn, Noa, and Arya followed Dyne and the group and joined Serge in another charge.

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