Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 237: Reunion with the Diablo Team

Ishreth, Jaden, and Chad appeared and were surprised to find Amorien knockbacked on the ground.

“You…!” Amorien roared.

“Ladies. Calm down. It’s good to see you guys.” Dyne approached.

Amorien wanted to rush back but was then stopped by Jaden.

Jaden gave a weak smile when he saw Dyne.

“Oh? It’s rare to see the prince smiling like that.” Chad laughed.

“Master Dyne’s power has increased. The moment I saw him, I felt a great surge of joy. Comparing the darkness covering my father, this joy is like the sun, and my father's coldness is a small piece of ice. So it’s natural that I would smile.” Jaden approached.

“Hail, Master Dyne! Ishreth has used Eagle Eye magic and saw the wreckage you caused in the Sturak Fort. You even revealed magic far more powerful than hers.”

“Eh, Don’t worry about it. After we finish everything here, we’re going to Legaia. And you guys will have magic equal to and even greater than that magic. Particularly you, Jaden. With your natural coldness, you could even resist a Sim Seru or one of those… corrupt Ra-Seru.” Dyne smiled.

“It seems that Master Dyne has his intentions to experiment on me. So sign me up, master Dyne. All I care about is power!”

“Ata boy, Jaden! For now, we will be headed to Ararat’s fort. But, we must make haste before our little ambush in Sturak has been reported to them.”

Dyne led the way, and the group began to move.

Jaden and the group rode on wild horses that they managed to find in the forest and tame. But they were amazed to see the stamina and strength of the Chocobos.

Dyne continued to give the introduction as he introduced each group to the other.

Amorien was looking at Rena and Noa intently.

“Which one of you loves Master Dyne?” She interrogated.

“Eh? Love brother Dyne? Of course. I love brother Dyne!” Noa flapped her arm and gave Dyne a charming flying kiss.

Amorien realized that Noa was just an ordinary young girl at heart, and she turned her attention to Rena.

“What about you?”

“She and I will be the first wives of Master Dyne!” Earth Arya interrupted.

“Ah… If it isn’t the wanna-be archer. Daughter, go to the side and play with your short knives. I am the true archer of Master Dyne!” Amorien declared.

Vahn watched from the back and was amazed at the numerous woman chasing after Dyne.

“Wow. Master Dyne sure is popular.” Vahn was amazed.

“Mufufufu. You soon will be, Vahn. You have that crush on Mei, right? You’ve been writing letters…” Meta laughed.

“Meta… I told you to stop teasing me.” Vahn turned red.

Serge watched from the back and was amazed once more. But then he noticed that Ishreth, a beautiful woman donning a wizard's attire, had looks of melancholy on her.

Curious about this, Serge decided to approach.

“Um… lady Ishreth?”

“Ah? Yes. Young Champion Serge!” Ishreth gave a respectable greeting.

“May I pry and ask of things? Dyne already told you that I have a special identity as someone in between two timelines.”


“I would just like to ask you something. Most girls that meet him seem to be naturally drawn to him. If Noa wasn’t so young, she probably would like Master Dyne. Is… he… Um… a playboy?” Serge didn’t know how else to put it.

“A playboy? Heavens! No! The girls are naturally drawn to him because of his power and amazing disposition. He didn’t demand it. Even Emera or Arya, who has chosen to serve him, were only invited. But I see it, he never saw them as mere servants. He equips them, empowers them… Loves them…” Ishreth’s voice trailed off.

“Forgive me for being blunt, but do you like Master Dyne?”

“It’s impossible not to.” Ishreth sighed.

“But as you can see, his powers are too great. Amorien still tries to fight it. But Master Dyne will be with someone he truly loves. The gifts he bestowed on his women are amazing. Serus. Ra-Serus. I can’t help but grow envious and frustrated. But alas, that young Champion could never be mine. I’m even older than Amorien. So why would such a young and promising champion turn his eyes to someone as old as me?” Ishreth sighed.

Serge was amazed. Numerous men would have courted Ishreth, and even the king of Drake Continent would have taken her as a wife. And yet, this woman felt inferior when it came to Dyne.

“I must be stronger! I have to ensure that Leena is mine!” Serge vowed in his heart.

“So… is Master Dyne only after women her age?”

“Yes. Haven’t you seen it? His age limit should be around Arya's or Rena’s age. And without reason. He is barely a teenager, and I’m already in my mid-twenties. The proof is his lack of attention towards the group and me. Arya and Emera have been given special treatment. And the same for Rena. Why else would Dyne send her and travel to that other world?” Ishreth asked.

Suddenly, Dyne approached.

“Oh, right. Ishreth. Come over here.” Dyne called out, and Ishreth was surprised.

“Master Dyne?”

Dyne touched Ishreth’s head, and the power of Soul Impartation began.

Strafe was numbed at seeing yet another miracle.

“Lord Tieg. What is Dyne doing?” Jedo asked.

“The easy way to imagine is that you are teaching Meta one of your skills.”

“...That’s impossible.”

“You’re just too weak, and he’s just too amazing.”

“Right… Of course.”

Soul Impartation was similar to the process of Dyne devouring the book. The trick was that Dyne used his hedonistic desires to impart his passion.

Ishreth was astounded. Dyne’s power reached into her Mind Palace and began to draw something.

Her Mind Palace quaked from the power of the many incantations that Dyne wrote.

Ishreth was very familiar with it.

“Spell Slot!” Ishreth trembled.

Dyne began to write the Spell that he was to impart to Ishreth. But unlike his spells that were based on Nox, Dyne imparted Diablo spells on Ishreth.

Four massive runic words were glowing in her Mind Palace. Ishreth could easily call on this and use up mana. The incantation itself was in her Mind Palace, and she could easily cast it without channeling!

The spells appeared, and Ishreth could tell its power.

“Fire Bolt…” Ishreth read the first that completed itself. It was a basic fire skill that shot out a ball of fire. But if she had a spell slot, she could cast out as many as she could, making this weak magic more devastating.

“Charged Bolt…” Ishreth read the second and identified this as a lightning spell.

“Holy Bolt…” Ishreth read the other power.

“Healing…!” As Ishreth read the final one, he was shocked. This was a healing spell!

As Dyne was imparting it, Dyne decided to add another spell.

“This one is a freebie.” Dyne laughed as he gave the Nox Spell, Missiles of Magic.

“There. Since you are Steele Affinity, I had to improve the spell slots. We’ll think of something on how to become a metal mage. For now, I gave you basic spells. Fire, Lightning, and Holy spells. The healing spell is quite taxing, so be careful how you use it. And ask Rena to tutor how you could use it. It’s a bit forceful, as your magic is generally too brutal for light magic. But you have to train in this. I don’t want my mage to be weak, and she has to be the best mage of all. Also, I have a dinosaur egg here. I’ll give you the best and teach you how to raise it when the time comes. You too, Amorien. I hope you find a nice fast dino mount.” Dyne began to move around and was starting to give his blessings to those around him.

As Dyne left, Ishreth was in a daze.

“What… did Master Dyne give you?” Serge asked.

“The Legendary Spell Slot! He prepared one for me! He loves me!” Ishreth began to cry.

Serge took note of this.

“So it seems that Master Dyne really does like older women. I can only pray that Leena’s below Dyne’s age limit…” Serge thought.

The group continued to travel towards Ararat, and Amorien gave the rough layout of the entire area and the harsh defenses.

“Just like the fort of Sturak, the teleportation portal is located deep underground, and a mountain was used. But Unlike Sturak, who pride themselves in having a beast that can never be bypassed, Ararat has created formidable defenses. First, they took advantage of their terrain and made the entire mountainside their fort walls. In addition, they cleared a large land so that they could see any soldier or beast approach within a certain distance around the lone mountain. And since they have a portal, there is only one entrance to this mountain. But guards and watchtowers were erected around it as well. So if we wish to enter it, we would need to face the full force of the base.”

“A massive magic shield has been cast around the area. They used runes to create it. So attacking it from afar would take a while. We would need an army to take over it.” Chad added.

“In short, we cannot attack it. Not ever Emera can move near it. And even with this amazing Incense, we can’t move in. So we advise against attacking it as they have perfected their defenses. They have been here a few days earlier than Sturak.” Jaden explained.

“Twice the pride, double the fall. This is going to be fun.” Dyne laughed.

Emera and Arya smiled at Dyne’s answer.

“Master Dyne. How do you intend to attack it?”

“Destroy the shield and bombard it with attacks.”

“But how?”

“Infiltration, of course. Leave it to me!” Dyne laughed.

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