Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 244: Shiva

The energy inside the massive gem that was the reactor of the fort was the primary source of energy for the Digi-Egg. And the power that it contained began to perform the similar process that Emera just did. The entire energy was used to create a physical form for the Wild Arm. As he already knew how to use Kokatorimon and his other previous forms, his physical form was even better than Emera's. Not only that, Agumon retained the powers that allowed him to change his form as Cyber Peacock. And the blueprint that the former Wild Arm followed was the blueprint that the Evil God had created. And so, it allowed the Wild Arm to be reborn with an almost digital code. He officially became a Rookie Digimon.

The moment Agumon awakened, it sensed Dyne and moved to aid his Master.

It shot fireballs with its mouth and even followed the attack on Dyne’s memory.

Pepper Breath was the basic attack that Agumon had.

And yet, its power was equal to a fireball attack of a mid-level Martial Novice mage.

The mage that was attacked fell back from the attack, raging as it stood up.

“Nice!” Dyne smiled and activated his spell slots.

Magic of Missiles was launched, and a Fireball was also thrown.


The attacks landed, and the wizards began to create defensive spells.

But as they focused on attacking a figure arrived at the windows nearby, and it drew an assassin's blade and quickly attacked the mages.

Arya had arrived, and her ambush effectively eliminated the threat.

“Nice timing, Arya! Let’s go!” Dyne spoke as he placed Emera onto the Chocobo.

“Let’s go ahead and take some items! I found a lot of cool stuff here!” Dyne chuckled as he ordered his group to head to the next rooms.

Arya saw the strange yellow dinosaur and that Emera’s form had transformed into a human!

“What the…?!” Earth Arya exclaimed.

“Master Dyne. What happened to Emera? We suggested that she dwell inside Terra and be summoned as a Gizam. But now she…” Arya asked as Dyne approached.

“Oh! It was your idea! Thank you, Arya! You did an amazing thing! Yes! She’s alright. Her condition has stabilized now. But we need to give her more people to eat. Let’s leave a few alive and see if she can absorb their essence. What about you, Agumon? You give off the same feeling that Emera gives.”

“I can do a similar power that you did, Master. But unlike Emera, who needs her prey to be alive, I need mine to be dead.”

“So it's similar to my life and death absorbing ability… Basically, you have an Exp system like in most of the games I play. Let’s do it then!” Dyne laughed and ordered the group to move.

Earth Arya was still confused about how Emera had formed, but the enemies were arriving and shooting at them.

Ice and Earth appeared as the wizards created their standard defensive spells.

“Arya… Attack with me. The rest defend Emera and give her more bodies from the ones we attack. Agumon, provide covering fire!”

“Master… What about the life and death essence or the Experience system you said I have?”

“Don’t worry. I can easily contain it and seal it in Jedo. I’ll give you a portion when I have enough. Let’s go!”

Dyne charged forward together with Arya.

“Lord Dyne. Are you alright fighting like this? You don’t have Grim. Shall I lend you a weapon?” Arya asked with a worried tone. Grim was with Serge, and the Wild Arm was still with the Mage Commander.

“I’m still skilled in hand-to-hand combat, Arya. Don’t worry. I also have magic. Get ready to jump. We’ll be portalling right to them! I hear there was a game like this that’s quite popular.” Dyne chuckled.

A portal opened, and the wizards were shocked as Arya and Dyne arrived.

Grim was with Serge, and the Wild Arm was still with the Mage Commander


Arya went in for the kill, but Dyne used his fist to injure and disable his enemies.

The two fought quickly, and as they suddenly leaped right into their location, the unprepared mages were slaughtered.

“Teleportation! The enemy has teleportation!” One of the mages warned and shouted so that everyone would know of this.

Dyne created another portal, and the enemy wizard saw one opening nearby and readied to shoot.

But as he looked through the portal, he saw Dyne extending his hands towards him.

“Zo Cha Et Un Et Cha Zo!” In the game Nox, Dyne chanted the Lightning Spell, and powerful lightning energy shot through the portal and struck the wizard.

The wizard was surprised and caught off guard. He was preparing to shoot when Dyne stepped out and failed to realize that attacks could be sent through the portal!

The lightning struck him, and he was chained to those nearby.

It didn’t kill them, but the jolt paralyzed them and allowed Arya to move through the portal.

Dyne followed after Arya and the two attacked the wizards.

Soon, Dyne had given enough for Emera to recover finally.

Agumon was also greedily devouring the energy of the enemy.

“I still need another group like this to level up…” Agumon reported.

“Then we should be able to level up. Are you guys alright?” Dyne turned to the Zenoir, Choco, and Emera.

Emera stood up again, and her beautiful, icy body was now more formed.

Dyne couldn’t help but gawk.

Arya saw it, and Earth Arya within her grew angry.

“That… that bitch! I helped her, and she’s taking away my Dyne!” Earth Arya raged.

“She’s… quite beautiful, Lady Arya. Besides, it's a good thing. She’s strong. She will be of great use to Master Dyne.” Arya chuckled.

As Earth Arya complained, Emera glanced at Dyne and could not help but blush.

“Lord Dyne. Please stop staring!”

“Oh! I wasn’t… oh look! The enemy! Emera, let’s go! Oh, wait… Is it alright if I call you Shiva?” Dyne asked.


“It means a goddess of ice in the world of Ivalice… And whatever FFVIII has.” Dyne answered.

“I like it! I shall bear that beautiful name!” Shiva answered.

“Shiva?! That’s from Final Fantasy! Oh my god! I made a beautiful game character come to life!” Earth Arya was horrified.

Shiva began to move out and harness energy.

Her powers were now at the level of Agumon.

“Hm… This is too slow. We’ve wasted too much time with our attacks. We would be in danger if stronger reinforcements arrived. Shiva… I’ll bestow to you the power of the Gizam again. Make your attack!” Dyne raised Jedo, and the power of Gizam began to flow within Shiva. Soon, terrifying ice energy gathered.

“I shall do as Lord Dyne commands!” Shiva rushed forward, and there, many more mages were arriving. But Shiva sent out the attack again.

The ice shot out and covered the entire path, all the way to the edge of what Dyne’s eyes could see.


“This is great!” Dyne was amazed at the power.

“Let’s move! Now we can ransack some rooms!”

The team continued to attack their way into the rooms. Dyne revisited the rooms that they went in and stole the books, the magical artifacts, and even the room that contained alchemy stones, ores, and other magic-related items.

Soon, Dyne met a familiar man defending the path leading to the lower levels. The massive staircase connected the bottom floor to the top.

Amorien, Ishreth, Chad, Jaden, Serge, and Vahn were at the bottom.

But they could not rise the bombardments from the top.

“The enemy is here, Commander!” A barrier of several stones was placed at the back. The enemy created a barricade using massive stone blocks and a small tower. This tower stood at the top of the staircase and guarded a certain pathway.

Dyne knew that this pathway led to the portal to the other kingdom.

The Mage Commander kept issuing orders and took notice of the enemy that had been attacking the area on the top floor.

“You?!” The Mage Commander shouted in anger. The reports indicated a strange arm monster and the bird, but now, seeing the youth join the groups of enemies confirmed the Commanders most denied suspicion.

Dyne was the obvious answer to all the ones that caused the destruction. But in his pride, he refused to accept him, and all the best wizards in the fort were deceived.

Suddenly, the Wild Arm that he had kept close by suddenly flew, and a portal appeared.

Another portal opened near Dyne, and Dyne held on to the Wild Arm.

“Yes, me! I can’t believe you fell for such useless tricks! Your fortress has been attacked, and you lost most of your forces! But since you were so kind enough to give me magical artifacts, I’ll spare you for now.” Dyne chuckled.

Behind him, Shiva appeared and wielded yet another round of Gizam magic.

But this time, she controlled the magic by following the instructions and way of the attack that Dyne told her as they ransacked the rooms.

“Diamond Dust!” Shiva shouted as the ice in her palms exploded out.


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