Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 254: What Fate has to Offer

The Monster Hive struck Scyther, suddenly activating a forceful pull inside this artifact.

Inside, Scyther met the flaming heat of Brimstone, which attacked and instilled the mad hedonistic mind of Dyne.

The light energy kept healing it to keep it alive and also was a source of power that allowed the dark energy inside the soul of the Seru to be turned into the light energy from Rena and Serge.

Dyne knew that this Seru was a Maverick and had asked Rena and Serge to add the white energy, which was their elemental affinity. Using their light would make it easier for the beast to turn from its dark-aligned affinity into something that would serve Dyne.

This is great. The first Pokemon I have is a wind type. A neutral leading to Dark. But this also makes it a Pokemon that I can experiment on. If I find Pokemons of the dark types, it would be difficult to catch and convert them!” Dyne hoped as he continued to harness the Brimstone inside the Monster Hive.

Scyther was screaming and fighting inside, and this caused the Monster Hive to roll and move on its own.

The teams were silent and watched the peculiar scene before them.

...Is this real?” Earth Arya was amazed at what she saw.

Master Dyne... This is?”

I’ve been preparing for this day since I read the book of Sammy Oak. It’s a special form I used that can help me capture these Seur forms and make them my own!” Dyne explained.

Amazing wisdom!” Ishreth praised.

A few more seconds passed, and the powers in the Monster Hive were used up.

Dyne waited nervously. If the powers he placed inside were too few, the Maverick Seru would break out.

But the Monster Hive didn’t move.

Dyne reached out and harnessed his soul powers to dive into the Monster Hive and search for the beast.

In it, he saw the wearied and wounded Scyther. But it no longer had a face of madness.

I did it! My first Pokemon! My Pokemon adventure starts now, Mom! I’m going to be the very best!” Dyne shouted with joy.

Those nearby were confused at the words of Dyne but had somehow gotten used to his eccentric ways and watched their surroundings.

Everyone! Protect me! I will try to assimilate more with this High-Seru!” Dyne shouted.

They immediately started to fight as they saw the serus and monsters nearby still groggy and wounded from reflecting Hell’s Music.

Amazing. His skill in creating High-Serus has increased. First, it was just Grim, but his experience in the Vera of Rena and the Zenoir has improved his ability!” Meta was amazed.

Indeed. But let’s not forget that Maverick Seru was several folds stronger than a normal Seru. Since Master Dyne succeeded, then it will naturally make the Maverick Seru a High-Seru...” Terra answered.

The battle continued, and the group took down as many as they could.

The Gomboos began to steal and devour numerous mana-healing items to give them enough mana to perform more of their stealing techniques.

The Slimes divided themselves and began to capture the Swordies that were wounded and kept it in their slime body.

Vahn and Noa also took advantage of this and captured their Serus.

Grim had flown off and tried to absorb the powers of the Swordie but kept failing. Still, he was slowly growing stronger and becoming more stable as a High-Seru.

Agumon also began to eat the nearby Serus. As he was based on Digimon World 3, eating a Swordie gave him a very small increase in the powers and tolerance of wind.

Agumon greedily ate whatever was there, and the Zenoir was helping Agumon pin down the serus that Agumon was eating.

Shiva was also absorbing the life remaining on many of the serus and was harnessing more and more energy.

But time passed shortly as another group of enemies approached them.

Rena used her Vera to heal Schyther, who was brought out of the Monster Hive, which Dyne now called the Pokeball. He also stored all the items he brought out.

The battle had turned brutal once more as an army of skeletons appeared in the distance. Ishreth used one of her long-chanting magics to create a devastating fireball that burned the skeletons as they pushed ahead.

Scyther soon began to fight, and the team pushed faster and faster into the center.

Dyne kept observing the top and the bottom to see the state of the enemy. Having a powerhouse like Scyther helped them mow through the rows of enemies, and Dyne even ordered Vahn to cast a Theeder to attack the enemy.

But Dyne was wary of the boss. He knew that the real boss of the game, the Berserker, could appear and challenge them. This boss would be even stronger than Zeto and had numerous annoying spells.

In Dyne’s first playthrough of Legaia, the young and innocent him fell in defeat at the hands of this boss. Its most annoying ability was the rotting poison that would inflict rot on a character. And if the character receives numerous rounds of this attack, they would end up having all their limbs in a rotting state, making them incapable of moving! Dyne played that game and found himself staring at the game overscreen for the first time in that game.

Will the Berserker appear? In the real game, Cort might have sent Berserker to destroy the Genesis Tree before Vahn and company could revive it... So logically speaking, he shouldn’t be here yet. Maybe those monsters were what Fate used...” Dyne observed his surroundings. The enemies that fought them were organized. It was as if they were another army. They didn’t follow how it was in the game, where these monsters either traveled in pairs or trios.

Is this all that Fate has to offer?” Dyne asked suspiciously.

Soon, another row of Swordies appeared. This time, there were several levels two Swordies present, and the level two Swordies were gathering wind energy on their wing blades. Several Guardians had also floated above and were harnessing wind energy to perform their ranged attack using Wind energy.

Jaden! Shiva! Let’s cast a small version of Reflect! Vahn! Cast a Theeder to break their ranks! Everyone else, breakthrough ahead!” Dyne ordered as he knew the enemy would launch a ranged attack.

The group gathered together once more and as the Lvl.2 Swordies and the Guardians sent out their ranged wind attacks, and Dyne and his team created the same reflect magic. But unlike the massive pyramid that covered everyone, Dyne only created a shield enough to cover everyone at the front.


Various wind blades were shot from the top, falling on the small shield.


The sounds of the attacks being repelled and reflected could be heard, and these wind blades shot randomly around the area.

Some of these wind blades shot back to the Swordies and Guardians, giving Vahn a chance to cast the Theeder.

The Theeder quickly appeared and shot it's turning laser that caused the ranks of the Swordies and Guardians to falter.

Everyone charged right ahead as Dyne dispelled the shield.


The different attacks of his team landed.

Serge was the first to reach with his Chocobo, and Ururu and Gyoro shot out fire and ice attacks on both sides.

Chad arrived next and blew away rows of enemies thanks to the Speed Elixir.

With these two attacks, the ranks of the Swordies and Guardians quickly fell.

But suddenly, Dyne felt a frightening power burst out. A power of such poison and entropy was launched out!

Pull back!” Dyne shouted. But it was too late. The ranks of the Swordies were actually a trap. When they broke through, the enemy launched.

Chad jumped before Serge and used his defensive Spirit to resist the attack.

Jaden jumped back to defend Rena as he saw another attack aimed at the healer of the group.


Chad and Jaden were struck by the attacks and were knocked back.

AHHH!” Chad shouted in pain as the poison of entropy got through him.

Jaden could stand back up thanks to his strong defense, but his entire body was still affected by the rotting entropy.

I can’t... lift my shield!” Jaden shouted.

Pull back! It’s the Berserker! There are two of them!” Dyne cursed as he saw the two attacks coming from different locations.

The group gathered, and Dyne tried to look for the source of the attack.

And then he froze.

It can’t be! That insane Calaminus!” Strafe shouted in shock.

The figure of the Berserker was different from what it was in Legaia. But its form was familiar to Dyne, Strafe, and even Jedo, who had seen Dyne’s memories.

Two green creatures were standing a head taller than all serus and monsters.

It had a plant-like head with numerous spores on the top. It had a massive jaw with sharp teeth. The appearance of the head made Dyne quickly identify it as the Berserker. But on its vine-like torso was a massive jaw-like torso with numerous teeth around it. And that full form made Dyne think about a certain boss from a different game.

The two creatures were gathering a strange purple in its mouth and were preparing to shoot it again.

Jaden! Shiva! Quick! Send me all your magic! We need to create a shield! Everyone! Retreat!” Dyne shouted as he channeled the energy once more while biting down on a magic leaf.

He knew that if his assumption was right, there wouldn’t be just two Berserkers.

The force field formed, but Jaden, Shiva, and Dyne were drained of their strength.

The pyramid shield was erected and covered all of them completely.

As Dyne predicted, eight balls of purple spores were shot at them from different directions.

The reflection magic worked and managed to reflect the attacks back, and it struck other serus and monsters.

Master Dyne! What are those things?” Meta asked. She was confused as she had never seen such a strange creature.

It looks like the Entropy Rogue Seru, the Berserker! But something has changed!” Terra added.

It is the Berserker. But now, it fused with another creature.” Dyne glanced at the creatures once more.

The other creature that Calaminus fused with the Berserker was with the Final Fantasy VIII mini-bosses.

We can’t win this. We have to retreat. Those things won’t die unless we kill them in a certain order!” Dyne revealed.

Those are Berserker Propagator hybrids!”

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