Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 265: Vidna Private Actions (2)

Fishing in Legend of Legaia was a tedious sidequest that offered great rewards. But in this incarnation of Legend of Legaia, Strafe decided that the greatest reward would be the Spirit Fish.

In Legend of Legaia, the Spirit fish was not a seru but only a catchable fish that gave the highest possible points to the player.

It was the rarest fish that could be caught. It was so rare that most players even doubted its existence. For the longest time, people only believed that it was a fish that was removed and could only be caught via the Gameshark code. More than a decade later, many nostalgic gamers banded together and caught the elusive fish, proving that it was real and not a ghost.

As a gamer who would classify himself as a completionist, Dyne wanted to catch that fish at least once. But he did not know of its existence when he played the game the first time.

Naturally, the appearance of the Spirit fish in Legaia did not come as a surprise. But because the Spirit fish would be a seru, it caused Dyne to be very excited.

The Spirit fish that could be caught would be in the form of a crab-like creature. The crab looked exactly like the Sim-Seru that Zeto would use in the game.

Damn it! That Calamitus was sloppy! I designed Fate to make all the population of this world not say that term! But Serge was not affected!” Strafe cursed.

Serge! What do you mean, the legendary Spirit Fish?” Dyne asked.

Master Dyne! You surprised me. Well, it’s known among all fishermen. As I lived by the sea, we enjoyed fishing, and everyone knows the story of the rare Seru that became a fish. It is said to be so rare that only a few of this serus exist!”

I must find it!” Dyne vowed.

You… love fishing?” Serge was confused.

Well… I guess so. But I don’t think you can catch it here. It has to be in Buma…” Dyne explained.

Buma? There is a lake in Buma?”

Yes. It also has a powerful Water and Ice element in that place. This could probably be the reason why it is there. Serge, you seem to be rather skilled in fishing…”

I am the best in Arni.” Serge answered as he gazed at the great sea beyond. The thick Mist covered the distant place, making it impossible to see the horizon.

Is the Mist Generator beyond the sea?” Serge asked.

Yes. We will go there once we start reviving the Genesis Trees. Don’t worry. I can get you back to your home. But you still have to follow me. You are strong, after all. I need your help.”

I am honored that Master Dyne thinks of me this way.” Serge laughed.

I also need your ability in fishing.” Dyne had a serious expression.

My fishing ability?”

Yes. That Spirit Seru could be something powerful. I believe those at the core of creating this Mist-Fueled world use a twisted version of that Seru. So I’ll be counting on you to take it!” At that point, Dyne had an even more fantastic desire as he sensed something in the game that would be possible in this reality.

We will look for all the forms of the Sim Serus! I’m going to get all of them!” Dyne declared.

Serge saw the seriousness and the mad glint in Dyne’s eyes and realized that this could only be his chance.

Then Lord Dyne… if I may… I know that your mind has matured to be older despite your very young appearance. And in fact, I believe that it won’t be long that from your miracles, you would be able even to match your body’s age with that of your real age…”

Get on with what you want!” Dyne answered impatiently.

Serge took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he made demands.

I will help you, but please promise me, no matter what happens, even if the other girls are not enough, you will… give Leena to me!” Serge declared. Serge kept his emotions and never admitted to liking Leena for so long. This was the same as it was in Chrono Cross. Serge had seen Dyne’s growing relationships. Even a ghost-like entity like Emera had found a way to materialize all for the lust of Dyne. And so Serge demanded that ‘even if the other girls are not enough’ for Dyne, Leena would be his.

What are you talking about? Of course, I’m going to give her to you!”


Who else is there? It has to be you! No, in fact! It can only be you!” Dyne began.

Only me? What about…”

Who? Jaden? Chad? Me? Are you insane?”

...Am I?” Serge was so confused. Why were Jaden and Chad brought into the conversation?

Jedo and Strafe both facepalmed. They both know what Dyne meant. He was still lost in his twisted game mode. Dyne was offended as a gamer. Dyne was so lost in the rules and mechanics of the game that he did not understand Serge’s demand.

Listen! We are going to do this the right way. Chrono Cross characters naturally belong with Chrono Cross. Do you get what I’m saying? So you will get Leena. In fact, since Chrono Cross has multiple endings, let's give you the ending of Leena and Kid.”

Serge’s mouth was wide open as he was confused at what Dyne meant.

Anyway, Serge. I must be going! More Private Actions await!” Dyne turned around and rushed off.

"...As long as I get Leena..." Serge gave a relieved sigh and continued to enjoy fishing.

Dyne continued to run towards the central part of the town.

She then saw Rena looking at the merchant's table that was outside.

Alright, Dyne… play it cool.” Dyne then moved toward Rena to perform one of the Private Actions in Star Ocean 2.

Rena was looking over the items that the merchant was selling. The Level 2 Vera, normally connected and fused with Rena, was perched upon her shoulder.

You want the red one? I want the blue one...” Rena chuckled.

Screech!” The seru answered.

The merchant was amazed. The Seru had some form of sentience and could even react angrily or happily to Rena’s actions.

Dyne glanced from afar and vowed to get the plus points to the relationship value.

Hey, Big Sis!” Dyne chuckled as he approached.

Oh! Little brother, Dyne! Were you done with all your tasks?”

Pretty much. Now, I just want to move around a bit. Oh! A scarlet jewel and an azure jewel!”

Oh! You know what this jewel is?”

Yes. The blue one strengthens the Spirit flow on your legs. The red one increases Spirit flow at your upper body.” Dyne explained.

Wow... You really know a lot about everything! Those items sound amazing! But I’m a healer. I guess I don’t need it...” Rena chuckled.

Actually, with your affinity to light, that makes you a good contender for using Earth magic! However, I think it would be best if you trained in the arts of Spirit. I’ll train you since I’m also skilled in using Earth energy. So I think I’ll just buy both of them for you.” Dyne chuckled. Rena fought with her fist in the game, and Dyne intended to train her to be like that.

What?! Little brother! That’s too much!”

We earned a lot of gold. We can afford two jewels.” Dyne chuckled.

But... We are fighting to save the world! We can’t use our money for such petty and vain objects!”

True. But I’m also fighting to see you smile.” Dyne smiled and reached for his pocket.

Rena blushed.

Dyne was sneering in his mind as he knew he had gained some massive plus points in the relationship category.

Oh! Right! I left my gold card with Jaden! Hmm... Mister Merchant, how much for these items?” Dyne asked.

The merchant glanced at Dyne and recalled the many powerful warriors who followed him and had seen how Jaden was pouring mounds of gold and hired the services of the Blacksmith to create numerous weapons.

Young Master... I have just started crafting items. These two are the first accessory types that I have made. I hope they are pleasing to your eyes. They are worth 5000 gold together. I can go to the weaponsmith and collect the fee from that knight retainer that follows you.” The merchant smiled as he handed the two jewels.

Dyne took the Jewels.

He handed the red one to Vera, but then Dyne approached Rena and began putting on the necklace over her.

Rena was blushing and avoided Dyne’s gaze. Her heart could not help but flutter. In the many battles that Dyne fought and the trials that he faced, Dyne’s innocent face had changed, and despite being so young, he looked several years older.

Jedo and Strafe were horrified.

The Fragment?! Since when is he so smooth with the ladies?!” Strafe cursed.

He might be thinking... that this is a game! But his hedonism and joy empower him so much that he isn’t afraid!” Jedo cursed.

Rena slowly turned and met Dyne’s gaze as Dyne finished putting the necklace on.

You know... little brother... I was amazed to find out that you are only ten years old! I thought you were at least fourteen.” Rena chuckled.

It's the Mist. I’ve been exposed to it for a very long time. Its death properties somehow hasten my growth. Plus, I did level up a lot. But big sis, mentally, I’m actually older than you.”

Oh, right! Tetsu told me about it and why you act so mature.” Rena smiled.

Dyne found the opportunity and went in for the kill. This was the perfect time to break the bro-sis zone that he was in.

Yes. I’m older than I look. So big sis will have to forgive me if I start to fall for y-.” Dyne smiled.


An arrow was shot from afar, and Dyne quickly pushed Rena as the arrow fell between them and exploded out.

Enemy attack!” Arya suddenly appeared, rushing from the side.

An ice wall formed between the two of them.

Protect my boyfriend! I mean, master Dyne!” Shiva appeared.

Amorien and Ishreth jumped from an unknown height and landed next to Dyne with bow and staff drawn out.

Arya also landed next to Dyne.

Oh, sorry! My bad! It was actually just my imagination! The Mist is starting to form, and my vision acts all strange. So Master! You bought Rena a nice pair of necklaces! Can you also buy me necklaces to formalize our relationship as husband and-”

Arya suddenly took over and stopped Earth Arya from saying such daring words.

Formalize our relationship as Master and Retainer!” Arya cried.

Necklaces? I want one, too! Yay! Master Dyne will buy me jewelry!” Amorien hugged Dyne.

And me too!” Ishreth followed.

Master! I’m your GF! You’re supposed to buy me one as well!”

GF? You? You’re not even a real girl!” Amorien cursed.

That’s right! I’m not a girl! I’m a woman! Not like you, you boyish brute!”

Ishreth chuckled as she gave Dyne a tighter hug.

Hey, grandma. Stop hugging Dyne and go make him some cookies!” Arya frowned as she saw Dyne being wrapped in her bosom.

Ara Ara... Lady Arya, let me just give my beloved master a tight... hug...” She smiled and gave a defiant glare at Ishreth.

The ladies began to bicker, and Rena was laughing.

Dyne, despite being wrapped in the hopes and dreams of men, was crushed.

Nooooo! My Private Action!” Dyne wept and exited his game mode. His confidence, suaveness, and bearing were all lost.

As the girls continued to crowd and fight over him, he realized the situation he was in. And Dyne focused all of his efforts on hiding his private’s actions.

Updated my cover to an AI art I made for something that happens in Chapter 300+. Check out more chapters in my Patreon page! Search for Rapture_Tales!

Ozma: Form of the Zenith Rev (or Zenislev in Front Mission 3)

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