Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 267: The Mist’s Effect on Vidna

Dyne knew Biron's runes and could understand what allowed the Door of Winds to work. He had already changed the directions of the ancient warp pads on the first planet he was on in the Cultivation world.

With the increase in level, Dyne had also managed to solidify how he could create magic. While he cannot create a portal that will constantly open, he could hold it in for several minutes.

As he channeled the power in Vidna, the altar in Biron began to fluctuate and resonate with power.

Like a radio searching for the right frequency, Dyne concentrated on creating a stable portal.

Finally, Dyne found it. As the fluctuations increased, Dyne finally released the Time-Space powers of Jedo.

A portal opened, and as it did, an old man suddenly charged into the room with their fist on the ready.

Who dares?!” The old man shouted and was surprised to see humans standing around in a circle.

That...! You are Mayor Molina!” Zopu recognized the man who had once visited the Biron Monastery.

Biron Temple Master Zopu! It is you! It worked! Master Dyne has connected the two lands!” Molina was amazed.

Zopu then turned and saw the small boy and immediately bowed.

Patriarch Dyne! It’s good to see you! Kin had arrived late last night and told us of your adventures!”

Patriarch?! Master Dyne is the leader of Biron Monastery?!” Torneko Danpas was also surprised.

Zopu. Tell everyone not to worry and have them prepare to accommodate our guests. Mayor Molina. Torneko. Please go to the other side and be in Biron. Make arrangements on how your two towns can work together and prepare the shipment of Serus. Of course, the Orbs should take priority.” Dyne gave an order.


Zopu. Go with them and quickly come back here. We have a lot to discuss. Unfortunately, I have to close the portal as I can only open this portal for a time. Molina. Torneko. I’ll give you guys a few hours to familiarize yourself and discuss whatever is needed on the other side. Once Zopu and I finish the discussion, I’ll open the portal once more so Zopu can go back there, and you can go back here.”

Yes!” The two answered.

Understood!” Zopu answered and moved back to the portal along with Mayor Molina and Torneko into the portal.

Not a minute passed, and Zopu quickly came back, and Dyne closed the portal.

Dyne was panting as it was draining for him to keep the portal up.

Master Zopu... And officials of Vidna Call everyone. We’ll have our little meeting outside.” Dyne instructed.

Soon, everyone was gathered in the center of the village. They had seen the old man whom the Biron Monks recognized. Their elected officials told everyone about the portal, and everyone was amazed that Dyne managed to create a portal that crossed two distant places.

Finally, Dyne spoke.

Biron is quite far from here! Even going to the Ancient Water Cave will take a few days! But as for us, traveling with monsters allows us to travel the entire day at an amazing speed. The Slime Monsters can travel at a maximum speed of 40 kilometers per hour. And the chocobos can move at a maximum of 60 kilometers. This was how we managed to cross the Mist and get here. But for everyone else, don’t even think about it.

The crowd marveled and glanced at the Slime monsters.

We should have tamed slimes like them!”

How can we? We don’t have those Gomboos!”

If we had to move around and walk, even with our strength, it would have taken at least two days to get from the Ancient caves to Vidna. But with this, we can easily cross the distance and make quick trades.” Dyne explained.

Amazing magic...” The priestess Sashia marveled at the magic.

It’s like the power of Rem and that of his prophets, Hari!” She spoke.

It actually is. Rem is the God of Time. Jedo is the Ra-Seru of Time/Space and Darkness. Anyway, the only problem is I'm the only one who can open the portal! And we, Ra-Seru heroes, still have our mission, so there will be an expanse of time that this wouldn’t be available. So you all have to plan how to make the most of it while I am here.” Dyne explained to the people of Vidna.

Now... Through this portal power, I created a portal to another world. We call it the cultivation world. It is the world where Ishreth and the rest hail from. I trust that you have all been acquainted?” Dyne asked.

The officials nodded. In the past few days, they couldn’t believe the stories they heard from Jaden and company. It was a world that shocked and horrified them.

Good. We need to help those friends of ours. And the Seru will be a great way for all of you to grow. But, for now, I want this town only to have fighters and those tending the crops. The rest has to go to that world.”

Why?” One of the elected officials asked.

When I was in Rim Elm, they managed to hide from the Mist by sealing up the walls. But later, we discovered that the power of the Mist still affected them. So, from where you are, although you managed to create windmills to stop the Mist, the issue is that the Mist Generator is close by. You can’t see it, but there lies the Mist Generator across the sea to where the thick Mist is. And I’m sure the Henchmen of the Mist is doing something to you.”

Like what?” One of the soldiers asked.

Think about it... The Mist is a calamity that could ruin the world! You can’t travel. The other towns have fallen in the Mist! Were you ever worried about the outside? Octam? Ratayu? Jeremi? Don’t you have friends and relatives there?”

We used to get worried... But life moved on...” Then, finally, one of the villagers answered.

Life moved on? That’s it? No. It’s the Mist. It has changed the way you think! I refuse to believe that all of you could be so callous and careless. You should have ventured out to the outside world and tried to save them! But somehow, you didn’t as the years passed. You heard of terrifying prophecies, yet only Danpas created an underground shelter to prepare for calamity out of everyone here! All of you became lazy and lax! This was the power of the Mist!”

The expression of all the Vidna residents slowly turned to horror.

Right now, the effects weakened because of Jedo, Meta, and Terra. The Ra-Serus can purge these negative thoughts that the Mist can make. But since we won’t stay here, most of you have to move to that other world where there is no Mist! Those who stay here will be the strongest warriors and will train with the Biron Arts. Zopu, I leave it to you to teach the Biron what you have learned.

Yes! Patriarch!”

The monks of Vidna were amazed that the famous elder Zopu was called Dyne Patriarch.

Everyone should also listen to the priestess of Rem! I’m sure her words had fallen on deaf ears, and you have hardened your heart to the tales of the Ra-Seru heroes, which explain your lack of concern or excitement about our appearance. Hope has come in Vidna, and you nearly failed to recognize it!”

The residents had sour expressions.

So make preparations now. Bring all that you can and go through the portal. Dismissed.” Dyne made the group move out.

Everyone began to talk as they somehow realized how hardened their hearts were with things. If not for the miraculous power of Dyne, they would not have paid attention to him.

As the crown

Master Zopu... You go first. I’m out! Tell me the updates with the plan.” Dyne sat down.

Yes. The plan to ally with Trithefert and have them attack Diablo has worked. King Leoric was in charge of the negotiation and marched his men to visit Trithefert. When they left, our scouts reported that an enemy platoon was preparing to march towards Diablo's underground dungeon. To entice them, a platoon of Skeletons is hiding near the entrance of Diablo. It will secretly leave a few Serus inside the dungeon while the chaos of the combat between Diablo’s forces and Trithefert occurs. In addition, we saw Diablo’s fort raise skeleton warriors. So our skeletons can hide among these beings and drop the serus on key locations.”

Oh! Ingenious! That way, Trithefert will send more forces as it can see that there are indeed wild Serus in that place! That’s a good idea!” Dyne laughed.

But there is a concern I should bring up, Patriarch Dyne. The town of Trithefert was amazed by the powers of the Seru. Still, Leoric sent us a message that he sensed the presence of another kingdom! Leoric believes that the movement of Ararat and Sturak caused other kingdoms to search for new worlds. And as he left, that kingdom is set to meet with Trithefert!”

Back in the cultivation world...

Dominic Trithefert, the fiance of Rena and the very son of the town's master, was rushing towards the gates of where his father’s mansion stood.

Father!” Dominic reported as he entered the room.

Alan Trithefert glanced at his son's arrival.

What now?” The man impatiently asked.

Another group is here! Another kingdom that has opened a mysterious portal has crossed the great distance and is demanding a meeting with you!” Dominic spoke.

... Perfect timing!” Alan laughed as he held on to a Theeder that had fused with him.

More allies to help us attack that damned demon!”

Teaser concept AI art for latest chapter in Patreon (Chapter 401).

Megadramon leading a mobile Clam fortress (like in Conkram) to attack a Genesis Tree.

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