Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 269: The Mysterious Door and the Mines of Vidna

The mayor of Vidna returned as the portal was opened once more. It was agreed that numerous trades would be made to send resources back and forth between the two villages. But the demands for what needed to be sent were increasing.

So we can’t use the Door of Wind even if we put a Wind Pillar there?” One of the town officials asked the mayor.

No. Using the Door of Winds would create a scene. We don’t want the enemy that creates the Mist to find anything suspicious. Besides, the Door of Winds can only bring people.” Mayor Molina explained. He had seen the situation in Biron and even moved toward the Cultivation World, where he saw the many battles and how demons were involved. He was even exposed to the Fire Seed at the bottom. Molina and Torneko felt a strange sense of realization and fear through those many instances.

Lord Dyne is right!” Molina declared. He referred to Dyne as a lord, as if he were of great noble birth or status.

There is a power at work in the air we breathe that clouds our thinking! You will all understand when you get there.”

Yes. I thought I was already scared and concerned, as I was the only one in town who built these underground levels. But when I got there and stood before the Fire Seed, where the monks meditated, I realized that I had been so numb. Back there, the fear and worry of what might happen to Vidna shocked me!” Torneko explained.

At that moment, vast reforms were being made in Vidna. Numerous people from Biron had arrived to study Vidna's windmill technology, how they could use geothermal power differently, and how to keep the windmills blowing even after the underground power ran out.

Magic stones and ores from the Cultivation world were being explored as a possible way to prevent Vidna from failing in this expected future. In addition, the Serus were also eyed as a way to somehow use their ability to power the windmills themselves!

Others began to observe Vidna's smiting and item crafting process and exchange knowledge to improve the quality of their weapons. Even the Old Witch and the Old Wizard of the Ancient Caves were present, and they began to share their knowledge and tell of their terrifying encounters in the Mist.

The Hunters had also planned to make hunts and turn their Green Slimes into Oak Slimes.

A group of Gobu Gobu also appeared and hunted to transform themselves into the Gomboo. They could evolve without taking energy from the Evil God by killing and eating.

The Piuras also appeared. The entire flock had finished migration and even surprised Dyne.

The Hunters made an ingenious plan to cross the land quickly. The path that the Gobu Gobus found from the mountains of Drake into one of its abandoned outposts allowed the Hunters to move up and reach Snow Drift Cave. From Snow Drift Cave, the slimes would travel and bring as many Theeders as they could along with the Piuras. Then, to avoid being detected, the Slimes were used as flotation devices, and they would travel down the river and disembark near Hunter’s Springs.” Zopu explained.

I see. And from there, they just moved to River Reach and reached Biron!”

Yes. They didn’t need to cross the wide lands and risk being spotted by the Serus that guard the area.”

It was all Val’s idea!” Juno laughed as he approached.

Juno. How is Rim Elm?”

Much better now. As you said, we left only a few people to guard it. Unfortunately, more monster hordes have been coming lately, so we plan to increase the number of people guarding Rim Elm.”

So, it looks like Fate is spurring the monster world to set its eyes on us, huh? It failed with Songi to bring balance and must have changed the tides of the water. Now, even Zeto won’t be able to sense the arrival of more monsters. Get everyone ready and trained in Biron or the Cultivation World. Rotate them and get the hunters to be at Marital Novice level.”

I’ll talk to Val about it. Village Elder has also been training in the Cultivation World and has regained much of his youth. He is excited to join the hunts once more.”

That’s good. What about the Green Slime King?”

We also continued to scout and look for the Slime Colony. We think we found one, but nothing was inside...”

I see. It must be Fate. Just be on guard. That Slime might have evolved. It could be a Flan now...” Dyne recalled the enemy in the Final Fantasy series.

A Flan?”

Monstrous forms of slimes with mouths and teeth. They usually have very high defenses and would only be harmed by magic. Ignore it for now. I believe that slime returned to the water source and is either with the Water Seed or wherever the goddess Ferti is. For now, follow the plans that we have set,” Dyne guessed.


Torneko arrived and stood near Dyne.

Have you done all that you have to do?”

Yes, Master Dyne. Let me now lead you to the mysterious cave that appeared.” Torneko spoke.

The two moved towards the northern outskirts of town near the mountains.

Up ahead is an old mine from which we used to extract the ores and metals we need, " Torneko said.

But ever since the Mist appeared, we have not ventured inside as the mines is now full of the Mist.”

Is the mysterious door you mentioned inside of it?”

No. The door is on the western side of it. We rarely venture there, as people hear voices and have strange, vile thoughts. We avoid that place and even warn others not to venture into it. We have even seen ghosts and skeletons appear and gather near this place.” Torneko explained.

The group passed the path leading to the mines and moved towards the trail headed towards the mysterious door.

Along with the Ra-Seru heroes and Team Diablo, Dyne scaled the uphill path and stood before a cave. But a strange door stood at the entrance.

I knew it...” Strafe was the first to speak as they reached the cave.

Be careful, Dyne. That dungeon has changed. Calamitus might have changed its properties. The original setup of this game is that it would bring you into the Magic Dungeon of Torneko. It was a small side quest I prepared that was initially created to help you increase the potential of Vidna and even save it from the Mist. But you’ve seen how Calamitus was. Right now, Jedo can’t open it. You would need at least three Genesis Trees to open it.”

I get what you mean. A dangerous dungeon. Who knows what that sadist has in store...” Dyne saw the inscriptions and could feel a terrifying presence behind them.

Chad and Jaden tried to push it, but their combined strength could not budge the cave's door.

There’s a strange power at work. It feels even more terrifying than the Evil God!” Chad frowned.

Master...” Ifrit called out through the Wild Arm.

Whatever is inside that wall... I fear it.” Ifrit spoke.

Everyone was amazed as they heard it. They knew how strong Ifrit was.

It is said that this is where an unknown god hid, a god that priestess Sashia believed to be the dwelling of a god that Rem defeated,” Torneko explained.

The Unholy God. So he’s here. Interesting... Welp, we can’t do anything about it now. We’ll return here again with a team of Ra-Serus after we awaken the Genesis Tree.” Dyne urged the team back and saw the mines. Nanaki looked over the minefield and kept gazing back and forth at it.

Hmm... I smell a side-quest.” Dyne smiled.

Master Dyne?” Vahn asked.

Gather the team. It seems like there is something inside that cave.” Dyne commanded.

A few moments later, the team was ready and armed to enter the mine.

Lord Dyne... The mines here are fragile. We cannot use Seru magic or any strong magic inside, as it might cause the cave to collapse. We’ve had incidents where serus was used, leading to many accidents,” Torneko warned.

Even my magic?” Ishreth asked.

What about mine? It isn’t destructive or anything.” Shiva asked.

It’s best that no magic is used in there. The rocks inside are susceptible to magic, and even the air comprises many materials we use for item crafting. So, using any elements might trigger a reaction to the ore inside. Perhaps only healing magic from the Vera or the Orbs would work. But any magic attack will be dangerous.”

Oh... interesting! A dungeon with limitations on magic! So it’s all fists and fights in there? This should be quite an adventure! Grim, don’t activate any fire or lightning spell.”

Yes, Big Brother.” Grim nodded.

Everyone! Don’t use magic or release elements, as Torneko said. Let’s go!” Dyne chuckled as they entered the mines. This was his first dungeon with a specific limitation.

This sounds scary, big brother! I can’t use magic?” Noa flapped her arms and made a worried expression.

This is part of our training. What if you face an enemy that can silence and stop you from casting magic?”

We’ll protect you, Noa.” Jaden smiled as he moved up ahead.

Thanks! Big Brother Jaden!”

Arya marched along with everyone and noticed that Nanaki kept glancing around.

What’s up Nanaki?” Arya asked.

Nanaki gave a strange whimper. It was as if he was afraid.

Don’t worry. You got a lot of strong people with you.” Arya promised as she tapped on Nanaki’s head.

Nanaki followed Arya. For some strange reason, Nanaki could smell something familiar inside the mine.


Concept art of Boss Battle in chapter 403-405. Subscribe to Patreon to read!

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