Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 8: Understanding Legaia (2)

In the world of Legaia, humans were weak and were barely surviving. Dyne recalled the game's prologue and stated that humans were physically more vulnerable than the wild beasts and monsters that roamed the land. And because they were weaker, they had, on several occasions, came close to extinction. Yet that fact is immediately forgotten as the game begins, and the coming battles would focus on the Serus.

“That's right... Whatever happened to the monsters of this world? What did the Mist do to them? Could it be that in this world, Strafe created monsters to complete this destiny?” Dyne pondered and concentrated on retrieving whatever memory Strafe left for him.

And so, the humans built a civilization that used Serus to the fullest. Great and grand technologies were developed, and soon, even weapons of war that made use of the Serus came to the world. As humans grew more powerful, they successfully banished the great monster kings who lived on the Karisto continent.

“Hey. This is new.” Dyne smirked.

In his original understanding of the game, there was no mention of the monster kings. Dyne always believed that the various monsters and enemies that can be fought in the game are Serus. But in the memories that Strafe left to him, it now detailed the many monsters' origins within the game.

“So this world has humans, Seru, and monsters...” Dyne nodded in understanding.

“What happened to the monster kings?” Dyne pondered.

The monster kings fled and left the Legaia continent and retreated elsewhere as they fought a losing battle against the humans and Seru. While most of the monster kings had managed to flee and bring their army into a far-off land, some monsters that we're unable to escape. Those that remained were left to fend for themselves and fled—hiding in caves and forests. The humans decided to allow these creatures to reproduce and survive as the body, the bones, and even the flesh of these monsters gave them more resources, weapons, and even food.

“Oh. So that explains the monsters in Legaia! It looks like Strafe’s version of the game has more side quests! Nice! I’d get to play Legaia with an updated version! Thanks, Strafe!” Dyne dashed on with great glee. He continued to reflect on his memories.

"If you hear this voice, you must have understood the current ecology of Legaia. I did this to make this world harsher. Now, not only will you have to deal with the Mist and its Henchmen, but you will also deal with the monsters that have now grown in the wild. The Mist and the mad Serus allowed these monsters to be unhunted, but at the same time, a war between the wild monsters and the Seru kept the few human colonies that you know remained alive in the game, active.” Strafe’s voice echoed in Dyne’s head.

“Oh... Sounds exciting!” Instead of being fearful or worried, Dyne got all the more excited.

“Now... Let’s have a look at my memories of the Seru...” Dyne continued to reflect as he walked on the side of the beach. The wind from the ocean prevented the dangerous Mist from nearing.

The Serus was generally divided into several elemental affiliations. A Seru would have certain elements that they could wield or command. There were Serus of fire, wind, thunder, darkness, light, rock, and water. There are also Serus that had no elemental affinity and would gift its wearers with strength and power. There is also another elemental affinity that is known as Evil. But of course, you already knew that. = D.

“What?” Dyne was confused. Why was there an emoticon in his memory?

“Looks like this Strafe has really fallen in love with my world.” Dyne shook his head and shivered at the possibilities of these odd inceptions that Strafe left on his memory.

Gritting his teeth and knowing that the cringe was necessary, Dyne continued to search his memories.

Legaia is divided into three major regions or continents.

The first region, which became the cradle of civilization in Legaia was the Karisto Continent. It had the most advanced utilization of Seru and science. Two mighty kingdoms reigned there, the Sol Kingdom and the Conkram Kingdom. 

Far out on the east to this kingdom, beyond the seas, was another continent. The Sebucus Islands was an archipelago with several hundreds of islands and was known for the productive geothermal environment. This was the second continent in the game. There the Ratayu Kingdom and three prominent towns were present. But since the cities and kingdoms in this continent are further from the cradle of civilization and the location where the Serus first appeared, the Sebucus Islands only had a shadow of the technology that Sol and Conkram had.

At the south of this continent, connected through a large mountain range, it was the youngest continent in the world of Legaia. It had very little technology as the way it uses the Serus was not as advanced as the former continents. It also had the least discovery of items and magical weapons. They were even unable to use basic tools such as the "Door of Wind" that can teleport people from town to town.

“Oh, right... I didn’t notice this when I played.” Dyne realized it.

“Drake kingdom didn’t have big buildings or techs apart from the Biron Monastery, which was closest to the entrance of the Sebucus islands! The Sebucus islands' towns had things like windmills and gun-like weapons, and a sea crossing and transport system. As for the Karisto continent, they had the technology to create tall sky-scrapers and could even create powerful bombs!” Dyne recalled the details of the game.

“Ugh. So I guess I would have to get to Sebucus island to enjoy things like air conditioners?” Dyne cursed. But he then returned to recall the details of the game.

The game is set 10 years after the appearance of the mysterious Mist. The Mist would drive the Serus insane. And when a human being who is wearing the Seru is exposed to the Mist, they would end up being possessed. The Seru, who would always be submissive to humans, would possess humans and make them mad. 

Humans had relied too much on Serus. And so, when their greatest weapon turned against them, most of the world was destroyed. The kingdoms in the Karisto continent fell. The towns in Sebucus also suffered. And soon, the Mist reached the Drake kingdom. Hope was lost, and humanity barely survived. Who knew who had escaped the terrors of the Mist?

Of the few survivors who found a way to avoid the Mist's treacherous dangers, the game begins in Drake Continent to one of the towns in the continent's fringe region.

“Rim Elm...” Dyne whispered as he gazed to the horizon.

“That town used a large wall to protect itself from and cover the East, west, and north sides. They used the sea as a natural barrier. The natural breeze of the coast also helped to keep the Mist from drawing close to it...” Dyne smiled.

“Since I’m here three years earlier than when the game actually begins, I guess I’d have to learn to love eating fishes.” Dyne laughed as he continued to run.

He then brought to memory the real protagonist of the game. All three resided in the Drake continent.

Vahn was a native of Rim Elm.  

“Vahn should be eleven years old by now... I wonder if he’s any strong... To think he would save the world at fourteen years old...” Dyne remembered Vahn’s young age.

Three years from now, a catastrophe would befall Rim Elm, and Vahn would awaken the Ra-Seru of fire, Meta. Vahn had the most balanced stats in the game where he had decent speed, defense, and attack power.

The second soon-to-be hero is Noa. 

“Hmmm... In the game, I always make Vahn and his little childhood friend get together... I wonder if I can...” Dyne then slapped himself as he considered this and realized that Noa was only twelve years old!

“Curse you! Game designer! With your designs of Noa, she looked at least eighteen! How dare you make me think such crazy thoughts!” Dyne cursed.

“Oh, right. The entire game must have spawned years...? Ugh! Stop thinking, Dyne! She’d still be a minor!” Dyne slapped himself once more.

“Alright... So Noa has her background... and Vahn would later rescue her and, in the process, awaken the second Ra-Seru.” Dyne focused.

Noa would be the wielder of the Ra-Seru of wind, Terra. Like the wind, she would have the highest speed but have weaker damage. Noa has the least upper body defense but the strongest lower body strength thanks to her training from Terra, who emphasized speed. She, however, also had the least mana of the three.

The last main character of the game is Gala. A Biron Monk resides inside a well-guarded monastery to the east of Drake Kingdom. He would soon forsake the Monk vow of never wearing a Seru when he is forced to be the third Ra-Seru wielding hero. He would be partnered with the Ra-Seru of Lighting, Ozma. Gala had powerful strength and defense, the hugest mana pool of the three, but he is also the slowest.

“Meta, Terra, and Ozma...”

Dyne smiled as he thought of this.

“If things go as plan... I'll have a Ra-Seru of my own!”

As Dyne continued to run and recall the game basics, he saw a familiar man-like creature at a distance. The power of the Golden Compass warned him of that enemy.

“What the? But I’m not on the Mist...” Dyne frowned.

“Oh, right... That must be a monster.” Dyne slowed down and grasped the Golden Compass. Its effect appeared as a strange power enveloped him. 

“A Gobu Gobu...” Dyne was surprised as he recognized the enemy monster.

As part of my OC in world-building, I had to find a way why monsters and Serus are very separate from each other. In Legend of Legaia, the monsters were never given their backstory. They were only explained to have been already in the world of Legaia before the Serus came and nearly wiped out the humans. This is very strange, because Tieg (the god of Legaia) divided his body into TWO parts. Human and Seru as was later explained in the game (Uru Mais). Then where did these monsters come from? Strafe's created world will soon elaborate on what happened and how they came to be. Check out my Patreon page to read up to 90+ chapters of NGCW, and some of my other Work-in-progress!

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