Not A God

I ain’t no hero

Travis didn't really care about what was gonna happen but he did want some ties to the mayor's daughter, so he had to go. He slowly got in his Bugatti and turned it on. The car moaned in response. ' I got that engine rizz' 

The car blasted off, leaving the villa at sound piercing speeds. He drove out the community and went straight to Sky Hawk Cooperation. Well he did pass Chu QingYin on the way. When he arrived he parked it outside for the haters to see. Travis walked inside and saw the lady who had the face problem. He didn't want to cure her, why well because he wanted to use the protagonist to his advantage. Since he's good at making face products why not make this dude become Chu QingYin dog licker and make money from his powers. 

She saw Travis enter and was ashamed to look like this while such a handsome hunk was in the building. Travis approached her. 

" Mrs do you have a problem?" Travis asked an obvious question.

But she was too engrossed in looking at his handsome face that she didn't notice. This girls name was Liu Wan. She was the daughter of the mayor and basically had alot of influence in the business world. Even though Travis had the money already he lacked backing and that's what he wanted. With her on his side he can do anything he wanted without facing charges. Like any other protagonist but much more cunning. 

" Yes , you see they sold me a defective face product it even gave me acne as you can see. So I want to sue this company " She said calmly.

Travis nodded and heard the door behind him open.' Its seems Mrs chu has arrived.'

" The Ceo is here so why don't you speak to her" He said and walked to the side and watched the scene unfold. 

A couple minutes of Liu Wan threatening Chu QingYin to take legal charges if she doesn't get the money the protagonist pulled up. He walked in like a boss with his expressionless face that seemed to look down on everyone. He walked towards Chu QingYin and was about to hold her waist but got and slap on the face.

" What do you think you're doing!!" She shouted. Qin Li touched his left cheek that got bitch slapped. Well he didn't complain since he knew he might have been to foward in this situation. 

" What seems to be the problem?" He asked. Chu QingYin looked at him like he was an Idiot. " Don't you see the problem right infront of you? And since when can you speak?" She asked coldly. 

Qin Li looked towards Liu Wan and immediately understood the problem. "Since a couple minutes ago. Go get me Chinese herbs" He commanded Chu QingYin.  

" Who you think you're ordering. You go get it yourself. You just got your ability to talk again and the first thing you do is command me. Secondly I don't even know what Chinese herbs are" She said in a spiteful tone. 

Qin Li nodded and walked out and got it himself. A couple minutes later he came back and told Liu Wan to put this on her face. She saw this as an opportunity, if this didn't work she would just ask for more money. Taking a handful she smeared it on her face. Getting disgusted by the smell she quickly ran to the bathroom to rinse her face. When she looked at her flawless face in the mirror she was shocked. She quickly ran out and thanked Qin Li. But turned to Travis and smiled at him.

Travis nodded and walked off. She blushed and turned back to Qin Li and asked if he could help her father. He agreed and asked if they could go right now and she nodded. They both walked out the building and went to her car where she drove him to her father who was in the hospital. Travis was chilling on the top floor watching the scenery underneath. Chu QingYin entered the room and sat down. 

" How about we continue our date from where we left off" She said in a calm voice. Yet her face was completely flushed red. Travis chuckled a little. 

" Nah maybe later. Right now I gotta do something. Text me when you feel bored " He said and walked out the room. 

'Well this story has started. Time to move on' he then went back to his car and drove back home. When he arrived he texted Na-yeon asking if she wanted to hangout today. She said yess immediately and said to come pick him up later today. But Travis told her that she should just come to his place instead of her picking him up. He wasn't planning on getting her home alone instead he just wanted to take her out using his own car instead of the opposite. 

He sat back on his couch and waited for her to pull up.' Oh yeah I got women who can temporarily satisfy my lust ' he thought and vanished. Travis appeared on the couch located in his living room. He got up and went outside where he found the girls playing volleyball. 'This ain't Haikyuu'

Travis called them over and they ran towards him and hugged him. Even though 20 minutes had passed with them not seeing him. They knew that Travis had gone a much longer time. They pulled him to the bed room and asked him to close his eyes. So he did. They quickly went and got changed and came back. They said that he could open them , Travis saw the girls wearing alluring black and red lingerie. His cock throbbed in his pants as it slowly rose. He took his pants of and blitzed to the bed where he held them both while sucking and kissing their necks left and right. Not quickly or he'd look like an amateur. While he was doing this hin finger was fucking Fubuki, making her scream and moan out loud. 

Well I don't feel like writing a sex scene but you can just use your imagination , Travis pounded both of the girls hard till he left them covered with his semen. When he was done he got a quick shower. Well since he was now technically satisfied he could go back. 

He was now back there and was sitting back on the couch. The door bell rang and Travis opened the gate for. She came in and parked her car on the drive way. When she was his car parked there she went crazy. Travis walked out and was instantly hit with questions. He answered them slowly till they finally stopped. 

" Okay now let's go" he said and unlocked his car.

" Aren't we hanging out at your place?" She asked. 

" Nah we're going out" He said and got inside the car. She also went in and was amazed by its beauty. Well Travis didn't care. 

He drove off. The reason why he wanted to get out today was because he knew that Chu QingYin was going to meet her lesbian lover. Not to save her from being drugged since that was Qin Lis job just to use the photos as evidence. Well he also wanted to get close with Na-yeon so it's to pussies with one cock. 

They had a nice talk while Travis Croused around town. They stopped at mcds for some drinks and went back on the road, eventually Travis had reached the night club. He even saw Qin Li drive past in a taxi. Travis took the pictures with his 4k camera. After doing this he drove off.

" Who was that?" Na-yeon asked. " No one really. So where do you wanna go?" He asked. She got excited and asked him to go to the highway so that they could drive fast. So that's what he did. Travis stepped on the pedal Making the cars speed increase till it reached it limit. Their car was now like a bullet driving on the empty road. He drove past some police and they quickly chased him. Well they tried to , Travis was already a miles away the next 30 seconds. He then saw that Na-yeon was pretty much passed out due to the Gs.

' Well that was fun' he slowed down and drove Normally again. They had arrived back at his place but she didn't seem likely to wake up anytime soon. So he placed her in the guest bedroom and went to his.

' I got the sauce, can't wait to see her face when I show her this' Travis thought. 

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