Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 13: This Fire

David had just gotten back from Watson with this cat that his mom had told him to pick up from a ripper doc.

He honestly had thought it was the start of a bad joke yet the cat actually had some crazy cyberware, yet other than that nothing seemed special about it. One of the perks though is he was now chilling in a Preem penthouse.

The news suddenly cut on TV and the Anchor looked panicked.

“This just in Arasaka tower was hit by a terrorist attack. Much like it was during 2023, an exact copy of the document uploaded by Johnny Silverhand was uploaded by an unknown assailant. Who at this moment is still at large, She made a get away by jumping out of the top floor of Akasaka tower and parachuting down to the ground.” The Anchor says

A photo cuts to a parachute open below with a middle finger in the middle of the center.

“What in the fuck,” David mutters at the utter impossibility of the scene.

Suddenly the elevator beeps and opens, Helen steps out looking clean in her usual edgerunner attire. David looks at the woman and could tell she was older yet it was a good thing she did not live in a Valentino’s neighborhood.

Helen stepped out of the elevator, her movements a mix of fatigue and relief, she was in the clear. The day had been long,yet utterly exhilarating, she had met V and although they didn’t look too strong the Boogieman of 2077 still gave her pause. She unbuttoned her jacket with practiced ease, the fabric sliding off her shoulders as she walked towards the coat rack in her small apartment.

Then Nyx meowed clearly trying to inform her of something… Had Arasaka actually managed to track her home? Looking over in the living room, Helen saw a Latino boy holding the cat which was usually talking and unable to shut up.

“Oh? You must be Gloria’s son.” Helen says upon seeing David.

“Yes, so how did you and my Mom meet?” David asks petting Nyx

“Oh, well we’re both first responders, so we kinda have to look out for each other.” Helen states

“Wait you’re also a paramedic?” David asks looking over the Penthouse.

“No, I'm law enforcement,” Helen states

“Ah, you’re a pig.” David says

“Max Tac, So… Arasaka Academy huh?” Helen asks

“Yeah, I’m sorry did you say Max Tac!?” David shouts

“Huh? Yeah, I work for Max Tac, so what is the private school like? When I went to school it was still public and state-run.” Helen says subtly revealing her age to David.

“You wouldn’t believe how different it is at Arasaka Academy. It's like a whole different universe." David says leaning back on the couch

“It can't be that bad school is school, want anything to drink? Non-acholic.” Helen asks David before clarifying

“What do you got?” David asks

“Root Beer, Ginger Beer, Sweet Tea, Water, and Almond Milk,” Helen says

David’s jaw was on the floor.

“Like actual Tea Tea?” David asks

“Yeah, what else could it be?” Helen asks

“So it is not synth tea but actual tea?” David asks

“I’m guessing you want the tea?” Helen asks

“I mean I never heard of root beer or Ginger Beer, while almond Milk is expensive it's obtainable but Tea?” David asks

“Sure, just know it's sweet tea,” Helen shouts back from the kitchen.

As the news of the security's failure to apprehend an intruder within Arasaka Tower spreads through the world like a rogue AI, a palpable tension grips the air. The usually immaculate and controlled environment of the corporate stronghold is disrupted by the stark reality of a breach, and the aftermath is a flurry of activity as personnel scramble to assess the situation and mitigate the damage.

Higher-ranking executives engage in hushed meetings behind closed doors, their voices tinged with a mix of concern and frustration. The security team responsible for the breach finds itself under intense scrutiny, facing questioning and reprimands as they attempt to explain the lapse in their duties. No one had even been able to tell how they had gotten to the top floor of the tower undetected.

“I was gone for 2 hours, and you useless pieces of meat could not have even done basic security?” Adam Smasher asks

The head security guard, a middle-aged man with wide eyes and tries to act tough in front of the behemoth in front of him. Adam Smasher was a stark contrast to the little man in front of him. The guard’s uniform was disheveled, and his posture showed a mixture of fear and deference. Swallowing nervously, he clears his throat before speaking.

“Mr. Smasher, I... I'm sorry for the breach. We tried to stop the intruder, but they were fast, nothing even saw them get into the tower. Then their escape was near suicidal jumping from the top floor of the tower. Who in the hell does that!” The Guard says getting emotional at the end.

“Has an internal security sweep been done yet? Did they touch anything, do anything take anything? I do not think that all they wanted to do was cause a panic. It was calculated. Honestly a really good job for meat.” Adam Smasher says

“Yes sir our netrunners are going over the system internally as we speak.” The guard says

“Good and have the agent who witnessed the intruder meet me in my room, I wish to speak with them.” Adam Smasher says before making his way to the elevator.
David was left in utter shock about how good the tea tasted, it was so sweet. It had this smooth texture, with a nice coldness and a slight acidity, although the taste of caffeine was something he hadn't tasted ever since he was young, mostly due to the fact that it became regulated about a decade ago.

“Where did you get this?” David whispers in shock, before greedily taking another sip.

“I know of a supplier over in the NUSA, it also helps that I have a good relationship with a couple of Nomad Families,” Helen says

“Preem” David mutters

“So, we were talking about the academy? What is that like?” Helen asks sitting down with her own cup of tea.

“It's clean, pristine, and organized to the last detail. It's like they've crafted an environment that's designed to breed success." David says with clear sarcasm

Helen couldn’t help but giggle at the statement.

“I meant your personal experience, not whatever the brochure says,” Helen says hiding a smile.

"Brochure...? Right, anyways the students are full of themselves know-it-alls. It's always 'my father' this, 'Do you know who my parents are?' or 'My father will hear about this!' When, in all honesty, they couldn't tell their ass from their mouth without a map with the amount of shit that spews out of both!" David says

Helen is full-on laughing at the scenario, it was not helping that she was imagining a school full of Draco Malfoys.

“Pretentious little shits huh?” Helen asks

“They keep threatening to beat me up if I don’t let them score better than me, Which like totally has me confused. The work isn’t even hard.” David says leaning back on the couch

“So what time does your mother usually get home?” Helen asks

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