Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 15: Bad Boys

I had a lot of trouble writing this chapter though that's mostly due to how tired I am after work. It is like soul-killing, all the training almost seems like it was based on having a third-grade education level.

Helen was in her garage, it was her first day at work and she was due in at 5:30 AM, like what the hell.

The question of the car was always what had her standing still and looking at the black Mustang Boss 1969.

“Still not the right time,” Helen mutters as a Nomad Quattra 66 rolls up to her.

“Guess it’s you today,” Helen mutters
In the pre-dawn stillness, when the city's neon glow still held its grip on the darkness, a Nomad Quadra Type-66 Javelina cruised through the streets of Night City. The vehicle's rugged exterior and tribal markings seemed out of place amidst the urban sprawl.

The tan muscle car merged onto the highway and that’s when the throttle opened up. The car was nearly flying down the empty road, that was until a flashing of red and blue appeared behind it.

Helen of course pulled over immediately. NCPD officers approached the Javelina with caution and tap on the window before doing the circular hand motion to mime the rolling down of a window.

“Hello ma’am, that’s a nice car how about you get out and we have a chat?” The officer says

“Or, you could just let me go to work. Or call my boss Alexander Volkov the Ageis and explain why you decided to hold me back from getting to work on time. Who knows I might not respond to a cyberpsycho call on time in the future.” Helen states as her eyes glow and her PD info is transferred to the cop who pulled her over.

“Ha! Nice try ma’am this here is a nomad vehicle. So there is no way you work for Max Tac.” the officer responds

“Computer, Call Boss,” Helen says out loud suddenly the car begins to ring like a phone call is going through.

“Reaper? What’s with the call are you gonna be late for work?” Alexander’s voice asks over the speakers.

“Yes sir, I seem to have been pulled over and the officer is asking for my vehicle,” Helen states

“You don’t say, give me a minute. I need to give Commissioner Gordon a call so I explain why Max Tac is going to end up on strike again.” Alexander says

The officer outside of the Qudara type-66 is sweating visibly nervous.
“Did I say that? I meant that you were free to go.”

“Fuck you, If I am ever called to a cyberpsycho scene, I will make sure that if I could have saved you, I won’t,” Helen says taking off in the “nomad” car.

Another similarity between both lives was the ability to hold incredibly petty grudges.

Alexander Volkov stood at the window of his office, his gaze fixed on the bustling streets of Night City below. The neon glow of advertisements and the distant hum of traffic filled the air, but within the walls of Max Tac headquarters, there was a palpable sense of order mixed with a lot of chaos which was the only true way to keep his employees employed with him.

Although the call from Helen was a surprise, it definitely wasn’t an unpleasant one. Unlike the Group… Oh dear god the Group, if it wasn’t for Badger’s ability to steer their destructive tendencies that would have been the most terrifying group of cyberpsychos ever.

So Helen’s surprising restraining and her ability to just not outright kill the officer.

Tobias and Glen, that’s got to be the people he paired her with. The only people who perform anywhere close to her level would be the Group, and he wanted them to never, EVER meet.

Helen guided her vehicle with practiced ease into the dimly lit employee parking lot. The concrete surface seemed to stretch out like a sea of shadows, with the pale glow of overhead lights casting feeble rays into the early morning darkness. The soft hum of the engine subsided as she turned off the ignition, leaving the stillness of the pre-dawn hours to envelop her.

The stillness of the early morning in the employee parking lot was abruptly shattered as the sound of a roaring engine and blaring music filled the air. Helen's head turned instinctively toward the source of the disturbance, her eyes widening in shock as a car sped into the lot with reckless abandon.

It was a fucking 2005 Toyota Corolla the windows appear to shimmer with a subtle waviness. It's as if the music was causing the entire frame of the vehicle to vibrate to the sound of Mick Gordon Master Mind.


Suddenly the Corolla pulled off a maneuver that would’ve put Ace Ventura to shame, parking in between two concrete pillars. The vehicle was parked and the music cut off as a man stepped out holding a giant spoon.

“Uh, excuse me! Was that Mick Gordon?” Helen asks dumbfounded hearing the Australian music in night city. Wait that wasn’t right either, her memories were conflicting on the source of the music.
“Yes! Yes, it was! Wait! Do you have more of his songs!” The man shouts back happily.

“You better believe I do,” Helen says having closed the distance on foot.

“Hell yes, I only managed to find a data chip of one on my visit to the land down under.” The man says with a rather scary yet happy smile.

“I'm Helen, though my call sign is Reaper,” Helen says introducing herself.

“Eh, names don’t matter much. You however can call me Heavenly.” The man says introducing himself.

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