Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 30: Stray Cat Blues

It's been 3 days since they utterly blitzed past border patrol and managed to out manuver araska.

Helen and Jackie found themselves seated at a corner table in Jackie's mom's restaurant, El Coyote Cojo, a cozy little place with warm, dim lighting and the comforting aroma of Mexican cuisine wafting through the air. The sounds of laughter and clinking glasses filled the atmosphere as patrons enjoyed their meals and shared stories.

"Hermana, That was some preem driving choom." Jackie cheers

"Jackie… I want to know what the cargo was before I start drinking." Helen states

"Alright, well here it is Choom."

As Jackie leaned in to reveal the nature of the cargo, a short yet experienced figure entered the restaurant, drawing the attention of all its occupants. It was Padre, a showy fixer who occasionally did business with Jackie and recently had contacted Helen.

He spotted the pair at their corner table and made his way over, his long coat flowing with each confident step.

"Jackie, Helen," Padre greeted them in his deep, gravely voice. "Quite the stunt you two pulled a few days back. Impressive."

"Padre," Jackie said, respect in his tone. "You know it's always a pleasure. What brings you here?"

Padre didn't mince words. "I need your help with something, something big. And I'm willing to pay well for your services."

"YES!" Jackie shouts hoping to go big.

Helen however shakes her head. "Sorry Padre, I'm retired like you."

"I get it Helen, luckily I got another partner lined up for Jackie here… Also Here's your eddies for the rescue mission and a cut of the profit from the cargo." Padre says as Helen's eyes light up receiving a cool 50,000 Eddies.

"Always happy to do business padre." Helen says with a smile shaking the fixers hand.

"Why don't you go ahead and get a drink on me before heading home. I have business to talk with young Jaquito here." Padre says

"Understood," Helen states knowing that she will likely never get to know the nature of that cargo.
Helen was walking home rather than calling a car. Why you might ask, because it was a very enthusiastic walk.

"Helen!" A synthesized voice calls from a near by alleyway.

"A very enthusiastic walk indeed," Helen mutters drawing her DyingLight Pistol before heading into the allyway.

"Helen, I found the person cyberstalking the house." Nyx says crawling out from behind a dumpster.

"Nyx? … What a way to get a girls hopes up." Helen says disappointedly.

"Hopes up? Right, doesn't matter. I found the person who has been surveilling our apartment. Her name is Lucyna Kushinada better known as Lucy or Luce." Nyx says

"Why are you out here in an alleyway?" Helen asks disrupting the flow of the conversation once again.

"I am here because you have not been home for four days. I honestly don't know how work is letting you get away with the time off." Nyx states

"Well, between the gang and Team 6/Alpha team/V Crew. They got most of the shifts covered. Not to mention they knew I took the position as a retirement job. So, something about Lucy? Did Faraday put her up to it?" Helen asks

Nyx pauses and stares at his owner in shock. "You can be really scarry you know?"

"It's kinda my job." Helen replies with a light shrug.

"Right, well I was tracking them down." Nyx states

"What day of the week is it?" Helen asks cutting off the cat once again.

"Wednesday… So anyway-"I know where they are then" " Nyx starts only for Helen to once again cut him off.

"WHAT WHERE!" Nyx shouts

"Hop on, they are gonna be at Turbo in Japan town." Helen states calling her Quadra Type-66 "Cthulhu"

Nyx not wanting to separate from Helen at the moment blur's as hes suddenly on her shoulder.

Helen smirks and pets her cat's head a little while walking out of the alleyway.

The black Cthulhu glides to a halt, and the driver's side door smoothly swings open. Without a moment's hesitation, Helen slips into the car's sleek interior, revving the engine and speeding away.

However, her thrill is short-lived as the music abruptly cuts off, and the vehicle switches to autopilot.

Helen turns to Nyx, who has hopped into the passenger seat.

"We need to have a talk, owner... Master? Helen?" Nyx states, his synthetic voice unsure of what to call her.

It's the uncertainty in Nyx's voice that tips Helen off, making her realize she might have failed the cat.

"You can call me whatever you want, Nyx," Helen whispers petting the cat.

The cuthulu glides calmly in traffic Helen not having to do a single thing.

"Master… I feel so disappointed, you saved me. Pulled me off the street, took me to a nice ripper, made me feel at home and then you abandoned me for nearly a week!" Nyx exclaimed

"You're right." Helen admits pulling the cat into her embrace.

"How could you do that? You forgot to feed me and everything." Nyx states

"I… I'm sorry, last time I had a pet…" Helen whispers mostly to herself before flinching remembering her dog.

"I didn't mean to keep you so distant. I'll do better in the future, will you forgive me?" Helen asks

"On one condition. I come with, everywhere." Nyx states

"You know what? Sure, but as far as anyone is aware you are a normal cat alright?" Helen asks

"Sure, I can do that." Nyx says

"You have arrived at TURBO." The car announces

"Well, it's game time," Helen says as she takes control to park the car.

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