Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 32: Crazy Mad Insane

V pushed through the smoky entrance of Lizzie's Bar, leaving the cacophony of Night City's streets behind. The dimly lit interior was a stark contrast to the neon-lit chaos outside. The air hummed with low conversation, punctuated by laughter and the soft, sultry tones of the live performer talking on stage. It was about an hour to opening time, however she had an in with Suzie Q.

Valerie leaned against the bar, scanning the dimly lit room for any sign of her contact. The neon cocktails and distant chatter seemed worlds away from the chaos of her life in Night City. Ever since the break in, life had been hell. Although the pay raise and Smashers commendation has done well for her. That dipshit boss was still in charge.

As she waited, she couldn't help but think about the offer from Adam Smasher. The allure of a promotion was tempting, but Valerie knew it came with its own set of strings attached. She had chosen to follow a different path, one that often led her to places like Lizzie's Bar, where secrets and lies were currency. The place was nice, and didnt have nearly as many eyes as Afterlife.

"V?" The voice echoing from the empty dance floor pulled Valerie back to reality. She turned in the direction of the call.

"Well, Padre did say he wasn't subtle..." Valerie muttered to herself.

"You Jack?" Valerie asked aloud, her gaze fixed on the person who had called her name.

Jackie walked closer, his presence illuminated by the soft neon lights casting a warm, crimson glow.

"Yeah, I'm Jack. And you're V, right? Padre mentioned you might have some work for me." he replied with a friendly smile noticing that the woman was fully cromed out, nearly a borg Lite. '

"What are the odds of us getting to Mexico and back?" V asks

"Mēxihco, its would be tricky chika. Luckily I got some contacts." Jackie says with a smile.

"It appear's that I have a job for you then." V says setting down her glass with a smirk.
As Lucy slowly regained consciousness, she found herself lying on a cold, hard surface. The last thing she remembered was the excruciating pain caused by Nyx's cyberdefense. Her vision was blurry, and her head throbbed with a dull ache.

With a groan, Lucy attempted to push herself up, only to discover that her wrists were bound together with zip ties. Panic surged as her surroundings came into focus. She was in a dimly lit, windowless room, and a single flickering fluorescent light overhead.

"What the hell..." Lucy muttered under her breath, her heart racing. She tried to assess her situation, desperately searching for a way out.

Lucy's eyes widened in both surprise and confusion as Helen entered the room, carrying a tray of food and drinks. The appearance of her pursuer, seemingly unharmed and bearing refreshments, was the last thing she expected.

"What's going on?" Lucy asked, her voice trembling as she watched Helen set up a table in the otherwise barren room.

Helen didn't answer immediately. She arranged the food and drinks on the table with precision, seemingly unfazed by Lucy's anxiety. Only when she was satisfied with the setup did she finally speak.

"I thought we could have a civilized conversation, Lucy," Helen said calmly. "There's no need for hostility if we can work this out."

Lucy, still bound and bewildered, eyed the spread of food and drink. She couldn't help but wonder if this was some sort of trap. Nevertheless, the situation had taken an unexpected turn, and she decided to cautiously engage with Helen.

"Talk? About what?" Lucy asked, her gaze shifting between Helen and the table.

Lucy was scared, due to her spying she knew who Helen was, how much sway she held and what she's done in the past.

"About the reason you've been spying on me," Helen replied, her voice even. "I think it's time we get some answers, don't you?"

Lucy hesitated, her mind racing as she tried to find the right words. She had never expected to be sitting across from the person she had been surveilling, especially not in this unusual manner.

"I... I can't reveal everything," Lucy admitted, her voice quivering. "I have my orders, and I can't just—"

Helen interrupted, her tone firm but not unkind. "You don't have to tell me everything. But you can tell me enough. Who are you working for, Lucy, and why are they so interested in my life?"

Lucy bit her lower lip, her predicament sinking in. She couldn't remain silent, but she also couldn't betray her employers entirely.

"Is it faraday? I mean I doubt you would go back to Arasaka, however I seem to have gotten onto their bad side recently. Maybe Miliatech? I mean I doubt the company itself would try me again but people are stupid." Helen say starting to list a few.

"You know about Faraday?" Lucy asks her voice cracking, Helen knew about her connection to Arasaka!?

"So it's Faraday huh? Probably on orders from Miliatech." Helen mutters

"Miliatech backs Faraday?" Lucy asks

"Yep, so… I got my info, is that enough?" Helen asks aloud.

"It should be, Faraday is going to have a bad day soon." Nyx responds over the speaker in the room.

"Alright, well lets get you out of here." Helen says cutting the zipties with her fingernails.

"What? That's it?" Lucy asks

"Yeah, I mean im not some monster that would kill everything that moves." Helen says

Lucy winces remembering her dive into the Reapaers history.

"Just take some food and hang out till your crew gets here." Helen says walking out and disappearing into the apartment.
Alexander Volkov sat behind his sturdy metal desk, surrounded by the light militaristic decor of his Max Tac office. Tactical displays flickered on the walls, showing real-time data on various operations, and status' across Night City. The room was well-lit with harsh led lights.

The door swung open, and Ethan, Helen's handler, stepped in. He wore the unmistakable Max Tac uniform, complete with light armor and a sidearm holstered at his side. His expression was as steely as the room itself.

"Boss," Ethan said before his stoic face develops into a slight smirk.

Alexander looks up from this tablet "What's the status of Agent Wick? Have we confirmed John's location or is he still not reporting to work?"

"Helen is doing well, I mean we did basically hire her on as a part time. Afterall between the Gang and Team 6 most shifts are covered. She's out exploring the city, although she did take a job." Ethan says

"A job?" Alexander asks

"Yes, she recently ran the border… As for John, at this time we are unable to locate him… He appears to have dipped into psychosis again." Ethan reports

"Fuck," Alexander mutters to himsel

As Lucy stepped out of the room she had been held prisoner in and found herself in a sprawling, breathtaking apartment that seemed to expand massively before her. The magnificent view through the floor-to-ceiling windows that stretched across an entire wall. The shimmering, ever-changing lights of Night City painted a mesmerizing panorama, and it felt like she was on top of the world. At the peak of Arasaka tower, over looking the glowing city below.

The floors were adorned with organic wood, smooth and cool beneath her feet as she ventured further in. The spacious living area was replete with plush real leather sofas, arranged around an sapphire glass coffee table, the interior wall full of books…

And a boy looking through them, Lucy smirked to herself as she began to step lightfootedly to sneak up on the boy who had next to no spacial awareness.

"Hey?" Lucy asks tapping on his shoulder, david panics
David jumped at the unexpected touch on his shoulder. His eyes widened, and his body tensed as he faced Lucy. Startled, he stumbled over his words for a moment before finally regaining his composure.

"Whoa, you startled me there," David said, letting out a nervous chuckle. He attempted to recover his book from the nearby couch, but his hands still shook slightly from the surprise.

Lucy couldn't help but smile at his reaction, finding it rather amusing. "Sorry about that," she said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"I just couldn't resist sneaking up on ya, so uh um where am I?" Lucy asks

"This is Helen's apartment." David says

"She has a torture room in her appartment?" Lucy asks

"Ah, you mean the prototype holodeck that Nyx has been working on?" David asks

"What's a holo deck? Actually I got a bunch of question's" Lucy says

David looks at the girl in front of him and smiles. "I would be more than happy to help"


In the dimly lit, underground chamber, two shadowy figures stood facing each other, their identities concealed by cloaks and hoods. The only source of light came from a single, flickering ancient bulb hanging above them, casting eerie shadows across the rough concrete walls.

The taller of the two figures spoke first, their voice a low, gravelly whisper that barely carried through the stifling air. "We've found her, just as you requested. The woman you seek, she's been located."

The other figure nodded, their face hidden in the depths of the hood. "Good. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. Tell me everything."

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