Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 39: Boys are Back in Town

Helen made her way through the weak metal gate into the back alleyway.  The small neon sign above the concrete stairs leading to the underground doctors office called out to her as Nyx followed behind. 


She stepped down the stairs her heavy boots kicking up concrete dust. Reaching the bottom she slid the door open. 


“So Vik, who fucked with DOC?” Helen asks her tone of voice one which would give grown men nightmares.


“Helen! Thank you for coming. I have some issues with gangs, probably Malestrom.” Vik says while frantically typing on his computer. 


"Malestrom?" Helen's voice cut through the tension, her tone carrying an air of authority.


Viktor nodded, his expression a blend of frustration and concern. "Yes, they've been targeting my clinic lately. Tampering with shipments, disrupting services, and causing general chaos."


The metallic groan and servos' whine echoed from a nearby closet, signaling the aftermath of Malestrom's intrusion. 


"A trojan? In this day and age. No wonder you were lost for what to do, Vik," Helen remarked, a tinge of exasperation evident in her voice. The archaic nature of the threat surprised her, considering the clinic's advanced security measures.


Before Nyx could offer further insight, the whining of servos intensified, and abrupt banging reverberated from the door. Helen's hand instinctively reached for a emp grenade hoping to disable the electronic limbs, although it would likely be a shock to her systems aswell.


The abrupt noise was followed by an eerie silence, the tension in the air palpable.


“Trojan Isolated and Nuteralized.” Nyx says


“Did you interrogate the code?” Helen asks 


“Do you think I am some sort of amature?” Nyx asks retorically as the sliding door opens and a small tsunami of cybernetic limbs tumbles out on to the floor. 


“Thank you both. I was at my hairs end on how to handle that, although Malestrom isn’t likely to stop.” Vik says looking at Helen. 


“Vik, they fucked with doc. TThat's worse than shooting an officer. They're living on borrowed time," Helen asserted, her voice carrying an edge of determination.


"I got the location," Nyx announced, anticipating Helen's next move.


"Well, Vik, I'll be back sooner or later," Helen stated, her gaze resolute as she prepared to leave and finish the fight someone else had sparked.


With a determined stride, Helen made her way out of Viktor's clinic, her heavy boots echoing in the alleyway. The neon-lit streets of Night City beckoned, the darkness was calling for the Reaper… Maybe, she would come out of retirement. 



Helen ventured deep into the heart of Malestrom's territory in Night City. The air crackled with tension, an eerie sense of danger permeating the dimly lit alleys. Neon signs flickered intermittently, casting eerie shadows on the worn concrete beneath her boots.


Her firearm gleamed, reflecting a glint of light as she moved cautiously through the maze-like streets. Her Kiroshi implants, set to full night vision, illuminated the otherwise shadowy pathways. The tension in her stance was rigid and inhuman, a telltale sign that the Reaper was on the prowl once more.


Amidst the tense atmosphere, a ping from Nyx, her loyal companion, interrupted her focus. Nyx had returned home, not wanting to get involved with yet even more blood shed. Hower that did not stop Nyx from helping out.  yet an influx of information appeared on her GPS, marking all known Malestrom hideouts for the night.


A faint, almost mischievous giggle escaped her lips as her Kiroshi implants glowed with a crimson hue. 


With a step forward her figure blurred and she was running off into the Night.



The atmosphere in Miliatech's boardroom was tense, the air thick with a sense of urgency and concern. Senior executives, heads of security, and key decision-makers gathered around the polished table, their expressions reflecting anger at being dragged to a physical table so early in the morning. While a majority of the large share holders had called in. 


The room was full of people of significant power. Such as Victoria Lockheed,  James Holland, Martin Boeing, Jasmine Sullivan, Isabella Ford, and Aeon Musk. Just to name a few, 


“WHY ARE WE HERE?” A Victoria asks clearly too tired for whatever in the hell is going on.  


“We are here because everyone in the Night City office is dead.” Aeon says


“WHAT!” Jasmine shouts


Aeon pressed a button on the sleek, unassuming table, triggering a projector to activate. The display illuminated the room, showcasing various hallways bustling with corporate employees engrossed in their daily routines. Suddenly, an abrupt darkness engulfed the previously well-lit corridors, leaving the screen ominously blank.


With a swift tap on a specific area of the table, night vision activated, offering a dim view of the area. Amidst the darkness, the assembled individuals barely caught a fleeting glimpse of a shadowy figure darting down the hallways. As it passed the employees they slumped to the ground almost immediately, it was a blink and you’ll miss it moment. 


“What in the hell was that!” Martin shouts 


James sighs before looking around the table angrily. 


“Who, wants to explain to President Myers that we pissed off the reaper?” James asks


“She’s real? I thought that THING was just an urban legend.” Vicktoria asks 


"President Myers won't be thrilled about this," James remarked, his tone laced with frustration.


"Dealing with the Reaper wasn't in the agenda," Jasmine added, her voice tinged with disbelief.


"Real or not, we've got a security breach of unprecedented proportions," Martin chimed in, his concern evident.


"I never thought we'd witness something like this," Isabella murmured, her usually composed demeanor showing signs of alarm.


“You are familiar with the Reaper James?” Aeon asks 


"I've heard whispers about her," James responded, his expression a mix of concern and perplexity. "But why would she target us?"


Aeon swiftly manipulated the holographic keyboard, unveiling files detailing Night City Miliatech's middle management hiring a Fixer to spy on someone named Helen Wick.


"This goes beyond a mere security breach," Aeon stated, her voice edged with concern. The holographic display now showcased intricate files detailing Helen Wick's connections, affiliations with Max Tac, and a myriad of entanglements across Europe—wanted posters, bounties, and associations with numerous individuals of interest.


“Is there any chance we could call for a parlay?” Marin asks 


“I could take a drive, according to the files she lives 30 minutes away from me with traffic.” 


“That is the first time I ever heard you talk Miss Nava.” Aeon says shocked


“I am not Miliatech nobility like all of you. I just own a large amount of stock, and prefer my quiet life.” Nava says 

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