Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 43: Bohemian Rhapsody


Elena awoke in the morning to an empty bed yet again, although that wasn't the focal point of her attention. The persistent ring in her head as a call from Militech, drew her focus away from the solitude of the room. The weight of the incoming call scared her—she had forgotten to report her success from the previous night.


With that, Elena answered the call, only to find herself in a conference call with all of the Militech Royalty. Again, although this time… Helen was physically present at the table. Wait, what! How did Helen get to DC so quickly!


“Hello, everyone,” Helen says with a smirk.


The people physically at the table were visibly worried, while Helen herself stood beside President Myers, her smirk unyielding.


“Is everyone in the call?” President Myers asks, ignoring the literal death machine standing next to her.


“Yes, ma’am.”


“Good. So, it has come to my attention that you all have done something monumentally stupid. I mean, when you have a woman who can make the European Union shy away from her, and you think it's a good idea to try and attack her? Like, what the hell,” Myers states rather calmly.


“It's fine, President Myers. I have always respected the people at this table, evenbefore they all combined into a single company. After all, it was the early 2000s when I was but a little girl. I had joked around with friends that the United States Military Industrial complex could kill God! If push came to shove,” Helen says with a light chuckle, her nonchalant demeanor adding an unexpected twist to the situation. It made everyone uneasy, especially since the messenger they had sent her hadn’t reported back.


“So, let me just go ahead and say that your sacrifice is appreciated and accepted,” Helen states, her words breaking the tension in the room as everyone suddenly breathes a sigh of relief. The weight of the moment lifts, leaving a mix of surprise and gratitude in the air. Some of them may have been praying or thanking god, it was hard to tell what others were thinking at all times. 


“So uh… Is Elena alive?” Victoria asks


Helen glanced at the camera, addressing Elena directly. "I'm sorry to leave so quickly, kitten, but when the most powerful woman in the 'Free World' calls you, kinda have to answer."


Elena, who had been listening in on the call, now spoke up. "Yeah, I'm here. Just dealing with some... unexpected developments," she added


Victoria, still puzzled, looked around the room. "Unexpected developments? What happened?"


Helen grinned, her demeanor transitioning seamlessly back to her usual confident self. “You gave me a kitten as an apology, and I love making her purr.” 


The room seemed to pause as it realized the meaning of that sentence… Well at least the messenger wasn’t dead. How Elena managed to seduce the Reaper would be something that they would have to find out later but after two days of silence they were kind of getting worried. 


“So I am considering the transgression of Faraday and my most recent assassination attempt as water under the bridge. I just pray that whoever in this room or call was responsible for that does not get found out by Max Tac because not even god could save you then,” Helen stated, her tone serious as she glanced around the room before finally staring at the camera.


“Right, thank you for the ride here and back home, President Myers. I shall see you at home in 45 minutes, Kitten,” Helen said gleefully, almost literally skipping out of the room.


“Um, Elena, congrats on the relationship… Uh, she seems really fixated on you,” Victoria commented, breaking the post-Helen revelation silence.


“Right, well, that is one national emergency solved… Now, what do we do about Arasaka? They are making encroachments again and testing our cyberdefenses,” President Myers asked, shifting the focus to a new issues since the most pressing one had been solved so easily. 



The atmosphere in the Afterlife was a calm… The kind of calm that came before a storm, in all her years running this bar she had learned to trust her instincts by this point. Rogue worked with a practiced ease, handling the various bottles and mixing drinks, prepping the bar as its called. The absence of Claire, who had mentioned some event with her husband, left Rogue to run the bar and only Emmerick was here to keep her company at the moment. She had a few minutes before the usual fixers started two show up and to be honest those men and women were always a pain to deal with. 


Hey Boss, that Wick woman is here.” 


That was the only warning she got before the double doors opened and in walked the Reaper, yet the usual aura of death and dispare didn’t follow right after, and she was with another woman… They were holding hands.


A quick glance would show a rather nervous gene modded cat girl. Yet she happily let Helen lead her around if the constant subtle glaces at the taller woman meant anything.


“What?” Rogue mutters in shock 


“Hey Rogue, do you have a limited menu tonight or is the kitchen open?” Helen asks with a beaming smile.


Rogue felt the weight of the situation settles in, realizing that this encounter with the usually ominous Helen Wick was even more disconcerting. She was smiling and happy, and… Oh dear god did the Reaper, Terror of Euorpe bring a date to her Afterlife?


GOD help them all.

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