Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 44: Who Wants Us to Live Forever

Jackie was running security on a transport. He usually hated doing this without knowing what the product was however it was a job from Padre… He still owed that man so he made sure to pay him back when he could. So here he was running with this new girl who by all intents and purposes was too green for a job like this. 

“Chika what is your name?” Jackie asks 


“Just call me V” The girl says palming her liberty pistol in its holster. 


“Well then V. I hope you know what you got yourself into.” Jackie says as he starts to approach the Van. 


“Of course I know!” V says


“Right, well it should be a simple escort job so just hop in shot gun and keep an eye open.” Jackie says sitting down in the car.  The transport vehicle hummed to life as Jackie settled into the driver's seat, the rhythmic purr of the engine creating an ambient soundtrack for the mission ahead. V, the new recruit, took her place in the shotgun seat, her gaze looking foward as she fiddled with the radio. 


As the vehicle merged into the flow of Night City traffic, Jackie kept a watchful eye on the rearview mirrors, his experienced instincts on high alert. The neon-soaked streets of Night City stretched ahead, towering buildings and flickering advertisements drew his attention for a brief moments. 


"So, V, first time running security for Padre?" Jackie inquired, his voice steady as he navigated through the labyrinthine streets.


"Yeah, just started working with him recently. Figured it's a good way to get my foot in the door, you know?" V responded,rather nonchalantly 


Jackie glanced at V, her nonchalant response prompting a thoughtful expression on his face. He understood the drive to make a name for oneself in Night City, but he also knew the harsh realities of the mercenary life.


"Getting your foot in the door is one thing, V, but be careful what doors you open in this city," Jackie advised, his tone carrying a weight of experience. "This life, it's not just about making a quick buck. It's about surviving, and sometimes surviving means knowing when to step back."


V looked at Jackie, her expression shifting from casual to more contemplative. The glow of neon lights painted her face in an array of colors as they sped through the Night City streets. "I get it, Jackie. But I can handle myself.”


"Just stay sharp, and don't let your guard down," Jackie added, his gaze returning to the road.


V's response was more dismissive than Jackie had hoped. He could sense her eagerness to prove herself, but experience had taught him that Night City had a way of humbling even the most confident mercenaries.


Jackie opened his mouth again, her attitude not sitting right with them when a series of blaring sirens echoed through the narrow back streets they were navigating. Jackie's instincts kicked in, and he swerved the van to right narrowly avoiding a barrage of gunfire that erupted from the shadows. The Van hopped up on to the side walk as The roar of an engine came to life as a car pulled out in front of them blocking their way forward.


Looking to his right the new girl was frozen from terror in the passenger seat. "V, we got trouble!" Jackie shouted, ducking behind the wheel as bullets peppered the vehicle. Not missing the second grouping of shots. V, caught off guard, scrambled to return fire as the assailants closed in from the alleyway to the left. Her shots were erratic and not good at all. 


"V, snap out of it! We got trouble from both sides!" Jackie barked, his veteran instincts kicking in. He leaned over to provide cover fire from his position behind the wheel, the his pistol's sharp reports filling the confined space.


Jackie slammed his foot on the gas pedal, the tires screeching as the van surged forward. Pushing straight through the ambush car. As it tore off down the road. V Leaning out the window firing at the group behind them. 


They were breaking all manners of traffic laws trying to get away from the persuers who V was shooting at. 


Jackie looked to his right to double check on his partner only to see a pair of head lights coming straight at them as they ran a redlight. His eyes dilated in realization and time seemed to slow as the van violently jerked to the left the other had car collided with a deafening crunch of metal, as jackie felt a warm liquid splash his entire body. In a moment he was looking at the sky, and then the ground and then the sky again before Jackie ultimately realized he was upside down, V no where to be seen inside the vehicle although the inside of the van was painted in blood. 


Unhooking his seatbelt Jackie winced as he hit the ground with a painful thud, his body aching from the impact. Ignoring the discomfort,he crawled out of the shattered windshield. The smell of gasoline hung thick in the air, and distant sound of engines approached, their ominous hum growing louder.


Glancing back at the wreckage, Jackie's heart sank. V was plastered between the car that had collided with them and the side of the van, her form barely recognizable. The entire side of the van painted a blood red when it was a pearl white before. A feeling of helplessness washed over him, but he knew he couldn't stay. Headlights in the distance signaled approaching vehicles, and the urgency to escape overwhelmed any other emotion.


"Chicka, no..." Jackie muttered under his breath, a mix of sorrow and regret in his voice. He forced himself to turn away, hobbling in the opposite direction.

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