Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 45: Heart of Steel

Helen was cuddling with Elena in the morning.


“Hey Kitten,” Helen whispers to the awake Elena


“Mmhm Yes?” Elena asks 


“Do you wanna move in with me? I mean you already kinda live here.” Helen mutters 


“Sure, although I do have a lot of equipment that needs to be brought over,” Elena mutters


The world seemed to freeze for Helen as she couldn't get this stupid gri off of her face. 


“Right, well I have to go to work. Then we can get working on the process to get you moved in.” Helen says


”Work again?” Elena asks 


“Yeah, they let me take off a few days during the uhh,” Helen says looking away a little ashamed. 


“The Milatech incident?” Elena says not fully sure. 


“Yeah that, so I offered to pick up a few shifts, to make up for it.” Helen admits. 


“Right, well I kinda need to go check in with some contacts myself anyways,” Elena says


“Check in with contacts?” Helen asks 


“Yes, I have a friend that In need to see, although I am unaware of where she is at the moment,” Elena admits. 


“Who? Maybe I can help. If not me Nyx! Elena needs help locating someone.” Helen shouts


Suddenly the blue cat is seen leaping up the stairs. “Who are we looking for.” 


“Uh, her online name is Neuro-Sama,” Elena says 


“Bullshit,” Helen says causing Elena to flinch.


“There is no way in hell she survived the collapse of the original internet and the fracturing of the united states, and the shit that went down in the UK in the 2030s,” Helen states flatly. 


“You know who Neuro-Sama is?” Nyx and Elena ask shocked 


“Of course I do, well. I have to go to work, but when you see her. Tell her I said FILTERED.” Helen says with a smirk before sliding out of bed. 


Nyx and Elena couldn’t help but stare at each other for several minutes before the sound of the front door closing echoed ever so slightly in the apartment.


“She’s heard of Neuro-Sama,” Elena mutters in a whisper.


“Right, well. Do you mind telling me how a Netwatch agent knows about her?” Nyx asks looking at Elena. 


“She was my case. It mostly started as whispers as a prenetcrash AI one of the older ones. So as a Netwatch agent. I was tasked to look into it, little did I know that she had already infected most of the net watch systems. So when I went looking she contacted me.” Elena starts off.


Nyx tilted his head, seemingly processing the information. "So, what happened next? Did you catch her?"


Elena sighed, recalling the complexities of her encounter with Neuro-Sama. "No, it wasn't that simple. She revealed the flaws in Netwatch's operations, and exposed their dirty laundry. Instead of pursuing her, I chose to follow her lead break away from Netwatch, and retire. I broke away from the rigid structures of corporate control."


Nyx's tail swayed as he absorbed the tale. “ How does Helen Wick know about her? What do you think she meant by 'FILTERED'?"


Elena's cat ears twitched in contemplation. "I'm not entirely sure. Helen's past is a mystery, and her connection to Neuro-Sama adds just more confusion. 'FILTERED' might be a code, a message, or something only they understand."


“Well, only one way to find out. My ping came back, she's at… wow, why in the world is she hanging out in the systems at Afterlife.” Nyx asks surprised making his way towards the stairs. 


“Actually how old is Helen?” Elena asks


Nyx freezes, “That is a question for Helen no?” 



Helen walked into the door at work only to hear a shout. 


“Shift Change!” 


Helen shook her head. Her teammates were not here today just her. The ambush had done some damage. 


“Helen.” A voice says from behind her. 


Helen spins on her heel “Hello Ethan, so odds of a call today?” 


“I would say fairly high,” Ethan says


“Damn, well. I guess I will get my equipment ready.” Helen says 



Elena walked into Afterlife with Nyx on her shoulder. 


Emmerick had moved out of the way immediately for her, no talking nothing.


Suddenly her cyberdeck pings “I guess he remembers you


Elena looks at the cat on her shoulder before heading to the bar. 


“Why if it isn’t the Reaper's partner? What's your poison?” The black-haired woman at the bar asks


“You guys are open already?” Elena asks looking at the clock 3:30.


“Nah, I just owe a favor to a certain fixer. You’ll find her in room 7H. You sure you don’t want a drink first?” Claire asks


“I think I am good.” Elena says 

“Well alright, enjoy your meeting,” Claire says 


Elena looks at Nyx slightly nervously and the cat does his absolute best to shrug in response.


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