Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 51: Rust, Dust, and Guts

The cold, sterile ambiance of the Arasaka headquarters offered no solace to V as they navigated the labyrinthine corridors. The mission hung heavy in the air, a clandestine endeavor driven by corporate paranoia and the looming threat of the infamous Reaper, Helen Wick.


As a high-ranking Arasaka operative, V had been given an assignment that reeked of desperation. A rival company's Night City office lay in ruins, courtesy of Helen Wick's ruthless efficiency. The powers that be within Arasaka, driven by fear and self-preservation, sought to neutralize the threat that loomed on the edges of their empire.


V's cybernetic eyes scanned the mission dossier, detailing the target's known associates, past exploits, and the devastation left in Helen Wick's wake. It was a suicide mission, and V knew it. But loyalty to the corporation that had enhanced them ran deep, and the prospect of failure meant consequences that extended beyond death.


The operative needed an ace in the hole, a wildcard who could tip the scales in their favor. And so, V reached out to the one person who had once been a beacon of hope in the midst of chaos—Jackie Welles. Who surprisingly was in the list of known associates of the Reaper, man the ganic merch got around. 


The holographic interface flickered to life as V initiated a secure connection. Jackie's avatar appeared, his ever-present smile momentarily dimmed by the seriousness of the situation.


"V, my friend! Long time no see. What brings you to my virtual doorstep?" Jackie's voice echoed through the neural link.


“Jackie, my friend… I need some info and as many contacts as you are willing to give me. I have got a target, who you might be familiar with.” V states


Jackie looks at V skeptically through the video call. 

“Who might that be?” Jackie saks


“Helen Wick, i need info on her.” V states


Jackie checks his surroundings before looking back at V.


“I consider Helen a friend, however a NCPD Detective by the name of Ward is looking into her.” Jackie states


Helen nods knowing that Jackie had given her alot just now. 



The NCPD office hummed with activity as V entered, the glow of Night City casting an glowing light within the precinct. Detective River Ward, a tenacious investigator known for his relentless pursuit of justice, was immersed in a sea of case files and holographic displays.


V approached the detective's desk, their cybernetic eyes scanning the cluttered workspace. Detective Ward looked up, his expression shifting from focused determination to curiosity as he regarded the high-ranking Arasaka operative.


"V, right? What brings you to my humble abode?" Ward inquired, his tone laced with a mix of professionalism and skepticism.


V didn't waste time with pleasantries. "I'm here about Helen Wick. I need information on her, and I hear you've been working a case on her."


Detective Ward raised an eyebrow, his gaze piercing through the air of mystery that surrounded V. "Helen Wick? Now, that's a name I've come across in some interesting places. What's your interest in the Reaper?"


V leaned in, their voice low and conspiratorial. "Arasaka has a vested interest in dealing with the threat Helen poses. We've had a run-in with her, and it's not a situation we can afford to ignore."


Detective Ward leaned back in his chair, a calculating glint in his eyes. "Arasaka, huh? The plot thickens. Alright, I've got some info on Helen. She's not your typical merc, that's for sure. Her history is a fucked up mess, corporate sabotage, mutiple murderds, a never ending list of cybercrimes, and a body count that rivals the population of Night City itself."


V absorbed the details, the intricate web of Helen's exploits painted by Detective Ward's words. The detective continued, "There's a certain pattern to her hits, though. It's not just about money or vendettas. There's a method to the madness, a purpose that goes beyond the surface."


V's mind raced, processing the information. "What else can you tell me? Any known associates, weaknesses, or recent activity?"


Detective Ward hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Associates are tricky. She's a lone wolf, but I've heard whispers of a netrunner named Nyx. Seems like they've got some history together. As for weaknesses, she's more machine than human, cold and calculating. I'd keep an eye on her emotional connections. It's a long shot, but everyone's got a chink in the armor."


V nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, Detective. This could be the lead we need. If anything comes up, you know how to reach me."


As V exited the NCPD office, the shadowy underbelly of Night City's seemed to engulf her. The single question with Jackie and the information from Detective Ward. Had managed to get her, her next target. 


The borgs ultimate weakness her ripper doc. 

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