Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 53: Damnation


The Grand Imperial Mall loomed before Helen, its darkened entrance a gateway to the tumult within. The Animals, known for their brutish strength and penchant for cyber enhancements, seemed to part ways as Helen strode through the entrance. It was an unspoken understanding, a collective decision by the gang that Helen Wick was not to be trifled with.


As Helen made her way through the dimly lit corridors, she couldn't shake off the confusion surrounding the Animals' premature venture into Pacifica. Their aggressive presence, a year ahead of schedule, defied the story line of the game, although her entrance into Night City seemed to have butterflied alot of things. The usual hierarchy, with the Voodoo Boys holding sway in Pacifica, was now dead and gone after all.


"Sasquatch!" Helen's voice cut through the ambient noise of the mall. The name echoed through the cavernous space, and, as if on cue, the colossal figure of Sasquatch emerged. The roided-up woman, towering and intimidating locking eyes with Helen.


"Helen Wick, as I live and breathe," Sasquatch greeted, a toothy grin spreading across her heavily modified face. The lack of cybernetic enhancements that had yet to adorn Sasquatch were a testament to the Animals' commitment to physical augmentation.


"Sasquatch, it's been a while. I'm here for the girl. Don't make this harder than it needs to be," Helen stated, her tone carrying a dangerous calmness.


Sasquatch chuckled, the sound reverberating through the mall. "The girl, huh? You mean Elena, so she wasn’t kidding when she said someone incredibly dangerous would come looking for her. Well, she’s all your’s.” 


Helen scrutinized the leader of the Animals skeptically as Elena emerged from an underground portion of the mall, slowly making her way towards Helen like a frightened animal.


Helen winced, noticing the behavioral change in Elena. The effects of the traumatic events she had endured were evident, leaving Helen uncertain about where to start in helping her.


“Elena…” Helen whispered, holding her arms open for a hug.


Elena hesitated, her eyes reflecting a mix of fear and confusion. Slowly, she stepped into Helen's embrace, seeking solace in the familiar presence of the woman who had become her lover in this chaotic world.


Sasquatch observed the reunion with a hint of curiosity, her bulky frame crossing her massive arms. "Take care of her, Wick. Us animals tend to stick together.” 


“Of course.” Helen states as she picks Elena up in a princess carry taking the now emotionally scarred woman out of the Mall. 



Helen arrived home, but Nyx was nowhere to be found. Her pet AI, a constant presence in her life, was still missing, and the unsettling absence gnawed at her.


“Helen… You won’t kill me too, will you?” Elena muttered, and Helen felt a herself die a little inside. The pain in Elena's voice mirrored the turmoil of her own emotions.


Helen gently lowered Elena onto the couch, her eyes softening with empathy. She knelt down, meeting Elena at eye level.


"No, Elena. I won't hurt you. You're safe here," Helen reassured her, her voice carrying a gentle warmth. "Nyx is missing, and I promise I'll find him. But right now, we need to focus on taking care of each other. You're not alone, and you won't be harmed. I'm here for you… I love you.” Helen states 


“Did you love him too?” Elena asks


“I did, but back then… I wasn’t myself, I had been turned into a weapon, I was a puppet. However, now there are no strings on me.” Helen states


“So, the photo was real? How much of you is human?” Elena asked


Helen nodded, her gaze fixed on Elena's eyes. "Yes, the photo was real. As for how much of me is human... it's hard to say. I've undergone extensive cybernetic enhancements, but deep down, I'm still me. The core of who I am remains."


Elena studied Helen, her hand’s running all along her cyborg girlfriends synthetic skin as she searches the Kiroshis for any type of acknowledgement. 


Suddenly the entire apartment starts rining with the sound of a holo call. 


“Ah goddamnit.” Helen mutters standing up. 


“Hello Ethan.” Helen states outloud. 

“Helen! You need to report to base Pacifica is on fire!” Ethan shouts in a panic.


“Ah, no need to worry.” Helen states


Ethan stills, “What do you mean no need to worry? A horrible cyberpsycho was reported in pacifcica.” 


“Yeah, uh. They are already dead.” Helen states while Elena is looking at her girlfriend as she states what is clearly a bold faced lie. 


“Oh? Well that’s good I’ll tell alexander then.” Ethan says rather happily. 


Elena ends up giggling before it breaks out into full blow laughter.


“What?” Helen asks


“I think that reported cyberpsycho was you.” Elena states


“They can’t prove anything.” Helen answers 


“Tell me your story from the start.” Elena suddenly states catching Helen off guard.


“Uh, sure it starts in 1998 with my birth.” Helen states with a smirk. 


“Uh, that isnt what Neuro said.” Elena mutters


“I have done a lot of work to mask who I am on the old web, even today some of that is still coming through.” Helen answers with a smirk 

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