Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 57: Metal Hell

Helen's eyes fluttered open, the soft melody of her Holo cutting through the stillness of the morning. The back of the Mustang was not the most comfortable spot however it was definitely better with Elena here. Helen in Elena's embrace decided to cuddle more. she answering her Holo, her heart pounding with a mixture of curiosity and concern.


"Hey Jackie, what's wrong?" Helen murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, mindful not to wake Elena.


Jackie's voice crackled over the line, filled with urgency. "Helen, we've got a situation," he said, his tone grave.


Helen's brow furrowed in concern. "What's going on?" she asked, her senses instantly on high alert.


"It's Vik," Jackie replied, his voice heavy with worry. "He's been hit by Arasaka. They're coming for you."


Suddenly her Holo is rining again. 


It was her handler at Max Tac. 


“Ethan?” Helen answers with a question. 


“Miss Wick, I am calling to inform you that unfortunately, Max Tac is having to part ways with you… I wish you luck in you next endeavor.” Ethan states his smile strained and very worried. 


“Did the apartment get hit?” Helen asks


Ethan nods and the call suddenly hangs up. 


Helen's heart sank at the news from Ethan, her mind racing with concern for Vik and fear for their safety. She glanced at Elena, her heart heavy with the weight of the situation. With a sense of urgency, she gently shook her lover, trying to rouse her from sleep.


"Elena, dear, I need you to wake up," Helen said, her voice tinged with urgency.


Elena stirred, blinking sleepily as she gradually became aware of the urgency in Helen's tone. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice groggy with sleep.


Helen's mind raced as she quickly explained the situation, the gravity of their predicament weighing heavily on her. "Arasaka's come for us," she said, her voice tense with worry. "They've hit Vik, and Max Tac just terminated my contract."


Elena's eyes widened in alarm as the reality of their situation sank in. "What do we do?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear.


“Someone in the corporate world has decided to fuck with the Reaper… We need to go, once I get to the safe place I’ll take care of it.” Helen states sitting up hopping into the driver seat staring the Mustang. 


“I lost contact with the server at the apparmnet.” Elena states


“They probably hit the apartment.” Helen states as she shifts it into drive and starts to head back towards the city.


Suddenly the Holo is ringin once again. It’s Gloria Martinez


“Gloria.” Helen states simply


“Your apartment just blew up.” Gloria states in disbelief. 


“Yeah, it appears that I angered Arasaka and they deemed me worthy enough to waste resources on.” Helen states


Elena looks over at Helen with worry on her face. Mouthing out the words “My code?”


Helen however smiles and shakes her head.


V is in her office looking at her reports. Before pressing teh buttons to call Jenkins her boss. Wasting this many resources on Helen Wick was a bad idea, knowing what she knew about the Reaper as all of europe calls her it would be best to leave well enough alone. 


“Jenkins… Is corporate serious about going after Helen Wick?” V asks


“Serious as a heart attack I’m afraid, they just struck her apparment.” Jenkins states


“We are fucked.” V mutters hanging up. 


A second later Jackie answers his call.


“Hermana…” Jackie says hesitantly 


“I know you’re mad but I need help getting out of the city.” V states


“Why should I help?” Jackie asks 


“Because once this all blows over I think I’m done with Arasaka.” V states


“Fine, secondary spot. Don’t be late.” Jackie says hanging up in a huff of anger. 


 Elena watched in confusion as Helen pulled up to a hotel.


“Hop out, we’ll be safe here.” Helen states


Elena's confusion lingered as she stepped out of the Mustang, her gaze flitting between Helen and the hotel in front of them. Continental Night City. It was a luxurious establishment, known for its discretion and security.


"Helen, what's going on?" Elena asked, her voice laced with uncertainty as she followed Helen towards the entrance.


Helen's expression was grim as she glanced around, her senses on high alert. "I need you to lay low for a while," she explained, her voice tight with tension. "Arasaka's not going to give up easily, and I need to hit them back and hard."


Elena nodded, her mind racing with worry for their safety. "But what about Vik?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.


Helen's jaw clenched with determination as she turned to face Elena. "It’s me they want. He’s probably fine. The man is more connected than he looks," she said, her voice soft but resolute. "But right now, I need you to focus on staying safe."


Elena follows Helen rather cautiously as the pair walk into the lobby. 


"Welcome to the Continental, Miss Wick," the concierge greeted Helen in a hushed and respectful tone. "How may we assist you today?"

“I need a room and to borrow your intercom system.” Helen states 


“Of course Miss Wick.” The concierge says putting his microphone on the counter and pointing it towards Helen.


“Attention clientele of the Continental, my name is Helen Wick. I just wish to inform you all that if you hold any stock at all in Arasaka it would be in your best interest to sell it.” Helen states into the mic before nodding to the concierge. 


“Right, you’re usual room?” 


“Of course. Is there a reputable firearms dealer you could recommend?" she inquired, her tone businesslike.


The concierge nodded. "Certainly, Miss Wick. There's a reputable dealer nearby, would you like for a house call?” 


“If you could. Come Elena, let us go inspect our accommodations.” Helen states grabbing Elena’s hands. 

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