Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 7: It’s a long way to the top.

Helen sits there in the Caliburn parked in the parking lot of the hospital for a little while trying to think of what to do for the day.

“Actually, I kinda want to check out the afterlife. It’s probably more interesting than it was in game.” Helen says sitting back as her internal GPS unit automatically tacks the fastest route there.

Slamming the stick in to drive. Helen pulled straight out of the empty parking lot and turned onto the road, the Caliburn flying down the street. Its engine’s roar echoed off of the tall buildings on either side of her.
David Martinez was done with the class the school day lasted only 3 hour’s was a huge improvement from how it was for his grandparents according to his mother. With the implementation of braindances knowledge can be downloaded straight to one’s mind allowing for most of the day to be filled with meditation and other after-school activities.

Though one would think that with all of his street-smarts, the corpo kids at Arasaka Academy wouldn’t be able to trick him. Yet once again he found himself once again tiptoeing through the corridors after class. Trying to avoid any unwanted attention from the watchful eyes of the teachers.

He should’ve known Alex was setting a trap, the fool still owed him some eddies for the last sale and would probably rather get him expelled than pay up. No, that's not right. Alex isn’t smart enough to do this on his own, he’s mostly a muscle-bound meathead.

“Who the hell set me up,” David whispers to himself ducking behind some cover.

A security patrol bot walked right on by and David used his talents to slip through the blind spots of surveillance cameras. A few more feet and he would be home free hiding amongst the crowd of exiting students, he could not get caught alone with the stuff he had on him.

“Need to tell Doc that I’ll need to lie low and not sell stuff at the academy for a bit,” David mutters as he makes it to an emergency exit door.
The camera usually watching the door looked away briefly. David moved, he was at the door and it took milliseconds to jam the alarm mechanism. His hands moved like he had done this a million times before.


The door opened, the alarm didn’t sound and David was free running into the crowded streets of the city center.
It was a peculiar sight for the Afterlife Bar to be nearly empty. Then again it was one in the afternoon. The bar was usually bustling with activity during the Night as crews arrived to party after a day of mercenary work. The dimly lit establishment now seemed to be in a state of quiet reprieve, likely to only be that way for a few quaint hours, then Night would hit again. A few faint rays of sunlight managed to pierce through the massive skyscraper, creating a faint contrast between the neon-lit street and the places hit by the sun's rays.

The roar of an engine could be heard echoing down the street a good distance away, followed shortly by a backfire. Some of the few hangers-on recovering in the parking lot from parting too hard the previous night look out and wondered what that noise could’ve been.

Seconds later the question was answered in the form of a jet black Caliburn its massively powerful W12 engine winding down as it coated into the parking lot, gliding across the ground.

“Yo, Dorio wake up. A corpo just pulled up.” A rather annoying-sounding man says shaking his presumed boss.

“Not now Pilar, wake up Maine, just let me sleep the headache away,” Dorio mutters rolling over in the trunk of a massive probably stolen Miliatech SUV.

“Pssh, I am not going to get shot by his arm cannon,” Pilar says sitting back and watching the Caliburn drive through the parking lot.

The solitary vehicle parked effortlessly right up front, it's sleek lines and black finish appearing even more striking against the backdrop of the nearly vacant lot.

The door on the driver’s side slid open and out stepped a woman wearing noncorpo clothes surprisingly.

“She is wearing some serious stuff.” Pilar mutters

Pilar is a techy guy meaning he can spot the subtly of the steel most likely armor plates in the midnight black leather jacket, The netrunner outfit under it was certainly old school. Although the woman was more borged out than Maine. Just catching a glimpse at some of her cyberware it was almost comparable to his boss.

“Probably a seasoned solo that just got back, Good thing Becca isn't here,” Pilar mutters as he watches the woman walk into the afterlife with no hesitation like she had done it before, and it was no big deal now.
In the depths of Night City's urban sprawl, hidden away from the prying eyes of the world above, lies the Afterlife Bar. An underground haven for the city's mercenary, and edge runner population. A set of stairs followed by a dimly lit corridor lead to the hidden entrance, which is guarded by an imposing bouncer by the name of Emmerick.

The beast of a man stared down at Helen and flinched at her gaze.

“Ah, sorry go ahead,” Emmerick says
“Smart choice Emmerick Bronson,” Helen says with a small smile walking into the bar.

The interior of the Afterlife Bar exudes a distinct cyberpunk aesthetic (no wonder). Cables and wires snake across the walls and ceilings, creating an intricate web of connections that hint at the bar's large digital footprint. Holographic projections and augmented reality displays were turned off as the business was experiencing a downtime, while the constant hum of machinery came from all directions impossible to point out a single source.

Rouge was standing behind the bar, Claire was not there just yet and was not due for another few hours.

Rouge glances up at the sound of one of the stools depressing from a person sitting on it.

“I like the design of the bar here very retro, old school even. Though the style is nearly 100 years old at this point.” A voice says causing Rouge to look up.

Rouge looks up shocked for a split second before her expression is schooled, had it been anyone else not paying much attention she probably would’ve gotten away with it.

“Helen Wick… You know, you have got some weight coming to me. The massive bounty in Europe and all.” Rouge says

“Girl, you know there is no one left alive to pay those bounties out. Welcome to try though. I was just thinking of the 60s 70s and 80s music that could liven up the place.” Helen says

“Please, all of those classics from my parent’s time are either in a private vault or were lost during the Datakrash and following wars. Sure some tribute bands managed to dutifully recreate some songs but it's most likely all copies of the original’s are gone.” Rouge says

Helen smiles as her eyes glow for a split second.

Rouge in a panic pulls a pistol on Helen leveling it at her head.

“Rouge please, if I wanted to kill you, I wouldn’t have sat down,” Helen says

“What did you do? What type of Damons did you upload to my computer systems here?” Rouge asks

“Check the computer to your right, I recommend the download folder. I do have a very good private collection.” Helen states with a smirk

“What the fuck.” Rouge says

“VP9 Tactical, nice pistol German right? I’m giving you the music as a gift. You also have my contact info now. I’m in town, and while I might consider myself retired, I don’t mind getting called back from work every once in and a while. Reminiscing about the good old days maybe even doing a job.” Helen says

“I’ll keep that in mind. Get out of my bar.” Rouge says

Helen stands up and leaves and Rouge is left watching the force of nature who came in and changed the game like a natural disaster.

“You okay boss?” Emmerick asks

“Oh, Emmerick… You’re alive? Well done.” Rouge says coming down from the adrenaline high of the last few minutes.

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