Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 8: Rock this Town

Driving down the street’s actually listing to traffic law at least until the shooting started, bullets shot through a barrier to her right ricocheting off of the Caliburn.

“Mother fucker’s just shot my car,” Helen says parking on the sidewalk while all of the other cars in the area drove away in a panic.

The Caliburn’s door slides open and Helen steps out pointing her left arm at the fence, the sleek metal plates that cover her forearm start to shift and transform. Tiny servos whir and click into place, adjusting the alignment of the internal components.

A soft hum fills the air as the arm cannon comes to life, powered by advanced energy cells.


A second later a Boom echoes down the street as the decrepit rusting clothtarp-covered chain link fence is demolished in a fiery glory.

The shooting stops briefly as the shooters look across the street from the alley that the fence was hiding.

The target of their gunshots looked to be a Russian-Blue cat who looked back at Helen with intrigue. Bullet casings were everywhere and the alleyways floor walls and even the fire escape ladder had taken stray shots likely aiming at the feline.

“Who the fuck are you!” One of the Maelstrom borgs shouts.

“You shot my fucking car!” Helen shouts back as the whirling of servos kick on again storing her arm cannon.

The Maelstrom punks look behind her to see the Midnight Black Caliburn.

“That is a rather nice car.” Goon 1 says

“Yeah, how about you give it to us and we’ll forgive your cannon at us!” Goon 2 shouts

“I don’t know boys she has a pretty nice body, how much of that do you think is ganic?” The borg asks loudly.

There was a powerful Crack and the borg was the first to die from The Comrade’s Hammer. At the press of a button, the gun clicks as the cylinder drop’s out of the one-shot revolver clinking against the ground. Helen was already slamming the next cylinder into the gun when goon squad had managed to wake back up from their shock

“What the fuck!” Goon 1 shouts raising his gun and shooting

Yet Helen was already gone having activated her Sandevistan.

“Where the fuck did she go!” Goon 2 shouts.

“Right here.” Helen whispers just to the right of the goon.



The Bark of the Buyra shot echoed again the massive anti-armor bullet turning Goon 2’s head and some of his upper body to paste instantly while deleting the melon off of Goon 1 pelting his body with metal shrapnel from the cybernetics.

“Collateral.” Helen whisper’s before turning to the cat.

Getting a second look at it, three of the four legs and paws had been replaced by silver blue custom-made cybernetics and what looked to be a Sandevistan cobbled together with random circuit boards and scrapped parts from other cybernetic systems including a kerenzikov running down its back on top of its spine.

“Hmm, I think I’ll take you home,” Helen says aloud picking up the cyborg cat.
David was nearly home. He was taking the scenic route since he had to calm down from the adrenaline rush of nearly being caught. The front entrance of the building was overcrowded as always thought luckily the Garage elevators were rarely used.

Making his way over to the parking garage a black shadow passed by him nearly silently. His heart skip a beat having been snuck up on by the vehicle almost all car’s were rather loud in Night City. Looking again he could see the unmistakable sleek form of a black Caliburn almost gliding up the ramp into the building's parking lot.

“Damn, that is one Preem ride. I wonder if I’ve met the owner.” David mutters following the car in past the gate which usually blocks the entrance to non-residents.
Helen had gotten home and carried the cat into the apartment. The city's chaotic energy seemed to fade away as she closed the door behind her, enveloping her in a sense of not quite calm. Classic rock playing in the background on the Penthouse’s stereo system.

Setting the cat down Helen walks over to her counter and sets her Buyra, Overture, and Colt Navy revolver on the counter. Knowing that the weapons needed to be cleaned and maintained.

“Welcome to your new home, kitty. I'm going to take a shower to get the blood off, then I'll figure out what to do about you," Helen says

Looking over the Cat had managed to make it atop the couch and was watching her with a knowing gaze.

The cat sits down and nods before taking a rather deep breath.
"Thank you for the save, however. I had those gonks handled," it responded its voice a mix of nonchalance and amusement.

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