Novice Reincarnator

Chapter 22: Curse

A fragrant, heavenly scent wrapped my body. Warm sunlight spilled on my cheeks and a soft, gentle warmth enveloped my hands. I didn’t want to wake from this peaceful dream.

It was like the world wouldn’t allow my small wish. The sun shone bright rays of light down on my closed eyes, the birds sang of the new day, and the excited whispers of a hushed conversations all threatened to end my dream.

I desperately didn’t want this dream to end because I knew the moment it did, I would find myself back in the dark Crystalline Caverns. No matter how far I ran or how hard I fought, the end was always the same.

Death would come for me and then I would return to the real world in terror. Warm dreams like what I was currently experiencing were a luxury, but they always gave way to the same nightmare in the end.

I nestled myself deeper into the soft bed. I shifted on my side to avoid the stubborn sun and drew closer to the source of the heavenly scent. My hands tightened their grip on the gentle warmth enveloping them. I refused to let go of the tiny happiness held in my hands.

The gentle warmth enveloping my hands squeezed back. My thoughts stuttered to a halt and my eyes shot open. Violet eyes peered at me from underneath the blankets beside me.

Oh, I was still dreaming. That was the only logical explanation for why Cecilia Snowlight was in my bed.

“Good morning, Cecilia.”

“Good morning, Ash.”

Her voice was as dreamy as usual. I didn’t realize that she was holding my hand until I got up and tried to stretch. Without saying another word, Cecilia got out of bed and left the room. A chorus of excited screams greeted her the moment she left.

This was a dream… right?

My usual explorer attire was neatly folded by the dresser along with a pair of frilly white underwear that I didn’t own. I hadn’t even been fully dressed yesterday, so unless Cecilia’s maids had broken into my dorm, this had to be a dream. I changed and somehow suddenly felt faster, stronger, and full of energy.

Yup, this was definitely a strange dream. I never thought I would one day experience such a vivid, lucid dream. A maid was waiting for me the moment I left my guest room. Within a few minutes, I found myself sitting at the large dining room table again.

I couldn’t help but feel lonely whenever I saw it. It was a huge table that could fit over twenty guests, but Cecilia and I were the only ones eating at it. It was far too big of a table for two people.

As I waited for Cecilia to show up and for the maids to bring the food in, I started to realize that this wasn’t a dream. My face alternated between turning as pale as a sheet or as red as a tomato.

Cecilia had snuck into my bed last night. A crazy fan club member wasn’t going to suddenly show up and try to put a knife in me from jealousy, right? Once with one of Leo's admirers was enough for me.

The doors to the dining room opened and Cecilia entered wearing a beautiful white dress. She did not appear to share any of the turmoil I felt at sleeping together. I managed to voice my concern as the maids were setting plates down in front of me.

“Why were you in my bed this morning?”

“A good night's sleep is essential to an explorer.”

Cecilia tilted her head like she didn’t understand why I was so concerned about it. Seeing her like that reminded me that this was just how the usual Cecilia was.

I had told her that I had nightmares, so Cecilia snuck into my bed at night so that I would be well rested today. That was all there was to it. I shoved a delicious slice of apple into my mouth and immediately forgot about everything.

My tastebuds cried out in joy and seemingly limitless power welled up inside of me. I took another bite and experienced another surge of strength.

“What is this food?”

“A Master Chef’s food can temporarily increase a person’s ability for a day.”

“That is possible?”

The answer stunned me, but only for a moment. The food cooked by a Master Chef was too good to pass up. Doping is cheating? It wouldn’t truly count as fighting the colossus on my own if I was powered up by the food buffs of a Master Chef?

Who the hell cares! There was no way I could pass up food as delicious as this. If this was potentially going to be the last meal of my life, then I made sure to enjoy every morsel of it. I had a loose, happy grin as I devoured everything within arms reach.

My blissful, happy mood lasted from eating breakfast with Cecilia up until the car ride back with Helen.

“Thank you for spending time with My Lady. It isn’t often that she gets a good night's sleep.”


Helen’s words caught me by surprise. At the same time, it was something that I should have realized sooner. It was odd that Cecilia was awake during my dungeon dives.

“My Lady was cursed when she was born. That curse usually manifests while she is asleep.”

“A curse? That can’t be.”

I had never heard of any news of Cecilia being cursed.

“Not many know about it. I am only telling you because My Lady trusts you. The last time the curse manifested in full force, half of the mansion was destroyed and her parents were injured. Since that day, My Lady has avoided sleeping when possible and she began living separately from the rest of her family.”

“That is too lonely.”

I couldn’t believe Cecilia was quietly dealing with a horrible curse like that without telling anyone about it.

“It is. That is why we are overjoyed that My Lady finally made an ordinary friend like you. There were once five princesses around her, but they were each terrifyingly strong individuals that could deal with her curse's rampage. My Lady hasn't allowed anyone else to befriend her since the last time her curse appeared.”

“It was, uh, my pleasure to become friends with her.”

I didn’t know what else to say. The rest of the ride passed quietly. Helen left me with a few words before we parted.

“Don’t die today, Ash. My Lady would be very sad to lose one of her few, precious friends.”

I stood at the entrance to Saint Mikhail Explorer Academy’s campus. It looked like a different world to me. It was still in the middle of the day, which meant the campus was teeming with life and various activities.

Nobody paid me any extra attention. Why would they when there were far more eye attracting figures nearly everywhere? Higher level explorers tended to be more attractive and this academy was the most prestigious one in the Upper Realm.

The administration facility to enter Crystalline Caverns wasn’t too far from the entrance. I made it there in a short ten minute walk, feeling like a foreign molecule in the lively midday campus. While Crystalline Caverns was by no means a popular dungeon, it still had a steady flow of explorers entering it throughout the day.

Thus, it was to no surprise to me that I had to wait in line to enter the dungeon. A towering muscle giant handled each explorer looking to enter with great care and attention. If only the night shift receptionists learned a thing or two from this man’s professional work ethic.

After a few short minutes, it was my turn to enter.

“What brings you here, young lady?”

“I would like to enter the Crystalline Caverns.”

I handed the man my explorer's card. He scanned my data and frowned.

“I can’t recommend it. The weakest monsters on the first floor are level 35. A level 10 like you wouldn’t last a minute in there.”

“Am I not allowed to enter?”

The muscle giant must have seen something in my eyes because he signed.

“It is allowed. Nobody would bother lining up if we started restricting their freedom to enter dungeons. Just, be careful. Giant Slaying isn’t easy and I would hate for a cute, promising talent to disappear.”

“You recognize me?”

My eyes widened in surprise. The receptionist’s hearty laugh shook the room.

“How could I not? I was here when the Untouchable Empress saved you. News of your success in pulling out the Giant Slayer Sword of Ruin has spread far and wide. I wish you luck with your revenge match.”

“Thank you. I will come back victorious.”

I was happy and embarrassed by the muscle giant’s words. It was encouraging to know that I had people rooting for me. After finishing the administration process, I stepped through the door and entered the Crystalline Caverns.

A tremor of fear racked my body. Ah… I was back in this nightmare.

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