Novice Reincarnator

Chapter 34: Hidden Technique

The second layer of the Beast Den dungeon was a forest. The recommended level of explorers for this layer was levels 18-25. I was level 20, but I ran a fine line between success and disaster by exploring solo.

If I wasn't confident in my escape techniques, I would never have entered the second layer.

“Sharp Clawed Bear, where are you?”

I muttered to myself while focusing on sensing the life force of everything around me. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary in the forest, but danger hid behind every corner. [Instinct] warned me and [Ki Sense] accurately pinpointed which life force suddenly separated from the bushes.

I gathered ki in my hand and instantly lashed out with a [Ki Claw]. My blow easily tore through flesh and my foe fell at my feet, defeated. A familiar heat filled my body at defeating a higher level enemy, but it was useless. I was at max level.

I turned my attention to my fallen foe. I wouldn’t have realized a Forked Tongue Viper had gotten so close to me if it wasn’t for [Instinct] warning me.

“What do you think, guys? Is it too early for me to enter the 2nd layer of Beast Den?”

I asked my viewers. They were split almost down the middle on whether I should continue my exploration or head back at a later date. My situation wasn’t looking that great. I had not met a Sharp Clawed Bear yet.

I wanted to accomplish all of the goals Carl had set for me before the next intermediate explorer exam. As the King of the 2nd layer of Beast Den, I wanted to at least lay eyes on a Sharp Clawed Bear in person.

It didn’t take long for me to absolutely hate forests. Tree limbs and shrubbery got in the way wherever I went and countless monsters tried to ambush me from all directions. According to the explorers handbook, Sharp Clawed Bears were typically found near water sources.

My investigation turned up a small lake north of the entrance to the second layer. I naturally made my way there. I found a good spot on the branch of a tree near the lake. I plopped my back up against it and prepared myself for the long haul.

An hour later, my target ambled up to the lake with a fresh kill in its mouth. I quietly observed the monster.

Sharp Clawed Bears had wicked, curved claws that could easily tear through trees and a massive body covered in thick fur. It looked like a walking fortress of muscle. Doubts filled my heart. Would I really be able to beat that monster with my bare hands?

No, I doubted I would be able to beat it even if I had a weapon. Even so, I had to at least try. The monster’s movements weren’t particularly agile. I was confident in my ability to escape if need be.

I quietly approached my target from behind while it was busy feasting on its kill. All of my ki gathered up in my fingers. I struck out with my strongest [Ki Claw]  and landed a blow on the Sharp Clawed Bear’s unguarded back. I didn’t accomplish anything other than angering a bear.


Sharp claws cut the air. I hastily retreated and rethought my options. Unfortunately, the Sharp Claw Bear wasn’t a kind enough opponent to let me think. Its bloody maw threatened to bite my head off.

I retreated and looked for an opening. That opening never came. I was pushed back and back until we had completely reentered the forest. The other monsters fled in terror at the angry roar of the forest king I had provoked. Trees fell and the terrain was rearranged under the Sharp Clawed Bear’s wrath.

“Shit. Shit. Shit.”

It was hopeless. I was too weak. My ki wasn’t strong enough. This was all I amounted to. Even as negative thoughts started to drag me down, I hadn’t stopped observing the ki techniques of the Sharp Clawed Bear.

Its claws were truly exquisite to the point where I didn’t dare try to trade blows with it. Its fur was a natural coat of armor that I could never penetrate. I would have given up if I hadn’t noticed that I outmatched the Sharp Clawed Bear in agility by a lot.

Once I realized that, I calmed down and no longer feared getting too close. A big swipe slashed through the trees behind me. I ducked underneath the attack and launched a claw attack. It bounced harmlessly off the monster’s fur coat.

My feet kicked off the ground and I darted around the Sharp Clawed Bear, launching attacks from various angles. Every time the monster tried to counter attack, I was already attacking a different part of its body. Its torso was protected by too much fur and muscle for my attacks to do anything, but its face and limbs were much weaker.

Our battle quickly turned into one of attrition. Would the Sharp Clawed Bear land a single good hit and disable me or would I manage to deal enough damage to its limbs and head to kill it?

None of the other monsters in the 2nd layer dared to get close to our death match. Roars and falling trees shook the forest for a seemingly endless amount of time. I was dancing on a tightrope with only [Instinct] to guide me.

Fatigue clung to my limbs and exhaustion filled my mind. My ki reserves were empty and it was only the naturally replenished ki from my skill [Ash Demon Princess] that kept me going.

I couldn’t give up here. I could fight just a little longer. Those two thoughts repeated endlessly in my head and kept me going.

The Sharp Clawed Bear was in no better shape. Its face was brutalized and one of my claw attacks had taken an eye from it. Its left front paw hung uselessly at its side and its back paws could barely hold up its weight. Fierce claw wounds covered all of its body.

I just needed one good hit to finish it off. If the fierce glint in my opponent's single remaining eye was any indication, then the monster thought the same thing as I did.

All of my remaining ki gathered in my hand to form the sharp bear claw technique I had picked up from my deadly foe. We glared at each other and waited for the perfect opening.

A deadly silence filled the forest. Our fight had done a number on our surroundings and turned the forests into a lumberyard. With a creaking sound, the last upright tree nearby fell over. As soon as the tree hit the ground, I acted.

The Sharp Clawed Bear and I crossed paths. Sharp pain tore across my stomach. At the same time, my claw strike slashed through the bear’s weakening defenses and tore its throat open.

The monster's body tilted to the side and then it fell. A moment later, an intense wave of heat filled my body. My emptied ki reserves were brought back to half full. I was so surprised that I even forgot about my pain momentarily.

“Killing higher leveled monsters at max level produces ki?”

A wave of congratulations filled my vision from my broadcast, as well as a wave of comments saying that killing monsters could not restore ki. Many had tried to kill higher level monsters while at max level, but they were unable to absorb anything from the wasted experience.

There was only one reason I could think of that might make me different. When I was still Ash, I had gained the [Gluttony] skill that specializes in converting everything the owner consumed into power.

If I truly could gather ki by defeating enemies, then I had a new way to quickly gather ki that would save a lot of time and effort otherwise. Perhaps it was possible for me to reach [Ki III] after all.

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