Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 31: Outer Court Disciple

Qiu Heng wakes up from his shock and starts walking towards him with large strides.

“Y-you! Tian Yi! How could you beat our disciples like that? And a beautiful girl like that!” He starts to complain.

Although he did not blame him, he still wanted to cause him some trouble because of the past events.

Tian Yi looks at him and giggles, “Qiu Heng, what are you talking about? I did not beat them.”

He was quite surprised at his answer.

Did he not beat them? If he did not, then who did?

“You did not beat them?! Bullshit! If that’s not beating, I don’t know what is!” He said.

Tian Yi shakes his head, “ Aiya, what do you know about beating? I only patted them on their face with love. Don’t mind it.”

“The fuck?! Love?! You call that love?! You had clearly beaten them to the point where even their parents will not recognize them!” He yells at him.

What kind of bullshit love was that?! If that is what love actually is, he will never want to be loved!

The pedestrians on the street look at these two with a curious face.

“That’s Qiu Heng from the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect right? What is he doing out here yelling at someone?”

“Don’t butt in or you’ll regret it.”

“You’re right; he must have offended him somehow.”

They whispered to each other.


Qiu Heng is a Spirit Realm expert so he had good ears.

“Tian Yi, let us go somewhere else to talk!” He said and started to fly.

He did not want rumors to spread about him or the Sect.

Tian Yi smiles, “Sure, but can you catch up?” He teased him.

His face twitches after hearing that joke.

How shameless! Him, a Spirit King dares to tease someone like him with speed?!

“O-of course I can!” But he did not back out!

“Good, Meng Xiang, hug me tight.”

“Eh?” She was a bit surprised at this sudden scenario.

Tian Yi squats down and carries her princess style.

“Ah! Big Brother—”


A sudden gust of wind stops her from talking, and she instinctively tightens her grip around his neck.

“Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!” She screams and shuts her eyes.

After another moment, she opens her eyes to see nothing but clouds!

“?!?!?!” She was instantly confused.

She looks down, and her eyes pop out.

“We’re flying?!”

She could not believe that she is actually flying!

For a Mortal who can only watch experts fly, this was an impossible dream for them!

She turns her head to look at her Big Brother with a smile on his face.

“You like it? This view.” He asks her.

“Y-yes!” She replies with a bright smile.

“Good.” He nods.

“Hey! That’s too fast, are you really racing me?!” They both hear a voice coming from far away.

They turn to that direction to see Qiu Heng flying towards them and Chan Jingyi struggling to keep up.

Chan Jingyi had just become a Spirit Realm expert so she had a hard time catching up with Qiu Heng, who has been at the Initial Spirit Realm for a year.

“Hahaha, what’s wrong Qiu Heng? I thought you said you could keep up.” Tian Yi laughs at him.

For some reason, he finds it fun joking around with Qiu Heng.

Was it because of the little argument they had?

“Shameless!” Qiu Heng said with an embarrassed tone.

He stops so they could catch up to him.

After catching up, both Qiu Heng and Chan Jingyi was panting.

“Y-you… “ Qiu Heng had to catch his breath before trying to speak again.

“Tian Yi! Back to what we were talking about, you did not have to beat them to that point! You could’ve just knocked them out!” He said.

“…. Is that right?” Tian Yi said with a gentle voice.

He changes his playful face to a calm face and closes his eyes.

Qiu Heng and Chan Jingyi was surprised at his sudden attitude change.

“Qiu Heng, you said that I should’ve gone easier on them. Correct?” He asks him with a gentle voice, like a parent questioning their child.

“Y-yes…” Qiu Heng answers in a low voice.

“Then let me ask you this.”

“If I did not go a little hard on them and instead gave them a pat on their butt, would they learn their lessons?”

“What would’ve happened to them if I was someone who did not have any reasoning like some people out there?”

“Uhhh….” Qiu Heng was a bit dumbfounded at the question.

What would he have done if he did not have any reasoning?

Chan Jingyi also asked herself this question.

As if he could read their minds, he continues, “I would’ve killed them all without mercy, is what would’ve happened.”

“!!!” Qiu Heng’s eyes went wide.

“Would you rather have me beat a little sense into them, so they will not make the same mistake again, or…”

“Would you rather have me ignore them, and they someday offend someone else, which will lead to a pointless death?”

“So what if I beat them up a bit? Their swollen faces will heal with pills and time.”

“But what about when they’re dead? Will pills and time save them?” He opens his eyes to look at both Qiu Heng and Chan Jingyi’s shocked faces.

“…” They were both shocked speechless!

He was right.

If he did not teach them a lesson now, won’t they just keep on doing this until they offend someone that could kill them?

So what if he beats them a bit? They will just heal the next day!

But death? Death is eternal and can not be healed!

“I-I am sorry, I was wrong for blaming you.” Qiu Heng bows to him.

“…..” Chan Jingyi was silent and looked like she has something on her mind.

“They are fortunate to meet someone like you. I will make sure to talk to them again when I have the time.”

Qiu Heng did not stop bowing.

“Don’t mind it. So, what else do you want to talk to me about? It looks like you were looking for me.” Tian Yi giggles.

“Ah! That’s right, I came to apologize for their actions and also came here because….”

He starts hesitating.

“Because you saw me during the Entrance Exam?” Tian Yi said.

Both Qiu Heng and Chan Jingyi’s eyes went wide.

“How did you know?” Qiu Heng asked.

“Hahaha, secret.” He laughs.


“So… Are you willing to join our Sect?” He asked him.

Tian Yi looks at him and asks, “Why do you want me to join? Is it because of my power?”

“!!!” Qiu Heng had a fright hearing that.

Although they did want him to join because of his power, after what had just happened, he changed his mind.

He wants— No, he needs someone like him at their Sect!

“No! Although I won’t bullshit and admit that is also one of the reasons, I also have another reason!” He said with a brave face.

“Oh? What is the other reason?” Tian Yi asks him.

“I’ll tell you the reason.” Chan Jingyi butts in.

“Oh? Go ahead.” He did not expect her to talk.

“Because we need someone with a heart like yours in our Sect— No, I need someone with a heart like yours in our Sect!” She said bravely.

“…” Qiu Heng did not expect his Junior Sister to be so brave.

“Is that not basically a confession? But thinking about her dream… that’s quite normal…” He nods to himself.

“So even if I do nothing for the Sect, you’ll still want me?” He asks her.

“You being there is already helping the Sect!” She answers without a thought.

Tian Yi looks at her and smiles.

“Good! But before I join, I will talk to your Sect Master.’ He said.

“Really?! Good! Let’s go!” Qiu Heng overjoys from hearing that.

“Un.” They start flying towards the direction of the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect.


* * * *


In the sky, the four of them were chatting.

“Big Brother Yi, if you can fly, are you an Immortal?” Meng Xiang asked.

To Mortals like her, a Spirit Realm expert was no different than an Immortal.

“Immortal? I guess you can call me one.” He answers her.

“Junior Brother Yi, you said you are only…. 18?” Chan Jingyi asked him with a shivering voice.

She started addressing him as Junior Brother because he was younger than her and he was going to be a fellow disciple.

“J-junior Brother?” Tian Yi makes a weird face.

“Ah? Could it be that you do not like to be called that?” She asked him.

“Oh, it’s not like that. I am not used to being called like that… Hahaha.” He laughs.

Who would dare to call the son of the Celestial Emperor ‘Junior Brother’?

Even if they were older than him by millions of years and are close friends, they will still address him as ‘Young Master’!

“First Big Brother, now I’m a Junior Brother. What a weird feeling.” He had a gentle smile while thinking that.

But that feeling only lasted for a moment.

“Big Brother, if you’re an Immortal, why did you fail the Entrance Exam?” Meng Xiang asked him again.


He coughs.

“Well you see, it’s because—-”

“Because the Examiner made a mistake!” Qiu Heng interrupts him.

“You saw how old he was? He had bad eyes and accidentally failed him…” He explains to her.

“Oh… Is that why? Then did he fail me too because of a mistake?” She asked innocently.


“You also took the entrance exam?!?” He was shocked to hear that because he was not there to watch.

She was obviously a Mortal, yet she took the entrance exam?!

Although he was right about Tian Yi’s situation where the Examiner had eyes but could not see Mount Tai.

As for her…

“Yes, that was also a mistake.” Tian Yi said.

“Eh?” He did not expect him to say that.

“Really?” Meng Xiang had a smile on her face.

“Un. He could not see your real worth.” He said.

“What’s my real worth?” She asks him.

He did not say anything and just points to her heart and smiles.

“?” Meng Xiang did not understand what that means.

“…” Qiu Heng and Chan Jingyi was surprised yet again.

“We definitely need someone like him!” They both thought.

“We’re here.” Qiu Heng said.

They were now on top of the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect.

“Let’s go meet the Sect Master.” He said and started to land.

They follow.


* * * *


The Sect Master is currently in the Sect Master’s Hall.

He was sitting down with a grumpy face.

The Elders around him looks at him with a worried face.


“Shut up!” He shuts the Elder who was trying to talk up.

“….” The room turns silent again.

The Sect Master is really mad this time around!

But no matter how much they racked their brains, they did not know why!


Qiu Heng walks in shouting, “Mast—”

“SHUT UP!!!”

“….Tian Yi is here?” He instantly lowers his voice.

The Sect Master’s grumpy face did an 180 and turned happy.

“Why didn’t you say so earlier! Good, take me to him!” He stands up and flips the table that was in his way and walks out with significant strides.

“Again? Can you not just walk around the table?”

“What did the table do to you?!”

Everyone thought.

The Sect Master followed Qiu Heng into his house and saw Tian Yi on the balcony.

“If it isn’t Junior Brother Yi! We meet again and faster than I thought.” He smiles and walks to him.

Qiu Heng and Chan Jingyi walks out of the house, leaving these three inside alone.

“Oh? Who’s that cute little girl? I have not seen her before.” He notices the little girl sitting on his lap.

“This is my new personal tea servant.” Tian Yi replies.

“T-tea servant?” He did not expect that answer.

He thought it was his sister or something!

“Is that so? Then where’s Senior Lao Bai? I don’t see him.” He asks.

“I had him go do something for me; he will not be here for a while.”

“Is that so? Ah, back to the main topic. I heard you were at the Entrance Exam?” He said.

“Un.” Tian Yi nods.

“Aiya, why didn’t you say so before? I would’ve instantly made you a Core Disciple!” He said.

“Sect Master, I have a few things I want to say.”

“Oh? Sure, go ahead. I am all ears.” He sits down next to him.

“I want to join this Sect—”

“Done! Welcome to my Sect!” The Sect Master instantly approves.

“….” His mouth opens a little from shock.


“However.” He continues.

“However?” The Sect Master repeats his word.

“I have a few things I would like to say before joining.”

“One, although I say I want to join, I can not stay for long. I might be gone in a few months or even the next day. Is that fine with you?”


The Sect Master’s eyes went wide from that.

He was going to join but not for long… Wait.

“That does make sense… Okay.” He agrees.

Obviously, he can’t stay for long. He’s from the higher Realm, and someday he will have to go back!

He was already lucky that he even joins them in the first place…

“Second, I don’t want any special privileges. I want to become an Outer Court Disciple and be treated as such.” Tian Yi continues.

“Outer Court Disciple?!” He was shocked.

Why did he want to become an Outer Court Disciple?

Although they are treated pretty good, it was nothing compared to being a Core Disciple!

“Also, I do not need the Sect to give me any resources. It will just be a waste on me.” Tian Yi added.

“That’s fine with me, but why an Outer Court Disciple?” He asks him with curiosity.

“I like the atmosphere there better. It’s noisy but in a good way. I want to talk to more people; they don’t stay inside to Cultivate all day after all.”

“….” The Sect Master was speechless by his reason!

It was only because he wanted to talk while drinking tea?! He did not like being an Inner or Core disciple because it was too quiet and he has no one to talk to?!?

“That’s fine… Anymore?” He nods his head.

“Un. Last one.”

“I will not use my powers for the Sect’s selfish use. However, I will protect my fellow disciples and the Sect if I have to.”

“Oh? Is that it? Don’t worry; we will not take advantage of you. As long as I know that my disciples and Sect are safe because of you, that’s more than enough.” He said with a serious face.

“Un. That’s all. If you accept them all, I’ll join.” Tian Yi said.

“Good! I accept! Welcome to my Sect!” He nods.

“Ah, I also have a question.” The Sect Master ask.

“What is it?”

“Why join my Sect and not others? Why even join a Sect in the first place? You’re a Spirit King, are you not? You can even make your own Sect if you wanted to.” He asks him.

“I chose your Sect because I like the feeling here, not to mention the disciples. Although there will always be a few bad apples, I don’t mind. As for why I want to join a Sect… I have no idea! I just thought that it would be fun!” He said.

“F-fun?” The Sect Master was dumbfounded.

Does he join a Sect for fun? Are you that bored?!?

“Okay, then what about your master? All Outer Court Disciples needs to have a master. Ah, I forgot that you don’t need one.” He asks him.

He almost forgot that he was a Spirit King again. Most teachers are Spirit Lords. How will they guide someone who’s stronger than them?

“Master?” Tian Yi’s eyes went wide.

He did not know what it was like to have a Master because he has only been taught by his father and mother.

Even if he went to look for one, who was arrogant enough to proclaim themselves as ‘worthy of being called his Master’?

A Master? He does not care even if it was a Mortal! He wants one!

His heart starts to pound from excitement, and he shows a bright smile.

“I want one! How do I choose mine?!” He asked excitedly.

“Uh…” The Sect Master did not expect him to be so excited.

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