Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 33: Yun Family

“Yun Xiuying. Come to my room; we have some important matters to discuss.”

A few minutes later, someone knocks on the door.

“Grandfather, you called?” Said a clear voice.

“Yes, come on in.”

“Excuse me.”

The door opens and a female around the age of 20 walks in.

The old man nods when he sees her beautiful face.

“Xiuying, you have grown more pretty since the last I’ve seen you.” He praises her.

“Thank you grandfather.” She smiles.

“Good. Come, sit.” He nods.

She sits down in front of him.

“Let’s start with the small things first. Do you remember the Fiend God’s Clan that we had sealed many million years ago?” He starts talking to her.

“The Fiend God’s Clan? You mean the devils who roamed our world, killing Mortals wherever they went?”

She remembers when there used to be a group of devils who went around the world killing the innocents, making the whole world unable to sleep at night.

Until her Yun Family, the rulers of this World came to a stop them.

Their Family had to spend many resources and sacrificed many Experts during the subjugation. But because they were extremely hard to kill, they decided to seal them in the Mortals World instead.

In this Universe, there are innumerable Minor Worlds, 99 Mortal Worlds, 9 Major Worlds, 3 God Worlds and the last one, ruler of them all, the Celestial Emperor’s World, also known as Celestial God’s Realm!

Minor Worlds are tiny Worlds that you can explore in a few months to few years.

Mortal Worlds are extremely large worlds that might take you tens of thousands of years just to explore it all.

The 9 Major Worlds, each ruling over their own 11 Mortals Worlds. Each is so large that it might take hundreds of thousands of years to explore, even for Immortals.

The 3 God Worlds, each rule over 3 Major Worlds. The World where Gods and Demons roam, a World of Gods!

And the last one, Celestial Emperor’s World. This is what Cultivators call the ‘Final Destination of Cultivation.’ If you’ve reached to this World, you have reached the End of the Cultivation!

This is every single Cultivator's ‘Dream’, to reach the Celestial Emperor’s World.

However, just because you’ve reached to that World does not really mean you have reached the end of Cultivation.

Cultivation is endless, always with a higher Realm. But whatever Cultivation, the current Celestial Emperor, has is what they call the ‘Highest Realm of Cultivation.’

Why? Because he is already at the Apex of Cultivation with no one above him!

Although many of these in the Immortals Realm are Immortal with unlimited longevity, they still strived for the Apex.

Yes, Cultivators Cultivate to live longer, however, what will they do once they reach Immortality sit around all day and do nothing? No! They will aim for the next Realm!

Although there are those who just wish to live a normal life after becoming an Immortal, they will get bored of it sooner or later.

All the Worlds except for the Minor, God and Celestial Emperor’s World have Realms in their own World.

So the Mortal and Major Worlds each have their own Mortal, Spirit, Heaven, Immortal Realms of their own.

However, the Celestial Emperor’s World considers the 3 God Worlds their lower Realm despite them being their own World…


* * * *


“What about these Fiends? Are they not sealed away in the Mortals Realm?” She asks him.

“They are, but… The seal has weakened from time, and one escaped just now…” He said.

“What?! Then why are we not dispatching the Yun Army?! This is no time to be chatting!” She stands up and starts walking out.

This was a huge deal! What did he mean by ‘small things first’?!?!

What could be even worse than having the Fiend God’s Clan roaming around killing Mortals?!

“Wait! It has already been taken care of.” He stops her.

“Huh? Since when did the Yun Army move? I did not even notice it.” She was confused.

“Because they did not move. Someone else took care of it.”

“Huh? Took care of? Who? Did father move?” She was shocked.

“No, it was not our Yun Family.” He smiles.

“What?” She was even more shocked now.

Who was strong enough to kill these Fiends?

This World is one of the 99 Mortals World, the World of Clouds!

The highest Realm they had over here is the Emperor’s Realm, right above the Sovereign Realm. It is also the Realm their Yun Family is located in.

But even these low ranked Fiends was more than enough to kill these at the Sovereign Realm with ease!

Who else but their Yun Family had enough power to deal with one?

“Grandfather, who dealt with the Fiend?! And what rank was the Fiend?” She asked with excitement.

If their Yun Family can recruit this Expert, their power will rise even more!

“Relax, I know what you’re thinking. But forget about recruiting him.”

“Which brings us to the next matter…” He said.

She starts feeling nervous. What could possibly be even more important than the Fiend God’s Clan running around?

“Although the Fiend God’s Clan is trying to break free as we speak, we do not have to worry about them any longer—”

“What are you talking about Grandfather?! Are you saying we should just leave them alone and let them kill our World’s innocent people?” She was already shocked at the first sentence and interrupts him!

Leave them alone?! Did her grandfather go crazy?! He was always worried about them breaking out someday, yet right now, he did not care at all!

“Calm down, let me finish.” He said with a calm face.

“Remember what has been happening recently?”

“Recently? No…” She can not think of anything at this moment.

“Aiya, such a big event and you’ve already forgotten? The matter with the Celestial Emperor, Tian Qiang!” He shakes his head. Such a big deal and she forget the next day…

“Oh, you mean that one where his son ran off and now he is trying to find him?” She finally remembers.

“Yes, that.”

“What does that have to do with the Fiend God’s Clan?” She was confused.

“Well, that son he is trying to find….. He is in our World right now as we speak.” He finally lets out some hidden stress.

“HE’S WHAT?!!” She jumps up and yells.

“He’s in the Mortals Realm right now… In our World…” He did not know if this was a good idea anymore… Because….

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” She screams!

“AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” She starts running around like a child.

“…..” He was now speechless.

He regrets it now! He definitely regrets telling her!

“Fuck! I knew this was a bad idea!” He curses in his mind.

He still remembers that one day where hell broke loose in the Celestial Emperor’s World…

It was the day where the Celestial Emperor had invited all of the Emperors and Kings of their own world to join an event…

And that during that event, it was very fun and relaxing— That was until he introduced everyone there to his only son Tian Yi for the first time ever…

The moment he came out, every single princess and fairy there was struck by an invisible holy arrow, and his granddaughter was no different! What happened after that was already history.

The hell he faced trying to drag his granddaughter back home was something he did not want to encounter again, ever!

Even after being dragged home, she went and traded all of her treasures, for one thing, even borrowing her friend’s money!

One freaking painting!

It was a painting of the Celestial Emperor’s son, Tian Yi!

And this one painting was even drawn by the Universe’s best painter, the God of Arts, making it even more lifelike!

Why was the God of Arts willing to draw it? Because if he didn’t, he would be cursed to death by innumerable females!

He was surrounded all sides by peerless females, requesting him to draw a painting of Tian Yi.

If he had refused, forget about these young ladies, even the God of Beauty herself would beat him up!

And because he had no other choice, he decided to draw a painting of Tian Yi and sold it at an astronomical price, hoping they will not buy it and stop asking.

But he was still underestimating these females! Not only did they buy it, they even fought for it and asked for more later!

Because he could only draw so many, there is a queue to buy his paintings.

Others also had tried to draw Tian Yi, but it was nothing close to the God of Art’s quality! And if the quality was not good enough, they would get cursed at for blaspheming such a holy being with their shitty painting!

Because of that, nobody but the God of Arts painted!

In less than a week, the most sought after item by Auction houses were not Treasures, but paintings of Tian Yi!

Since that day, the God of Arts has been drawing paintings of Tian Yi nonstop, trying to satisfy the demands. However, he was neither angry or sad. He even enjoys it. Every time he drew one, a room will be filled with Treasures, so how can he not be happy? This new job of his was such an easy way to earn money!

To this day, the God of Arts is still drawing paintings of Tian Yi and the queue is still there…

“Ahahahah! Wait till my friends hear this! Not only do I have the limited ‘Painting of Desire,’ he is even in my World!” Yun Xiuying laughs.

Every female call the painting of Tian Yi, the ‘Painting of Desire.’ Why? Because what they desire was in that painting!

Every day, her friends would come by and sit in her bedroom, dazed out looking at the Painting of Desire on the wall, framed in peerless jade.

“Wait! If you tell others about this, won’t this situation blow up and the Celestial Emperor will know of his location sooner or later?” Her grandfather reminds her.

Girls gossiping can not be taken lightly, especially in a case like this!

“Ah! You’re right grandfather!” She had cold sweats on her forehead.

If she had told her female friends, won’t every single female in this universe know by the next day?!

“So what should we do grandfather?” She asks him.

“Well, for him to do something, so eye catching, he definitely wants us to notice him… But why?” He starts to think.

“….” But even after a few minutes, nothing comes to mind.

“Guess I’ll just have to go and ask him myself…” He sighs.

“Grandfather, please wait a moment!” Yun Xiuying makes a stop signal with her delicate hand.

“What is it?” He asks her with a bad feeling in his guts.

“You are already so old, what will we do if you accidently break your back? Don’t worry, as the only honest daughter of father and your beloved granddaughter; I’ll take your place and ask him! Personally!” She pats her puffed out chest, making her perfectly palm fitting sized breast even more obvious.

“…” He was speechless!

“What break my back?! You just want to meet him in person!” He curses in his heart.

What kind of joke was she cracking? Him breaking his back? His body is healthier than her father’s!

“And what do you mean Old? I am Immortal! I chose this appearance because it is more befitting for my image!” He continues to curse in his mind.

“Oh Yun Xiuying, my beloved granddaughter, please do not joke with your—”

“Say no more grandfather! I am not joking, and I will take full responsibility in asking him in your stead!” She interrupts him.

“Like I am trying to say, you are way too—”

“Yes! I am very confident in my abilities! I will definitely not cause trouble! How old do you think I am now? I am already a 21 Years Old adult, not a child!” She interrupts him again.

“She’s definitely doing it on purpose! But if she goes, this will be even more complicated!”

“Aiya, what was I thinking when I asked her to come?! Have I really become too old to think?!” He thought.

“Don’t worry about it; I’ll ask your Brother to—”

“Big Brother is very busy right now! He said he had found a girl that he wants to court, and told me not to bother him! I will do it!” She starts walking towards the door in big strides.

“What about your upcoming marriage meeting—”

“Tell him I am already pregnant with another man’s baby and Cancel it!” She said something crazy and walked out!



The door slams shut.


“….” He facepalms and turns silent.

Although he could’ve stopped her with force, he was a grandfather who spoiled his grandchildren…

He stands there with his hands behind his back and looks at the closed door quietly.

“Aiya, fine, do whatever you want. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you to fulfill your stupid dream of ‘stand next to him.’ Fuck this; this has absolutely nothing to do with me.” He sits down and starts to Cultivate again, trying to take the stress off his mind.


* * * *



Yun Xiuying was humming with a happy tone.

She was currently preparing to go to the Mortals Realm.

“… Dear, why are you packing? Where are you going?” Her mother asked with a weird face.

She was standing next to her watching her pack.

“Nothing~” She giggles.

“… What did your grandfather talk to you about?” Her father asks.


“Aiya, don’t do this me, my heart is very weak…” Her mother sighs.

“Well, since it’s you two, it should be fine to tell you…” She stops packing and looks at them.

“Mother, do you remember the son of the Celestial Emperor, Tian Yi?” She asks her.

“Uhhh… No…” Her mother starts sweating.

“….” Her father looks at her with a weird face.

“Bullshit! We didn’t have sex for a whole month because of that brat!” He cried in his heart.

“Well, he’s in our World right now. Go ask grandfather for more information.” She said nonchalantly and started packing again.

“WHAAAAAAAAAT?!” Both of her parents screamed at the same time.

“B-b-b-but….” The father stutters nonstop.

“N-no way— Ah! What are you doing with that painting?!” Her mother suddenly screams.

“What? Packing it of course. I can’t sleep without looking at this.” She takes the Painting of Desire off the wall and carefully puts it into a very grand looking Storage Pouch.

“B-b-but… But what about your friends? They’ll surely come and ask me where it went…” She said in a low voice.

“Just tell them I took it with me. I probably won’t be back for a few months— maybe forever.” Yun Xiuying replies with a straight face.

“But that’s very expensive and—”

“Don’t worry; I’ll make sure to keep it safe like my own baby.”

“But you’re still pure….”

“How do you even know what it feels like to have a baby?!” The mother cries in her heart.

“Then I’ll risk even my life to keep it safe…” She finally puts it away.

“Ahhhh…” The mother cries in a low voice.

“Damn it!” She curses in her mind.

Nobody knew, but she would often come into her room with the excuse of ‘cleaning the room’ and stare at the Painting of Desire…

“W-wait, wouldn’t it be bad if the Celestial Emperor finds out that we’re hiding him?” The father finally wakes up.

“Don’t worry, if we don’t say anything, how will he find out? Even if he does, we’ll just say we didn’t know!” Yun Xiuying said.


“Then isn’t it better just to tell the Celestial Emperor where his son is? Didn’t he say he will grant you any wish? Including marrying him? Why not just do that and forget about all this…” The father continues.

“Aiya, father, what do you know? If I marry him because of that, I’ll definitely be assassinated the next day from anger! I also don’t want to marry him like that. I want to use my own charms to win him over. I am sure the others are also thinking like that. Father, we females also have something called pride and self-respect, so go away.”

The parents were shocked!

Where did the pure and obedient baby they knew go?

This is obviously a thirsty female in the deserts looking for water!

Has the only daughter of the Yun Family fallen this low?

Was she really a princess of the Yun Family, ruler of the Mortal World, the World of Clouds?

Yun Xiuying finally finishes packing.

“Well then. Mother and Father, thank you for raising me! But I am now too old, and I need to go on a journey to look for my destined man!” She starts walking towards the door.

“Destined man? You’re obviously looking for a CERTAIN man!” They both cried in their hearts.

“H-have a nice trip…” But they didn’t stop her.

They knew it was useless trying to convince her…

They both watched her leave.

“Ahhh, youth. If only I were still young.” The mother sighs.

“…” The husband looks at her with a bitter face.

“I have to talk to father…” He also left in a hurry.

“…” The mother stayed behind.

She looks at the empty wall and felt like she had just lost something very important.

“Oh my daughter, do not blame me if your friends chase you down for the Painting of Desire that you all paid for together… Including me…” She sighs.


* * * *


Back down in the Mortals Realm, Meng Xiang finally wakes up.

“….” She rubs her eyes and looks around with a worried face.

“Awake?” She hears a gentle voice.

“Big Brother!” She smiles when she sees him standing next to the window.

“See? I promised you that I would still be here when you wake up.” He smiles at her.

“Un!” She nods.

“Go wash up your face and then we’ll eat. Today will be a long day…” He said.

“Okay!” She jumps off her bed and starts looking for the bathroom in this new house.

Tian Yi watched her walk around trying to find it and giggles.

“Come, it’s over here.” He said.

“Coming!” Meng Xiang follows him with a red face.

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