Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 40: Yun Xiuying

“So you were his servant!” Yun Xiuying smiled.

“…… Do you need something from my Young Master?” Lao Bai started to feel suspicious. Why on earth is this crazy woman carrying a painting of his Young Master?

“Yes, I want t— I need to talk to him.” She said.

“… I am sorry, but Young Master Yi is not here with me.” He tries to decline without actually saying it.

“Then can you—-” She finally notices these females glaring at her Painting of Desire, some were even drooling.

“Ah, not good.” She thought to herself. These female disciples looked at her painting like they have been starving for years. She quickly puts away the Painting of Desire back into her Storage Pouch.

“Aahhh…..” The female disciples let out a weak cry, like someone taking their favorite food away from their mouth.

“Senior, then can you please take me to him?”

She bows respectfully, making Lao Bai shocked. What the hell? Why is the ruler of this World bowing to him, a mere servant?

Lao Bai did not know what it meant to be Tian Yi’s servant! Forget the Yun Family; even gods had to respect his servants! The requirements to become a servant of Tian Yi, son of the Celestial Emperor, were through the roof and over the Heavens! Even all of his previous servants are just temporary!

“T-that I can not do. No offense to your or your family, but as his servant, his orders come first. He said not to find him, and that he will come to me whenever he’s done.” He said with a brave face. He is as loyal as it can get! Even if the person to stand in front of him is a god, he will still consider his Young Master first!

“I understand, then I will stay here with you until he comes.” She said.

Her grandfather always nagged about her impatience, saying how it will be the end of her. At first, she just ignored it, but after what happened today, almost offending the servant of Tian Yi, she decides to change it. And what another good way to start than to wait patiently for Tian Yi? If she is going to fight with her impatience, she might as well start on the hardest difficulty! What could be more difficult than to wait for the son of the Celestial Emperor to meet them?! Her weak point was being impatient, but her strong point is her stubbornness! If she said she would do it, then it will happen!

“Uhhh…” Lao Bai turns speechless! She agreed so easily?! She even said she understands? What does she even understand? But more importantly, did she just say she will wait here with him? Now how will he ever be able to sleep peacefully, knowing someone from the Yun Family is following him around?

“I-if it’s fine with you…” But he didn’t refuse! No, he couldn’t! Even if he did, with his power, how will he be able to keep her away? It was impossible! If she really wants to follow him, he can only let her do it while swallowing his unwillingness!

“I hope she gets impatient and leaves before Young Master gets here…” He wishes in his heart. If his Young Master comes here, she will definitely eat him up; not even the bones left untouched! He did not know how powerful his Young Master’s background is, so he can only hope that it is not too weak in front of the Yun Family!

“Then it is settled, I will be staying here to Cultivate. Sorry to bother Senior, but can you listen to my selfish request and make arrangements for my settlement?” She bows again, not daring to be disrespectful.

“Leave it to me; it will be done by today.” He bows back, not daring to be disrespectful, hoping that she will at least go easy on his Young Master when the time comes… But then again, with her appearance, his Young Master might actually not mind it…

“Thank you, Senior. Once again, I am sorry for the trouble today.” She did not lift her head, respecting him even more than her grandfather!

“Don’t mind it; it was just a little misunderstanding…” He also did not lift his head up, making this a very awkward scene for the disciples. They were both bowing to each other nonstop, so who has more background? They also had no idea what they were talking about, especially when they were all too shocked at the painting to even hear Lao Bai call him Young Master!

But this awkwardness did not last long, interrupted by a clear voice.

“Excuse me, but are you willing to sell that to me? The painting.” A very beautiful girl around 23 walks out of the crowd, asking Yun Xiuying to sell her Painting of Desire.

Yun Xiuying did not say anything and just looked at her silently.

“I am willing to pay whatever price you name, be it Sky Realm Treasures or Spirit Stones. If I can afford it, I’ll buy it.” She said straightforwardly.

Although she did not know Yun Xiuying’s background, she did not care. She wanted that painting no matter what!

“Wait! I also want to buy it!” Someone else jumps in.

“Me too! I’ll even trade my family’s heirloom!”

The entire area turns into an auction house.

“….” Yun Xiuying looks at them with a weird face. She didn’t even say anything about selling it. But she knows how they feel, because she also went through it before, except she had to fight with gods. If she didn’t have her friends and mother’s support, she would’ve never been able to buy it. The price she paid for this one Painting of Desire was enough to buy many Minor Worlds…

Minor Worlds can be brought just like territory, except the price of one Minor World is extremely expensive. Even Tian Yi’s billions of Immortal Stones is not even close to 1% of its actual cost…

Although her family only rules over a Mortal World, they are incredibly strong and prosperous. You might think that her family ‘only’ rules over a Mortal World, yet there is only 99 of them in this Universe. To rule one of these Mortal World, you must have an incredibly high status. Her family’s strength is already considered to be at the top, only below the higher Worlds.

“Wait, I have a question for you all.” She made the bidding stop.

“….” They stopped talking and looked towards her, waiting for her to speak.

“If I sold it to you, how will you treat it?” She asked a simple question.

“I’ll make sure to clean it every 5 minutes!”

“I will protect it even if I had to use my life!”

“I will treat it like my own child!” They all shouted nonstop.

“I’ll make sure it’s even safer than my virginity!”

“….” The place instantly turns silent!

“????” They all looked at the shameless girl who said that. Even Yun Xiuying’s eyebrow twitched.

“Good, so all of you females here understand how important this Treasure is, correct?” She asks loudly.

“Yes, we understand!” They all shout together, almost as if they’ve practiced before.

“Then let me ask you this. Will you also be willing to sell it if you had it?!” She looks at their shocked faces.

“N-no…” Someone said in an ashamed voice.

“Then what makes you think that I will be willing to sell it?” She asks again.

“…” The entire area turns silent, and their heads lower from shame.

After a minute of silence, someone spoke up, “You’re right, I am sorry. I lost to my own desires when I saw that Painting. With my eyes only on the Painting, I did not consider it from your point of view. If I had that, I would not sell it even if I was beaten to death.” The one who spoke up first was also the girl who asked to buy it first.

“Since I can not have it, then can you at least tell me who that figure is?” She asks with pleading eyes.

Yun Xiuying nods, approving her character, “Good, as long as you understand. Since I also know how you feel, I will share my happiness with all of you. All of you, look up!” She glares at the group of females in front of her.

She watches them raise their head one by one, only speaking after they all looked at her, “I will be in this Sect for awhile. So while I am here, when you have time, you can come to my room and look at the Painting!”

These girls here were just like her friends back at home, only wishing to look at the figure inside the painting, knowing they can’t reach him. She is also the same, which is why she even brought the Painting in the first place. As comrades, how can she only keep the happiness to herself and not share it with the others? As comrades, their backgrounds did not matter! She decides to treat them like her friends!

“As for who he is, I only know that he is real and a certain god, but nothing else!” She did not want them to know who he was, or it will just make things more complicated. All they needed to know was that he is real and not just some painting!

The females there suddenly felt overjoyed. They get to look at that painting as long as they have time? If they didn’t need to Cultivate, they would look at it all day!

They all bowed and said, “Thank you Senior Sister for her generosity!”

“Good, I will hang it on the wall in my room later. But I have one rule, and that is to never get within 20 feet of it, or I will instantly take it away! If you dare to touch it, I will personally slay you!” She said with a serious tone. What if they accidentally damage it? She did not want to imagine it because that is already too painful!

“Yes, Senior Sister! We promise to abide by this rule!” The all vowed.

“Senior Sister, since we do not know who that God is, what should we call him?” Someone asked.

“Good question. How does the Empyrean God sound? Or do you want another one?” Yun Xiuying made up a random nickname.

“That sounds very fitting!”

“I like the sound of that, it’s very imposing, just like that figure!” They all agreed.

“Good, then you can address him as the Empyrean God from now on.” Yun Xiuying said without thinking about it much.

“Then Senior Sister, with you as the leader, who will be the vice-leader of this group? And what about the ranks?” Someone asked.

“Eh? Leader? Group? Ranks? What are they talking about?” She was confused.

“Ah, I guess you can call it a group. It is a little gathering after all.” She nods in her heart, not aware of what she is doing.

“I don’t care who’s the vice-leader, just do it neatly.” She said.

“Thank you Senior– No, thank you, Leader!” They said.

“Then this group should be named ‘Empyrean God Church,’ correct?” Someone asked.

“???? Church?” She still did not realize what was going on!

“……………..” Speechless, Lao Bai and the males looked at this crazy scene with their eyes popping out.

“What the fuck are they doing? Are they going to make a cult of out a painting?!?!?!” They all cried in their heart.

They were Mortals after all! Unlike Immortals, Mortals take the word ‘God’ extremely serious. Knowing that the figure in the painting was an actual God, why won’t they worship him? Not to mention that they were not wrong because his family even rules over Gods…

Almost a God herself, Yun Xiuying did not think the way Mortals do! Even her friends were Immortals, with knowledge of the figure in the painting.

Her mistake was to treat these new friends of hers the same way she did with her Immortal friends!

After a few moments of thinking, she finally understands the situation! But it was too late because they’ve already accepted him as a real god!

“…. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to treat him as a god, because he is one…” She thought.

To her, it was not weird for Mortals to worship him as a God, because even her family worships his Tian Family.

“He will be known throughout the World sooner or later, might as well start his following now…” She tries to think positively.

“Good! In a few days, the Empyrean God Church will have its first opening, making it official! To join, you must be screened by me personally! I will give the requirements later! That’s all for now, dismiss!” She is already acting like a Leader.

“Yes, Leader!” The females all scatters, running off to spread this new Church of theirs…

“……………………………….” The males are still standing there, frozen.

Yun Xiuying turns back to look at the stupefied Lao Bai, “Senior, sorry for my selfish actions. I thought that it would happen eventually, so why not start now. As for my settlement, do you have any place here that you use to worship gods with? I want to live near there.” She bows to him respectfully.

“???????????????” Lao Bai stood there, unable to answer.

“What the hell is going on? What does she mean by it will happen eventually? So is she going to share Young Master with other females? Is she really from the Yun Family? So Shameless! My mother, now I definitely need to protect Young Master from her horny claws!” Lao Bai swears to protect his Young Master again.

“S-sure, we have a Cathedral near the Holy Mountain… If you want—”

“I’ll take that!” She agrees instantly.

“O-okay then… I’ll get it arranged now, please excuse me.” He bows before leaving in a hurry.

“Good, now to make this successful, I need to do this right. This will keep me away from being impatient!” She swept the entire Sect with her Divine Sense. After finding the only Cathedral in the Sect, she flew towards it.

On this day, the entire Sect went crazy with many females trying to recruit other females to this new ‘Empyrean God Church.’

“What Empyrean God? How come I have never heard of him before?”

“So suspicious…”

“Where did this new God come from? What is he a God of? Arts? Wealth? Strength?”

“They said that the Official Opening would start in a few days and only females were welcomed…”

“Why females only? What’s wrong with males worshiping a God?”

“I’m not sure, but I heard one of the females saying something like ‘once you see him, you’ll definitely join.’”

“Aiya, what is this World coming to? A female only Church worshiping an unknown Male God?”

“What a joke, are they not ashamed of themselves?”

“Hey, let’s go watch the Official Opening far away.”

“Good idea, I’m sure we’re not the only males thinking of doing this.”

Another rumor started spreading around the Sect, but only the males knew of it.

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