Nuwa System

Chapter 15 – Departure

Nuwa wakes up still stressed from the day before. She always teases people so her hands habitually feel up her bedmate’s D cups, before she remembers that she slept in her mother’s bed.

Lady Pea wakes up to Nuwa unconsciously but expertly groping her as if it’s as normal as breathing. Nuwa’s eyes widen and her mother just says, “Hmph, looks like you’re fine now, even taking liberties on your mother.”

Nuwa whines, “Mommy, yours feel so nice and smooth, I can’t resist. You must do a lot of upkeep so they don’t sag! I sincerely admire your assets.”

Lady Pea shoves Nuwa’s hands off and nods with a hint of pride, “Of course, for me to look this good at my age, there’s a lot of upper body exercise and upkeep involved. For some reason, I can’t imagine your body ever deteriorating. Humph, unless you intentionally destroy it like those kids these days with their tattoos.”

Nuwa smiles, “I won’t make any promises either way, hahaha.”

Lady Pea smiles back, “It’s good to see you cheerful again, this house isn’t the same you know?”

Nuwa squeezes her mom tight, “I’ll miss you so much while I’m away, Mother dearest. Whenever I feel like I can’t handle things, I’ll come straight back here, so don’t go running around looking for me, ok?”

Lady Pea sighs and hugs her back tightly, “We’ll all miss you.”

“Now, Ty Lee Nuwa Pea, I don’t want you to take any risks and make sure you always have food and water on you. Your sisters and I will help get you ready. I always knew you were destined for big things, my little oddball, just don’t do anything too crazy.”

~ ~ ~

Mai and Iroh sit on each side of Zuko’s hospital bed. He’s currently asleep and sweaty. Each time he wakes up, he feels terrible pain until he falls unconscious in fatigue or falls back to sleep. Even in his sleep, he moans with pain.

Iroh sighs, wishing he could have done more to help Azula find less aggressive outlets for her feelings.

Mai cries periodically, feeling miserable due to how much pain Zuko is in. She also has a big grudge against Azula. She won’t go as far as attacking her, but she never wants anything to do with her again. She feels like she needs new friends since The Gang is old news now. Hopefully nonpsychotic, less perverted friends.

The Pea family enters Zuko’s room in the infirmary and the Ty sisters give some consolations for Iroh and Mai before perfunctorily leaving. Ty Li and Nuwa both stay, looking full of guilt at Zuko moaning in pain in his sleep.

Ty Li and Mai have always been best friends, so she enforces justice by nudging Nuwa to bow deeply to Mai. Seeing how guilty Nuwa looks, Mai gets a bad feeling, “Nuwa.. you have something to do with this?”

Nuwa tears up silently and starts confessing what happened yesterday.

Iroh just sighs saying, “Kids these days” and leaves.

Nuwa finishes, looks at Mai, and sincerely says, “I’m sorry. I never expected this to happen. I’ll definitely find a way to heal Zuko’s face.”

Mai’s crying again even though it seemed like she ran dry earlier. Her eyes are bloodshot, but they soften slightly seeing the sincerity in her apology. Mai slaps Nuwa clean across the face, “That’s for fucking him without my permission.” All her fire seems to go out after that since she really does like Nuwa as a friend. Mai half-heartedly hits lightly at Nuwa’s shoulders while crying into her boobs. Nuwa hugs her, tears up, and keeps saying sorry.

Ty Li changes the wet rag on Zuko’s face and they exit the room to find Iroh and Lady Pea conversing about Nuwa’s upcoming trip with Azula. Everyone takes it for granted that Azula will go no matter what, so it’s mostly a matter of convincing Ozai to let her leave.

Iroh mentions that the Avatar has been spotted near the Southern Water Tribe heading towards the Earth Kingdom and that undertaking a mission to capture him could be a good excuse to get out and have a vacation.

Lady Pea and Nuwa politely thank the retired general and head out of the palace.

~ ~ ~

Azula receives a summon to her Father’s study, so she enters and bows. Ozai, without turning around, orders her, “Go and capture the Avatar. He’s your age and he’s just a paltry airbender. Should be easy pickings for someone of your calibur. Take a few elites and some of your strong friends, perhaps that Nuwa lass. Do not disappoint me. You are dismissed.”

Azula says, “Yes Father”, bows again, and leaves. Azula is under the impression that Nuwa would avoid her for a long time due to that incident so inwardly she is jumping for joy at the thought of Nuwa being forced to spend time with her. Moreover, she can leave this accursed Palace that brought about Monster Azula. Who cares about some dumb mission?

~ ~ ~

Due to the time-sensitive nature of the Avatar’s current whereabouts, the elite squad is assembled at breakneck pace. Azula walks towards the docks in full Princess regalia, looking beautiful yet masculine.

She spots Nuwa, Ty Li, and Mai waiting beside the boat gangplank in casual clothes. Azula falters a bit with guilt, knowing how much Mai loved Zuko. Azula’s surprised that Mai even came. She looks at Mai as she walks by and whispers, “Sorry.” Azula then continues into the boat. The group hears it and their eyes display their shock.

Ty Li is somewhat dazed, “Have you heard Azula apologize for anything ever?”

Nuwa and Mai look at each other and shake their heads. Nuwa says, “Let’s hope she meant it when she said it.” They enter the warship and it sets sail towards Omashu.

The official task of the squad is to scout Omashu out in preparation for a full invasion, which is mostly ready anyway. It’s a typical power play by Royals to steal war credit from generals by swooping in at the last moment. Ozai has such tight reigns on his generals that they don’t dare to dispute.

Azula didn’t care that much about war credit. She was of the opinion that only individual power and wits mattered in war. The credit will always go to the strongest, period. Meanwhile, Nuwa was thinking about how to strike up a friendship with Team Avatar. She felt her womb heat up thinking about how good an Avatar mode sex session could be. Maybe she would set up Katara and Aang the same way she set up Mai and Zuko, then demand some payment, ehehehe.

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