Nuwa System

Chapter 20 – Meeting the Avatar Team

The next week, Nuwa was tormented by Azula with the big dildo and she managed to loosen up enough to let Azula be able to pump slowly up and down. After a day’s break from large insertion though, the Dao seed of sex repaired her body to its normal tight state.

+15k LEE, Total: 21k LEE

Nuwa found this to be good news, she felt like a cultivator with automatic impurities cleansing or wolverine with his super regeneration! The problem was, it didn’t work on cuts on her arm, it only worked on her vagina and maybe ass, which she was too chicken to try for now. So she was a wolverine in bed.

Another spot of good news is that she found traces of Mai fucking Ty Li all over the ship, away from prying eyes. Ty Li also started fucking Mai since pregnancy heightens certain urges. Nuwa could always find LEE discharges like a pulse shot into the night, which caused Mai and Ty Li a lot of grief since they had to run the moment they cummed or else Nuwa would walk in with the Master key that Azula gave her and casually lick up their juices. Recently, they just gave up on running and did it in the comfort of their room without locking the door.

+10k LEE, Total: 31k LEE

As they were coming up on Omashu, the Gang sees an air bison heading north along the shore about 25m in the air. Nuwa immediately yells, “HEEEEY. I NEED TO TALK!” The rest of the Gang are confused but help Nuwa automatically by yelling and waving, “HEY.. WE NEED TO TALK.” It seems they are heard since the air bison realigns itself to follow the ship, but kept a bit of distance and stayed 15m high. Aang pops his head into sight and looks kind of suspiciously at the Fire Nation warship, “What do you want?”

Nuwa quickly pulls out a business card and writes, “We’re Fire Nation nobles, but we don’t like the war and we want to help you take down Fire Lord Ozai. Please believe us. My best friend Zuko was abused by his own father, Ozai.”

Nuwa wraps the business card around a dart and yells, “Airbend this dart into your hand! I’m attaching a message!”

Aang nods and lets Nuwa fire the dart. He carefully tilts the dart up out of harm’s way before reading the message. He shows Katara and Sokka the message upon which Katara furrows her brows and Sokka scoffs, “What’s a sex therapist?”

Katara stays silent in thought and Sokka says, “It’s obviously a trap! The moment we go down they’ll try to capture us. It might even be a honey trap from looking at this suspicious card!”

Aang replies, “I don’t know Sokka, they haven’t shown any signs of aggression. Most Fire Nation warships would fire their ballistae the moment we approach.”

Katara notes, “If they’re really nobles, then they’ll have a lot of information, connections, maps, and allies we could use to take down Ozai. You haven’t even been able to earthbend yet, Aang. We really could use all the help we can get. You’re destined to become powerful with time, but in the meantime, we need allies.”

Sokka scoffs again, “Let’s see how many ways they can capture us if we go down there.. HOLY SMOKES HOT BABES.. There’s no way it’s a trap, we definitely need allies.”

Katara smacks Sokka upside the head. Aang coughs and says, “Let’s go down and talk then.”

~ ~ ~

Appa lands on the stopped warship and The Gang and elite guards are standing there. Azula kicks all the other people, like the captain and boatmen off the deck.

Nuwa would have Ty Li start with introductions, since she’s an angel, but her [Induced Good Impression] is truly useful when it comes to diplomacy.

Aang is a few cm taller than Nuwa, looks about the same age, with an angled jawline losing the last of its baby fat. He’s bald everywhere and has Airbending Master tattoos that run down his head, spine, arms, and legs. Aang is wearing a form of monk’s robes that show off his vegan six pack, likely in hopes of wooing Katara. Nuwa summons her [Regular Vibe], activates pseudo-enlightenment, and immediately intuits that all three are still virgins, before deactivating the vibe.

Katara is a buxom D cup black beauty with thick black hair that’s very easy to work into different hairstyles. She has a thin waist and wide hips. She dresses very conservatively while traveling, but Nuwa knows from canon that she wears skimpy clothes when it’s just Aang.

Sokka is a lanky and tall black guy with an insecurity over his lack of bending. He is overall useless in combat compared to The Gang, but great as a strategist. He comes up with practical solutions and backup plans when Team Avatar is on the spot. Nuwa admits his face is cute, but she doesn’t like his hairstyle and fickleness when it comes to love. ‘If you want a harem, admit it like a man and if she likes you enough, then she won’t leave you.’

Nuwa begins, “Hello Aang, my name is Nuwa. I've heard a lot of stories about you running around and saving people. It sounds like a lot of fun!”

Sokka looks lovestruck staring at Nuwa and even Aang blushes a bit at her cute vibe, yet seductive mannerisms and deadly curves. Nuwa likes to dress to impress, but also maintains her own comfort. She hates bras and high heels. Currently she’s dressed in training gear which is a tight white with low cut denim short shorts. Nuwa’s nipples are erect, her flat and toned six pack and the majority of her ass is on full display.

Katara wants to look at Nuwa like she’s staring at her mortal enemy, but seeing how friendly Nuwa is, she feels like she’s being unreasonable and should just ask for advice on girl stuff.

Aang shakes his head yelling at his dick, ‘Down boy! Katara’s the only one for you.’ Then he starts to drool, imagining Katara dressing as slutty as Nuwa.

Azula looks just about fed up with everyone ogling Nuwa, so steps up and wraps her hand around Nuwa’s waist with a humph. Nuwa giggles and says, “Sorry boys, I’m taken..” but she still licks her lips seductively.

Ty Li, noticing that Nuwa is losing track of the goal, takes up the mantle. Unfortunately, her breasts are still jiggling violently due to Hummy, which draws the dumbfounded stares of all of Team Avatar, including the lemur.

She introduces herself timidly, “Hi, I’m Ty Li and Nuwa is my older sister. We’re from the Pea noble family in Capitol City. This is Mai, who’s also from a noble family. Next to Nuwa is Princess Azula. As long as you don’t make Azula mad, you should be safe with us.”

After that rather expert introduction, Momo decides to satisfy his curiosity and glides over to Ty Li’s shoulder. Ty Li has always been good with animals, so she’s not timid towards Momo. She starts to pet him but freezes when he climbs down her arm and starts blatantly groping her jiggling titties. He even pulls them in the full range of motion they can go, before Aang and Katara scream, “MOMO BAD BOY.”

Hummy falls out of Ty Li’s shirt and starts angrily pecking Momo upon which he starts running around the deck in panic.

Ty Li tears up out of embarrassment and shame, Mai goes to hug her front side protectively, Nuwa starts cracking up, and Azula gives a small chuckle.

Aang finally grabs Momo in a headlock and bows multiple times in apology to Ty Li. It seems like that episode cleared the air a bit because everyone got more comfortable.

~ ~ ~

The guards all restrained Sadboy from going to murder Momo.

‘Yo, did you see the wingspan on those titties?’

‘Yea they went halfway down the bicep when that lemur had his way with em.’

‘Fuck that lemur.’

‘At least our wingman Hummy got her revenge. Pecked him nice and good on the forehead.’

‘Is Hummy really a wingman though? I mean she kinda just buries herself in them while making them jiggle for us to get jealous over.’

‘Don’t ask if that’s NTR, I can tell you were about to ask that and I assure you there’s no NTR if there’s no sex. Plus she’s a bird.’

‘Hummy’s a wingman cuz she’s got wings.’

‘Bro that wasn’t funny, if you type something it’s gotta either contribute to the chat, serve no purpose, or be funny. That was like a dumbass dad joke.’

‘Whatever man Hummy will always be my wingman. I decided it ever since the first time she jiggled those titties.’

~ ~ ~

Katara says, “Hi, I’m Katara from the Southern Water Tribe. Our tribe is being hunted and captured by the Fire Nation, so I wanted to do my part to fight back. This is Sokka, my older brother. Just ignore him. This is Aang, the Avatar and the last airbender. What did you want to talk to us about?”

Nuwa says, “Let’s get straight down to business. I want to help you take down Fire Lord Ozai, Aang.”

Azula interrupts, “Eh? You’re planning to overthrow my Father?”

The whole Gang is kind of spooked at the treasonous desire of Nuwa. They thought this was just a vacation and even if they see the Avatar, like now, they’ll just ignore him and be on their way.

Nuwa looks at the Gang and sternly says, “This war is destroying the lives of thousands of innocent people every day. Every one of them has their own family and people they love! It can only end if we depose the Fire Lord and replace him. I’m sorry I wasn’t clearer with my intentions earlier, but we only just started our journey and you already saw how bad the colonies were. It’s even worse in Ba Sing Se. This world needs balance. I could really use your help taking down Ozai, but if you want no part of it, then that’s fine too. You’d have to go back inside the ship though. Either way, nothing will change and we’ll always be best friends.”

Sokka stares at the slutty bombshell with stars in his eyes as she spouts hella ethics and reaffirms his desire to pursue her to the ends of the world.

Aang and Katara also look at Nuwa with admiration.

Aang was ashamed that he wasn’t as decisive about his mission to restore balance as Nuwa was. He just roams around helping whoever without putting too much thought into it doing his Avatar thing.

Katara felt like she found a new role model. A strong, confident woman who doesn't have a shred of hesitation about overthrowing the ruler of an entire empire! All of her feminist ideals given personification! Unfortunately, she would later be proven wrong about that last point.

Mai was surprisingly the first to agree saying, “I hate how Zuko always looks for affirmation from that excuse for a father and I’m definitely not raising my baby with a grandpa like that around.”

Ty Li shakes and shudders in fear, but agrees because Mai agreed.

Azula seems ashamed to be last when she said she’ll always follow Nuwa no matter what. The preconception of her Father being stronger and more tyrannical than anyone is not that easy to overcome. Nuwa holds Azula’s hand and reminds her, “Did you know that Iroh was always stronger than Ozai? In fact, I suspect Ozai had underhandedly sent Iroh’s son on a suicide mission just to break Iroh’s will to rule so that he, as the weaker firebender, could take the throne. I’m sure you always saw Iroh as a bumbling old man, right? He is one of the strongest benders alive in the world.”

Azula looks down and says, “I understand what you mean. You want me to see the truth behind the curtains.” Azula slightly tears up, “But when I open the curtains, I see those palace walls, they’re so thick.”

Nuwa hugs her tight, “It’s ok, it’s impossible to understand everything right away. Just come with us and you can decide when the time comes. I hope that eventually, you’ll see Mai, Ty Li, and I instead of those curtains.”

Nuwa looks over at Katara and asks, “What are your plans?”

Katara replies, “We are going over to the Northern Water Tribe to find a waterbending master for myself and Aang.”

Nuwa scoffs, “Those old fools think women should stay home and be good housewives. Don’t have high expectations for that place, Katara.”

Azula smirks, “Any of us can wipe the floor with those old men.”

Nuwa mentions, “Except Pakku, the Master, we wouldn’t be able to win against him. In any case, we’ll come with you as an entourage. It’ll be lots of fun!”

Nuwa asks, “Can the bison also carry us 4 with minimal luggage?”

Aang thinks and says, “Yeah, but keep the luggage minimal. We’ll have to stop along the way for food multiple times, so if you have money, that would save us a lot of time.”

Mai says apathetically, “Easy peasy.”

Ty Li looks cheerful since she’s always wanted to fly and now she gets to ride an air bison. 

Nuwa proclaims, “Let’s pack up and knock out everyone on board!”

Ty Li smiles and puts the elite guards to sleep as they give no resistance.

Sadboy’s thoughts just prior to getting knocked out: ‘She’s going to touch me. I can die happy! No wait, if I survive, next will be handshakes, then hugs, then a happy death!’

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