Nuwa System

Chapter 25 – Northern Water Tribe

Nuwa earns plenty of LEE over the next week on the journey.


+20k LEE from Aang x Katara’s first time

+5k LEE Azula x Nuwa

+1k LEE Mai x Ty Li


+10k LEE Aang x Katara

+3k LEE Azula x Nuwa

+2k LEE Mai x Ty Li


+5k LEE Aang x Katara

+3k LEE Azula x Nuwa


+10k LEE Aang x Katara

+2k LEE Azula x Nuwa

+2k LEE Mai x Ty Li


+10k LEE Aang x Katara

+5k LEE Azula x Nuwa

+3k LEE Mai x Ty Li


+10k LEE Aang x Katara

+6k LEE Azula x Nuwa

+2k LEE Mai x Ty Li


+10k LEE Aang x Katara

+4k LEE Azula x Nuwa

+2k LEE Mai x Ty Li


Current Total: 120k LEE


Nuwa narrates, ‘The journey north is quite dreary. We spend much of the time within blankets on Appa’s back fucking like rabbits. I put in extra effort to always get my hands on Aang’s leftover semen. Raava, the spirit of light, lives within every Avatar. Raava has a soul tier of peak tier 2, so Aang’s life essence energy is especially potent. I really have to scheme a way onto his dick soon. Katara has a lot stronger hold of Aang than Mai has on Zuko though.’

‘Katara and Mai have become fast friends since they are both expecting in 8-9 months. This pulls our groups a lot closer and we no longer worry about hiding our sexual needs. However, awkwardness between the Team/Gang and Sokka increases by the day since he’s the only one outside of the action.’

‘Maybe I should just pityfuck him and be done with it. At this rate, he’s going to develop a fetish for NTR. I can tell why the writers didn’t make Aang and Katara’s relationship develop too early. It’s way too awkward having to chi-block Sokka to sleep whenever everyone wants to fuck. He wakes up with those lifeless, knowing eyes as he’s sniffs the stench of sex wafting off Appa’s fur every morning.’

Nuwa considers, ‘If I set him up with Yue, that should make him happy.’

As Azula fucks Nuwa 3 days after the spar, enlightened Nuwa draws a near-perfect representation of Yue based off of her canon memory cross-referenced with all the differences that canon had to the Record’s realistic faces she encountered so far. Basically, she made extremely complex, but accurate, guesses on what Yue would look like and passed it off as a picture of the Princess.

The plan works and Sokka falls in love at first sight as usual. His intentions towards Nuwa were long gone when he saw Azula ‘accidentally’ practiced lightning bending in his direction over the past few days of him ogling Nuwa’s assets.

Nuwa tells Sokka the story about how Princess Yue wasn’t expected to survive childbirth, but does due the tribe making prayers to the Moon Spirit. Nuwa explains that currently, Yue is a sickly, sheltered girl who has no friends and yearns for companionship. Yue really loves waterbending, but her body is too weak and doesn’t have the requisite reserves of chi, so she’s treated like a nonbender. Nuwa explains how a part of Yue wants to follow her duty towards the clan that raised her and saved her life, and the other part wants to be free and travel the world.

Nuwa pats his back, “Sokka, good luck chasing the girl!”

Katara, also feeling that he is truly pitiful, encourages, “You can do it, brother, I believe in you!”

Aang suggests, “Maybe try to tone down your perversion, at first?”

Ty Li, who happens to be contorting herself around on Mai’s body, agrees with her head upside down, “Yeah, see.. Even now, you’re still looking at my boobs instead of my eyes. Girls don’t want to be treated as sexual objects.”

Azula just snorts and refrains from commenting, ‘As if a useless buffoon like Sokka can get a goddess-tier beauty like Yue. She’s almost as pretty as Nuwa.’

Nuwa rewards Azula with a hug and kiss since the old Princess Azula would have mercilessly mocked Sokka’s self-esteem into dust. Azula smiles cheerfully.

Sokka’s face has the determination of a martyr. “Thank you, friends. I will try my best and then some! I can let everyone in the world down, but not this unhappy girl!”

Nuwa nods, “Good determination.”

She looks towards the north as Appa approaches the icy landmass. The Northern Water Tribe is built on a glacier so all the roads, pathways, and buildings are made of ice. The landscape is a truly beautiful and picturesque scene.

The rest of the group is “ooh’ing and aww’ing”. As Appa descends, everyone checks to make sure Nuwa has all her clothes on since she’s started walking around forgetting articles of clothing ever since she became Stella. They don’t want to lose their chance of learning waterbending just because of a certain someone’s accidental sluttiness.

As the group set down on Appa outside the gates, Nuwa feels an unsettling feeling of rejection in the back of her mind from her connection to the Spirit Realm. This reminds Nuwa that she should have explored the Spirit Realm on the trip. She was actually too busy making sure she didn’t miss any juices. She felt like she wasn’t doing her job properly when she missed Mai and Ty Li’s juices on the third day of the trip.

Nuwa furrows her brows and mentions seriously to the group, “Something or someone in this city is hated by the Spirit Realm. Don’t let your guard down and discuss any unusual circumstances you find in private with the full group.”

The group is spotted by some guards who quickly recognize Aang, but professionally ask about the group regardless.

“Halt! Identify yourselves and your reason for visiting Agna Qel'a (the capital city of the Northern Water Tribe).”

Aang steps up, “Hi, I’m the Avatar and I want to learn waterbending from the true masters! These are my friends.”

The guards sent a messenger to the palace and had the group wait.

Ty Li twiddles her thumbs in worry over her abandoned simp, Sadboy. She only remembers his existence when she sees the guards. Otherwise, she’s fine slinking around and getting slammed by Mai every day.

Mai feels a strange annoyance and jealousy when she figures out from easy-to-read body language that Ty Li is worrying about Sadboy. ‘Sigh.. I miss Zuko.. I hope he’s recovering fine wherever Iroh takes him.’

Katara looks around in wonder at the prosperous sights and high population that she’s never seen back in her ancestral Southern Tribe. She envisions possibilities of alliance between the sister tribes and help against further fire nation offensives.

Aang smiles at Katara’s joy and feels fluffy. He quickly averts his eyes though since Nuwa reminded him that he shouldn’t expose their true relationship or Katara would face more dangers.

The large wall of ice is opened with waterbending and a stern looking man beckons them into the city where he takes notes on their names, abilities, and origins.

The group explains patiently. He adjusts his glasses and says, “Welcome to the Northern Water Tribe, my name is Qwan. Let’s see if I got everything down correctly.”

“First, we have the Avatar, Aang, a 17 y/o master airbender, but frozen in ice for 100 years, originally from the now wiped out Southern Air Temple.”

“Second, we have Katara, a 17 y/o waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe.”

“Third, we have Sokka, an 18 y/o older brother of Katara.”

“Fourth, we have Stella, a 17 y/o village girl who received the legacy of a legendary martial artist.”

“Fifth, we have Zulrath, a 17 y/o firebender who illegally learned lightning bending and deserted the Fire Nation.”

“Sixth, we have Slinky, a 17 y/o twin sister of Stella.”

“Seventh, we have Kristen, a 17 y/o normal person.”

“Eighth, we have Appa, an air bison.”

“Ninth, we have Momo, a lemur.”

“Tenth, we have Hummy, a hummingbird spirit.”

“Good, well, I’m sure your group has some strange stories to tell, but I’m not interested in hearing them. Neither are you allowed to entice Northern Water Tribe citizens into your so-called adventures.”

“Zulrath, you will be assigned a contingent of escorts and monitors due to your high destructive capability. Aang will have the privilege to train under Master Pakku starting tomorrow morning at 5 AM. Katara will not be permitted to learn under Master Pakku, she may learn under Yagoda in the healing huts. You will have to pay for all your lodgings. Goodbye.”

The group was already a bit miffed at how many questions they had to answer. Nuwa thinks, ‘That has to be an art form - being both insufferably nosey and dismissive at the same time.’

The group enters the capital and sees the waterways that function as thoroughfares. Of course, as tourists, they excitedly go to travel in the canoes. There are no oars. It has to be steered with waterbending, so Zulrath’s armed escorts end up being chauffeurs.

The group gets off at a major street and walks around soaking in the culture. There’s a high quantity of men in warrior gear and women in homemaker accessories. Nuwa mentioned sexism, but Katara didn’t expect it to run this deep. If she was less mature, she would have immediately protested, but she put more thought into it and figured something like this couldn’t be changed without a lot of planning. She was still a hardcore feminist, she didn’t want to cause unnecessary conflict while she was pregnant. ‘I’d rather learn healing right now anyway.’

Nuwa decides that it’s fine if they go their own ways for now. “Hey guys, this looks like a nice inn to return to. Let’s unpack here and we can do our own thing after that.” The group does so and heads out again.

Nuwa could feel the rejection increase in intensity inside the capitol, but couldn’t get a lock onto the source. As a self-proclaimed protagonist character, she considers this a sacred mission from the World’s Will, which she plans to complete just to do ole’ Willy a favor. She starts looking in every sort of direction for abnormalities and only manages to spot a contingent of royal guards.

Nuwa slaps Sokka’s shoulder and whispers, “Oi, that could be Yue!”

Sokka puts his martyr face on and begins to walk directly over. Katara grabs him, “Idiot, wipe that look off your face and act normal. Just stand on a bridge they’ll have to pass by.”

Mai gives an apathetic, “Ha Ha Ha.”

The group casually sit on a boat and watch Sokka standing on the bridge as a royal entourage passes the bridge. Sokka’s eyes turn to hearts as he sees Yue looking down at her feet while walking surrounded by guards and maids looking like a pitiful canary in a cage.

Yue looks up at Sokka as she passes by and smiles slightly at how strange he looks and acts. She waves at him, upon which he puts on a silly smile waving back. She giggles as she walks away.

Nuwa narrows her eyes at Yue from the boat, ‘Just then, I used the [Regular Vibe] and found that Yue is not a virgin. Seems like this place has divergences from canon too. If she’s not a virgin, but she’s still that sad, something must be very wrong. It can’t be rape, there’s no way the chief would let a Princess be raped. It should have something to do with why the World’s Will is mad.’

Nuwa motions for the group to split. She and Azula take their chauffeurs and go down all the riverways. Nuwa locks in on the source of the rejection coming from one block near the palace.

She decides to sneak out of the inn and return here tonight. Even with the heavily militarized public safety, Nuwa is confident she can parkour and sneak wherever she needs to go.

But first, it’s time to stop procrastinating on two items: exploring the Spirit Realm and taking Azula’s virginity.

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