Nuwa System

Chapter 28 – Quests

Nuwa decides she has had enough excitement for today, so she changes her mind about sneaking out to scout tonight. She lies in bed next to Zulrath’s plain face with contentment. There was always something missing in their relationship until now. She feels truly in love for the first time. There’s no deception this time around.

“Hey [System], I noticed you gave me a quest when I made my resolve to truly comprehend the Dao of Sex and another quest when Azula first cummed inside me. Can you show me those?”

*Main Mission: [Solve Iroh’s Regrets]*

*The World’s Will is commissioning your help to solve Iroh’s regrets: losing his child and allowing Ozai to usurp the throne with his schemes. Without your influence on fate via the Dao ripples, it is likely that Iroh will die with both of these regrets unaddressed.*

*His current means of addressing these regrets is shown as he treats Zuko as a substitute for his dead son and assists the Avatar to defeat Ozai with the Order of the White Lotus.*

*Iroh believes it is the destiny of the Avatar to defeat Ozai and this is the case, but The World’s Will also wants to see Iroh release his feelings of betrayal and hatred for Ozai’s involvement in the death of his son.*

*The World’s Will believes that Iroh will grow to become a powerful spiritual guide for future avatars when he loses his mortal shell and that this is a necessary step in developing his abilities.*

“So all I have to do is convince him to fight his brother Ozai? That sounds simple enough.”

*There are two objectives to the mission. The first is to ensure that Iroh and Ozai battle. The second is for Host to have sex with Iroh and ensure impregnation.*

Nuwa furrows her brows.

“...hmm. Having an old guy’s baby, I didn’t think I’d have to sacrifice so much so soon. Even if he is a kind and lovable old man, don’t you think this is crazy.. [System]?”

*This mission was not listed until Host gathered the resolve to follow through on the path of the Dao.*

“Fuck you [System]! If it wasn’t for all that suffering you put me through in my first life, why would I even love sex so much!! I HATE YOU!!!

*System will facilitate your goddess training.*

Nuwa sniffs a few tears back.

She tries to rationalize her tantrum, “Humph, so even that didn’t get an emotional reaction out of you. What did I expect from the robot who raised me?”

“Sighhhhhhhhhhhh, this is why I never talk to you.”

“Go on, tell me about that [Child of Dao] mission.”

*The Dao Seed of Sex resonated with Host’s desire to birth Azula a child. Eventually, if Azula and Host have sex often with strong feelings of commitment, love, and responsibility, the Dao itself will produce a child. However, this could take decades or centuries, so this quest was designed to provide training wheels.*

*The objective of the mission is to meditate unenlightened on the Dao of Sex with Azula’s semen saturating Host’s womb for 6 months of real time. The maximum time you can delay your womb from beginning to gradually convert semen to LEE is 2 hours.*

*Using shop items such as Viable Futanari Tool to ensure insemination is disallowed.*

‘Wow, that’s gonna be a test of my patience. If I filled up my womb and meditated for 2 hours daily, it would take me 6 years to complete the task. I don’t even know how to meditate on the Dao without going into enlightenment mode.’

‘I’m also positive that raping Iroh will not be good for his ‘growth a spiritual guide’ so that’s off the table. Guess I’ll think about it later when the time comes around or in an enlightenment.’

‘Sigh, I can deal with anything with darling by my side. If [System] doesn’t have a way to make her immortal, I’ll go on a strike and it’ll be forced to concede, muahahaha.’

~ ~ ~

Nuwa woke up to a huge wet dick ramming into her pussy. E-Nuwa immediately recognized the dick as Azula’s. “OHH, YES. Zul, I love it! This really takes the morning blues right away! Thanks for getting it wet first.”

Azula moved Nuwa into missionary position and continued fucking Nuwa hard. “Of course. I’m the only one who knows the true depths of your perversion after all.” Azula pumps for another 5 minutes before Nuwa begins massaging her balls lightly. Azula moans out, “Stella.. Get.. Pregnant!”

E-Nuwa sees if she can make Azula’s testes deliver enough cum to fill up her entire womb in one go. The result is a no. It fills up about 60 percent. Maybe she can upgrade Azula’s futanari tool to produce more cum? She can, but E-Nuwa intuits this may cause her to lose sight of the mission. 

The most important aspect of filling herself with cum is to receive Azula’s “intention of love, commitment, and responsibility” within her womb. If she ignores that for quick returns, then she predicts she will give birth to a stillborn.

‘The Dao is truly mysterious. If I didn’t have enlightenment mode, I wouldn’t even know the first thing about it. Obviously, the [System] is a guide that I can’t rely on except for the general direction or else I would be a pathetic no-good protagonist who can never achieve anything on my own without handouts. I’ll never become a powerhouse Goddess like that.’

‘Since I’m immortal anyway, I should be patient and put in the hard work. This too, could be an aspect of my spiritual growth.’

Nuwa took another shot of cum inside her to fill up her womb and tried her hand unsuccessfully at meditation. She ends up falling back to sleep. She didn’t want to explain the Quests to Azula until she met Iroh and got an idea on how to proceed. Doing the main mission should come first. On top of that, she wants to put off explaining it as long as possible, since it makes her feel like shit to have to do that to Azula.

+20k LEE, Total: 95k LEE

When Nuwa wakes up again, Azula is sitting on the bed with some food ready. They share the food and Nuwa brings out her [Smartphone]. She decides that her video of Aang and Katara’s first time should also go in the “First Times” folder so she plays the Photo-Audio Gu for Azula to watch and record everything with her [Smartphone]. Now even if the Gu is destroyed, she still has a fall back.

Needless to say, Azula is horrified at the extent of physical evidence that Nuwa has managed to capture with that dangerous peeping tool. She desperately tries to convince herself that this is a necessary aspect of Nuwa’s path and philosophy in life.

Nuwa notices unread messages from the elite guards chat, ‘Let me check out what they talk about since they always look like they’re having fun.’

…[see 2,000 unread messages above]

‘She’s online, quit it with the boob jokes. Delete the furry stuff.’

‘Mistress Nuwa! Please respond! This is a dire SOS from yours truly, the elite guards squad!’

‘Sadboy has been hunger fasting ever since Ty Li left! He’s only skin and bones by now!’

‘He’s drinking his own piss for nutrients since he can’t eat food!’

‘Requesting your divine presence, Goddess Nuwa, matriarch of the heavens, protector of the anons, defender of the simps. Hallowed be thy Ass!’

‘May you guide lost sheep back to your loins to rest and make gay.’

Nuwa says out loud, “Damn, no wonder these guys are banned from talking. I’m losing brain cells just reading it.”

Nuwa types out, ‘I’ll give you some nudes of Ty Li if you can get a [Smartphone] for Azula. Or enough [System] energy to buy Azula something nice.’


‘Hey guys, Sadboy is crying and eating. He broke his fast! He’s typing!’

‘Our Goddess, the Holy Daughter, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity of two nipples and one clit! Deliverance is upon us! Donate everything you’ve got! Soon We Brotherhood Shall Fap unto the Ends of Days.’

Nuwa grimaces as she desummons the [Smartphone], “...I should just not open this chat anymore, but somehow I feel they’re pitiful?”

~ ~ ~

Aang gets up early and goes to learn waterbending from Master Pakku. He finds everyone respectful of his status as the Avatar and practices proper water bending dance form with them. He does notice that people seem too concerned about their status, in general.

Some of the waterbending pupils are complaining about a high status son of a councilman getting engaged with Princess Yue. There’s also talk about how no one has ever seen his face, which is strange for a military tribe with so many rules and roll calls.

‘That’s bad news for Sokka. Nuwa said that Princess Yue didn’t seem happy. Maybe I can convince that guy that my friend is in true love with her and to dissolve the engagement.’

Aang asks, “Hey guys, do you know where the Princess’ fiance lives? You know just so I can say hi.”

Random waterbender replies, “Uh sure, he lives just next to the palace in the southeastern mansion, but he never leaves.”

Aang scratches his shiny head, “What kind of person never leaves his house?”

~ ~ ~

Team Avatar goes over to the mansion southeast of the palace later that day. They knock on the door and a beautiful middle-aged lady opens the door with an annoyed expression on her face, “Yes? Oh, you must be Avatar Aang and his friends. How can I help you?”

Katara replies, “Hello, my name is Katara and I started learning healing under Yagoda earlier today. I just heard about the engagement and wanted to congratulate your son.”

The middle-aged lady frowns, “My name is Vera and is that so?”

Sokka immediately says, “I am Sokka, and I will fight your son for her hand!”

Vera’s eyes brighten with amusement as she smiles, “Oh, I like hot-blooded youngsters like you. There’s no way you can beat my Dan, but you’re welcome to take Yue’s hand. The chief pushed them together against Dan’s intentions.”

Team Avatar goes, “Eh?! How does that make sense?”

Vera has a sad face for a moment, “Dan’s always been a strong boy, but he doesn’t fit well in the tribe. The moment the chief incidentally found that Dan could fully heal Yue’s condition, he immediately ordered them engaged out of gratitude. Yue too feels this is the only way she can repay him, despite both of them holding no feelings for each other. Aang, Katara, and Sokka, maybe you should see Yue and ask her to call off the engagement, because we have already tried.”

Sokka immediately responds, “Yes! I won’t let her be unhappy!”

Vera gives a thumbs up and closes the door on them.

“She seems busy,” Katara says as they leave.

~ ~ ~

After Team Avatar regroups with The Gang at the inn, they discuss the events of the day. Katara and Aang are both enjoying learning new things about waterbending. Sokka has entered the barracks for boot camp style training.

Nuwa finds it fishy that Yue was able to be fully healed by a boy. That’s outside of canon. Even the Moon Spirit was unable to fully heal her. Nuwa decides that she has to sneak over to see Dan tonight.

He is described as strong, but Nuwa pays it no mind.

That night, after another few good fucks, Nuwa begins converting the semen to LEE right away and sneaks out in icy blue and white camouflage attire.

+20k LEE, Total: 115k LEE

E-Nuwa immediately scrapped Nuwa’s plan and decided that it would be better to get the full story from Yue first just in case Dan was the source of the Spirit Realm’s rejection. Yue is a naive and kindhearted lady, so she’ll surely spill.

Azula doesn’t follow. If Nuwa gets caught, it will be much less suspicious if it’s just a nonbender sneaking around.

Nuwa uses her hookblade and parkour skills to blend into the ice buildings and make her way to the Spirit Oasis where Yue likes to hang out with the spirits.

She cat-crawls down the steep glacier that surrounds the spirit pool and sees the beautiful green island in the center. Yue is crying on a rock in front of the Koi fish. These two Koi are colored like a yin-yang symbol and constantly rotate chasing each others’ tails. Their names are Tui, the Moon Spirit, and La, the Ocean Spirit.

Nuwa finds them beautiful and decides she would not let them face danger like in canon. Yue wipes her tears and looks over calmly as Nuwa approaches, “The spirits seem happy to see you. Why have you intruded upon the Spirit Oasis?”

Nuwa pulls her face cover down.

“I’ve come to talk to you privately. Nice to meet you, Princess Yue. My name is Stella. I’m one of the Avatar’s friends, but more importantly, I am investigating who in this city is the target of the Spirit Relam’s rejection. You feel it, don't you?”

Yue looks down and tears up. “Stella.. It’s.. it’s because of me.”

Nuwa narrows her eyes and feels some hatred at how miserable this Dan guy made a cute, kind soul like Yue. Nuwa grits her teeth and asks, “..What did he do to you?”

Yue panics and says, “No! No, it’s not like that. We had to mix our chi for him to heal me. In fact, I don’t know why I feel this way. He is my first partner, my betrothed, and he even saved my life, but whenever I see him, I can’t help but feel resentful. He’s never wronged me, and yet I cannot love him. Maybe I feel like he stole my opportunity to find love. I’ve always wanted to feel love like my parents have for each other..”

Nuwa looks at Yue in confusion, “He’s never wronged you? So why does the Spirit Realm hate him?”

Yue looks embarrassed to think that her spirit friends called over an ‘investigator’ to help her feel better. She says, “Dan has special powers that were granted to him by the Spirits, which he is supposed to use to help the Avatar protect the balance.”

Yue puts on a frustrated and embarrassed face, “But the only thing he does is sit in his room and play his dumb games!”

Nuwa’s eyes twitch and accidentally says, “Otaku-?”

‘Transmigrated into this world just like me?’

Yue jumps, “Yes! That’s what he calls himself as an excuse for why he can’t help the Tribe!”

Nuwa feels like she needs to find a hot spring and spend the entire day with Azula’s dick inside her. ‘So Ole Willie sets me out on a quest to reform an Otaku? Sigh.. that’s impossible without some serious intervention.’

After some silence, Nuwa replies, “I have experience dealing with Otakus.”

‘I was an otaku in my last life after all.’

Nuwa pumped her fist with confidence, “So you want me to beat him up for you?”

Yue looks at Nuwa weird, “You can’t! You’ll get beat. He- he-“

Yue whispers in mild disgust, “He’s a bloodbender.”

Nuwa’s pupils shrink, ‘Fuck, I’d have been a goner if I snuck in there.’

‘Seems like bloodbending is still mistakenly viewed as evil if even an angel like Yue feels disgusted by it. Makes sense for it to be viewed as such, since most bloodbenders are entirely insane. Considering she feels guilt and not disgust towards Dan himself, he must not be that bad.’

Nuwa coughs, “Oh, ok then. You’re right, I guess I’ll just have a talk with him then.”

Yue sighs in relief and returns to watching the koi fish.

Nuwa sits down next to her. “Yue, have you ever thought about going out to see the world, instead of being imprisoned in this castle of ice?”

Yue nods with a smile, “Since Dan healed me, I am no longer bound within a certain distance of this Oasis. I have thought of many ways that I can leave, but all would involve abandoning my duty to the Tribe.”

Nuwa responds, “If I can find a way for you to explore and fulfill your duty, would you go?”

Yue glances over with surprise, “That’s not possible, our tribe is too isolated. They wouldn’t permit anyone of high status to leave the safety of the glacier.”

Nuwa puts on a sly smile, “Did you know that I have another name?”

Yue watches as “Stella” slowly peels off her Face Mask tool and her face scrunches up in horror.

Nuwa laughs maniacally with morbid excitement at pulling an irl jump scare. Soon Yue’s horror dampens into a nervous chuckle as Nuwa’s inordinately beautiful face is revealed and [Induced Good Impression] takes effect.

“My real name is Nuwa, and I can easily help you hide your absence from the Tribe.”

Yue continues to look creeped out by the situation as a new face and name showed up in front of her in the place of Stella.

“Don’t worry, I am Stella and Nuwa. I am both of them and I still want to help you with the disagreement between the Spirits and Dan.”

Yue looks back at the koi for a minute, then holds Nuwa’s hand and tears up a bit, “Thank you, Nuwa. Wait, don’t you know that faces and names are the domain of the Mother of Faces? Tui told me that neither your face or name came from the Mother of Faces. What if she takes offense?”

Nuwa scoffs, “If her kid Kui can steal faces without consequences, then I can hand them out.”

Seeing that Yue still looked worried, Nuwa softens and reassures, “Don’t worry, I have a lot of allies in the Spirit Realm to look after me if anything happens.”

Yue sighs in relief again and gathers her courage, “Nuwa.. w-will you be my f-friend?”

“Yes! Of course I’d love to have a friend as beautiful as you!” Nuwa quickly replies with bright eyes.

Yue gives a shy, heartwarming smile.

Nuwa suddenly feels a strong urge to corrupt this angelic princess. “Hey Yue, I’m curious. When Dan and you combined your chi, did it feel good?”

Yue sputtered with embarrassment, “Eh! Um.. umm.. a little, but afterward, I felt very empty and dirty.

Nuwa consoles her and strokes her hair, “Oh, you poor girl. You know, I can make you feel better. I can wash away the dirty feeling that Dan left, if you let me.”

Yue looks at Nuwa with confusion and hope, “Huh?”

Nuwa raises her head with pride, “I am one of the very few women in the entire world who can combine their chi with a woman!”

Yue grows progressively redder as she realizes the implications and starts sneaking glances down at Nuwa’s crotch. Yue’s glances begin as curious, but eventually they start to shine with hope at the thought that she wouldn’t feel unclean any more!

“[System], buy me the [Clit Re-sizer].”

-100k LEE, Total: 15k LEE

Nuwa feels the device within her soul. She could now automatically re-size her clit into any shape depending on how much blood and soul force she channeled into the tool. She quickly provides just enough for it to bulge in her cameo outfit.

Yue becomes nervous and fearful seeing the bulge and quickly looks away with her eyes slammed shut.

Nuwa hugs her from behind, seductively rubs around her nipple and whispers in her ear, “Yue, whenever you feel ready, come find me. I’m always available to help a friend in need.”

Nuwa lets go of Yue and starts putting back on her Stella Face Mask. Yue looks down with steam coming out of her head and hands cupped on her cheeks. She squeaks, “Thank you.. for being my friend.”

Nuwa laughs, “No sweat. Next time, I can take you exploring around the Spirit Realm and we wouldn’t even have to leave the Tribe. It’ll be a date!”

Yue stutters as she watches Nuwa climb up the glacier walls, “D-d-d-d-dAtE?”

Dan is an OC.

BTW, you'll notice the story isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Dao is a serious thing, even when it comes to sex.
All truly wise and powerful individuals experienced suffering and overcame it at some point in their lives.

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