Nuwa System

Chapter 3 – Family, ‘The Feels’, Dao Ripples

[2 months later - day of birth]

The House of Pea is in festivities as Lady Ty Pea has completed one of the most difficult births in history to 6 healthy identical sisters. Ty Pea names her children in order of delivery as Ty La, Ty Lee, Ty Li, Ty Lo, Ty Lu, and Ty Ly. Publicly, it is believed that she named them so unrecognizably similar as revenge for bloating her up so much.

Our dear Nuwa ends up named Ty Lee and feels super excited to be in the Avatar world as her favorite character. Although her enthusiasm is slightly dampened by the fact that she has no bending, the extreme flexibility and chi-blocking that canon Ty Lee is known for will always be a massive turn on.


[5 months later]

Nuwa waddles around attempting to train her flexibility with a perverted grin on her face. It can be assumed that she was thinking of licking her own vagina in the future. The rest of her sisters always giggle when they see her since always zones out and drools. Lord Pea feels a strange sense of companionship to the second in line child for seemingly no reason. Lady Pea glides in elegantly, looking no worse for wear after spitting out 6 in one go, causing Lord Pea to start drooling as well.

Lady Pea grimaces as the idiotic display of father and daughter and attempts to make an excuse to save face in front of the maids. “Darling, since when did you pick up on baby habits? Aren’t you getting along with Ty Lee a little too well? HMM?”

Lord Pea quickly composes himself amid the maids giggles, “Slurp, AHEM, of course I get along splendidly with all my daughters!” He proceeds to pick two babies up laughing and twirling them around.

Nuwa smiles and laughs heartwarmingly at the scene of familial love. ‘Damn, I’m sure my last parents did not love me as much as these two. I feel all fuzzy inside. Even when they’re scolding each other, they always make up the same day. No hidden intentions or acting. Maybe I should have communicated more with my last husband and told him his dick ain’t doing it.’

Nuwa’s feels burst out of her chest as she hugs her closest sister tightly and babble-shouts out “Lub u.” The parents and the maids all quiet down and turn towards her. Nuwa covers her face with her hands and blushes. “AWWWWWWHH Ty Lee!!”


[7 months later]

The house of Pea celebrates the first birthday of the sextuplets with a day full of fun and adorable moments. Nuwa cries from happiness, which is weird to see on a baby, and could not seem to get to sleep. All of her sisters sleep in the same room and have learned to mostly keep quiet since they don’t want to wake each other up from crying. She considers asking the in-room maid for some water, but she appears to be asleep too.

Sneaking out, she enters the hallway and hears some muffled grunting in the distance. ‘Is that who I think it is?’ Her demeanor shifts from an innocent child to a wannabe shinobi in a fraction of a second. She slinks over and looks through the partially opened door of her parent’s room. ‘Oh lordie.’

Nuwa sees her father with his hands tied to the bedposts and a ballgag on his mouth being rode cowgirl style by her mother. ‘I knew Mother wore the pants, but I didn’t think she was a total dom! She opens her eyes wide and looks at her mother’s pale white skin and slender waist with stretch marks and D-cup breasts bouncing up and down. Her father is more tanned with muscle from his army days, but a bit of fat coming in due to taking the mantle of lordship and going into politics and business. He has an average sized penis of 6”. Nuwa isn’t sexually attracted to the sight, but feels a sense of contentment knowing that her parents are in love and enjoying each other’s company. She can tell they are in love and not faking it because she feels a thin stream of life essence energy (LEE). ‘I don’t feel LEE from a distance when I catch maids masterbating next to the cribs. I only feel it from direct contact in those cases. Mother and Father must be in extreme ecstasy for me to feel it all the way from here.’

The only way Nuwa can recognize LEE is through ripples in the Dao. This is different from just walking into a room and smelling the stench of semen. When Nuwa unlocked the [Dao of Sex], a Dao Seed attuned to sex appeared in her dantian. Now her fate and the fate of those around her will be tied intricately to sex. Nuwa has yet to realize that the Dao is not a simple construct to help her have some fun one-nighters or find someone to love who is hung. Of course, her [System] will not elaborate on this.

Originally, Lord and Lady Pea were a modest couple who had sex only to produce progeny as they were taught. Lord Pea took care of politics and business, while Lady Pea did accounting and socialized in parties to make her husband’s life easier. They cared for each other in their own cute way. Gradually, over the months after Nuwa was born, their relationship became like this.

It started with Lady Pea’s gentle scolding. Now Lord Pea always found everything Lady Pea did to be sexy, but he especially liked seeing her take control. Lady Pea noticed this because she had a very good understanding of her husband. She just found it somewhat strange that he gazed at her so lovingly when she was telling him off. It made her feel good and greatly satisfied her vanity. She almost felt like a queen.

One time Lady Pea was angry about how he picked a warmongering subordinate to negotiate some goods in the Earth Kingdom and botched the trade. She resolved to give him the silent treatment that entire day. That night, Lady Pea was brushing her hair with her legs crossed preparing to go to sleep. Lord Pea entered the room down in the dumps for failing to coax his wife. He looked at her with puppy eyes and blinked a few times. Lady Pea humphed and looked away. Then he got on his knees and implored for her forgiveness and when he looked up, he saw something that got his loins very heated. Lady Pea was looking at him and giving him a new kind of expression that he didn’t recognize at first, but could easily interpret as “and how far are you willing to go to get my forgiveness?” He slowly crawled closer, lifted her foot, and licked her toes. After that wild night, the silent treatment did indeed end.

Nuwa’s soul tier is only level 1 so the ripples from her Dao seed are weak and will not change daily life for those she is close to very much. If she knew that she would have to conscientiously suppress her Dao ripples in the future to prevent mass orgies from breaking out among mortals, then she would probably repent her dao path and become a buddhist nun. Alas, by then it was too late.

‘I could earn some massive points for shopping if I can just..’

She takes literal baby steps outside of her parent’s line of sight and manages to crawl under the bed. Feeling the ripples of Dao around her, Nuwa feels very peaceful and comfortable. ‘I must be approaching a state of enlightenment that the [Dao of Sex] reward claims occurs during sex.’ She lets out a silent sigh of contentment. Nuwa smiles broadly and drifts off to sleep amidst the sounds of her father’s moans each time her mom’s wet cave slaps down on him.

Needless to say, there was a great deal of embarrassment the next morning and several maids got their pay cut. Ty Lee would not stand for this and cried until their pay got uncut. After that, it became a once a blue moon occurrence for Nuwa and a guilty pleasure for her parents that she snuck into their rooms during their especially passionate nights and slept under the bed. Lady Pea even told her maid to sweep under the bed out loud so that spoiled little Ty Lee would know to come. All Nuwa had to say was that nobles sure are weird.

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