Nuwa System

Chapter 30 – Yue

Azula walks around through shops in the city with Ty Li, Mai, and her escort, looking at merchandise. Later on, she begins to worry, seeing that Nuwa is not back in the evening at the designated time where everyone meets up at the inn to report on their day.

Nuwa did not specify a time frame, but she left nearly 7 hours earlier. Azula suggests they all make a visit to Dan’s place to see if something went wrong.

Most of the group have faith in the resident ero-sensei, but they all agree seeing Azula’s anxiety.

The full group head over to Dan’s mansion and knock on the door. Vera opens the door and greets them. Seeing the Avatar’s team looking worried, she brings them in and asks, “What’s wrong? Stella and Dan are probably just doing their Otaku stuff.”

Ty Li says, “Yes, but she was supposed to be back at the inn by now. Something may have happened.”

Vera nods, “Usually Dan spends all his time in the room on his games, so we don’t pay much attention to long periods of time going by. We just bring food to him. Let’s go get them some food and drop by.”

Vera adds cheerfully, “Perhaps they really hit it off!”

The Gang know what could happen if they leave Nuwa alone with a boy in a room for that long.

Kristen mutters, “I’m sure they hit it off real well.”

Azula yells at the escort to wait outside and they reluctantly comply since this is the home of the reputed and feared bloodbender. Most of the town doesn’t know it’s Dan and they treat bloodbending like a kid’s horror story, but these guards do know. They also want to see as little of the feared bloodbender as possible.

The group enters the room and traverses the boxes before seeing Stella happily cuddled up against Dan on the floor with the smell of dried cum all over. They all facepalm or sigh as Vera claps, “Haha, looks like she couldn’t resist my son’s charm!”

Since Dan’s soul was repaired by his new Dao Seed of Lust, there are several changes that took place. His hair looks less scruffy and more wavy, as if it’s naturally kept in place. His body lost most of its fat and looks more handsome, although still a bit wirey. As he wakes up due to the commotion, he subconsciously doesn’t do things he normally does when he wakes up like scratching his ass or picking his nose.

Dan yawns and opens his eyes wide at the fact that he’s naked underneath a blanket and a big group of people are staring at his topless form with various expressions of pride, anger, accusation, pity, and disdain. He takes a while to get his bearings and remembers what happened last night along with his Mistress.

Dan turns around to check on her and is relieved to see her fine, so he shakes her awake. He asks for his [Status] from the [Harem System] and doesn’t get any response. ‘That’s strange. I should always get a response from asking about my [Status]. Could it be.. that Mistress destroyed the [Harem System]?’

Dan felt slightly sad at the thought of no longer having girls desiring his cum, but it all went away when he imagined the penalty of eternal soul enslavement. Plus, his beautiful Mistress needs him as her toy!

Nuwa groggily woke up and stretched enough that her topless form became visible to the onlookers. Vera admired shamelessly, “Wow, Stella has great chest shape and nipples.”

Katara kicked Aang and Sokka out of the view and gave the naked duo a quick wash with waterbending. “Have some shame you idiots!”

Nuwa complained as the water wrapped her, “Eh, what’s wrong? I’m so tired.”

Azula screamed, “We’re leaving!”

Nuwa jumped and smiled awkwardly, “Azula! You’re looking lovely as usual, my dearest.”

She was about to drop the blanket and go over for a hug until Azula yells, “Get dressed!”

Dan wraps her back up fully with the now wet blanket and pulls her over to put on something in the bathroom.

Nuwa and Dan return with their clothes on and she proceeds to explain to the group how his soul was actually enslaved by a powerful alien spirit before he was born. She says she managed to exorcise the alien spirit and used some of the spoils of war to give Dan some abilities, but from now on he would have to follow her to learn how to use those abilities or else he would be a danger to others.

This was not inaccurate since Dan now had a Dao Seed of Lust and might inadvertently affect the fate and culture of the Northern Water Tribe just by being around them. They really do need less rigidity and sexism, but lust wasn’t the way to go about it, especially since the increased lust energy wouldn’t also increase love. The Tribe may even devolve into making all the men sex slaves to women, which is the path Dan set himself on.

Nuwa proclaims that she defeated Dan’s [Harem System] and that his [Semen of Life] which used to drain his own lifespan and chi to power now functions through the conversion of other forms of energy which he can acquire without serious negative consequences.

Dan’s family takes the news of his future departure badly, but don’t make much of a fuss since they love him and know he is destined for greatness. They can suck him dry enough to get plenty of their fix before he leaves and the sisters can marry others without worrying about Dan now. They do not actually love Dan romantically, since they aren’t Otakus and can’t really relate. Vera may have a bit of a incest complex, but she seems mostly proud that her son is finally going out to make something of himself.

Team Avatar and The Gang leave Dan at his house and head back to the inn.

Mai asks, “So what’s your explanation for fucking that stick guy?”

Ty Li grumbles nervously, “Did you really have to put yourself in danger battling a powerful alien entity?”

Azula’s giving Nuwa the silent treatment.

Nuwa sighs, “The main reason I went there was to help Yue out with breaking her engagement. She’s my friend now and I wanted to do whatever I could to help her. Then, everything happened and this was the only way to keep both Yue and Dan safe from the clutches of that devil. Dan’s my toy now and he’s a bloodbender with lots of potential. He’ll increase the strength of The Gang plenty. I drained that devil dry of his energy, so I’m sure he will think twice before bothering us.”

Nuwa looks over at Azula and makes puppy dog eyes to which Azula snorts.

~ ~ ~

In a run-down palace in a different dimension, Roy’s life crystal shatters and a signal is fired to his close ones.

An old man sighs as he thinks, ‘Another strong incubus dead without any possibility of reincarnation.’

‘No one listens. Rampant cucking breeds too much animosity with other races and by the time we know it, our once-glorious incubus race has been driven to the verge of extinction. Soon, the only survivors will be playthings of collectors. Slaves in all but name.’

After some silence, he proclaims, “Do not investigate Roy’s death. I know his degenerate behavior well. He’s been asking for death for centuries. We do not want to offend a powerhouse who can fully disintegrate souls through our investigation for the sake of a cretin.”

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile, Nuwa is blissfully unaware of the consequences of flexing her Dao and killing someone for the first time in both her lives. Not that she would have felt bad if she knew. Nuwa might sometimes act like a naive shonen protagonist, but she never had any reservations about cruelty and putting someone down permanently.

She still complains in her thoughts that she wished her [System] would give her a Death Note so that she can end Ozai easy peasy. Actually, she had long noticed the [Shop] seems to be devoid of items with other Daos imbued in them. She only sees items that do not give her much advantage like her vibranium weaponry.

‘The tools in the shop are graded between Iron-tier, Earth-tier, Heaven-tier, and Divine-tier. These roughly correlate to the soul tier required to wield them. Even my vibranium shield and hidden blade are only Iron-tiered.’

Nuwa browses the powerful weapons available to her Dao of Sex, like the 50m LEE [Black Widow] which is a heaven-tier tool that generates nanoscopic stingers on her vaginal walls. Those stingers discreetly deposit an almost undetectable poison into the penis.

The poison has heaven-tier formations in it which the user of [Black Widow] can control to stay dormant and move to any part of the victim, for example, the brain to influence their thoughts or fully activate to rot organs from within.

Nuwa drools slightly at the wannabe death-note murder tool.

Nuwa fully realizes that poison and medicine are intricately connected with the combat aspects of the Dao of Sex.

Another powerful tool in her [Shop] is the 50m LEE [Mother’s Ambrosia] which is a heaven-tier tool that allows her to lactate milk with extreme regenerative properties at a higher tier than Dan’s [Semen of Life].

Dan’s ability includes an earth-tier formation made of abyssal characters, which Nuwa rearranged to convert lust energy into life force. Nuwa has no idea how to create formations, but she could somehow instinctually manipulate these weak formations in her enlightened state to follow her intentions via the Dao.

Sadly, the [Shop] also didn’t have any guide books or instructions besides some basic kingdom-building staples in case she had to industrialize a civilization. Maybe her next goal after Ozai’s death would be to build Republic City. Nuwa’s an expert diplomat, hands down (to cover your boners).

Back to the events of Team Avatar Gang, they soon go to sleep since most have training early in the morning. Azula is still giving Nuwa the cold shoulder, but lets Nuwa snuggle on her back and spoon her.

The next day after daily training, Team Avatar Gang goes to the Royal Palace to negotiate breaking the engagement of Yue and Dan. Normally the Royal Palace would be filled with advisors and high status councilmen. Since it’s a private affair, in this case, there’s only Chief Arnook, his wife, the Chief’s personal guards, Yue, Dan, Vera, and the entire Team Avatar Gang. 

Chief Arnook, seemingly displeased, states, “What makes you, Avatar Aang, believe that you can stick his nose into my family business?”

Aang begins with their rehearsed ‘glory to the Tribe’ shtick, “As you know Chief Arnook, the Spirits gave Dan the abilities to heal and bloodbend. So far, he has only healed one person and has not contributed to the Northern Water Tribe in any meaningful way.”

Aang continues, “More importantly, the Spirits had high expectations that he would assist me in restoring balance to the world and through his own effort, bring glory to the Northern Water Tribe. This is why, when we eventually leave the North Pole to restore balance, Dan is volunteering to come along with us. If he does not do so, the Spirits might reach the end of their patience for Dan and punish the entire Tribe in their fury.”

Dan nods his head the entire time and bullshits to stay with his Mistress, “Yes, Ch-chief. I was actually p-planning to sneak out of the tribe to follow the Avatar, but he convinced me to be upfront.”

Arnook seems enraged at Aang’s words which seem like a veiled threat to poach a talent, but softens when Dan adds his pitch. Arnook sighs, “Is it really that bad here, Dan? You’re not a bad kid, I know that. Why can’t it work between you and Yue?”

Dan looks over to Stella, who nods.

Dan is still unused to social interaction so he stutters, “Umm- I- I- I am in love with someone else!”

Yue looks up in shock and slight happiness as she looks at her timid savior in a new light. ‘Dan, you’re not a bad guy. I wonder why I never saw that.’

In reality, Yue is closely in tune with the Spirit Realm so she felt the devil of lust’s influence from Dan previously, but now the unclean feeling is gone.

Yue also looks at Sokka, the boy she looked at on the bridge earlier, and sees him making small hearts at her with his fingers. She giggles at how silly and obvious his intentions are, but feels a sort of spiritual purity from him that she likes. She discreetly waves back and makes faces at him.

Arnook humphs, “So that’s the real reason. It’s not my style to get in the way of love. I just feel upset on behalf of my daughter.”

Arnook glances over at his daughter, who’s currently making a silly face at Sokka, and smacks his head.

“Fine, engagement canceled. We’ve received reports of a Fire Nation fleet on their way to attack the capitol. Dan can leave after we repel the invasion.”

Yue jumps up and hugs her dad happily. Arnook smiles and thinks maybe he should pay attention to his daughter’s happiness more. He looks over to Sokka with a sly grin and plans out good excuses to double his training routine.

Team Avatar Gang thanks the Chief profusely with plenty of flattery and leaves after waving goodbye to Yue.

~ ~ ~

Nuwa indeed expects that Fire Nation invasion fleet led by Zhao, so the group gets psyched for their first real battle. Now her main concern is taking Yue on an adventure. Nuwa changes her mind on face-swapping Yue the more she thinks about it.

It might be better to just leave Sokka here with the Tribe since they seemed to hit it off in the Throne room. A large part of Yue’s identity revolves around doing her duty towards the Tribe, so Nuwa suspects that Yue might not enjoy real travel as much as short excursions into the Spirit Realm.

Nuwa decides to plan a Spirit Realm double date. She begs Azula to cooperate for a double date of Nuwa x Azula and Yue x Sokka. Azula thinks about it and agrees, since she’s already spent a full day without ramming Nuwa’s heavenly pussy. ‘That should be enough punishment.’

Nuwa teaches Azula how to link up to the Spirit Realm on command by sitting cross-legged, calming the mind, and entering a meditative state. They then bring along Sokka to the Spirit Realm by dragging him with them.

Sokka is taught of the dangers of the Spirit Realm: no touching anything, no offensive conversations, no attacking anything unless attacked first, and always keeping his thoughts calm or else his emotions might trigger the spirits around him to put him into troublesome situations.

When an individual is enlightened, they can teleport through the Spirit Realm at will, since they are able to communicate with the World’s Will at a deeper level. Unenlightened individuals can only be dragged along wherever the World’s Will takes them, which could unintentionally lead them to danger zones such as the Fog of Lost Souls. The Fog is an ancient spirit who is impervious to bending and whose presence leads those who wander within it to relive their darkest memories. It feeds off of their fear energy.

After making sure Sokka is thoroughly wary of the Spirit Realm, without feeling too much destabilizing fear, she leaves him with Azula.

Nuwa makes the journey back to the Spirit Oasis where Yue is waiting for her excitedly. “Thank you so much Stella! I know you somehow had the biggest part to play in dissolving the engagement!”

Nuwa nods proudly, “Of course, I couldn’t leave my cute friend Yue moping around like a crybaby all the time!”

Yue shly laughs.

Nuwa asks, “Want to go on that date?”

Yue looks at her and scratches her head, “What do you mean?”

Nuwa immediately drags her to the Spirit Realm where Azula and Sokka are waiting. “I mean like this.”

Yue looks around, sees Nuwa’s real face, and feels different, much closer to the Spirit Realm. Because the Spirit Oasis is partially a spiritual node, the surroundings at this location look exactly like they do in the mortal world. Yue is surprised that Zulrath and her crush, Sokka, appear out of nowhere.

Nuwa explains, “I’ve brought you with me into the Spirit Realm. I thought maybe you’d like to go on a date and explore, just the four of us.”

The faces of Yue and Sokka go fully red as they stare at each other. Nuwa smiles and glides over to take Azula’s hand. Nuwa holds Yue’s hand while Yue holds Sokka’s hand, this way they won’t get lost.

Nuwa is somewhat disconcerted to see Yue and Sokka look like they’re about to kiss when she realizes that her Dao is affecting the surroundings like it did near the Tree of Time, but without any conscious effort on her part this time around.

She hurriedly suppresses her Dao Seed from leaking ripples and the surroundings, along with Yue and Sokka become less sexually charged. Nuwa notes with joy, ‘My Dao must have become more powerful due to my comprehension! I need to learn how to control these “ripple” things, maybe I can use them in a targeted manner instead of unleashing them in all directions.’

The small blush on Azula’s face retreats and she looks at Nuwa with a sigh, ‘Looks like Nuwa is really becoming more powerful. After my enlightenment, I knew I could wipe the floor with her in a spar, but now it won’t be long before I’m not a match for her again. I should keep training hard.’

Azula has an idea of what just happened since she saw it with Vaatu, so she knows that Nuwa’s presence is deadly on a battlefield. Everyone around her will be distracted by her beauty and involuntarily have sexual urges and thoughts if she unleashes what she calls her ‘Dao.’

The group teleport and walk through various mindscapes within the Spirit Realm, meet some friendly cute spirits, run away from aggressive ones, and overall have a good time. They stop by a hot spring and with the permission of the Spirit’s owner, decide to end their date with a good soak.

Yue became a lot closer to Sokka as they shared their dreams for their respective Tribes. Yue wants to lower the sexism within her Tribe and Sokka wants to restore the Southern Tribe’s prosperity. Yue understood why she felt so attracted to Sokka after their time together.

They both have a strong sense of Tribal belonging and obligation as well as high aspirations for the future. The tragic aspect is that even though they felt such a strong connection to each other, their entire lives and dreams revolve around their respective Tribes, which are located on opposite ends of the world.

Since they don’t want to have any regrets, Yue and Sokka undress each other and start innocently making love inside the hot spring. Nuwa and Azula look over heartwarmingly at their romance and also have sex, after warning the spirit proprietor to leave in case he gets swept up in the emotions.

Azula knows Nuwa’s inclinations so she brings Nuwa who’s still on her dick over to the other couple to show Sokka how it’s done. Sokka is a bit surprised to see Azula’s dick, but since he’s seen so much crazy trippy shit in the Spirit Realm, he takes it in stride. Naked Azula guides Sokka with slight condescension leaking through on how best to hold Yue’s body to provide pleasure and the body language he should look out for as signs of pain or discomfort.

Azula plays with Nuwa’s body in all sorts of positions to give Sokka an idea of all the things they can do. Nuwa feels extremely turned on at being manhandled into various sex positions in front of an audience and seeing Azula act reluctantly as a sex instructor just to make her happy.

Nuwa suddenly gets emotional thinking of how accommodating Azula has become on her behalf and tears up a little, “Azula, I love you so much. I’m sure I don’t deserve you..”

Azula humphs and smiles slyly, “At least you know. I’ll always love you too. Now let me pound out all of my frustration into your womb.”

Nuwa smiles, “Ok dear.”

+30k LEE

+10k LEE, Total: 69k LEE

~ ~ ~

After Yue and Sokka make plans to see each other on Yue’s walks, they part with slight tears in their eyes and Nuwa brings Yue back to the mortal world.

Nuwa offers, “Don’t worry, even though you may not be able to live together, there’s always the Spirit Realm where you can meet each other if you work hard to become enlightened. Also, there is a phenomenon known as Harmonic Convergence that will occur in 71 years where the portals to the Spirit Realm at the North and South pole can be opened by the Avatar.”

Nuwa continues, “If these portals are left open, the North and South Water Tribes will be within 100 km of each other and can be true sister tribes. Even if you and Sokka can’t truly be together, your posterity can be.”

Yue gets stars in her eyes envisioning the wonderful future of a united Water Tribe with trade and cultural exchange. Yue chokes up, “Thank you Stella. For today, for everything, I’ll never forget it.”

Nuwa smiles, “We’re friends, right? You can count on me. By the way, I need a favor. After we repel the invasion, we’ll be leaving. I’ll leave Sokka here with you. He can serve as a bridge between the Northern and Southern Tribes during our future assault on the Fire Nation. You and he will be responsible for convincing public sentiment to attack the Fire Nation until it deposes Ozai. The world will never be in balance as long as Ozai remains the Fire Lord.”

They conclude their exploration and discussion deep into the early hours of the morning and Nuwa sneaks back to the inn to sleep in late.

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