Nuwa System

Chapter 39 – Deception

“So what if I’m a lying bitch, Toph!”

Nuwa tries to attack Toph, but the short figure poofs and pops up elsewhere nearby.

Throwing her arms up in frustration, she gives up making Toph shut up.

Nuwa holds her ears closed trying to get Toph’s annoying voice out of her mind so she can concentrate and think.

Nuwa shouts at nothing in particular, “You can’t expect me to lie to Azula? Lie to Iroh? Lie to.. myself?”

Nuwa starts calming down. ‘...Lie to myself? ...Become someone else?’

Nuwa immediately wills herself awake, pulls Azula’s dick out of her, and travels to the Spirit Realm. Azula is a little perturbed and can tell something is going on, but trusts Nuwa to tell her.

Nuwa teleports to the Forgetful Valley near the Mother of Faces, “Hello, Mother of Faces.”

The ancient spirit slowly turns around and shouts, “You! Outsider! Counterfeiter!”

The Mother of Faces is a large tree-like being floating 30m tall. There are ghostly faces floating around it. She has 3 main faces, all of them wearing different facial expressions.

Nuwa bows, “My sincerest apologies, my friends and I just wanted to travel without anyone recognizing us.”

The Mother of Faces replies with anger, “That would have been fine if you had put on lower quality disguises, but your face mask “disguise” is so well done that it intrudes upon my domain!”

Nuwa puts her hands together along with her more endearing puppy eyes, “Please don’t hold a grudge.. I can give you some..”

After some thought and probably a result of [Induced Good Impression], the Mother of Faces caves, “Fine, Outsider, I admit that I do want a few to study.”

Nuwa comes around to the main topic of her visit, “I can give you as many as you need, but I need some help as well. Do you have Heza’s face?”

The Mother of Faces nods, “Yes, I keep all the faces of those dead and alive. Heza died defending a child from a local slaver. She elected to give them money or take that child’s place. The gang did not believe she would have much money seeing her modest clothing so they captured her as a slave. Once the slavekeeper realized that the woman they captured was the wife of Great General Iroh, he killed her, destroyed her body, and ran away. I was able to recover her face.”

Nuwa gets depressed thinking, ‘What a silly death. She didn’t walk around with guards? Even with anime logic, things like this still happen huh..’

Nuwa replies, “When I next return, I will need to borrow Heza’s face and memories. I will return them shortly after. In return, I will offer you some Face Masks.”

The Mother of Faces agrees, “Very well, however, I cannot offer you the memories you seek. As an Outsider, I am unable to tamper with your soul. I will require 5 Face Masks to study in exchange.”

Nuwa nods and agrees, then leaves.

Nuwa opens her eyes to see Azula’s worried face with the backdrop of the starry night sky. She kisses Azula’s lips passionately with relief, feeling her Heart chakra opening slightly. Nuwa begins to make tame vanilla love to her.

Nuwa smiles, ‘That’s right. If I’m not Nuwa when my body is impregnated, wouldn’t it be fine? I can lie to everyone else, so I can lie to myself as well. Heza will be impregnated, then I will ‘lie’ Heza’s and Iroh’s sexual encounter was not done by me and ‘lie’ to myself that I’m pregnant with Azula’s child.’

*Host, the Dao of Deception is in the list of Dark Daos with high likelihood to lead to depravity and sin. Is Host set on studying this Dao?*

“This.. is what I feel is right. I could blow off the mission, but I also feel that true Sex Goddesses must do these missions or they will definitely fail to ascend. This is the goal and pride of myself, Nuwa. Even if I have to fragment myself into different identities, Nuwa’s goal and pride will never change.”

“I cannot give up my lover or my goal, and I cannot accept that Nuwa and Ty Lee Pea are separate identities. Nuwa deserves all the happiness that Ty Lee Pea feels. Therefore, I must study the Dao of Deception. I must study it so thoroughly that I can deceive myself. Then, I can once again love Azula with all of my heart.”

“[System], show me my current comprehension of the Dao of Deception with regards to formation of a Dao Seed.”


*Attempting to quantize…calculated.*

Secondary Daos:


Comprehension: 70%

Ripples: N/A


Nuwa thinks, ‘I still have quite a ways to go with regards to deceiving myself. However, it sure feels good to finally have a plan and loosen my Heart chakra blockage.’

Currently, Nuwa is kissing Azula deeply while pushing one finger into her asshole. Azula is entirely red and her whole body feels like jelly. Nuwa has a cheeky smile as she adjusts herself to be able to push her finger farther inside.

Thrusting rapidly, Nuwa clamps down on Azula’s mouth and watches her pussy closely. Azula begins to softly tremor as the thrusting grows to lightning speed. Soon she trembles visibly, and then violently! Female ejaculate flies out of her vagina and lands neatly on Toph’s hair bun.

+10k LEE, Total: 1184k LEE

Keeping quiet, Nuwa and Azula look at each other, then Toph. Luckily, Toph embodies many characteristics of a rock, including sleeping like one, so they just let it dry there and mind their own business.

Nuwa reinserts Azula’s dick into her pussy and feels E-Nuwa emerge.

E-Nuwa scoffs at how stupid it is to pick up a whole Dao just to make herself feel better about cheating, but admits that Deception is a suitable secondary Dao for the Dao of Sex. For Nuwa, sex is where she is most skilled and Deception is one of the methods most suitable for the arrangement, execution, and clean up of sexual activities.

It’s also likely that future methods of combat with foes stronger than her will have to rely on deception and subsequently, assassination through sex, so E-Nuwa fully approves of the choice.

Nuwa tells Azula, “I had a vision, so I went to the Spirit Realm to confirm that things were going according to plan. Haa.. I feel like a burden is off my chest.”

Azula could tell that Nuwa wasn’t being direct, but Nuwa tends to do mysterious inexplicable things like planning out actions perfectly despite having no intelligence agency and pulling out magical items from thin air, so she didn’t pay it much mind.

~ ~ ~

Another month passes as the group go through a few towns, defeat a few bandits with ease, and approach Ba Sing Se. Nuwa has no idea where bandits get the smart idea that they’ll be a match for an Avatar, much less an entire entourage of powerful looking teens traveling with the Avatar.

+940k LEE, Total: 2124k LEE

They did have to escape from Fire Nation military squads several times. Even though they were capable of defeating them, it’s not good to be too excellent because that will only warrant further escalation of military forces against them next time.

Aang is getting the hang of earthbending. He’s still not at all able to embody the stubbornness of an earthbender, but that’s nothing 10,000 years of past lives can’t fix. He can earthbend at the level of a commoner earthbender by now.

The two pregnant girls are about 3 months in and their bumps are showing. Since they could still run into danger, Nuwa offered them body armor to keep their torso safe from impacts.

With two new Nanotube Maternity Guards, the two girls looked a bit fat, but they shrugged it off due to the benefits.. 

-500k LEE, Total: 1624k LEE

The guard has kevlar, memory foam, and carbon nanotubes to wrap around the belly and provide breathing room along with impact protection and dispersal of up to 400 pounds per square inch. This can resist a typical bullet and most elemental blasts. The most expensive aspect is that it rearranges itself to each body type and day of the pregnancy so that there’s always a snug fit.

Appa approaches the walled city of Ba Sing Se. The wall is just as impressively tall and thick as the Northern Water Tribe’s glacier. It is about 100m high, 5m thick, and surrounds the city from all sides. There are aqueducts to deliver water into the city from the nearby Lake Laogai and every day there are thousands of traders that enter the city to deliver food to its large population.

The group leaves Appa behind since he will assuredly get captured if they enter the strict city with him. Nuwa knows because that happens in canon. They put on a weak merchant disguise and approach the city by foot. Nuwa wants to get the Earth King’s support for a counterattack on the Fire Nation air fleet.

In fact, deposing Ozai would not stop the Fire Nation from continuing its war. Even if Zuko takes over, with the large majority of nationalists and warmongers in the military and state, they would not accept a Fire Lord that isn’t fighting for the glory of their homeland. Furthermore, the Fire Nation economy has become tied with pillaging and looting the Earth Kingdom.

A very harsh military loss would be necessary to shock the nobles, politicians, teachers, and others in the war faction that the Fire Nation is not invincible. Nuwa decides that destroying their entire Air fleet and half their entire Navy should suffice. This is a monumental undertaking because even the fleet that went to the Northern Water Tribe was only a sixth of their entire Navy.

Nuwa understands that this is war. Many of the soldiers that will die during the battles she plans out are assuredly innocent, but brainwashed to think only of glory for their nation. She knows that they too have family that will grieve over them. Nevertheless, this is the price that the Fire Nation must pay for its genocidal actions over the past 100 years.

Nuwa nods to the guards who buy their cover stories and let them into the city. She then smirks, ‘It’s time to hunt some Dai Li scum.”

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