Nuwa System

Chapter 43 – Earth King

The Earth King, Kuei, is currently feeding his best friend, Posco, who happens to be an intelligent black bear, some noodles.

Nuwa tries hard not to crack up at the sight as Kuei’s face goes red with embarrassment.

Kuei shouts, “Guards! What’s going on? I don’t have an appointment today!”

Nuwa coughs her laughter back, “Ehem. We took out the guards.”

Bosco slurps his noodles loudly.

Toph couldn’t hold it anymore, “HAAHAHAHAHA, cute bear you got there!”

Dan feels a sense of kinship building towards the bear, seeing how they’re both bulky sidekick types who don’t talk much.

Earth King Kuei is a scholarly, handsome man around 20 years old. He’s got tiny glasses that rest on the tip of his nose. He’s dressed elaborately in Earth King garb, which includes a decorated fez, but when you put it all next to Bosco, he kind of looks like a clown.

The moment he hears that the group took out the guards, he immediately puts on a cowardly demeanor and flees behind the throne. Nuwa thinks, ‘Oh boy, he can be smart, but he’s also a clown AND a coward. I didn’t think far enough about how I was going to deal with this nuisance when I was considering the canon.’

Kuei speaks in a high-pitched voice, “Dai Li, protect me!”

About 5 agents swoop down from tall pillars which line the large throne room and catch sight of the battered Long Feng. Since they are all brainwashed, Long Feng’s safety is their highest priority and thus they immediately assume stances to fight and recover him.

Nuwa pulls up Long Feng by the collar and tells him to have them stand down. He weakly says, “Stand down.” The agents freeze in their tracks.

Kuei whispers to his Grand Secretariat from behind the throne as if no one else can hear him, “Hey! What are you doing, Long Feng! You gotta help me!”

Dan walks over to Bosco and shakes his hand.

Kuei stamps on the ground, “WHY, Bosco! Why you too?! Even you have betrayed me!!!”

Nuwa taps the Crown chakra of the agents and they all discombobulate for a few minutes to process what’s going on. She then walks over to Kuei, pulls him by the scruff of his robes, and puts him back on the throne.

She talks to him like soothing a baby, “We’re not here to overthrow you or take your throne. Long Feng was treating you like a figurehead this whole time. Let me show you.”

Nuwa taps him on the Crown chakra and all the memories of war plans, memos, and all the mentions of the war outside Ba Sing Se are unearthed from his mind. Granted, he still didn’t hear about it that much since he was so sheltered by Long Feng. He was, however, curious about the outside world, which Long Feng did not allow him to go and see.

Kuei’s opinion of the world was that the inner ring had the best staff, the middle ring the best food, and the outer ring was just smelly and unsafe. He has been entirely shaped by the people surrounding him since he was a child king to grow up into a useless buffoon.

For him to like reading and exploring as much as he does is quite impressive. All of a sudden, he remembers all the times he ordered Long Feng to take him to the outside world or almost snuck out, but was either diverted from the topic or hypnotized.

Kuei shouts out, “Holy smokes! I’ve been caught in a conspiracy of royal proportions!”

Nuwa heroically proclaims, “Don’t worry, I’ve caught the primary perpetrator. My name’s Stella, a friend of the Avatar Aang’s. Aang’s currently with a Joo Dee. Hey, Dai Li agent over there, go tell that Joo Dee that Aang is required by Long Feng in the inner ring.”

Kuei gasps, “The Avatar? I’ve read about those.. Avatar Kyoshi was said to be the scariest monster of all time. The next one, Roku, was said to be a kindly old man. This one’s the Last Airbender. Everything’s so dramatic with Avatars. How fun!”

The converted agent goes to retrieve Aang and check on his family on the way back.

Kuei looks at Nuwa’s boobs suspiciously and adjusts his glasses. Maintaining eye contact with her chest, he asks, “So you’re not here to overthrow me? Hunt me down? Gut me like a fish?”

Nuwa chuckles mildly thinking, ‘This guy really likes animals. Anyone who gets along with animals that well can’t be a bad person inside, even if he does treat my boobs as eyes.’

She puts her finger to her lips, and licks it slowly, “Would you like that?”

Kuei coughs vehemently, stands up from the throne, and turns his back to Nuwa, “Wahaha.. My royal education taught me many things about escaping the grasps of.. female hunters.”

Nuwa approaches and reaches around his waist to rub his crotch. ‘Above average size, not too shabby.’

Nuwa snickers, “Would you like this lowly one to test you on that?”

Kuei short-circuits and says, “This king.. This king..” then faints from nosebleed.

Everyone starts cracking up, even the Dai Li agents. Toph is laughing it up with the bear, “Yup, he escaped alright!”

Three minutes later, Toph is still laughing just as loud as before while the others got it out of their system. One by one, the guards start looking at Toph with puzzled faces thinking, ‘I mean it was funny, but was it that funny? Did I miss something?’

They look at each other and simultaneously think, ‘We must show our gratitude properly for our saviors!’ Then continue laughing loudly with Toph.

Nuwa and Dan shake their heads in amazement.

Dan brings the kids and former Joo Dees to the throne room where they see a bear sitting on the throne with glasses on. Kuei wakes up, sees the crowd, and sees that Bosco stole his throne and glasses. “Bosco! What do you think you’re doing! I’m the king and you’re just my sidekick!”

Azula chimes in, “Why don’t you take a break from sitting on the throne and actually be a king by seeing the state of your Kingdom? You’ve just been a figurehead with no power. You’re scared of a few girls breaking into your throne room. A real King should be strong, at least enough to act strong. There’s no way you can manage the war outside like this.”

Azula continues, “Anyway, I used to have a really high status, but all it did was trap me inside a way of thinking and behaving that I hated. So just take a break and come back if you think you’re ready later. Toph can take over in the meantime.”

Nuwa blanks, “Zul, that’s a good idea, hahaha. The Earth Kingdom needs someone more hard-headed to go after the Fire Nation.” 

Kuei stammers, “Errm, don’t I get a say in this?”

Nuwa pulls him by the collar so that their noses were touching, “Not if you want in my pants, pretty boy.”

Kuei widens his eyes, gets another nosebleed, and faints again.

Nuwa sighs, “Yep. He ain’t fit for it. Better to keep him as a figurehead. We’ll set up elections or something.”

Aang arrives at this moment to see the hustle and bustle in the throne room. “Katara! I’m so glad you’re ok! Hey Earth King, I need your help to.. Eh, did you beat him up?”

Nuwa says, “Nah, he just couldn’t handle the heat.”

Katara snickers, “Had a fun time in the city, Aang?”

Aang humphs and hugs her. “You guys had all the fun.”

Toph jumps up, “OH? You wanted to fight twinkle toes? I thought you always avoided fighting!”

Aang buries his face in Katara’s breasts and replies, “Fine, I’ll admit it. I’m coming around to it, alright? At least, I’d rather do that than hang around with Joo Dees.”

Dan asks, “What are we going to do about the kids and the girls?”

Nuwa wonders, “Let’s keep them here for now and we’ll discuss solutions. I can’t really think of anything good since they’ll all need some mental rehabilitation of some kind. Wait, if we can get Uncle Iroh to offer some classes, then we’d be set!”

“Kuei will have to participate, since it’s partially his fault things got this bad. In the meantime, Toph can begin gathering military support to force peace with old-fashioned discipline, money, earthbending prowess, and showing off her metalbending.”

Toph scratches her head, “Eh? I can be a fighter, but I can’t do strategies like a general can.”

Nuwa clarifies, “Your presence will be mostly as a mascot for earthbending glory. You’ll have support from the commoners for your personality, nobles for your background, and militants for your power. Sokka or I can do the war strategies. Mai, where’s Zuko right now?”

Mai looks up from her paper with a goofy smile on her. “He’s in Ba Sing Se. We are planning to meet up!”

Nuwa nods and assumes correctly that Iroh is with Zuko. “Call him to the Palace with Iroh. We need Iroh to give mental health therapy to those kids and girls. He’ll serve them tea for a month and they’ll be fine.”

Azula tenses up. This will be her first time seeing Zuko since she tried to attack him. Nuwa holds her shoulder, “It’ll be fine, just be honest. We can even have make up s-”

Azula closes her ears and sings, “La la la~ la~” in a bad tone.

Nuwa gives a cheeky smile and whispers in Azula’s ear, “You know.. one time I had sex with Zuko while copying your voice and he fucked me like a beast..”

Azula shivers in arousal at the idea of her own brother deep inside her pussy. The same brother she always bullied and put under her foot in the past. She blushes and uncharacteristically whispers back, “Y-you’re b-bullying me.”

Nuwa smirks evilly, “Oh, Zul, the big bad bully is getting a taste of her medicine, eh? I don’t think so. Maybe.. you’re still thinking of bullying him. Maybe you want to put yours up his bum.. Hnnng oh baby, that gets me so hot.”

Azula gets so horny that she hefts Nuwa up on her shoulder and runs into a nearby room. Toph runs in with them screaming, “Yeehaw!” Mai waits for Zuko with a dreamy expression on her face. Ty Li grabs Dan’s hand and pulls him blushing into another room. Aang and Katara look at each other and consider having some vanilla hug time, but then they shrug and also enter a room.

Ty Li has a secret. She really likes taking dicks. Sometimes, she thinks she’s sluttier than her sister, Nuwa, the supposed master of sex. She thinks this because she has cravings for dick whenever she sees Azula, Aang, or Dan. Her body is so soft that she feels every corner of whatever goes inside her body. She wraps around it like jelly.

Another side effect of being soft is that she gets too wet, so small insertions don’t get her off properly. She needs big ones, like Azula’s. What she wants most is for Nuwa to use her powers to put a huge cock on Sadboy so that she can have a person who worships her that she can use as a dildo.

His lack of face and inability to speak are both beautiful in her eyes. Hopefully, Nuwa can lengthen penises. She doesn’t want to have to worry about her and Sadboy’s not-quite-relationship in case he’s small. Oh well, it’s time for her to bang Nuwa’s dildo, Dan.

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