Nuwa System

Chapter 49 – Main Mission

Nuwa, back in her own original identity, exits the Spirit Realm. As soon as she links back to her body, her eyes fly open and she hears Azula shout and hug her tightly. With a stronger soul, she can make out the most remote sexual thoughts of the others with weaker souls in the vicinity with just the daons of sex she naturally has around her, so she already knows that the main members of the group are arriving after Azula’s shout of happiness.

Suppressing the sex daons back into her Dao Core, Nuwa looks at Azula whose face is a complicated mix of anger and sadness. Nuwa hugs her back and whispers, “Sorry, I had to spend some time in the Spirit Realm. I’ll explain later.”

Ty Li rushes in and grabs her sister’s hand, “Sis! Uncle said that you were off in the Spirit Realm, but what took so long?”

Nuwa blushes at the fact that she has to reveal a part of the truth to everyone because of Iroh. She balks and composes herself before looking at Azula and saying, “I went to the Spirit Realm to see if I could find a way for Zul and I to have our own baby. However realistic the tool I gave her looks, it isn’t viable.”

Azula puts on another weird complicated expression. This one is of joy at the thought of Nuwa doing all that for her and helplessness at not being able to conceive however much cum she dumps inside Nuwa.

The rest of Team Avatar Gang all sigh with understanding, give a short welcome back to Nuwa, and go back to whatever they were doing. Basically just sex, eating, sleeping, dates, or watching Iroh do his therapy. 

Dan knew his Mistress would be fine no matter what. He has a blind faith in her superiority over everyone at all times, which makes no sense, because she would just have killed Ozai and wrecked the Fire Nation army single-handedly if that was the case. Poor delusional Danny boy.

After a long training session and spar to get the rigidity out of her joints, and a few shots of Azula’s cum, Nuwa retires to sleep at night. It’s time for her to do the Main Mission, [Solve Iroh’s Regrets].

Nuwa looks at Azula calmly and chi-blocks her into a deeper sleep. Nuwa gets up off the bed and exits to the hallway well past midnight. She changes to a set of plain clothes and uses the imbued [Vibe] to waterbend away any lingering scent.

Nuwa activates her Deception daons and her body slowly changes form. Her shoulders slump slightly, her boobs shrink, her whole body loses muscle and becomes plumper. Stretch marks appear on her stomach along with a slight muffin top. She grows pubic hair on her groin.

In the Avatar Record, the physical form of the body is closely attuned to its spiritual form. When Nuwa changes her identity to Heza and removes her “Stella” Face Mask to her inventory, the Mortal Realm corrects her physical form to match her spiritual form by rearranging chi paths and her mortal shell.

Heza walks quietly through the hallway with palpable excitement at the fact that she will finally reunite with the man she loves. Wait! She has to make his favorite tea first. She goes to the kitchen and prepares the brew stirred to the exact degree that he loves with the ingredients he left.

She stands in front of the door to Iroh’s room carrying the cup of tea and bursts into tears of happiness. Calming down slightly, she wipes her eyes with her sleeve and opens the door to Iroh’s room. Seeing him sleeping, she silently tears up and puts down the hot cup of tea on a drawer next to the bed.

Iroh sniffs the tea once, twice, a third time deeply. He groggily gets up as Heza reaches her trembling hands to his hand. Heza pulls his hand to her chest and holds it to her heart as she continues crying silently. Feeling his hand get wet, Iroh’s eyes uncloud and he looks over at Heza in the dim light of the deep night.

Iroh gasps in utter shock and dares not believe it. Fully awake, he also trembles as he reaches towards the cup of tea on the drawer and takes a small sip without looking away from the silhouette of Heza that captured his hand. Tasting the tea that he hasn’t had for a decade, Iroh whispers, “ wife..”

Heza whispers back in her soft, motherly voice, “Iroh.. I’m sorry.. My beloved.”

Iroh pulls her into a hug, “It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re back. As long as you’re back.. Nothing matters.”

Heza sobs again as she tightens the hug, “That’s just it.. I’m a fading shadow living on borrowed time. Iroh.. I love you so much. Please.. Stop looking for me. The dead fade into memory and the living move on.”

Iroh also begins crying in Heza’s shoulder, “No.. first you and then Lu Ten. I was sure you were just lost somewhere..”

Heza pulls him up and looks at his face, “I found my way back to you for one last night, didn’t I?”

Iroh kisses her tenderly and Heza laughs as she receives the kiss which seems hampered by his belly.

She pokes his belly as they lay down on the bed and chides, “What happened here, huh? I married a macho man.”

Iroh blushes and pats his belly with his face still covered in tears, “Uhmm, hehe. I might have had too much sake these past few years.”

Heza smiles and wipes his face as she puts on a tender loving expression. “You did well, husband. I’m proud of the man you’ve become. Let’s have one last night as husband and wife.”

Iroh smiles like an innocent child, “Whatever you want, Heza.”

Heza removes her panties and strokes Iroh’s crotch. The slumbering dragon wakes after many years of neglect. Iroh groans and feels his pants and briefs lowering underneath the blanket.

E-Heza gives Iroh a handjob exactly as he’s accustomed to from Heza’s memories. Since Nuwa’s Dao Core of Sex bisected, both Nuwa and Heza got their own enlightened modes. E-Heza is truly satisfied with this being their last goodbye.

The World’s Will scouted Iroh in the first place due to his high accomplishments in the Dao of Tea. With how much he loves tea, how much he loves helping people, and how much he loves spreading happiness through tea, Iroh could live a fulfilling life. E-Heza knows that as long as Iroh can overcome the mental block of losing her and their son, he will grow to be a powerhouse and regain his happiness.

This is why she is content being a fake identity of Nuwa that fades into obscurity and does not attempt to hijack the original’s body. If she actually returns and reveals herself as a fake identity, Iroh would feel terrible guilt towards Nuwa and may have a permanent mental block.

Heza’s only goals are Iroh’s happiness, seeing to it that they have another child, and watching that child grow up. It doesn’t matter to her that they wouldn’t get to be the parents of the child. Iroh would feel a connection to the child that’s deeper than that of an adopted child, but he wouldn’t know where it comes from. He would treat the baby like his most beloved grandchild.

Heza is fine with just knowing that their love bore fruit and survived. E-Heza thinks that the reason that Heza adopts such a self-sacrificial attitude is that Lu Ten did not survive and she feels that she did not deserve this second chance at life if her son did not get his own. Heza doesn’t care though, she’ll always stay true to her love for Iroh and allow the young to surpass the old.

E-Heza strokes Iroh almost to climax, before scooching up close to him and inserting it inside her. It doesn’t make it far because of obstruction by Iroh’s big belly. Regardless, she continues her tender and loving sexual service without any attention paid to her own pleasure. E-Heza holds back from more intoxicating techniques and provides Iroh with a cathartic, inexperienced, and innocent sexual experience.

Just as she senses Iroh will cum, E-Heza pushes herself against him, pulls him deep inside her, and induces ovulation with her Dao Core. Iroh groans with arousal, sorrow, and deep nostalgia as he cums inside Heza.

+15k LEE, Total: 1692k LEE

Feeling the successful fertiziliation, E-Heza hugs him in silence for several minutes as they breath hard. Finally, she whispers, “Goodbye, my prince,” before putting him to sleep with a subtle chi-block.

Heza gets up off of Iroh and rubs her womb with a big smile as she looks at her husband’s face. She tears up knowing that this is the last time she can see him with her own identity. From now on, she’ll be in the backseat watching until Nuwa calls her. Heza walks into the hall and gives one last rub to her womb before deactivating the Deception daons. Her silouette contorts in the dim light of the early morning.

Nuwa straightens out the awkwardness of her mortal shell and uses her imbued [Vibe] to firebend the clothing before storing the ashes in her [Inventory]. Finally, she goes to the bathroom and desummons and imbues the [Vibe] with waterbending to remove any lingering scent and cum inside her vagina.

Finally, she comes back to Azula’s room where Azula is awakened by her entry. Nuwa gets back in bed next to her and hugs her tightly. Sensing nothing amiss, Azula hugs Nuwa back and kisses her forehead. Nuwa wonders if she can ever love Azula to the extent that Heza loves Iroh.

Nuwa goes to the Spirit Realm and teleports to the Mother of Faces. She returns Heza’s face and notices it no longer has any residual consciousness. The Mother of Faces nods and leads you to a cave. There she has an elaborate formation with Nuwa’s face on the top and a large black writhing blob trapped inside.

The Mother of Faces says, “I must thank you, Outsider. Your face is so exotic and enticing to my son that he willingly entered my trap in an attempt to steal it. Now I can re-educate him properly for a few thousand years on how to not make mischief.”

Nuwa looks at Koh, the Face-Stealer, with apathy and ignores him as the Mother of Faces returns her face to her. Nuwa feels her face slowly re-attach itself to her soul and feels a sense of oneness with the Spirit Realm again.

It seems that the effects of losing her face aren’t as severe to her since she’s an Outsider to this Record. Most of the people whose faces that Koh stole are in a state between life and death, whereas she only feels some discomfort if she has no face. Nuwa thanks the Mother of Faces politely and mentally messages her not to ever tell Iroh that she took Heza’s face. If Koh knew that, he’d assuredly tell. The Mother of Faces nods and graciously accepts avoiding the topic if it comes up..

Nuwa returns to the Mortal Realm and drifts into a deep sleep.

‘Sigh, the hardest parts of the missions in this Record are finally done. Now I just have an easy peasy war to settle. The side mission [Child of Dao] seems straightforward enough too. The fact that I have a Dao Core of Sex and my experience as Heza should accelerate this, hopefully.’

‘Maybe having the experience of pregnancy will help. I have a feeling that the mission [Child of Dao] is meant for me to learn about the fertility and reproduction aspects of sex.’


Main Mission:

[Solve Iroh’s Regrets]

Part 1 - Convince Iroh to battle Ozai

Part 2 - Have Iroh’s child - ongoing


Side Mission:

[Child of Dao]

Meditate on the Dao of Sex with Azula’s semen fully saturating your womb for 6 months real time.

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