Nuwa System

Chapter 51 – Order of the White Lotus

Nuwa returns to her room with Azula and Dan to get some stress relief. Too much time discussing serious shit makes her pussy itch. Plus, ever since Aang had rudely introduced her to surprise anal sex, and she was subsequently double penetrated by Azula, she fell in love with double penetration.

As she sits on Azula’s lap and Dan lines himself behind her, she feels like even though she has her fair share of troubles such as a treacherous [System] and not-quite-ideal child growing inside her, she’s still having lots of fun. Especially with how Azula’s penis gouges out her insides and rubs with Dan’s penis inside her. Automatically going into enlightenment, but not thinking about anything, E-Nuwa revels in contentment.

Nuwa moans, “Dan, ahhn.. That’s the spot..”

Azula pushes harder and faster in Nuwa’s vagina out of jealousy that Nuwa isn’t moaning her name.

Nuwa smiles unconsciously as she kisses Azula on the nose, “Aww.. is my big dick bad girl getting jealous?”

Azula humphs and tries to penetrate into Nuwa’s womb, but E-Nuwa has the cervical muscles fully contracted so Azula shoves Nuwa up painfully. E-Nuwa couldn’t react in time so she grunts in pain and tears involuntary pool in her eyes from the pain. Azula looks at Nuwa with bafflement and guilt since Nuwa’s cervix always let her dick through in the past. Azula thought she may have done something wrong.

E-Nuwa holds Azula’s cheeks with her hands and gives her a wry smile. “It was going to be a surprise, but I think I’m pregnant..”

Azula shivers in fear and trepidation at the thought that it might not be hers, but then remembers how Nuwa said she went to the Spirit Realm to look for ways to make her sperm work!

Azula slightly pulls out her rapidly hardening 30 cm cock out of fear of what it could do to the baby and looks up at Nuwa with blinding hope in her eyes. Even E-Nuwa couldn’t bring herself to lie to Azula just then, but Nuwa’s Innate Ability [Acting] activated itself for the first time at that moment to pull off the perfect deception.

E-Nuwa’s [Acting] makes her tear up, smile, and nod slightly as she brings a hand to her belly. Azula bursts into tears of happiness and hugs Nuwa tightly, “I love you, Nuwa.. I love you so much. I just can’t believe it. It’s beyond my wildest dreams! Wha-what if I hurt it?!”

Azula quickly pulls out and her member goes entirely limp in fear. E-Nuwa laughs heartwarmingly as she continues slight thrusts on Dan. “As long as you don’t penetrate into my womb, I can make sure the baby won’t get hurt. Even if you fill my womb with cum, the fetus will be fine.”

As Azula paces absentmindedly with the thought of being a parent, while naked with cum dripping out of her foot long, E-Nuwa’s [Acting] gives her a big, natural smile. Inwardly, she’s sweating bullets as she analyzes her Innate ability.

‘This ability is no doubt related to the soul tier breakthrough I made when I upgraded my Dao Seed of Sex to a Dao Core and created my Dao Seed of Deception. What a powerful ability! It lets me always be [Acting] according to the desires of the target of manipulation when the desire to deceive exists.’

‘I need to test the limits of this ability and if it activates without my permission! I can intuit that Azula will never know the child’s true parentage as long as I have this ability due to its low soul force consumption, but do I really want that? I’m fine being a puppetmaster, but I never consented to being a puppet myself!’

Dan blew his nuts into Nuwa’s ass and also smiled in joy at the thought of his Mistress siring a young master or young mistress to order him around. Azula returns to Nuwa and kisses her deeply as she sticks just her head in and thrusts gently. Nuwa enjoys her tender caresses and doting love. She slowly starts rationalizing her guilt away while [Acting] as an expecting mother. Her thought process is that they will have their own child right after this one’s popped out. Then, she can make it up to Azula. Obviously, this is a very shaky claim on an emotional level, but E-Nuwa never had much patience for how emotion works.

Nuwa’s [Acting] essentially reads Azula’s expectations for how Nuwa should act and takes those exact actions combined with Nuwa’s own natural body language so that no one specifically geared towards recognizing Deception can catch her. Because it’s an Innate Ability, it somewhat transcends soul tiers. Even higher soul tiers might not recognize anything wrong as long as they aren’t trained to detect such things. Innate Abilities work only on soul force with no interaction with daons.

Innate abilities can easily be overpowered, underpowered, or unpredictable which makes them exceedingly dangerous. Most Daoists can recognize an imbalance in the daon density of an environment so sneak attacks with daons are rarely effective unless the Dao has concealment properties.

However, there are very few powerhouses with the ability to observe soul force. Most can only evade overpowered Innate Abilities by sensing their Dao’s interaction with fate to get hints about unfavorable outcomes. Nuwa would get blaring warning signals from her True Dao’s interaction with fate regarding individuals with powerful Innates and she would have to carefully make sure she doesn’t antagonize them.

Each time races that are born with the ability to observe soul force are discovered, they tend to be wiped out soon after. Innate Abilities are the trump cards of every powerhouse and having one's trump card spied upon as it takes action is unfavorable.

Therefore, everyone knows that the genocide will happen and whoever tries to stop the genocide from happening usually ends up joining them as part of the casualties. Naturally, there are many individuals descended from these races in hiding.

These soul force seers would be one of the few hypothetical individuals of lower soul tier than Nuwa capable of noticing that Nuwa is [Acting]. Another example of a “counter” to Nuwa’s Innate is if someone has an Innate related to truth detection. Even a lower soul tier individual with a truth detection Innate will feel uncomfortable in the presence of [Acting], but will not know if she is telling the truth or not, since Nuwa could still be [Acting] and telling the truth.

Nuwa’s [Induced Good Impression] and [Acting] are both relatively overpowered support Innates that allow her to be a spy of the highest calibur. However, her combat ability puts her among the weakest in the Soul Tier 2 category. If she didn’t have chi-blocking and imbuing, she might be almost useless in a spar. Her specialty is sex, after all.

As Azula cums inside her, Nuwa cums from how the semen from Azula’s shallowly inserted penis jettisons on her vagina and seeps inward with gravity and momentum. It moves slowly, like yogurt, climbing the folds of her inner vaginal walls on a relentless path to her womb.

Dan and Azula both pull out after a gesture and Nuwa gazes at Azula lovingly. When she’s not E-Nuwa, she easily loses track of whether she is [Acting] or not. Nuwa gazes at Azula lovingly and cuddles close to her. Azula affectionately draws circles on Nuwa’s right nipple.

This reminds Nuwa to “test poisons” on Long Feng so that she can raise her combat prowess slightly. It would also be the first time she is going to be fucking someone she hates with all her heart. After the White Lotus business, she’ll tell Azula.. hopefully she won’t take it too hard.

“Zul, let’s go meet your Uncle. We’re going to join the secret society, the Order of the White Lotus.”

Azula nods and Dan helps them clean up with some bending before following them.

~ ~ ~

Entering Iroh’s room, Nuwa and Azula see him sipping some tea on a rocking chair looking out the window. Nuwa thinks, ‘This old geezer plays the mysterious grandfather look pretty well.’

Azula starts, “Uncle, we want to join your little pai sho club.”

Iroh doesn’t give any reaction as he continues slowly sipping his tea. After 3 minutes he goes, “Oh? You want to play pai sho?”

Azula and Nuwa both nod and say, “Yeah.”

Iroh pulls out his board and starts setting up pieces excitedly.

Nuwa almost facepalms and yells, “We want to join the Order of the White Lotus, not play pai sho!”

Iroh drops a piece on the floor in surprise. “Well, why didn’t you say so?”

Azula gave him a weird look, “I did, but I said it in code words.”

Iroh scratches his head, “Oh yeah, I guess you did. I’m too old for all this secrecy, sigh.”

Inwardly fuming at how long it takes Iroh to get to the point, Nuwa hurries him along, “How do we get in contact with the other members and how do we join?”

Iroh sharpens his gaze slightly and says, “We have short nightly meetings in the Spirit Realm. I can refer you and you’ll be in if you pass a simple majority vote. The meeting is in another hour. I can bring you to its current location in the Spirit Realm at that time.”

Nuwa and Azula thank Iroh and get a bite to eat before returning.

Iroh asks, “Are you two ready?”

Nuwa and Azula nod as Dan gets into place to guard the door. In fact, entering the Spirit Realm means that an individual leaves their body in a coma, so it can only be done in the presence of a person or group of people whom one deeply trusts. Dan takes it as a great honor.

The reason that the Order can abandon their mortal shells to use the Spirit Realm so freely is mainly due to the fact that the Avatar Record is a relatively safe world because of anime logic. It is also for this reason that Nuwa frequently uses it. Unless she’s actually in a dangerous spot, there’s a very low chance of something happening to her defenceless body.

Iroh puts his hands on Nuwa and Azula’s shoulders and they allow him to pull them into the Spirit Realm. The three appear in a thinly wooded area, which Nuwa recognizes as Xai Bau’s grove from Legend of Korra. She gets a strange premonition at this sight.

Her premonition is proven true when she turns around to see 5 individuals in a circle at the base of a tree.

The first is Pakku, the waterbending master that Nuwa guided in the right direction through Katara. He’s an old balding man with gray hair hanging down and a slight smile on his face. It seems he’s less severe and more easygoing after his enlightenment.

The second is Bumi, an eccentric, buff old man with a hunchback and warts all over his face. He’s a powerful earthbender and the current King of Omashu.

The third is Piandao, a Fire Nation swordsman. He’s a nonbender sword expert who taught both Zuko and Sokka the Way of the Sword in canon. Nuwa doesn’t know if he teaches them now. Piando is a middle-aged brown-skinned man with a black goatee and trimmed black hair.

The fourth is Aiwei, who is a thin, intellectual brown-skinned preteen with glasses. He is a truth seer and undercover agent for the Red Lotus in the Legend of Korra canon.

Nuwa assumes the fifth is Xai Bau, because he’s sitting close to but slightly in front of Aiwei in the manner of a mentor. In canon, Xai Bau is the ringleader of the Order of the Red Lotus, a militant anarchist organization that split off from the Order of the White Lotus after the war with the Fire Nation ended. Xai Bau would later also go on to mentor Zaheer, a fanatic militant anarchist who becomes an extremely powerful airbender.

Xai Bau is a composed, lean old man with asian features common in the Earth Kingdom. He’s wearing airbender accessories in soul form though, so it could be possible that he’s originally a nonbender remnant of the Air Nation. He has 6 dots on his forehead and a large agarwood bead necklace on his neck.

Black hair with white streaks would be handsome for an old guy if it wasn’t for the periodic faded scarring and minor martial injuries, signs that he’s been fighting the Fire Nation for several decades. No doubt this contributed to his discontent with the Order of the White Lotus which was content with waiting for the Avatar to re-emerge and fate to converge before defeating Ozai in canon.

Nuwa inwardly sighed at this ticking time bomb. She couldn’t just leave it alone, since the Red Lotus was responsible for thousands of innocent deaths due to Zaheer’s plotting as well as training that megalomaniac, Unalaq, to become the Dark Avatar.

The current leaders of the Order and the one junior appraise Nuwa and Azula. They all show shock at the beauty of Nuwa. It doesn’t help that Nuwa’s soul form defaulted to a form of dress that resembles her personality.

Nuwa’s soul form is wearing a black backless dress that shows the contours of her large chest, tight waist, and wide hips so clearly that it would almost be better if she were naked. Noticing the sexual fantasies of the group flaring due to their thoughts arriving in the sex daons, Nuwa frowns slightly thinking, ‘Aren’t you old men supposed to be almost dysfunctional down there?’

She seals her face tightly with daons of sex and deception, which immediately causes them to calm down. Nuwa’s face is now covered in a thin layer of blurriness. The old men look away with embarrassment, but for some reason Aiwei still has his eyes locked on Nuwa’s face as if he’s looking at a goddess. Nuwa looks at him, smiles, and licks her lips. Aiwei shivers and blushes before getting bonked on the head by Xai Bau, upon which he finally looks away.

They then move their gaze onto Azula, who is also beautiful, in a masculine, deadly sort of way. Azula would probably still be rocking a hard-on from the sight of Nuwa in that new dress herself if her tool was not deactivated, so she saved herself some embarrassment there.

They all recognize Princess Azula easily. Pakku and Xai Bau exude restrained hostility upon seeing her face, but they stifle it slightly seeing that she came with Iroh. That means she can be trusted, usually.

Iroh starts them off, “The White Lotus welcomes you two to one of the meeting spots. The Order of the White Lotus is an ancient secret organization that assists the Avatar in maintaining balance in the world. We try to act as teachers or guides to Avatars and protect them in case they run into danger they cannot handle on their own. Let’s introduce the prospective members. On the left is Nuwa, also known as Ty Lee Pea or Stella. On the right is Azula, also known as Zulrath.”

Pakku’s eyes light up upon hearing those familiar names and even Xai Bau’s hostility fades entirely. Anyone traveling with the Avatar for that long helping him bring balance is unlikely to be siding with the Fire Nation. Especially when they’ve had plenty of time to betray him.

Iroh nods, “Your suspicions are correct. They use human-like face masks to fool everyone about their identities. Pakku, you’ve met them haven’t you?”

Pakku laughs, “Yes, of course. Now that I look at them, their body structure is a perfect match. I just never made the connection until I heard their true names. The young truly surpass the old these days. I can tell they’ve both achieved enlightenment.”

Piandao stands and gives a calm smile with a slight bow, “Pleasure to meet you. I’m Piandao. I’m friends with your father, Nuwa. I visited once when you were a baby.”

Nuwa freezes up thinking, ‘Damn, I must have been asleep the whole time. Otherwise, I’d have remembered to beg father to let me apprentice under him. Also, he’s the type to be well-versed in noble etiquette. Damn, how do I interpret this? He stood up and gave me a bow, which is a bit too much for a junior, who would normally only get a standing head nod. That means he acknowledges me as an equal, which means I have to..’

Nuwa bows back slightly further than he does saying, “Well met, Uncle. Thank you for the praise.” Piandao smiles wryly at the fact that her plunging neckline is further exacerbated by her bow, almost showing everyone her nipples. Nevertheless, he politely receives her bow without wandering eyes.

King Bumi jumps up and gives a rockhard handshake to Nuwa and Azula. Despite being over 100 years old, he acts like a child. “Hi! Nice to meet you, beauties! I’m Bumi!” It was refreshing in a way, because from the way he spoke, they could tell he truly wanted to befriend people 4 generations younger than him without any ulterior motives. He didn’t act grandfatherly like Iroh or as a senior like Piandao in the least.

Pakku also gets up to give handshakes. “We’ve met, but I suppose this time is our first true meeting. Funny how the Spirit Realm always tends to reveal something new about others and ourselves in ways we least expect.”

Xai Bau also gets up and looks them up and down evaluating their musculature. He speaks in a gravelly voice, “Good, you’ve both trained well. Very good.”

Aiwei greets them with a big blush and bows almost perpendicular. “H-hello, my n-name is Aiwei. It’s n-nice to meet you.”

Nuwa and Azula thank Xai Bau and give Aiwei a nod, “Likewise.”

Iroh gives a proud smile before smugly saying, “Before we have our vote, I think these prodigies produce results that speak for themselves here. Nuwa warned the Northern Water Tribe on protecting the Moon Spirit during the invasion and captured General Zhao in the Spirit Oasis.”

“Just a week ago, Nuwa got her team and the Avatar captured by the Dai Li in Ba Sing Se before breaking out of prison, taking down the mastermind, and reorganizing the Dai Li back to its original ideal of serving the Earth Kingdom. We’re currently in Ba Sing Se’s Royal Palace rehabilitating 400 people subjected to brainwashing by the former head of the Dai Li. Her plot took down an organization of 200 expert earth benders with just 7 teenagers!”

The shock and excitement was palpable among the listeners as Bumi gave a “Yee-haw! That really gets my blood boiling! Fighting 200 on 7!”

Nuwa gave an awkward smile, “Uhh, not quite. We took them down with mostly surprise attacks and our numbers grew after I freed some brainwashed Dai Li agents.”

Xai Bau nodded with his usual serious face and praises, “As expected, however, still a remarkable feat. You have liberated Ba Sing Se from the grasp of fear itself. It remains to be seen if it can be liberated from the king and nobles as well.”

Piandao glares at Xai Bau slightly, which is the rudest thing that Nuwa can imagine him doing. Iroh coughs, “Well, shall we vote on whether to bring them in? They’d be directly appointed to the seats of elders, since they are both enlightened. All in favor, raise your hand.”

Iroh raises his hand and everyone but Aiwei raises their hand. Aiwei looks around timidly and also raises his hand with an awkward smile. Iroh laughs, “Hahaha, young Aiwei, you will surely become enlightened with your talent and get your chance as well. No need to draw comparisons. You are 5 years younger than these two anyway.”

The Order of the White Lotus members spread out and graciously offer Nuwa and Azula spots on the grass for their circle. Iroh looks on with a smile and starts pulling out his pai sho board, which causes Nuwa to literally facepalm.

Nuwa whines, “I didn’t come here to play pai sho!”

With some insistence in his actions, Iroh places down the pai sho board and says in his grandfatherly voice, “What else would we do besides play pai sho?”

Even Xai Bau is annoyed at that statement.

Nuwa holds her head in her hands and groans. Azula narrows her eyes at Iroh and lightning crackles on her fingers, before she remembers that Nuwa is pregnant and she can’t afford to get angry over little things anymore. There’s no way Azula can let Nuwa be near any fights, so she uncharacteristically takes a deep breath and rubs Nuwa’s back.

Piandao watches with some intrigue as he seems to understand that the current Princess Azula is far different from the one he’s heard about. Iroh is also pleasantly surprised at Azula’s tolerance.

Nuwa groans out, “Fine, one game, but then we discuss war plans. The Day of the Black Sun is coming up in 5 months. There’s a lot to do before then.”

Recognizing the term from ancient Fire Nation historical scrolls, Iroh and Piandao look at each other with visible shock.

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