Nuwa System

Chapter 62 – Battle

During the open-air battle, four Dai Li agents burrow a small tunnel from inside the wall under the Drill with Toph and Dan in tow. Toph uses her seismic vision to tell them where to tunnel such that they surface onto the underside of the Drill. She isn’t stupid to waste chi on doing this menial tunneling when she has to save it for metalbending.

Dan is coming along as a bodyguard for Toph. He can sense blood (and lustful thoughts) in a domain of about 10m in all directions, so he’s very useful in the tight corners of the interior of the Drill. Moreover, there will not be much Earth to bend inside the Drill, so Toph will have to work exclusively with metal.

The only way to conserve chi while metalbending is if she uses small pieces of metal like the restraints she has on her arms to disable benders before they have a chance to bend. It would be chi-intensive for Toph to have to rip off pieces of the Drill’s wall only to block fire blasts.

Toph yells with a big smile on her face, “It’s just above us!” She climbs on the stairs that the Dai Li set up for them to ascend and feels the metal with her palm. She gives a brutal uppercut onto the metal causing a huge fist-shaped indent to appear. Several more bangs follow, each causing the agents watching her to visibly wince, imagining her fists being mangled, but ending up fine each time.

With a large enough dent, Toph pulls apart both sides of the dent crumpling the metal into itself, which opens a large tear in the Drill, enough for them to enter. The Dai Li agents go back since they won’t be of much use there with a limited supply of earth gloves.

Toph and Dan enter the Drill and surface in a place with lots of mechanical components. Toph looks at a large collection of important-looking moving gears and pulls one out smoothly with metalbending. The rest of the gears keep moving, and she hears nothing break so she assumes it’s a useless component and starts smashing everything nearby.

The drill functions on hundreds of coal-powered engines that have their own gear structures to divert power into the central axis, so even though the one she took out will slow down and stop functioning eventually, it doesn’t make much of a difference in the larger scheme. However, the slowdown in power delivered to the central axis prompts an engineer to check this gear structure for damage.

The Drill has a large team of engineers since it was a rushed project. The gear structures are regularly breaking down and being fixed as it runs. An engineer approaches Toph’s area of devastation with his face inside the Drill schematics hardly paying attention to his surroundings. Dan senses him as he approaches, sneaks behind him, and easily knocks him out. He picks up the schematics making sure to protect it from a stray piece of metal coming from Toph’s wanton destruction.

He scans the map and notices a few red-colored structures that connect directly to the Drill that seem combined to dozens of gear structures. Dan calms Toph with some minor bloodbending and points to the map once he has her attention. He plots a course for one of those large cylinders of metal.

They make it there while avoiding more soldiers and engineers with Dan’s blood sense. Now in a three-story chamber area that resembles a steampunk panorama of pipes, Toph stands on a slowly moving metal cylinder approximately 5 meters in diameter. Placing her hands on it and using her seismic sense on it, even she feels a sense of defeat. It would take her days to punch or rip apart a cylinder of metal this thick with her hands!

Dan notices that Toph hasn’t moved and knowing her personality, he figures that the metal must not be hollow. He wracks his brain for potential solutions. Finally, he remembers a phenomenon from his previous life’s high school physics class: harmonic oscillation!

This moving pillar’s path can be treated as a wave that’s in sync with the rest of the Drill’s system, but what happens if Toph applies a small external force to exacerbate the movement of the pillar in one direction each time it reaches the height of its movement? The wave will gradually increase in height and depth and finally break its harmonic oscillation!

Dan conveys this concept to Toph who reluctantly accepts it since she can’t think of any way to complete the mission quickly. Dan tells Toph when to stomp the pillar as hard as she can during the height of its wave. Slowly, over the course of about 10 minutes of stomping, as Toph starts to tire out, they both hear the surrounding metal start to whine and creak.

With renewed vigor and excitement, Toph stomps even harder when Dan tells her to. Another 5 minutes pass with Toph stomping every 25 seconds when there’s a huge CRACK sound as something out of their sight downstream in the machinery has a nasty break.

They immediately run when they see high speed screws ricocheting around them in the large chamber. One goes right through the flesh on Dan’s arm, luckily missing the bone. While he stops the bleeding with bending, Toph gets behind him and deflects the occasional piece of metal. They run for the exit of the Drill as large sounds that don’t sound like drilling echo violently through the machinery.

Sensing someone, Dan pulls Toph into a nearby storage closet and they both breathe heavily in fatigue and pain. Troops pass by seconds later rushing towards the death chamber where the pillar broke. Toph jumps on Dan and starts making out with him passionately out of excitement. Dan is flooded by her horny fantasies and has to pinch himself to snap out of a lust frenzy. “Toph! I’m injured, you’re almost out of chi, and we have to get out as soon as possible!”

Toph whimpers with arousal and says, “I thought I would order some healing fluid to-go?”

Dan growls and pins her to the floor, doing his best to suppress his lust frenzy and clot his blood at the same time. It’s total darkness in the storage closet, but neither of them need light to see each other. Toph kisses his lips eagerly when she feels his heart speed up. This situation has all her buttons pressed.

‘I’m pinned to the wall inside a structure that could collapse on me with low chi and the only thing on my mind is getting fucked. I guess this would be a low point in my life. Ever since leaving Gaoling, I wanted to have some fun away from the umbrella of my parents. Considering I’ve basically accomplished that, I think, after this, I’ll spend some time with them.’

The near-death experience pumps both of them full of adrenaline and serotonin, causing them to feel their life flashing through their eyes while also needing sexual release. Toph pulls her bottoms down and unsheathes Dan’s cock. Dan grits his teeth and succumbs to Toph’s intentions without descending into a frenzy. He pushes into her shallow pussy and only makes it 80% of the way in as usual.

Toph screams as if they aren’t in enemy territory, “YES! Fuck me HARD! Turn my brains to mush!”

Dan roars and pulls Toph’s torso up and down on his dick as if she’s an onahole. Her body is so petite that he can clearly see his thick penis boring into Toph like a miniature Drill. Toph’s abs usually make the experience extremely tight every time, but this time she doesn’t have the chi to squeeze him as much as usual, so he finally gets to have his way with her insides. Dan’s eyes have more and more excitement inside them as two minutes of rapid pumping pass by with Toph’s rhythmic moans.

Finally, Toph cums violently and hugs herself to Dan’s body, but Dan keeps pumping with a single-minded focus on his own orgasm. Toph is dead tired, but she’s not one to ask for mercy during battle. In fact, she’s the type to instigate her opponent. She speaks directly in Dan’s ear, “Give me your seed. Cum and breed me, you bitchslave!”

Dan’s mind paradoxically calms down hearing her goading due to Toph calling his Mistress a bitch again, but as if his dick has a mind of its own, he groans and gives her the biggest creampie of his life. Seconds later, he instinctively knows that he had somehow surpassed the protections she had placed on her womb and gotten her pregnant, because he could sense his Dao Seed of Lust’s happiness.

Toph had actually plugged her own cervix with a thin layer of rock, but Dan’s lust daons read Toph’s darkest lustful desires and fulfilled them by dispelling the layer of rock right before Dan came.

Toph also senses the small disc slipping out of place inside her and feels flabbergasted momentarily. Then she gives a cheeky smile at Dan. She says in her usual gangster tone, “Well, are you man enough to take responsibility? You fucked the protection right off of me!”

Dan freezes up in panic and doesn’t know what to say. Toph displays a rare moment of maturity by backing off with her demands and smears some of his [Semen of Life] onto both sides of his wound. She pulls her panties and pants up despite the still leaking cum from her vagina and says, “Come on, we gotta get out of here.”

~ ~ ~

Nuwa looks down at the battle below and tells Ty Li, Zuko, and 50 Dai Li to go against the battle-hardened Fire Nation warriors. Haru isn’t trained enough to fight these guys. She could have used large scale destructive earthbending attacks from here, but she doesn’t want to accidentally kill any of her family subordinates.

She could also go down and help, but she doesn’t want to risk any of the pregnant ladies nearby facing a stray blast from the hidden Combustion Man or an Earth Nation spy. This would be the perfect time for an opportunist to turn traitor.

Nuwa suspects that Iroh can take care of Combustion Man handily, but since the situation is still in her control, she doesn’t want to ask for help. She knows that Aang needs this fight to grow spiritually. Seeing the progress of the fight, Nuwa knows he’s faced several setbacks. Her thought process is that Azula could always use lightning if she wants to get serious. However, Nuwa doesn’t know about the side effects of lightning use yet, so her determination on the seriousness of the battle is slightly off.

The Dai Li make some platforms on the outer side of the wall and hold Ty Li and Zuko as they bend the platforms along the wall such that they slide to the ground rapidly. The Fire Nation soldiers gather together to face off against the Dai Li. The Earth Nation now outnumbers them again, but with elite soldiers instead of normies. It’s 51 to 23.

Zuko and Ty Li allow the Dai Li to clash with the soldiers and assist when they need help. The Dai Li’s unusual use of martial earth glove grappling throws off the elite soldiers somewhat and several end up handily wrapped in earth. They expected that the gloves were just some rocks that they could dodge or swat away, until the gloves came back at them from behind to disturb their bending and wrap them up.

The remaining 18 Fire Nation soldiers grow wary of earth gloves. They start ensuring that the gloves are destroyed by fire in midair, which is the correct strategy. Ty Li jumps up 5 meters in a parabolic arc over the row of firebenders, while Zuko provides cover fire. Ty Li starts poking the chi-blockers who attempt to do the same to her, but she’s too nimble and flexible to be hit by the unprepared.

One of them even seems to recognize the way her boobs bounce as he whispers, “Young Miss?” before getting his voice chi-blocked as well. It is unknown whether Ty Li would be proud or aggrieved to know that the fact that her boobs can bypass the identity-hiding feature of face-swapping is truly a one-of-a-kind occurrence. Not even Nuwa’s bombshell body was recognized!

While Ty Li is taking on the chi-blockers 1 vs 4, Zuko is supporting the Dai Li agents against the 14 remaining firebenders. He snuffs out fire as it approaches him with accurate blocks and redirection into the ground.

When the firebenders finally destroy the last of the Dai Li’s earth gloves, even though they expended a lot of chi, they gain a lot of morale. Unfortunately, the earth below them is enough to fashion some makeshift earth gloves. They aren’t as effective as the original ones, but the Dai Li agents quickly regain their advantage.

Once again, they are outnumbered more than 2 to 1 so they will quickly run out of chi from having to destroy too many gloves. Their sharp battle sense and synergy are too much for Zuko to even take one of them down before they start running out of chi. Whichever division these firebenders are from trains them to be the best of the best. Running out of chi takes time though, time which the firebenders hope to buy for their commander to overcome his opponents.

~ ~ ~

Combustion Man takes a deep breath while in mid-jump out of the hatch and directs his blast at Azula, since he’s recognized her as a bigger threat than the Avatar. She reacts quickly and dodges with a fire-thruster. He catches a glimpse of his troops and recognizes that they’re in a tight spot. He also knows that if he tries to aim a combustion blast at helping them, Azula will swoop in for another drop kick during his cooldown interval and he won’t be as lucky as the first time.

It’s somewhat of a stalemate, with Aang’s presence being Azula’s only advantage. In reality, Combustion Man wants to call for a truce since he has a bad premonition about how calm the people on the wall are. As an assassin-by-trade, this alerts his instincts to retreat. ‘The Earth King and generals are supposed to be running away and cowering in fear! Do they have some weapon that can defeat the Drill? Something is definitely wrong!’

Azula throws some more fire blasts at him, which he deflects with the hatch-shield or swats away with his metal arm. Aang also throws air blasts at him, which even if he gets hit by, only push him back slightly due to his weight. When Azula starts combining her fire blasts with Aang’s air blasts, Combustion Man starts to feel the heat. Fire burns on oxygen and air contains lots of oxygen. The fact that it took them this long to synergize shows how poor Aang is at battle.

Combustion Man speaks for the first time in a deep baritone voice, “Avatar Aang, neither of us are making any ground in this fight. Shall we call a truce? I’ll call my soldiers back and you call yours back.”

Aang stops throwing air blasts and is about to nod before he sees Azula continue attacking even more rapidly, specifically throwing fire blasts big enough to push him away from the hatch.

Combustion Man also catches onto this fact and his paranoia alerts him to something wrong just as he hears a huge CRACK from inside the Drill.

The ceiling of the drill shivers violently from the machine breaking and a huge dent appears 25m away from their position. All three of them are disoriented slightly, with Azula recovering fastest as she throws quick jabs of fire at Combustion Man. He takes the longest to reorient himself because one of his legs is metal. The violent vibrations from the ceiling of the Drill transfer to his metal foot.

Combustion Man hops away on his one good leg from the fire blasts with a dive and because the hatch is too heavy for the impromptu drive, he has to drop it. Aang fires some air blasts which push Combustion Man, now weighing much less without the hatch, into the air and off the ceiling of the drill. This puts Combustion Man into a spin and he gets hit by another air blast from Aang in midair.

Even with his body rapidly spinning in freefall, Combustion Man isn’t too worried about landing. He’s more worried about supporting his soldiers, who he is falling towards. Without Azula’s interference, he should be able to take out plenty of the Dai Li in an open field scenario. All he has to do is fire a combustion blast at an opposing angle towards the ground and that should provide enough counterforce to aright him.

Unfortunately, some strange twist of fate causes canon to repeat itself as a stray pebble from one of the Dai Li’s earth gloves crashing into a fire blast strikes him directly on his Third Eye chakra. He pays no attention to this and doesn’t notice the small sting on his Third Eye chakra. He twirls his head so that it stays level for a short time and goes ahead to fire a combustion blast to allow him to land properly. This seals his fate as his entire body explodes in a shower of blood and gore when the combustion blast cannot make it through his temporarily blocked Third Eye chakra.

Aang’s whole face goes pale and he throws up everything in his stomach as he crumbles to the floor and continues to dry-heave. Azula is slightly surprised, but after learning about the dangers of lightning bending, she vaguely expects things like this to happen. Nuwa looks at this play out and sighs in relief thinking, ‘Great power comes with great responsibility, but sometimes it comes with great consequences as well.’

All the soldiers on both sides gag when they see the blood splatter and entrails of the Fire Nation commander. The remaining Fire Nation soldiers lose all their morale with the death of their commander and they drop to their knees with their hands behind their back. The Dai Li agents tie their hands together with earth gloves and let out a sigh of relief.

Nuwa orders more Dai Li agents to descend the wall and capture the people exiting the Drill from its hatch. Katara, Mai, and Kuei also puke out their breakfasts when they catch sight of what happened as the fog of war clears. Haru and Zuko are putting on strong fronts, but they’re clearly nauseous. Soon, there’s a flood of soldiers and noncombatants exiting from the hatch and putting their hands up into the air in surrender.

Dan carries a tired Toph out of the hatch midway through the evacuees. After the Dai Li agents recognize both of them as friendlies, Toph stands up, raises her arms into the sky, and lets out a deafening victorious roar! The rest of the soldiers had already started cheering when the Fire Nation soldiers surrendered, but seeing that their loli supreme commander had been responsible for taking down that metal monstrosity, they cheered even louder!

The Dai Li and the generals give grateful salutes and nods to Nuwa. Accepting the gratitude, Nuwa pats Kuei on the back and waterbends his mouth clean. This is a subtle sign to them that Kuei is still the King and that she’s not going to be around for long. A few of the generals even give handshakes to Kuei since he had the courage to watch from beginning to end instead of hole up in the Palace and he is still technically their King.

Some of the soldiers drag Kuei over for a party, but Nuwa declines their invitation. She’s not in a partying mood. The reason for that is Aang, who has yet to get up from his knees. Katara cries softly as she looks at his defeated figure in the distance. Nuwa puts a hand on Katara’s shoulder with pity. Katara hugs Nuwa tightly and sobs as she says, “He blames himself.. I know it.. Oh Aang..”

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